[M]y business trip with a [F]lirty subordinate – PART 4

Day 1: [The Airport](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k9cmpx/my_business_trip_with_a_flirty_subordinate/)

Day 2: [Leisure Time](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kbpar1/my_business_trip_with_a_flirty_subordinate_part_2/)

Day 3: [Women, Wine and…](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kdvm1w/my_business_trip_with_a_flirty_subordinate_part_3/)


Day 4: Breakfast at Nine.

I woke.

The room was still dark, no light shone through the windows yet and my head felt several sizes too big.

*Ugh..* is all I could muster and I tried to sit up. My throat was dry and had the awful bad taste of a hang-over. I remembered the night well, all until up the point I put my eyes to rest next to Joice.
*Joice…?* I pondered and noticed the bedside next to me was empty and only a vague imprint remained. The sheets were cold.

*Did she… ? Did we… ? Oh no…*
I crawled to the edge of the bed. My hand held my head as it felt very loose on my neck. There was no sound in the room besides the very faint hum of the air conditioning. I got up and stumbled to the bathroom, switched on the lights. The light blinded me and made my eyes hurt but there was no other and more dim source of light. I filled a cup with tap water and started drinking to hydrate myself as quickly as possible again till I could no more.
*Wait…* I said before I left the room and switched off the light again. I took a quick peek at the garbage bin to see if I would find a condom.

None. I then made a quick sweep down my pants and over my cock. No traces of dried juices or the scent of a woman on my fingers to be traced.
*That’s a relief*, I said to myself and stumbled back to the bed. I switched on the bed light so I could find back my phone.
*Ah, there it is… hmm… 4AM,* my phone made me realise that I was only out for 2 hours and that mixing alcohol with jet lag doesn’t help adjusting to the local time.

I suddenly spotted a note laying on the pillow Joice was laying on a few hours ago. I took it and read it.

*Don’t fall in love*

*See you at breakfast at nine*

I kept the note in my hand for a moment and frowned. I couldn’t make out what she meant with the first line. *Did I say something last night that…?*

I put the note together with my phone at the nightstand and crawled back underneath the sheets. But all I could think of was last night, the conversation Joice and I had, her pictures teasing me. I felt suddenly the famous itch down my crotch, the one you have to answer whenever arousing thoughts pop to mind. The one you can’t help but start fiddling around until what you got is a hard one. This surely wasn’t gonna help me get to sleep and I still had around four hours to cover before I had to get up again if I wanted to meet Joice at breakfast.

My laptop was gonna be my savior and I climbed back out of the back to fetch it.
I settled in the bed again, laptop on my lap and I queried my favourite porn site so I could find a quick relief and go back to sleep. For whatever reason I couldn’t find a thumbnail that sparked my interest so I decided to start browsing by model type. Blondes, brunettes, small tits, huge tits, every possible taste and shape passed by as it suddenly became apparent to me I started mentally filtering on black short hair, slim body and big tits. Without realising at first, I was looking for a Joice substitute. This whole thing had the bitter taste of a perverse idea. Not only was I not gonna find a Joice look-alike, it felt simply wrong to do so to extend that beating off wasn’t gonna yield any results. I put my laptop aside and slid deeper into my sheets and let my hand trail down into my shorts. Joice was on my mind, her pictures burned into my eye sockets, our last conversation still ringing through my ears. Slowly I drifted back into a slumber.

I startled awake, the sudden sense of dread that I overslept grasped my heart like a stroke. I hastily reach for my phone to read what time it was and why I wasn’t woken by my alarm clock. 8:52AM it read.

*Shit!* I jumped up from the bed, raced to the bathroom and immediately turned on the shower. While waiting for hot water to come out I stripped and tossed my shorts in the direction of my suitcase. My hang-over got a bit better, but I still felt pretty awful. My eyes were still sensitive to the light and I began to question if I’d make it downstairs in eight minutes at all. The hot water felt good and I let go of being on time for breakfast. I was gonna enjoy this a bit longer. Then a knock came on the door.

*Shit!* I said to myself again and woke from a bliss and zen shower sensation. *Should I open up?*
I quickly jumped out of the shower again, wrapped a towel around my waist and opened up the door. At the otherside stood Joice.

“I… euh,” she stammered a bit, “wanted to make sure you were awake.. after last night, you know.”
It was clear that my wet- and towel-wrapped appearance threw her off a little. “You want me to wait downstairs,” she asked after a moment.

“Oh!” I responded. “no, you can wait inside if you want. I only need a quick shower and I’ll be done.”
Joice walked in and found her way to the bed. “I’ll wait here.” she said.

“I’m gonna leave the bathroom door open, so don’t freak out,” I replied, “otherwise the mirrors will be all fogged up.”

It wasn’t long after I stood in the shower, soaping myself, when I heard Joice’s voice. Her voice didn’t sound like it was coming from the back of the hotel room. Her voice was nearby, from just around the corner of the door.

“Did I interrupt you with anything?” she said with a hint of humor in her voice. I looked up and I couldn’t see her from where I was standing, not even through the mirror.

*Could she see me? Did she spy on me before she spoke up?* I froze up.

“What do you mean?” I replied.

“Your laptop, it was on,” she said with a chuckle. My heart skipped a beat as I began to realise what she was referring to.

*It might have gotten out of its sleep mode when I jumped out of the bed this morning*, I realised as I remember just putting my laptop next to me in bed before I fell asleep.

“Oh shit! No… you didn’t interrupt. That was from last night” I tried to justify a situation that really didn’t demand justification.

“It’s fine,” she laughed, “no need to be embarrassed, I look at porn too you know.”

I didn’t immediately know how to react, my mind was overclocking to plot out a way through this conversation that wouldn’t make me look like a perv or creep.
*Quickly! Say something!* I spured myself as I realised that each second of not saying anything could result in Joice going back to the bed or couch. I liked Joice hanging around to chat while I was showering. It stirred me, it tickled my brain.

“Truth is,” I broke the silence, “you gave me quite some blue balls last night with all that sex talk.”

I imagined a face palm right there. I managed to turn the whole moment to awkward. *Fuck!*

Joice gave me a genuine laugh, her voice sounded entertained, “did you finish?”

“What?” I replied, taken by surprise again by the boldness of her question,”No, I fell asleep way before that.”

“Hmm,” Joice gave a ponderous reaction, “Good.”

“You know, if you want to keep talking, you might just as well come inside. I’d hear you better over the noise of the splashing water.” I felt like making a bold move and gaining the dominant position again in this conversation. But Joice kept calm and playful even if it took a few seconds for her to come back with a reply.

“No,” she said, “I’m fine peeping at you from where I stand.” My heart rate shot up.
*How can she see me?* I wondered and started going over all the possibilities again. The mirrors at the opposite wall gave reflection through the door of the room entrance. But I saw no Joice standing there, it would also be too obvious of a spot. She could be spying through the space where the door is hinged to the wall. The only blind spot or the mirrors would be low against the floor. She’d basically had to crouch. But I didn’t really see any shape as I did have a direct line of sight from where I stood as well.

*That doesn’t make sense, or does it?*

“I don’t believe you,” I replied but Joice didn’t reply. I assumed she dashed off after her bluff of peeping at me. I turned off the water, grabbed my towel and started to dry off hastily. With a towel around my waist I left the bathroom and found Joice sitting on the couch texting on her phone.

“Done?” she asked and briefly looked up from her phone.

“Well I still need to get dressed,” I said and moved to the same spot where I undressing last night. Joice again turned to the window, with the difference it was day and the windows were now showing the sight of the city coming to life.

“So were you or weren’t you peeking at me?” I asked as the question was burning on my mind. I simply had to know the answer.

“Does it matter?” she replied without turning around or breaking her attention from her phone.

“Yes. Of course.”

“Why?” she shrugged, “is not knowing not more tantalizing than knowing? What satisfaction will certainty give you?”

I was buttoning up my shirt already as I let her riddle sink in.
*Maybe she had a point there.*

“I don’t know,” I said while sliding into my pants and tucking my shirt in it. I walked from behind the desk while bucking up my belt and made my way towards the bed side where I would start putting on my shoes. “I’ll think about it,” I added. Joice finally looked up from her phone and gave me a smile of appreciation. Her eyes went over me from head to toe, it felt she was rating my outfit for today.

“Breakfast?” she said and stood up.

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kj153e/my_business_trip_with_a_flirty_subordinate_part_4


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