The wife, the ex, and the very unexpected, almost threesome [FMF]

The aggressive knock was followed almost instantly by the sound of the door opening up.

“Seriously, you couldn’t bring the dog outside to me? I have to come in to get him?” Molly, my fiery ex, fired off in a scornful tone. She had come by to pickup our favorite furry friend. Joint dog custody was all that remained of our more than ten year long relationship.

Unfortunately for Molly, I’d forgotten she had asked me to keep an eye out for a text saying she was in the driveway. Understandably she had not wanted to walk into what was previously our house, but Leona and I were a few drinks in, sufficiently buzzed, watching some Netflix, and I’d forgotten the request.

Dressed in jeans and a hoodie, Molly had not dressed to impress, but I couldn’t help appreciating that mess of dark brown hair. It had been a while since I’d experienced that mess draped down over me while she rode my cock. Or that mess obscuring her face while she blew me for the thousandth time.

Leona and I had not left the couch. The ladies had exchanged the minimally required pleasantries when I, for no reason other than to pour a little gasoline on the fire, decided to invite Molly to stay for a drink. “We’ve got vodka, gin, whiskey, and lots of beer. Help yourself and hang out” I offered.

The snap of the head and intense stare that followed from Leona was two parts bewilderment, one part playfulness and one part competitiveness shaken violently over ice with dashes of both fury and arousal.

Leona wasn’t dumb. Leona knew I enjoyed trouble and chaos. And putting my dick where it most definitely did not belong. She allowed me to stir things up because at the end of the day, our bond was unbreakable. Her confidence in our connection was unwavering. After all, she was the one who proposed the “forgiveness not permission” policy.

Molly, not one to back away from an opportunity to do the unexpected, accepted my invite flirtatiously replying “why not, what’s the worst that can happen?”

What followed was an hour of casual and benign banter mostly between myself and Molly. We covered work, her new place, the dog, and a handful of “remember whens” that produced a few good laughs.

Leona had kept mostly quiet during that hour, opting instead to watch Molly like a hawk, refill drinks at every opportunity, and keep her proximity to me on the couch. Leona wasn’t uncomfortable. She was observing and calculating, preparing both offensive and defensive moves as they might be needed.

To say Molly and Leona had a strained dynamic would have been more than a mild understatement. There was no outright hatred in either direction, but Molly definitely harbored the expected measure of contempt any woman would have for the woman that she believed to have lured her husband away.

About the time that Molly was finishing her third drink, Leona excused herself to go upstairs with a promise to be right back.

“You’re loving the tension aren’t you?” Molly asked me in a hushed voice the moment Leona was out of range, alluding to the unspoken competitive vibe that existed.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about” I playfully responded with a wink, as Molly transferred to the spot on the couch occupied by Leona just a moment earlier.

“You think about me when you fuck her?” Molly prodded in an even quieter tone making direct eye contact. She was undoubtedly now aiming to get in my head, hoping to establish herself as the alpha female in this three part equation.

“I think about you about as often as I thought about her when I was still fucking you” I fired back. I was thoroughly enjoying the game she was playing and the possibilities it provided. Molly’s boldness was arousing. Knowing Leona was upstairs expecting Molly or I to provoke the most illicit of outcomes was also arousing. I wasn’t sure where the next few minutes would take us, but I was all in.

At the same moment I heard the bathroom door close upstairs, I felt Molly’s hand start rubbing my rapidly growing erection through my jeans.

“I’ve really been wanting to suck your dick again” Molly whispered before leaning in to kiss my neck. It had been nearly two years since her lips had graced my skin with their presence. Her kiss, her forceful touch, and Leona’s presence in the house made my heart race.

“I think that can be arranged sometime” I replied, excited by the prospect of Molly being the other woman for the first time.

“No. Right now” Molly replied plainly.

Before I could react she had moved to a kneeling position and went to work on the zipper and button on my jeans.

Within seconds my now-throbbing cock was free and in Molly’s mouth. That mess of espresso-colored hair was once again covering my lap as I leaned back on the couch and let out audible confirmation of how good it felt.

Molly alternated between broad licks up the length of my shaft and taking me deep into her mouth, offering a mild bit of suction and the occasional hum. The familiarity of Molly’s mouth was intoxicating.

Leona frequently sucked my dick, always with incredible enthusiasm and showing an unmatched commitment to delivering pleasure. Molly on the other hand had always sucked my dick like it was in trouble. As if it had wronged her in a past life. A blowjob from Molly could only be described as angry.

This blowjob had been no different.

Molly licked and jerked and sucked. She worked my cock with such ferocity and intensity it seemed she might have been aiming to finish the deed before Leona’s return.

Periodically we would make eye contact. Molly’s gaze gave away just how much she enjoyed the risk. The experience had my blood pumping. I held the back of her head with one hand, periodically thrusting myself further into her mouth, leaving her on the cusp of gagging. I knew letting her continue was a bold move, but it felt far too good to make her stop.

My mind, none the less, wondered about Leona’s reaction. This was a true test of our forgiveness-not-permission policy.

Just as I felt an explosive finish was maybe a minute or two away, I heard the door open upstairs. Leona was no more than a moment and potentially ten steps from the top of the staircase, a spot that would grant her a bird’s eye view of the scene below. A view of me half-reclined on our huge sectional, my ex-wife’s slutty, willing mouth working its magic as it had hundreds of times before.

As Leona appeared at the top of the stairs, Molly did not slow. Did not hesitate. Did not show a single sign that she feared Leona finding us in this compromising position.

Leona’s eyes locked onto mine as she made her way down the staircase. Her look wasn’t one of surprise. She had known since we met that I lived for debaucherous moments like this. The sexy smirk on her face reassured me she wasn’t about to spoil the situation. Rather, Leona was calculating how to escalate it.

“Well, well” Leona said as she stepped down into the living room.

“Oh this isn’t what it looks like. We were just discussing old times” I offered kiddingly as Molly continued her work, unflinching. Her head bobbed up and down at the fastest rate yet.

“Don’t let me interrupt,” Leona had said as she got comfortable on the far side of the sofa, taking the opportunity to enjoy the show and consume more liquid courage.

After a few more minutes I grabbed a handful of Molly’s hair, motioning for her to stop. I rose from the couch, shuffling out of my jeans and boxers and then slipping off my shirt. My erection was still throbbing.

Without a word, Molly knew what was next. She returned to her original seat on the couch and pulled her hoodie over her head, tossing it to the floor. Her shoes quickly followed. And then her jeans and underwear. Taking her clothes off for someone wanting to use her was nothing new or newsworthy.

Leona remained quiet but intently watched the developments. She wasn’t touching herself but it was clear her breathing was elevated. I occasionally caught her biting her lip, surely in anticipation. The prospect of seeing me fuck Molly with her own eyes right there in our living room was undoubtedly a lot to process.

I sat next to Molly and leaned in to kiss her deeply while pushing a handful of hair back behind her ear. After a few moments of her tongue dancing with mine, I repositioned, grabbing behind each knee and pulling her down onto the cushions. Flat on her back, she rested her calves on my shoulders as I kneeled in front of her, my throbbing cock just shy of sliding into her. The look on Molly’s face was one of confidence. Even smugness. She loved knowing I was willing to play her game just to feel myself inside her one more time.

As she shimmied her tank top off and unhooked her bra, I let my thumb teasingly brush against her clit before massaging it more forcefully. Her wetness was more than apparent. Molly’s body was ready for me.

Potentially drunk with lust and a bit forgetful of Leona’s presence, Molly exclaimed, “my god I’ve missed fucking you! I need you inside me!” as we connected for another kiss.

Gripping her thighs, I buried myself inside her. It felt different, but familiar, all at once.

Molly had always been ready to fuck but the enthusiasm she exhibited giving head rarely carried over. Sex with Molly was mostly me using her body for my own pleasure. Her pleasure was ancillary. This evening had been more of the same.

We found a decent rhythm rather quickly. Her hips rocking to meet my thrusts. She arched her neck back, closed her eyes, and let out a consistent string of soft moans.

Out slowly. In forcefully. We continued as we had many times before.

As we fucked, I looked to my left to find Leona partly reclined, eyes focused on me, and a handful of fingers roaming playfully inside her waistband. The possibilities Leona had in store for this illicit romp had sent a surge of adrenaline through me.

Would she step in to reclaim me? Would she wait until Molly left and climb on top of me, slapping me and scolding me and biting my lip while violently riding me? Would she try to show Molly what an enthusiastic fuck really looked like? Would she simply kiss me and make intense eye contact while I exploded inside Molly?

As I refocused on the task at hand I channeled the energy from these thoughts into pounding Molly. I thrust myself into her with increasing force and frequency. Molly seemed to near her climax and I again rubbed her clit with my thumb.

Molly shuddered and squirmed as her orgasm began to take hold. I continued to fuck her relentlessly, sending her over the edge.

I had not quite climaxed myself, but that was just fine as I turned my focus to Leona. She would certainly see that I enjoyed a proper outcome.

As I stood, Leona rose from her end of the sectional.

Standing naked in front of the couch on which Molly still laid, quivering and slowly collecting herself, I was met by Leona. She had quickly undressed to nothing but a sleek black pair of panties.

Leona leaned in, her breasts resting against my skin. She put both of her hands on the back of my neck, pulling me in for a deep kiss. The fire in the kiss was otherworldly.

Leona broke that kiss to drop to her knees. She assumed a position not more than a couple feet from Molly while pulling me into her mouth. Leona quickly and deftly demonstrated her ability to take the entirety of my cock into her throat. She sucked as if to clean any evidence that I’d engaged intimately with another woman.

Leona maintained unwavering eye contact with me while bringing me right to the edge of orgasm again and again. Molly’s reaction to Leona’s boldness was not initially obvious. She remained on her back on the couch, catching her breath, seemingly happy to let us do our thing with her in a front row seat.

There was aggression in Leona’s work as if to reinforce that she was perfectly capable of giving an angry blowjob.

I knew my time was running low and Leona’s pussy was all I wanted. I coaxed her to a standing position and then leaned down slightly to whisper, “I need to fuck you. I want you on the table.”

“Good boy. I want you to remember how much harder I can make you cum” she replied quietly.

Leona instinctively hooked her hands behind my neck, hopped into my grasp, and wrapped her legs around me. I shuffled us over to the kitchen table and set her down on the edge. The height was nothing short of perfect. Our positioning just a dozen feet or so away, left Molly with an unobstructed, x-rated side view.

Leona’s legs curled tightly around me as I buried myself inside her. She was wet and, as always, a flawless fit.

We lost both control and track of time fucking on the edge of that table. The kisses. The intimate eye contact. My beard leaving her cheek and neck red and irritated. Knowing Molly was watching the show made it that much more exhilarating. Every time I thrust Leona’s legs would clench around me requiring that much more effort to pull back out.

Leona moaned out loudly more than a few times as wave after wave of modest orgasm consumed her. By this point I was beginning to sweat, was a bit winded, and hanging on by a thread from cumming myself.

The grand finale came as Leona said, “fuck me. God, cum for me. Fuck me like she only wished you’d ever fucked her.”

After I had filled her with every last ounce inside me, I realized I had for more than a few minutes forgotten about Molly’s presence. Glancing to my left, she was nowhere to be found. As I twisted to scan the room, I heard the front door slam closed.

Leona put her hands on each side of my head, bringing me back to center for a very long, slow kiss. As the kiss broke, she put a cherry on top of the afternoon with a solitary and sexy wink that said everything.

Here’s to forgiveness not permission. And to putting your dick in your ex. You know, for old time’s sake.
