The Wrong Stall [MF, Non/con, Forced]

She checked her watch again, shuffling her feet on the slightly sticky floor. It wasn’t terrible, as far as public restrooms went, but she was happy to have decided against flip-flops. The air smelled of bleach and urine, a crumpled wad of tissue lay in a puddle of… something, and the light outside the stall was dim. Not to dim to read the inscriptions on the walls. The inscription that had brought her here on this night at this time.
Amongst the vulgar poems and pictures, one note had been made very clear. In thick black ink;

fun with a REAL man

She couldn’t place why it struck her so badly. Maybe some kind of revenge on her “boyfriend” that blew her off for another night of video games. She had been planning that night for weeks. He didn’t know, of course, that she was going to give him her virginity that night. She wasn’t going to advertise like a whore. Not to a man that should’ve been trying to get up her skirt at any chance.

“That’s why their boy-friends.” She muttered. Checking her watch again. Already two minutes after. Suddenly she became anxious of her appearance. What if the man was watching when she got here and had decided against it?
She assessed her outfit. Simple sneakers, a sundress that stopped mid-thigh, hair in a ponytail, no panties. Uncertainty started to creep over her mind. Was there a code? A sign to.. whomever, that she was willing?

Was she willing?
The thought stopped her cold. She was no stranger to pleasing herself and often found her thoughts going dirty places, but this was different. Real. Despite a few boyfriends in the past, she hadn’t found them worthy of being the first inside her. There wouldn’t be going back after this. Did she want.. this to be a chapter in her story? What if it was someone she knew? Or that knew her? No. This wasn’t her. Shaking the mess of thoughts from her head, she reached to pull open the stall door. Before her fingers made contact the door began to open. She whipped her hand back, as if the handle was suddenly aflame.

The door swung open slowly, creaking slightly on old hinges, revealing a mountain of a person. His shoulders were nearly as wide as the doe had been and the top of his head cleared the privacy walls. The dim light left his face in dark shadow, and when he spoke it was the sound of steel dragging through gravel. “Well. Looks like we have a taker.” His hands moved to his belt buckle.

Her mouth opened but the only sound she could manage was a quiet squeak. All thought had been purged from her mind and her legs had turned to rubber.
The man chuckled. A harsh, dry sound from his barrel of a chest.
“Don’t you worry, darlin, we’ll put that mouth to good use.” He reached out a hand, brushing her lip with a rough thumb, as the buckle at his waist came free.

She snapped back into her body. All at once extremely aware of every sensation, and her brain finally reconnected to her mouth.
“N-no.” She managed, clearing her throat to try again with more confidence. “No. Sorry. Wro-“
“Shhh..” The man hissed, pushing his finger to her lips. He took one step into the stall, and the light shifted enough to reveal a glint in his eyes. A glint that made her body shudder from fear.

Boldness overtook her and she shot up a hand to grab his wrist. What she could of his wrist. Her small hand feeling even smaller against his massive arm. She shoved the hand from her face. “No. Now move or..” she hesitated, desperate for an adequate threat. Her thinking was interrupted by the sound of a volcanic eruption. The man was laughing. Laughing and shaking his head. He took another step into the stall and instinctively she stepped back. Her leg brushed the cold porcelain of the toilet and she shrieked.

Quick as a snake, the man’s hand flashed out and caught her cheek, hard. She was still staggering from the blow when his other hand wrapped around her thin throat, slamming her back against the wall.
“Make me.” The man growled, squeezing his hand tighter.
She struggled. Kicking, though he had pinned both of her legs with just one of his own. Clawing at his wrist, though his grip didn’t falter. Tears burned down her cheeks. Light-headedness was coming and her arms were getting to heavy to hold up.
“No?” His grip eased just as her vision was growing dim. Cold air rushed into her lungs and left again in a heavy sob.
“You’re not going to scream.” His voice made the command obvious, another brief squeeze made the consequences even clearer.
She shook her head, as best she could in his monstrous grasp. “Please.” She managed to croak.
“Look at you. Pretty and smart.”
With even force, almost gently, he began to push her to her knees. The instant her skin felt the cold tile a shiver tore through her, followed by another sob. She felt the hand leave her throat, but she already knew better than to try and run. She’d never make it under the walls before he caught her and… No. She wouldn’t think it.

Rough fingers brushed her face before establishing a firm grip on her hair. Slowly, her head tilting back, her vision following the movement. The mans’s free hand was wrapped around his cock, slowly stroking its length, causing the head to play a game of hide and seek. She had never seen a penis in person before. Not like this. It was easily as thick as her wrist, and double that of her little dildo at home. She shuddered, feeling her entire body tighten from fear.

As he stroked she could see a wet glisten forming at the tip. He pumped his fist back to the base of his dick, the skin folding back behind the flared head. That swollen, angry looking head.

His fingers tightened in her hair, pulling at her scalp, and began to pull her face toward the cock in front of her. Involuntarily, she began to shake her head, pulling back against his force. Not daring to open her mouth to even speak. SLAP. Fresh tears blurred her vision and she could taste blood. Her face throbbed and spots danced through the air.

When he spoke it sounded distant, yet she found herself straining to listen, “Let’s not hurt that pretty face anymore.” He almost purred, “Now be a good slut and do what you came here for.”
“B-b-b-but..” she began in a small, weak voice before she caught herself. She flinched, anticipating the blow to come. In place of a slap there was a gentle touch on her reddened cheek, wiping a tear away. Soft. Much softer than the finger that had brushed her lips.

Opening her eyes, she connected the sensation. The man’s voice was nowhere near as soft as he chuckled again, pulling his cock away from her cheek. She couldn’t tell if the shine on it was her tears or.. him.
“Look, honey, you want it.” The man teased, swiveling his hips, making his cock dance. “Open that pretty mouth now.”
The tone of his voice was a clear threat. Her mind, spinning with fear and desperation, she did the only thing she could. Her eyes closed, shakily, she parted her lips.
“Wider.” The man growled. His fist tightened in her hair again. “Good.”

The softness touched her lips and she felt another shudder rip through her body. Even opened wide, as he pressed his cock to her mouth she could feel her jaw being forced wider. A slick saltiness found her tongue and made her mouth squirm. The man groaned, pushing again, cutting off her ability to breathe through her mouth. In a panic, she tried fighting the intruder with her tongue.
“Oohhhh.” The man groaned so deeply that she could feel I’m vibrate through her lips. “I knew you were a slut.”

He pulled back slightly, then plunged deeper back into her mouth. She attempted to protest, but only succeeded in a muffled grunt. The man growled in response, placing a second hand on the back of her head. In a smooth, unyielding motion he rammed the full length of his cock down her throat.
She couldn’t breathe at all, panicking and struggling against his iron grip. Her lungs were starting to burn and tears streamed down her face as her mind raced. The fight was leaving her, the struggle too much to keep up. She could feel her body going limp, her mind blanking out, there was only the throbbing in her mouth and throat.

A hard shove and she could breathe again. So relieved for air, she didn’t realized she was losing her balance until cold tile caught her ass when she landed. Her arms flailed for support as she gasped and coughed. A throaty groan snapped her back to the small, dingy stall just in time for the first spurt of cum to hit her heavily across the cheek. The second barely missing the corner of her mouth, the third running from nose to chin.

The man pumped his cock with an urgent pace, but the last few spurts did little more than dribble over her dress. She watched it as if from far away. This wasn’t her, surely. This poor girl, cheek swelling, jaw aching, covered in jizz so fresh it steamed in the cool air. This… slut that got what she was looking for. No, it couldn’t—
“Would you look at that.” The man’s voice cut through her thoughts. He was staring down at her in a way that made her feel like shrinking. His eyes had fire in them, but his gaze was not meeting hers, and his tongue teased the corner of his mouth. All at once, she became acutely aware of how high her dress had hiked during her tumble. Instantly, instinctively, she clamped her thighs together.
The man just chuckled dryly, “This might take longer than I thought.”



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