[MF] Went to Bike Week and caught a case of dejavu

I have been a lot of things in my life and most were fun. I have worked on cruise ships; I have DJ’ed in college bars when it meant something to actually know how to mix records; I played division 1 college football; I have managed bars; I have managed concert venues with regional and national bands playing there; I have MC’ed wet t-shirt contest at biker rodeos and I have judged Tropicana swimsuit contests with modeling contracts on the line. Most of these were just routine jobs and some had some amazing fringe benefits. Some were believable and some to this day I, myself, have a hard time believing that they happened. I have noticed that I enjoy writing these stories down when I have a chance so I plan on trying contributing to my favorite subreddit more now that I can.

I think I will start out with one of the most recent events that took place while it is still somewhat fresh in my mind. I have been going through a really weird divorce and I had a chance to attend bike week in Daytona in February. A friend of mine, Jay, has a contract with a camp ground/bar and he need help so I loaded up the Harley and headed south for some sun and fun, COVID was just rearing its ugly head into 2020 when I accepted the gig. When we arrive in Daytona it’s not nearly as busy as we had expected but hey we’ve already made it this far why not try to have fun. We get all set up in the camp ground and head to the meet the event coordinator and see what they have planned for us. She was this stunning dark haired beauty with big green eyes and this smile that would make your world turn upside down in a flash. Her name was Jess. There was something hauntingly familiar that I couldn’t place. After she went over our schedule for the week, my friend and I made our way back to the trailer and unloaded our bikes and off to the strip we went.

Daytona is a blast period, but bike week is like cocaine on steroids. It’s off the hook and 24/7. We spend about 4 hours downtown before heading back towards the camp ground. On the way we pit stop for ice and beer. Jay was laying it on thick with the convenience store clerk and invited her over to the camp site after her shift. I told him when we walked out that if she actually shows up I will run naked through the camp ground. First off I haven’t ran anywhere since the first Bush was in office and I wouldn’t wager breaking that streak on a whim. I really thought he had wasted his time with the clerk. But low and behold she actually strolls down the path about an hour later carrying a 6 pack of those low carb seltzer beers that seem to be all the rage right now.

I was dumb founded and Jay had this look like “Ha Fat Ass I told you she would come.” I just nodded my head and went back to programming music on camp ground play list. Time rolls on and it’s now 2 AM I have been up nearly 24 hours and I am drunk. Well Jay looked over at me and said didn’t I have to go for my nightly jog, I was hoping he would have forgotten about that silly bet from earlier. But I am a man of my word, so I stand up from my chair and start removing my clothes. The clerk just had the WTF look on her face when I stepped out of my blue jeans and started running toward the path.

Picture this an out of shape 42 yr. old man running through a camp ground in nothing but his birthday suit when I turned the corner of the rows of campers I slide in the loose sandy dirt and boom I am laying there for all to see laughing my ass off. When I open my eyes, I am suddenly sober because there is Jess staring down at me. I try to think of a good reason why one of her subcontractors would possibly have for being stark naked running around like an idiot.

Luckily she saw some amusement out of my misfortune and she started laughing. She hands me a towel off the golf cart she had been riding around the camp ground on. So I stand u and wrap the towel around my waste and start to head back to our camping spot. She insists on, well maybe demands that I get in the golf cart so she can make certain that I get back to my camper and that there is nothing more trouble I can get into. When we get back to the camper, the door is locked. That asshole locked me out so he could rub naughty spots with little Miss Convenience Store Clerk. (Normally I wouldn’t be upset but damn it I am under citizen’s arrest right now by the hot ass EC.) I’m flipping out (inside my own head) and I’m worried we are going to get asked to leave so I just let loose with my whole life story. I’m telling her about my pending divorce and that I hadn’t really been drunk in years. I came down to Florida to cut loose and be free. Now that I am free of all my baggage I am worried and she just starts laughing. I’m concerned more than I was 30 seconds ago. Why is she laughing?

She asked me when was the last time that I had been to real biker camp ground? I honestly answered never. So she sets my nerves at ease by telling me that this isn’t anything yet. So I am guessing that I am not the first nor the last she has seen streaking around the camp ground. She drives us u to the area where “paying customers” stay and it was almost an outright orgy going on. OK I see Toto we are not in Kansas anymore.

So this is when this story starts to get interesting. (Sorry for all the details but the details tells the story.) So Jess asked me if I wanted to come over to her camper and have a cup of coffee to sober up with. I grabbed my jeans and t-shirt from by the fire and quickly dressed as best as I could. When we walked into her camper I heard some faint moaning coming from the sleep area of the camper. I looked at her like wtf is going on and she turned bright red in embarrassment. She apparently was watching porn in her sleeper before she left to do her rounds and left the TV playing when she left.

I laughed it off like it was normal and she was trying to play it off. So drunk ass me minus the common sense filter I normally have says to her I guess you won’t have to watch anymore porn now that you have kidnapped me in you her den of sin. I totally meant that as a joke and actually figured I would get slapped or worse but hey you have to throw your shot when you have your chance. Instead she just looked at me kind of doe eyed and leaned in so I took full advantage of this and kissed her. She kissed me back hungrily and full of passion.

We melted into the couch and continue making out. She tasted like cocoanut and limes. When I say this girl could not get enough she could not get enough. I started to touch her boobs with one hand while grabbing her ass with the other when she stood back up and I thought well she is coming to her senses and it was fun while it lasted. Nope she stood up and took off her clothes. It was hot and sexual but sped up like watching something in fast forward. 30 seconds later she was naked and clawing at my jeans. (Why didn’t I just stay in the towel?) I stopped her and flipped her over and started kissing at her neck and down her collarbone to her breast and bee lined straight for Paradise City. She tasted amazing. To this day I still cannot describe what she tasted like into words. She wrapped her legs around my head and shoulders and I swear that I almost drowned right then and there. If the good lord would have called me away right then and there, the undertaker would have a hard time to get the grin off my face for the funeral. She pulled my hair and screamed out something that I will never ever forget. “Lick my asshole daddy” No one I repeat NO ONE has ever asked me to do that and god damn it I am not going to let this girl down. I took a small swipe of my tongue against her tight pucker and then another. Holy shit I have found my new kink… My world may never be the same. I push my tongue as hard as I can against her pucker and started humming. I would like she squirted on me but it was more of a gush than a squirt.

I had enough and wanted her. I needed her. I needed her like the crops need rain. I pulled my dick out and grabbed a condom and was trying to roll that mother on. Trust me after being married and not using a condom forever it’s almost impossible to remember how to do that painlessly. Condom is finally on and I line up the approach shot and sink that putt. Oh my god I was hooked. She felt more like a heaven that anything I had ever imagined. Not super tight but just perfect.

Boys and girls I would love to say that I rocked her world with a 3 hour long love making session and made her cum 16 times but we did manage to switch position a few time and I finally blew while she was riding me in reverse cow girl. I kind of jut collapsed into the couch and became one with it. She wiped the sweat from her brow and winked at me and said thank you.

As I was recovering I asked her about where she was from and if she was in college or what her story was. She told me she 23 and had finished college in 2018. I asked her where she went to college and she told me she went to her mother’s alma mater in (insert state in the Midwestern US) (RED LIGHT…. I went to college in the same Midwestern state. Hum.) I am on high alert now. So I name my alma mater and she was no way. Seems we both went to the same university. Then I had to go for gold. I asked her what years her Mom would have been there. As you guessed it I was there at the same time. AWKWARD. We talked for another hour or so before the lack of sleep, alcohol and sex took their toll on me. I had to sleep. I half ass dressed and made it back to my camper to find the door still locked. I went and passed out in the chair I was occupying earlier.

The next morning I am awakened by the sounds of a really weird horn. It was Jess on the golf cart coming to make sure I had made it “home.” She’s a good girl that Jess. She offered me a ride to breakfast and we chatted some more. I finally placed who her mother was after a few hours. It’s amazing how a hung over brain works once coffee and scrambled eggs make their way to your belly. Her mother used to tend bar at the same club I had DJ’ed while we were in school. She could have been her mother’s clone or at least that’s how my mind remembers.

We hooked up again the next night but that’s a story for another time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kiftz3/mf_went_to_bike_week_and_caught_a_case_of_dejavu

1 comment

  1. Great story!!

    Hope part 2 happens soon – does Jess realise you know her mother from the past??

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