Step Sister Corruption Part 53 – Day 12 Return (fiction, M/F/F, d/s, teaching, step siblings, con)

Jessica and I got off our plane somewhat late at night and had cleared baggage with our bags. I was a little irritated that we had a lay over up north where we wasted most of our day at or we would have been home hours ago.

We were both exhausted from our flight. I slept on the final flight home but it wasn’t long enough.

You would think going there we pretty much had a straight shot there with only one lay over. Coming back felt like we had zigzagged home. First going north then had to wait roughly 6 hours then catch our flight home.

Why couldn’t we take the same route back? I’m not a travel agent or anything and Jessica and I pretty much got our ticket’s together.

Guess when you go cheap beggar’s can’t be choosers. But we got home…..finally. And all that flying made my back sore.

At first I was going to offer a taxi to Jessica but was surprised her parent’s had come to pick her up.

Jessica frowned and I heard her utter, “Fuck!”

She looked at me, “Sorry Gabe but I need to go with them and take care of some things.”

Her parent’s honked their horn and we saw her dad make hand motions telling her to hurry up.

Jessica took a couple of steps before stopping and looking at me, “Need a ride?”

I looked from her to her parent’s before gulping and saying, “I’m safer finding another way home.”

Her parent’s honked their horn again and Jessica yelled, “I’m coming for fuck’s sake.” She looked at me and lightly chuckled, “You’re probably right.”

And she walked over to the car and got in the car after throwing her bags in the trunk.

They drove off and before I could do anything I saw in the window Jessica’s father flipping me off before driving away at an increasing rate of speed.


I could be the greatest man on earth and that man would still hate me.

Oh well.

A small smile spread on my lips as red and blue lights came on and followed the car to pull it over. I spoke to no one in particular, “Fuck you too buddy.”

Now that I was stranded looks like I needed a ride home. I pulled out my phone and started dialing.

My first call for a ride home resulted in getting voice mail after 5 rings.

What was the point of having a cell phone if the bitch didn’t answer. Fucking Kelly.

My second call resulted in an immediate voice mail on the first ring. Looks like Summer’s phone was off.


I thought about dialing Karinna but didn’t want to bother her. I wasn’t too sure on our current relationship and thought calling this l late at night would probably start us off on the wrong foot.

My only hope was calling mom. I just hope she was awake.

On the 2nd ring did I get an answer from my mom who I was surprised to find she wasn’t asleep.

Nearly an hour later did mom’s SUV pull into the arrival lot where I was sitting on my bag nearly frozen to the bone.

I wasn’t allowed back into the building after leaving because of how late it was and how quickly the temperature dropped. And my dumb ass was in light clothing.

Sure I didn’t mind standing outside in light clothing for very long but during this time frame it was getting colder and colder. It won’t be long before we would be getting snow though summer was nearly over and autumn was beginning to come around.

Yes I know I’m a dumb ass. But I had packed for warm weather and was expecting to be picked up quickly. Not sit around for me to get frost bite.

So when my mom pulled up I was happy to get into some warmth.

I opened the back and threw my bags into the back. Then hopped into the front quickly turning on the heated seats and adjusted the a/c to blast as much heat on me as quickly as possible.

Mom smiled at me, “Cold?”

I shivered, “Yes.”

I looked at her, “Why didn’t Kelly answer me?”

My mom gave me a sly smile, “I have no idea honey.”

I didn’t miss the sly smile, “What did you do?”

My mom’s sly smile just grew creepy, “Nothing.”

I looked at her not believing her seeing how I’ve known her for so long.

My mom snapped her fingers, “Oh right I have some gifts for you.”

With that she opened her center console and pulled out a small container filled with pills. The container slightly reminded me of that that comes on top of cough syrup. And the container was a meal’s worth of pills.

I looked skeptically at the rather impressive dose of pills. Then up at my mom, “What is all this?”

My mom looked at me, “Come on son have I ever strayed you wrong?”

She did have a point. And what reason did I have to doubt her.

It’s not like she had a hidden agenda. Or did she?

Still I took the meal of pills which my mom had a drink of her coffee waiting for me.

I downed the pills though it took about three goes to get them all down.

With my mom seeing me take the pills did she drive off.

We drove from the airport in the direction of home.

I decided to make some small talk.

I spoke, “So did anything happen while I was away?”

My mom payed attention to the road, “Your dad got the house started for you and Kelly.”

I looked at her surprised. I wasn’t expecting anything to be started.

I spoke, “How far have they gotten?”

My mother mused for a moment, “They got the concrete laid and the beginning stages of the walls built up.”

I surprisingly spoke, “Huh. That’s cool. Do you happen to know when it’s done?”

My mother shrugged, “I think in about a month it should be semi livable. Maybe more.”

I watched the light traffic at the wee hours of night thinking that dad didn’t fuck around.

He must have been sitting on a pile of money to have that much done so quickly. Last time we went through that shit it took years to get everything done on our house.

Maybe that taught him all the ins and outs how to get things done faster now that he knew what to do.

I spoke again, “I’m surprised you’re up though.”

My mother mused with her sly smile, “Yeah I’ve been keeping myself busy with a small project.”

I looked at her seeing that smile back on her face, “What’s this project mom?”

She smiled, “You’ll just have to wait and see.”


If there was one thing about my mom was that when she had a ‘surprise’ she liked the wow factor and wouldn’t spill the beans on shit.

I decided to switch topics seeing how we were still a distance from home, “I’m surprised Kelly didn’t answer.”

My mom smiled her sly smile again but it was so brief I missed it as she spoke, “I’m sure she was tied up with her volleyball and all that.”

I looked at her, “So she made the team?”

Mom, “She says she did. She made libero again.”

I looked out not really surprised she made libero again. I spoke, “Did she make starting line?”

My mom sighed, “I’m not too sure honey. You’ll have to ask her yourself.”

I sighed, “Yeah I tried to text her while I was on vacation but she’s been short with me lately especially half way during my vacation.”

This time I caught my mom’s sly smile, “What’d you do?”

My mom used her innocent voice on me, “I didn’t do nothing.”

I looked at my mother skeptically, “Uh huh. Spill it mom. You only use that innocent voice when you’re trying to hide something. So what is it?”

This time my mom laughed but remained quiet.

I looked at her then at the pills that I took, “What did you do?”

My mom smiled but said, “It’ll be better if I show you.”

I looked at her, “Then show me.”

My mom smiled, “It’ll have to wait until we get home. Just know it’s a surprise.”

Just then I felt my blood get cold in horror and began to feel whatever I swallowed begin to course through me.

Crap what did my mom do?



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