That one night when I gave a facial to a married woman [MF]

This happened a few months ago when covid rates in the USA were a bit lower and my friends and I were a bit more relaxed on our social distancing. Names are changed for anonymity.

It was Friday afternoon when my good friend/coworker Bryan and I were driving back home after a two-week long business trip across Pennsylvania. During the drive we got a call from Bryan’s wife, Christine, asking if I would like to join them for a dinner party at their apartment that night. At that point I was exhausted from our travels, and just wanted to relax on my bed in my studio apartment. However, I am not the type of person to pass up a free meal, especially considering that my apartment was barren of food. So I begrudgingly accepted her offer, and mentioned that I will probably leave early that night as I was tired from driving 6+ hours.

“That’s okay, we are just going to have a few friends over, eat, drink, and play cards against humanity” she informed us.

“Her friend Marie is visiting us this weekend, and you know Theo and Kate, they will be there too” Bryan interjected . “Don’t get any bright ideas though, Marie is a married woman.”

My already low enthusiasm for this gathering had just sank lower, with the knowledge that I would be the only non-married person there. The conversation steered away from the party towards other mundane topics that ate up time until we arrived back into town.

I drove to Bryan’s apartment to drop him off before returning back home. He invited me inside to give me a quick break from driving and a glass of water. His apartment is located on the second floor of his complex, and it is very easy to climb up onto his balcony from outside. I thought I would have some fun, so with his permission I climbed up onto the balcony to try and spook Christine, as I had done many times before.

Christine and Marie were sitting at opposite ends of the dinner table when I climbed up, and Marie had full view of my entrance. She gasped and pointed at me when she saw me, a complete stranger and potential burglar, knock on the balcony door.

“Jesus Christ” Christine blurted out after she turned around and saw me. She opened the door to let me in and gave me a welcoming hug. “You almost gave her a heart attack!”

I turned to introduce myself to Marie, and caught my first real glimpse of her. She was in her early 20s, about my height (5’6), with a slim yet athletic body. She had 32-b breasts, pale complexion, long blonde hair, small nose, and deep blue eyes. She was wearing a long white playstation t-shirt, no bra, and tight black leggings that stretched around her plump ass. To put it bluntly, she was fucking beautiful, and I was instantly smitten.

Under normal circumstances, I melt when I talk to women as gorgeous as her. But knowing that she was married, and that there was *absolutely* no chance that I was going to fuck her, I had a sort of hopeless confidence. It gave me the strength to match her piercing gaze as she shook my hand.

“I’ll have to get you back for that” Marie said in her soft Brazilian accent. “Sure you will” I responded as a smirk came across my face. I forgot to mention that both Christine and Marie are Brazilians. I have always had a weakness for latinas, something about them just awakens my primal urges to breed.

After that exchange, Bryan burst through the front door in his usual clumsy way. We exchanged other pleasantries before leaving to my apartment to shower and unpack. As I walked out the door, I looked back into the room and caught Marie’s eyes gazing at me.

“Of course she’s married, women who are that beautiful are never single, or are attracted to me.” I thought to myself during the drive home. I hopped in the shower and washed my hair with a new coconut conditioner I bought before the trip. I put on a tight black zelda t-shirt and jeans. I wasn’t trying to dress up or anything fancy for a casual gathering, especially since I was still planning to leave early.

Theo and Kate were there by the time I returned, and everyone had already started drinking. Everybody was gathered and mingling near the kitchen waiting for Christine to finish her cooking. Well, everybody except for Marie, who was sitting at the dinner table with a bottle of red wine next to her.

“Can you pour me a glass?” I asked.

“The glasses are in kitchen” she responded. She got up and squeezed her way through the kitchen to grab some more glasses and brought them to the table. She poured me a glass of wine walked over to me to hand me the glass. She perked up when she got closer.

“Your shampoo! It smells just like mine. What do you use?” I chuckled and explained to her that I was trying out a new product and was liking the results. She pulled out her phone to look up the type of shampoo she uses, and I noticed that she had a Legend of Korra screensaver. Avatar is my favorite TV show by a long shot.

“Oh my god I love avatar!” I blurted. Our conversation continued and flowed endlessly like a river. We had such strong chemistry, it felt as if she had awoken me out of the stupor that took a hold of me earlier. I couldn’t keep myself away from this woman, and I knew from the way she peered into my eyes that she was keen on me too. I was struggling to fight off the magnetic force that was pulling me to touch her and initiate things further.

After food, we moved to the couch to play card games and drink more. I sat across from Marie on the couch, and would frequently catch her glimpsing at me like a puppy. Throughout the night Marie and I had about 3 drinks each, while everyone else was letting loose. The night progressed and at some point we had finished our last bottle of booze. Everyone was feeling pretty tipsy so we turned on the TV and began singing and dancing. Christine had put on a latino dance song and pulled Bryan to dance with her. I glanced over to see Theo and Kate dancing together too, and then Marie, just standing there by herself. Fuck it, I gave in. I reached out and grabbed her hand and felt her ring in my fingers.

I was the only man there who actually knew how to dance. Our bodies synchronized with the rhythm, and I twirled her around. We started sweating as our bodies moved together, yet I was still holding back. I was trying to respect her space, but she kept into pressing closer and closer to me. Eventually I gave in and grabbed her hips and pulled her into my body. I could feel her heat against my body, and I was buckling under this pressure. I felt heat rush to my groin and my cock began to stiffen as her hips moved against my torso.

“I used to be a gymnast” she muttered. “I think those skills translate pretty well to dancing.”

You can’t just fucking say that to a man. She has to know that will just instantly flood my mind with images of me ‘testing’ her flexibility. I couldn’t shake the thought of spreading her legs open wide for me, or pulling her legs up over her head. I was getting way too worked up, and I needed to cool off. I also noticed her nipples poking through her shirt. Fuck.

“Yea you are pretty good” I responded. The song was ending and things began winding down. I used this opportunity to brake apart from her.

“I could use another drink” Marie said as she turned to Christine.

“Too bad we are out” Christine responded.

“I should’ve brought some more, and maybe some weed too.” I said regretfully. Marie perked when she heard that last part.

“I would love to smoke right now.” Marie said. At this point everyone had made their way back to the couch after dancing. I still needed to cool off, and the night was still young, so I offered to drive to the store to pick up some booze.

After convincing Christine that I didn’t drink as much as the others, she agreed to let me drive to the store. Marie saw that I was putting on my shoes and getting ready to leave.

“Where are you going?” she questioned.

“To the store to get more booze. I’ll be right back.” I responded.

“Can I come with you? I want to pick up some smokes.” She turned to Christine and Bryan to gauge their approval. They seemed indifferent. Marie turned back to me with a devilish grin on her face. I couldn’t help but smile too, as I couldn’t escape this woman. This is fucking torture. But another idea popped into my brain.

“So we can either go to the store, or we can go back to my apartment. There we can smoke the rest of my bud and grab my extra bottle of bacardi.” I asked as we walked back to my car. She giggled.

“Let’s do that. I just want to smoke.” Marie responded. The conversation began to flow again as we drove back to my apartment. At my place we loaded up two bowls of weed and smoked on my balcony. The conversation took a more somber tone as we talked more about our families. At some point I said something funny and she put her hand on my shoulder. I took her hand down and held it for a second. My fingers had taken a hold of her ring unintentionally.

“I trying to get a divorce” she elaborated. “I caught him cheating on me with a girl from tinder, among other things.” I didn’t know how to respond to that revelation, so I remained silent. Maybe it was the weed hitting me or maybe I just didn’t care. She continued talking poorly about him as we finished smoking went back inside. There was silence for a bit as I started cleaning up, and at some point I looked up into her eyes as she leaned against the wall outside my bedroom.

“Is that why you’re here then? Are you just trying to get back at him?” I blurted.

“No. It’s not that.” She looked down and paused. She was trying to articulate her thoughts. “I just feel dead with him, if that makes sense.” She looked up to me. Her words made so much sense. I had felt that way only a few hours prior, before I met this beautiful woman in front of me.

I pressed my body against hers and kissed her against the wall. It was pure fucking heaven. Our lips parted slowly and passionately, and I could feel her breathing accelerate. Her hand sent bolts of electricity through my spine as her fingers traced from my neck down my back, while the other grazed my chest and abs. I grabbed her waist and pulled her into me, and she started gyrating against my body. I could tell from her rhythm that she was horny as fuck too. I felt heat return to my loins and my cock stiffen. My other hand reached up around the back of her head, using my fingers to massage and trace around her ears and down her neck. Her body shivered and she let out a moan. I pulled my face away and peered into her eyes.

“I want you” I said as I kissed her again with greater force, fully surrendering to my lust. My hand on her waist went south and groped her ass. Her hips sped up faster against my body, and she lifted up one leg onto my waist that I held in place. I felt the heat of her pussy as she was grinding against my cock, which made me throb. I could only imagine how good that must have felt for her, as her clit must have been rubbing directly against my shift. I lost track of how long we made out like that, but eventually I had enough and threw her onto my bed.

We both stripped out of our tops and I climbed on top to kiss down her neck. My hands groped her breasts and my fingers traced circles around her engorged nipples, which were small but rock hard. My mouth eventually caught up to my hands and I sucked her tits. I felt tremors throughout her body as I explored her. My hands wandered down her torso and made its way in between her legs. Her body rocked up and down with my fingers as I began rubbing her slit from outside her leggings. For me, there is nothing sexier than seeing a woman in pleasure, especially when I am the one controlling it. Her hand made its way to my bulge and massaged it from outside my jeans.

“Fuck that feels good” I muttered. Her fingers gripped around my cock and stroked me. We spent a minute there teasing each other, I felt a typhoon of pressure build in my cock. I slipped my hand inside her pants and felt her bare shaven pussy. Everything was soaked. I don’t think I’ve ever felt a woman this wet before. She grit her teeth and whimpered. Her body shuddered as my fingers slid around her clit and poked the entrance of her hole. Her hand grabbed my wrist.

“Go inside” she whispered. This teasing must have been torture for her, and I was savoring every moment of it. I rubbed faster around her clit with my thumb, and let one of my fingers linger at her entrance. Her breathing accelerated and she gripped my cock harder, and sent a rush of heat through my body. I inched my finger inside, barely entering her. Her walls tightened around my finger as I pushed it slowly in and out. Her back arched, and she tried pushing herself into my fingers.

“Yes” she said as her head rocked back. “More.”

“You’re gonna have to beg for it.” I responded, grinning.

“Please, just give it to me.” She looked up into my eyes as I pushed deeper inside of her. She gasped, and her hands tightened. I accelerated the speed of my thrusting, and rested a second finger at her entrance.

“One more, please.” she pleaded. I gave in and slipped my second finger inside much deeper than the other one. She convulsed and let out loud moan, much louder than earlier. At that point I realized that I had been way to gentle with this woman. Marie didn’t need passion, she needed to be manhandled and treated like the slut she is. And I was happy to oblige.

“OH FUCK” she gasped as my fingers pumped inside her cunt. Her body rocked to every thrust of my hand, and her moans became much more guttural and loud. My other hand groped her breasts, nipples in between my finger, while she grabbed the bed for dear life. This went on for a bit, while I examined her breathing and convulsions. I could tell she was getting close to exploding, but I wasn’t gonna let her have it that easily.

“FUCK FUCK FUCK.” she stammered. She was at the brink. My pace slowed, and I withdrew my fingers to just focus on teasing her clit. She regained some control over her body and lifted up her head. From the look on her face, I could tell she was fucking flustered. I got up to pull off her black thong and leggings, while she worked off my belt and jeans. At that point, some sense of judgement returned to my head.

“I don’t have any condoms” I admitted. I had not anticipated on getting any action during the pandemic. I also do not hook up without any protection, as I do not trust myself to pull out in time.

“Damn, I really want you inside me” she replied. I wanted to run to the store so I could properly bury my cock inside her. Then I remembered why we even left the party, and that we had been gone long enough to leave everyone wondering where we were. Then I looked down and saw her bare, swollen cunt in front of me.

I jumped back on top of her and kissed down her torso. My hands followed, tracing down her stomach and onto her thighs, spreading them. My mouth trailed down to taste her sweet pussy juices, and I pressed my tongue against her clit. I could tell she was still very worked up. She grabbed my head and grinded her hips to the rhythm of my tongue strokes. My fingers worked their way back into her pussy, causing her back to arch. She panted as I gained pace. Her body quivered. I quickly lifted up my head.

“I want you to focus on this feeling” I commanded. “Focus on the pressure of my tongue against your cunt, the feeling of you clenching around my fingers. Then I want you to cum.” My tongue returned to its rightful place, pressing harder, and lapping circles around her clit.

Her body tensed up, and she gripped my hair hard. Her thighs began to tremble and tighten around my head. Her moans turned into screams. I couldn’t make out what she was saying because it was in Portuguese, but I knew what it meant – that she was cumming. Her walls clenched against my fingers, and she gushed all over my beard. Her body buckled under the weight of this immense cascade of pleasure. I grabbed her thighs around my head and pressed my tongue as hard as I could. She continued to thrash around from the intense pulsations of the orgasm for about two minutes until it subsided. She collapsed and lied there, breathless, speechless. There was a wet spot on the bed from where she just came.

“Wow” she muttered as she came back to life. Her head perked up and saw me standing over her, and then looked down to my twitching cock. She sat up on her knees and wrapped her fingers around my cock. I was very worked up after seeing her, I knew it would not take much effort for her to drain me. She expertly worked her hands up and down my shaft, causing me to moan. Her grip was perfect, firm, but not too tight, and she stroked me from the base to the tip. This feeling intoxicated me, my cock throbbed harder as she worked her magic. I put my hand on the side of her head.

“I want to be able to at least fuck one of your holes tonight.” I said. She giggled and brought her face closer to my cock. Her tongue licked the left side of my cock and reached to the tip. She kissed and licked around the tip of my head, while her hand pumped up and down my length. The other hand cupped and massaged my balls, which instantly caused my cock to pulse. She knew I was under her control now from how much moaned, and the way I gripped her hair.

My body shook as she took me in deeper into her mouth. She bobbed her head up and down my shaft, making sure to lick circles around my tip when she got there. The pressure and heat was building within my core, and I what was coming. I grabbed her hair tighter and pushed it up and down as she accelerated her pace. My head was spinning, I was losing grip of reality. She could tell I was getting closer and was jerking me a bit faster now. She tilted her head up and peered into my eyes.

“Cum for me” she commanded. “Cum all over my face, make me your slut.” I moaned louder and my body began to tremble. At some point her hand left my balls and went to her clit. She closed her eyes and moaned as she touched herself. That sight was so fucking hot, it pushed me past the edge. The dam was about to burst.

“Fuck, I am going to cum.” I grunted. She looked up and presented her open mouth to me. I lost consciousness. My knees buckled as the spasms from my cock rocked throughout my entire body. I released a torrent of cum into Marie’s mouth, face, and chest. Her body started trembling and she let out a loud moan. She continued to jerk me slowly, making me tremor from each pulsation of my orgasm, and draining more of my seed onto this little slut. Somehow I was able to keep standing after it subsided. Marie was lying down again, reeling from a second orgasm.

After a few minutes we regained composure and embraced the reality of the situation. We hurried to the bathroom to clean up the mess she had made. But like a true slut, she only cleaned her face. She left my cum on her chest as a badge of honor, and wore it underneath her t-shirt. She also left her soaked thong here, a keepsake that I am holding as I am typing this. If given more time, I would have had a lot more fun with this woman.

We eventually made it back to the party. Things were winding down at this point, everyone was huddled on the couch watching a movie

“You guys took so long!” Christine blurted.

“Yea, sorry. We actually went back to my place instead to smoke some weed” I explained.

“Well did you at least bring more booze?”

“Uhhh” I had completely forgotten my bacardi at home.

“You’re useless.” She went on and got us caught up on the movie and we joined everyone on the couch. Me and Marie played footsie during the movie. I was really hoping that our weed smell masked the smell of my cum on her chest.

A few days later I met up with Bryan and Christine again, and we talked about that night. Turns out they were rooting for us to hook up because they knew about Marie’s situation at home. They took my word though, that nothing went on between us. I grilled them hard for introducing me to someone so perfect, yet so unattainable. I haven’t tried to contact Marie since that night, nor have I pressed Bryan and Christine about setting us up. Truthfully, I am afraid that if I were to see Marie again, I would fall in love. For my own sake, I need to stay away from my woman, at least until she’s through with her divorce.



  1. Dude just go for it. If she is being truthful people wait their whole lives for people like that. I bet half of the earth finds their perfect spouse already on the end of leaving someone else. Don’t wait the whole reason society is single forever etc is because they are waiting for the perfect moment or not ready to commit to just a chance. Don’t overanalyze it just go with it. Promise you that you will be glad that you did.

  2. For sure dude just go for it. They are going to get divorced anyways and she will be single.

  3. At least keep in touch man. She deserves to know that the night meant something.

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