Of Pokegirls and Tamers [Parts 1&2][MF-FF][Monstergirl][Brutal][13K Words]

Of Pokegirls and Tamers is an adaptation of a quest I ran about a year ago.

The story contains a lot of mature themes that tend to lean into sex but also move to darker more violent themes too. It is centred around the world of pokegirls, (basically monstergirls+pokeballs rather than pokemon+tits. Some look like nekomimi, others like humans, there’s a gradient).

The brutality/survival themes die out as the protagonist reaches civilization about 6 or so chapters in.

For reference, images regarding the two first/main pokegirls that’re going to be floating around the main protagonist throughout the whole thing (NSFW): [Monica](https://cdn.fiction.live/h1200-w1200/images/1dau9vn9c_8aec242530fa873b270b6e278eedaee11.png), [Dianne](https://cdn.fiction.live/h1200-w1200/images/1dccuhbb2_1dcclgpe8_f7f7ce6cb6c79e419bc039b81e67f51b1.png).

The story is technically a finished quest and around 450K words long. I will be posting it here over time edited to a more story-friendly format (I’ll also add pic links, consider them NSFW in general).

Hope you enjoy!


It was meant to be an ordinary school trip to the mountains. Standard stuff, get all the hormonal teenagers to the bus, bring a couple of chaperones, teachers, and family members along for the picnic, walk around a bit, and eat until your gut is going to explode before riding the digestion all the way back. Nothing weird, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing extreme. Just the same trip that the school would take every year.

But this year something had been different.

Had you only known… perhaps you wouldn’t have come. Perhaps you’d have stayed home and told the others to do the same. Could you have predicted this? No, but it was too late now. You had come to the trip as a…

You’d come because your parents hadn’t wanted to go spend a whole day out walking in the wilderness with your younger sister (1st d100). Not that you’d blame them, you’d do the same had you had the opportunity. But you didn’t.

Instead, you had to come along. All on your lonesome self.

Mostly because your sister was on her own little world with her friends and ignoring you. Which was better for you; it was thanks to this that you could better look at the positive side of things, there was a certain someone who had also come in this particular trip, so you had your spirits up.

Ms Smith was also here, your former history teacher had been one you’d been looking forward to see again. Of all the teachers in the school, she was the only one you’d gladly meet again and for good reason! But all that had gone to shit.

Everyone in the bus had been singing “Bottles of beer on the wall” when the bus entered the tunnel. Everyone was screaming when it came out, the metal and glass flying across the air, the asphalt beneath and the road ahead simply no longer there. It plummeted and turned and spun and tumbled.

For you however, it had been a different experience. You had noticed a flash of green and felt the bus tilting, getting immediately flung out of your seat. Everything was dark after that.

You woke up to pain and screaming. Your whole body ached and screamed in pain. Slowly, you opened your eyes.

Immediately you recoiled back and screamed, trying to make sense of what you were looking at. A part of your mind was telling you the reality of the situation before you could properly acknowledge it. Wide-eyed, you look around trying to make sense of what was going on. You were laying on the forest floor, the bus was half crumpled a dozen or so meters away, a trail of glass, blood, and corpses separating you and the vehicle. There were many people in various states of shock, grief, or panic, and a couple of dozen people who weren’t moving.

No, you immediately knew, they were corpses.

A pang of panic makes adrenaline shoot through you, immediately you begin looking around with greater purpose. It takes you a second but you spot May, relief and grief both go through you and settle in the pit of your gut as you approach the kneeling girl. She’s crying next to the cold and pale body of what you figured was her friend.

Her current state is enough she doesn’t even care that you’re touching her to comfort her. Your younger sibling is a sobbing ball of tears and snot, wailing almost so loudly as to be the loudest thing in the whole situation. Pulling her against your chest, your eyes keep looking around, trying to figure out what to do, what could be done. Just what had happened? You didn’t know, but you still pulled out your phone… immediately you curse, no signal.

Ouch, your body was hurting a lot and holding your sister close even as she kept crying uncontrollably was feeling like a draining experience. Around you adults, students, parents, and everyone in between are desperately trying to make heads or tails of what to do, of what was going on, on doing something, anything. The question was within you just as much. What should you do?

(Survivor count: 54/73)

You take a moment to look at your sister more closely, even as she sobs, you feel yourself become numb to everything that’s happening. A quick glance over her shows some scrapes and bruises, but nothing bleeding. “May, are you hurt?” You ask.

This seems to give her enough presence of mind to weakly shove you away, covering her face as she continued wailing. You persevere through the jolt of pain that shoots through you. “May, I need you to take a second and tell me if you’re hurt.”

“Shut up!” She screams, now the crying becoming louder than everyone else, leaning forwards to as she hiccuped from the feelings coursing through her. In front of her, her friend lay motionless, cold, dead. The piece of metal lodged in the girl’s throat was clear evidence there was no coming back from that.

But this wasn’t the time to mourn the dead. Half-satisfied that she’s not bleeding nor that she has deep wounds of any kind, you then turn to yourself, there’s a cut on the side of your abdomen that bleeding lightly and stings like a bitch, but doesn’t seem deep. There also doesn’t seem to be any broken bones.

“Does anyone have cell reception?” You hear a voice crying out, you turn to see the history teacher trying to draw everyone’s attention, her name was… Alice? Yes, she’d been your favourite teacher back in the day, Alice Smith. “Please check your phones, anyone has cell reception? We need to call an ambulance!”

No kidding, you grit your teeth and check your phone again, nothing. Looking around again, you’re sure you also don’t see anything but forest. Just where the hell was the road? Frustration wells within you.

“May, just… just stay there, ok?” You intone, moving to stand up with a groan, holding the cut against your shirt and hoping it was as superficial as it seemed rather than worse… you’d have that checked soon, you promised yourself.

“Ms Smith?” You called as you approached her.

Her grim expression lightened slightly as she saw you. “Charles!” She intoned, giving a wry smile. “I didn’t know you’d been on this trip… ah, your little sister, yes?” A short moment of horror crossed her face.

“No, she’s… she’s fine, sort of.” You said as the teacher glanced at May, the expression on her face becoming hurt. “Just… do you know where we are? I can’t see the road we fell from.”

Ms Smith’s lips thinned at your words, her expression darkening. Her gaze furtively looked around. “Charles, don’t… don’t tell anyone, but… there’s no road.”

You couldn’t stop yourself from blinking in confusion. “No… road?”

Hastily, the woman grabs your hand and pulls you towards the bus, something you can only numbly agree to do. She takes you to the other side and you find that… there’s forest, flat forest, flat forest everywhere.


Abruptly you look above, then around, then in front, then back up. None of the trees were damaged, there were no signs of damage, no uplifted dirt, no torn branches, just… just the bus and everyone who’d been launched from it.

“The tank is also empty.” A voice startled you, and you noticed one of the… teachers? Parents? He lifted his head from where he was looking at the underbelly of the bus.

“No gas?” Ms Smith gasped.

“It’s dry.” The man declared. “I’d feared there was a risk of a fire, but… there’s no gasoline here, the whole thing is empty.”

‘But how?’ You can’t help but ask yourself.

“But how?” The teacher spoke the question that rung in your mind.

“My guess is as good as yours.” He declared. “How many…” His gaze darkened. “The ambulance?”

Smith shook her head. “No signal.”

The pit in the bottom of your stomach becomes deeper with every word they share with each other.

The truth becomes heavy as you swallow hard. “We need to do a… see who’s dead and who’s about to die.” Your words were grim.

“Charles!” Ms Smith looks at you, appalled. “Could you not say it so…”

“It’s the truth.” You replied, cutting her off. “We don’t know where we are, we need to know who’s alive and who isn’t, who has what kind of wounds, nor what medicine we have available.”

The man glanced at you with a tightened jaw. “He has a point.” It was clear what you’d said had irritated him even if it was the right choice of action. “Ms Smith, you should check on the students and parents. I’ll go check the bus to see if there’s a first aid kit or something like that.”

Ms Smith shoots you a half-glare before leaving, and the man does the same. Quite suddenly you’re alone on this side of the bus and not quite sure what it was that you’d done wrong.

Spoiler: QM Comments

You didn’t know anything about where you were, at all. Common sense told you the road should be nearby, but common sense had jumped out of the window. Everyone was so focused with the wounded and the bus and what was in it that no one was really looking outside to your surroundings. For all you knew there was a road and a telephone booth just a couple hundred meters away ready to call for help.

You were determined to at least check. It was the least you could do. Taking a second to keep the cut under pressure (it had stopped bleeding at least), you were going to tell your sister you’d be back in a sec but the look of her still wailing figure was more than enough to tell you that approaching her was fruitless. A glare from Ms Smith was enough to tell you that she too wouldn’t appreciate you approaching her. So you just took a random direction and set out to explore the area.

It was a beautiful place, quiet, tranquil, it was frankly peaceful. Heck, with the quieted sound from the less panicked people, it was a nice place to be at. Though at the same time there was something unnerving about it. You had taken the trip to the mountain with the school for four years in a row by now, and the trees weren’t the ones from the mountain, they felt older, larger… more threatening. Hell, even as the day was not too long past mid-day, the amount of illumination clearly showed that in these here woods things would get dark FAST once the sun moved past the zenith.

Something tugged at your sleeve, and you paused, looking down. There was a single silvery thread of silk, almost invisible, hanging between the trees that had snagged with your shirt. “Huh?” You muttered.

Something in the back of your mind screamed. You didn’t know why, or how, but a chill ran down your spine.

You didn’t think, your body acted on automatic, you ducked. And you felt something swishing past where your head had been only a moment ago.

Instinct kicked in, you rolled, and put as much distance between yourself and the spot you’d been standing on just a moment ago. As you stood up, you turned to look at what had made your instincts scream so loudly.

That was when you saw **IT**. [HER](https://cdn.fiction.live/h1200-w1200/images/1das0gc75_76f6997cc87590ae5756ead51f2455021.jpg). A being neither human nor spider but both.

The monster was looking at you with brilliant gold eyes gleaming from underneath the bed of silky hair, rosy red lips closed, not a sound coming from the creature, from her? You could barely believe your eyes for they were the only proof the being was there at all.


It’s the only option. You don’t give a single instant more of consideration, you turn around and sprint with everything you’ve got. You weave between the trees as best you can as you go. There’s no sound behind you, as your legs begin to burn and your bleeding side starts to sting more and more. But you don’t stop. “Help!” You scream, you scream loud and clear.

Faster, your lungs are struggling with every breath, your heart is in your ears. “Help! Please Oh God HELP!” You know you’re still a way’s off from the others, that you’re too far away, but you hope, you hope with everything you have that you’re not about to die. You look over your shoulder and you spot the creature in the canopies, keeping pace with you, moving from tree to tree with a grace and ease that are equal parts mesmerizing and terrifying, all of her eight legs moving in tandem for perfect synchronicity.

“HELP!” You keep screaming, pushing yourself to go faster. And then you see it, the gleam of metal, the bus. You have to move, you’re almost there, you’re almost safe. “HELP! PLEASE HELP!” You’re screaming and panting and crying as you go, this can’t be it, this can’t be it, you’re almost there.

“HELP!” You keep screaming, the sight of the bus becoming clearer, the sight of people barely visible between the trees. “HELP ME PLEASE!”

Then, your feet aren’t in contact with the ground anymore.

Something grasps your waist and yanks with a force that knocks all the air out of you. You heave and gasp, suddenly finding yourself suspended in the air. Eight spider legs, each larger than your own arms, starts to spin you mid-air, the speed is blinding, you can’t keep up. “HEL-!” You’re silenced as a thick piece of silk covers your mouth, you can’t even breathe.

The last thing you see before feeling a sharp sting in your neck are the deep golden eyes of the creature.


(**Protagonist**: Rick)

You’d heard it loud and clear, the screams. What was more, you could recognize the owner of the voice. Everything about it was filled with desperation and panic. It made you wish you were carrying your gun again, and as you looked in the direction the voice was coming from, for the faintest moment, you saw movement, something the size of a person going up.

And then an abrupt silence that chilled you to the bone.

You couldn’t look away, you didn’t dare, every inch of focus was on that area where you’d seen a hint of movement. But nothing happened. There was only silence. Only ever silence.

And it stretched on for so long that when you heard the sound of your own breathing you realized everyone had shut up. With a glance over your shoulder, you could tell everyone else had heard it, and just like you, everyone else was wide-eyed and unable to look away.

You knew what this meant, that panic was starting to settle in on the people there or soon would do so.

You can’t let the feeling settle in. “You!” Instantly you raise your voice, pointing at the largest male non-adult you can find. The man stiffens and it takes you a moment to realize that despite his clothes being tattered, he wasn’t hurt.

“Help Ms Smith determine the state of those who’re hurt, and carry anyone who’s injured into the bus.” Your finger then points at several other young men. “You, you, you, and you, help him.” Quickly you then point at some of those that had seemed most lost or paralyzed. “All of you, start gathering the supplies, look for bags and backpacks, look for food and water.” Then you pointed at the teachers. “You three, help me move the bodies away from the bus.”

You gave orders and very abruptly the panic turned into stumbling bumbling action. Just like that, the disaster from panicking was prevented. That didn’t mean the doubts and fears were gone.

“What the hell was that?” One of the teachers spoke with a hushed voice as both of you began to gingerly move the corpse away. You could tell he wasn’t happy about doing this and was struggling not to puke or cry, or both.

“I don’t know.” You replied. “But it was in the trees, I saw the movement for just a moment before…”

“Where the fuck are we?” The man was trembling as he spoke. “We shouldn’t be too far away from civilization, what shit is going on?”

“I don’t… I don’t know.” You muttered darkly. “I don’t know either. All I’m sure of is that we can’t panic.”

“Johnathan.” Ms Smith had approached you the moment you’d carefully dropped the body away from the bus. “We should cover them…” Her eyes were pained as she looked at the young girl’s closed eyes. “It’s the least we should do.”

“What I’m more worried about is who’s going to tell May the one who’d been screaming had been her elder brother.” You stated with a chill in your voice that made Ms Smith pale. “But no, what’s actually important is that we need to get out of here.”

“Are you cra-!” The man quickly shut up when he realized he was raising his voice. All the other adults realized something was going down and approached. “Are you crazy?” He said in a lower tone.

“Do you have a better idea?” You replied. “We have limited food and water, and if you haven’t noticed, there’s no signal and not even a read nearby.”

“We just fell slightly farther away from the road.” He replied. “Look, if we bunker down and use the bus for cover, whatever…” A pause and a shudder. “Whatever it is that is out there won’t be able to reach us.” There was a certain tension in his shoulders as he spoke. “Help will come I’m sure, someone should have realized we’re gone by now.”

You glanced at Ms Smith and then the other adults, teacher and parents alike.

“I just want to keep Daniel safe.” One of the parents said on a low voice. “I think we should stay and hold out.”

Jaw tightening, you realize that it’s the very same fear that’s driving you to push to leave that is pushing them to stay put. Frustration blossoms within you as you take a moment to consider your next words.

“There are no roads nearby, we have no cell reception, we have limited supplies, and one of the kids just died because something out there killed him.” You mutter the words darkly. “If someone does come for us, whatever that thing was will find us sooner. And that’s ignoring the fact that we can’t be found because there are no roads nearby and no traces that could lead us to one.”

The man takes a step back at that, you push further.

“We don’t have the medicine to do much more than disinfect a wound, and I doubt our food will hold out for more than a day.” A low growl escapes your throat. “And that’s without considering that this whole area is covered with blood, I’d rather not find out if there are bears or wolves nearby because the scent is sure to attract them.”

The man gritted his teeth but said nothing, so you put the finishing touches. “Regardless of all that, I think we can all agree that the further away we are from whatever that thing is, the better.”

“I agree with him.” Ms Smith spoke out before an uncomfortable silence set out. “Though I also think we shouldn’t set out right now, there are some who’re still wounded, and I’m not sure how long it’ll take to get to somewhere safe, but I’d rather not spend the night away from the bus.”

You regard the female teacher and consider her words as you glance towards the bus where most students were. You could tell they were talking with one another in hushed tones while shooting anxious glances all around.

“We stay the night, it’ll probably start getting dark soon.” You agree with her. “That said, we should have everything ready to leave at first light tomorrow. That, and we have to see how we can reinforce the bus for the night.”

They glanced at one another with a certain degree of uncertainty. “I’ll think of something.” You mutter, leading the way back towards the bus.

You notice the teenagers become quiet and watch you intently, but one of them looks in a slightly less confused and expectant way.

Ignoring the feeling, you sought May, finding the girl curled up in a ball next to some of the more heavily injured people inside the toppled bus. “We’re going to be leaving tomorrow.” You declared. “Get everything ready, we will need to find a road or town or something, or at least get some coverage so we can call for help.”

“Do you really think it’s possible?” The redhead asked with an almost absolute aloofness to him. “It seems to me we’re not in Kansas anymore, Mr Toto.”

“Once you’ve got things ready to move in the morning, we’re going to see what we can do to reinforce the bus.” You declared, ignoring the red-head in favour of talking to everyone else. “We’re going to want to tear out the seats and use them to block the windows and door. We don’t have much time so start on that.”

The young man noted your attitude and merely scoffed, leaning his back against the bus as he kept listening to music. You weren’t too sure, but you really hoped he wasn’t the sort that would cause problems at the worst of times. “We’re also going to set up a watch, groups of two or three.” This time your words caused a stir amongst those present. “Never far from the bus, and always within the visual range of at least one other group. Any volunteers?”

Silence fell on the group, everyone was looking at each other as if waiting for the first one to raise their hand. Much to your surprise, the red-head was the first to do so. “I’m in.” He said, and at his words the strong young-man from earlier followed.

After this four more volunteered for the position, all the adult males except one (and yourself). It was then that you noticed many eyes on you. “I proposed this, of course, I’ll be in the watch.” You stated cooly before anyone could raise objections. Still, you would’ve rather have had at least six more volunteers, as it was you were rather short-staffed. You could make it so there would only be one look-out group of three per shift for the two shifts, but it felt riskier.

“We’re short on people.” You stated with a slight frown, turning towards the students, ignoring the only adult male who hadn’t volunteered for the time being. “We need six more at least.”

The pressure of your gaze makes the students freeze slightly as they look at each other. It takes them a bit to gather the courage for it, but eventually five guys and one of the older girls volunteers as well. “Good, now let’s get to work.”

With that, everyone was divided into two groups, the wounded and those who were treating them, and everyone else.

As you worked in detaching the seats so as to try and use them to reinforce the windows, you couldn’t stop yourself from glancing towards those who were injured. Though there were dozens of people with minor wounds such as shallow cuts and scratches, the ones you were looking at were worse off, a handful of broken bones, and one of them couldn’t stop softly wailing while clutching his abdomen.

Four of them you had doubts whether they’d make it through the night. Much to Alice’s chagrin, there wasn’t anything you could use to help them. One of the students had quietly commented that the one clutching his stomach likely had an internal haemorrhage since his abdomen was rock-solid.

But he didn’t know how it could be cured, without professional help within the next hours he had little doubt the fellow student was going to die.

The other three were in varying degrees of paleness and inertness. One had a tourniquet on his arm since everything below the elbow had been crushed to a bleeding pulp. Two of them had had very deep gashes that had been bleeding until not that long ago. Not wanting to keep thinking about negative things, your attention shifted towards the young May and… your mood took a hit for the worse. The student was hugging her knees, eyes bloodshot, she was quietly looking towards nothing at all even while everyone else around her kept doing things.

You quietly point Alice towards the young student, and the teacher goes to attempt to help the poor girl with… poor results. Well, not bad, but not good either. Though May concedes Ms Smith’s presence, she doesn’t really react to her words of encouragement. Not being one that’s well versed in these kinds of things, you opt to focus on work. Everyone who can pitches in, and a strange rhythm follows the next couple hours.

Things soon start to settle down once the forest starts to darken. The tension starts to rise but no one speaks it. Those who aren’t on guard duty head into the bus, and those who’d agreed to take the second shift stay near the bus’ entrance for greater ease of movement without disturbing the others.

“We’d probably be better off if we had a fire.” The strong-man student muttered under his breath as you glanced at the other four. The red-head was there too you noted. “Groups of two, right?” He asked with a neutral expression.

“Groups of three, only two groups. Let’s avoid looking for firewood.” You declared as you began to remove your bloodied clothes to change them for new ones. “We stick to the bus and whatever weapons we can find we use, I think our only option is to take the walking sticks.” At the sight of you removing the bloodied clothes, most of those present were looking at you strangely.

“The corpses and the blood will attract predators sooner or later.” You declared. “I’d wash my hands too, but we don’t have water to spare.”

With that three others quickly moved to do as you had and took of the blood-stained clothes to switch to the spare they had brought over for the trip. The two students that had caught your eye had paired with one of the adults and moved to stand near the front of the bus while you and the other two adults took to the rear. You’d made sure to keep one another within visual range.

A listless quiet settled in and everyone merely stood to watch in silence, ears perked at every noise the woods made… and there were a lot of sounds. Branches often creaked with the wind, and sometimes even snapped. There were the sound of howls so far off in the distance you’d almost convinced yourself you’d imagined them, and every now and then some random irrecognizable sound could be heard.

It wasn’t until nearing midnight that one of the teachers that was with you had abruptly stiffened, one hand clutching your shoulder as his eyes widened like dinner-plates.

Immediately alert, you followed his gaze, it was looking towards where the corpses had been piled but not directly at them. But rather above. Following the tree trunk of the tree nearest to the corpses, barely illuminated by what little moonlight made its way through the branches, you saw something that your eyes refused to believe was real.

It was a [woman, no, a monster bat?](https://cdn.fiction.live/h1200-w1200/images/1datm3mhf_sample_1897e4dd0e6a41eef69799cd578897611.jpg) It was a bizarre mix of the two. The creature was paying you little attention, instead focused on the corpses as she was very slowly crawling down the trunk as if she were a spider or a lizard. Sit still and wait and see if it’ll go away

Making a shushing motion towards the other teacher, you step ahead but only slightly. The others haven’t noticed the monster but realize you’re looking in its direction.

Shock and panic, they become tense. With a gulp, you decide to see if you could draw the strange woman’s attention. So with a deep breath, you let out a hum, short… and immediately almost choke with a cough. That certainly drew the creature’s attention.

Her bat-like ear twitched and she turned her head in your direction, but in regards to reactions, she appeared to have none, instead refocusing on the corpses a moment later. There’s only a moment of hesitation before she drops from the tree, something that seems easy for her, but for you seeing the dozen meter drop startles you into taking a step back… even when she was still well over twenty meters away.

The monster completely ignores you after that point as she grabs the nearest corpse and bites its neck and starts sucking, the wet sound barely audible from where you stood.

You hear gasps behind you from the other teachers, and a quick confirmation tells you the other group is in a similar state of shock.

A wave of courage and curiosity you didn’t know you had surged through you as you gesture at one of the teachers. “Stay behind me, keep the stick at hand.” You warn him.

The look he gives you is of absolute incredulity. But you’re certain of your intent and take the first steps, letting out a half-uncertain hum. The monster’s eyes are upon you the very instant you move, but she otherwise doesn’t react, remaining with her mouth on the dead human’s neck and sucking at the blood.

Patiently you keep approaching, one step at a time, never stopping with your hum, and trying very hard not to look threatening. What was it that you planned to do? You weren’t too sure once you got to ‘get closer’. Bit by bit you move, and all the while she just keeps watching and licking, the sound becoming louder as you got closer. You noticed she had used her fangs to tear deep gashes on the corpse’s neck to be able to better drain the blood. Though there was clearly some complications since the corpse had died quite some hours ago and the blood had started to congeal.

You came to a halt about ten feet away, waiting for some sort of reaction that wasn’t coming. Now that you were closer you’d begun to notice there was more to the monster’s appearance than the bat-like traits… perhaps you’d pay more attention to the lack of clothing if not because she had the whole of her mouth and neck drenched in the blood of the young girl’s corpse. The hum died in your throat while watching her eat and as she watched you from beside the corpse. You can practically hear the hyperventilating teacher behind you.

You were too nervous when you decided to start humming again, which degraded to another cough, to which the monster-woman’s ears perked as she looked at you, but only for a moment before returning to her… meal. The nauseating feeling in your stomach appeared to be far lesser than that of the teacher behind you, you could almost hear him dry-heaving. A thought occurs to you to see if you’ve got any sweets to offer… but a quick check confirms your bad smoking habit was what you’d find in your pockets rather than a sweet snack. Maybe you’d ask someone to give you a granola bar to carry around or something, you’d never been much for snacks anyways.

Regardless, you remained still where you were, watching as she watched back, neither making a move all the while she continued eating. The minutes stretched for long. Apparently, she sated her hunger, because at some point she’d stopped eating and began to very slowly crawl back and away from the corpse, brown eyes never leaving yours as she was making sure to keep her movements measured and cautious.

“Hello?” You mutter to her, and she stops as you do so. Paused on her movements as much as you were stopped in wonderment at the situation, a fleeting thought crossed your mind. A crazy thought that frankly, you weren’t too sure you should follow. But that you do.

A heavy gulp followed as you brought out the small swiss knife and pulled out the blade. A wince followed as you nicked your palm deeply enough for blood to flow. The teacher behind you was gaping with incredulity. You don’t blame him. “Here, fresh is better, no?”

What were you doing?

It was the thought in your head, why weren’t you attacking or screaming or running from this half-human-half-monster abomination? You honestly couldn’t really answer.

And then she sniffed the air and her eyes lit up with sparked curiosity. Carefully she took a tentative step towards you, and upon seeing that you didn’t react, she took another. Until she was so close you held your breath in anticipation. Now that she was this close, you realized she was rather short, perhaps no more than meter and a half in height.

It was somehow cute. Leaning forward, she stretched out her tongue towards your hand, and you felt slight surprise at noticing just how long it was. After the first taste, her hands grasped your wounded one and all too suddenly she was licking it with enthusiasm, cleaning your palm and fingers and coating them in her saliva. “Zuuuu…” She mumbled as she did this. A flush covered her face as she panted after a minute or so of this, her eyes raising to look up at you once more.

Until one of her ears twitched, and suddenly she turned her head away to peer towards the dark forest. Quickly she stepped away from you and spread her wings.

She gave you one long look before, against all sense of logic, she took to the air, vanishing into the darkness of the trees. You’re left with your hand tingling slightly and a sense of disbelief and awe at what had just taken place.

“Rick.” The other teacher drew your attention, you realized he was looking at the treeline. “I think I saw something move.”

Looking in the same direction, you had to squint, though you didn’t see anything. Had the darkness tricked the other teacher?


Char limit reached, will have to split this into chunks down at the replies. Also question, what’s the policy regarding linking stuff like patreon at the end of posts? Guidelines don’t mention anything about that.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kgijuy/of_pokegirls_and_tamers_parts


  1. Small addendum to the header: Character limit made me have to slash the post in half, gah. Here’s the rest split into 7 replies (curses at character limit):


    “Slowly back away.” You declared, holding on to the stick and frowning towards the darkness but completely unsure what to expect or even what you were trying to look for. No sooner had you raised the stick in preparation you heard a rumbling growl from the darkness.

    The other teacher broke into a full run but you held your position while backing more slowly, ensuring the corpses were between you and whatever was making that noise. The growling was getting closer, you felt your nerves becoming frayed as voices were heard behind you, that of the other sentries becoming agitated and probably preparing for either a fight or a hasty retreat into the bus.

    Most likely the second.

    Then you saw her, yes, HER, even with the deep glare and rising growl, even with the strange traits you could spot throughout her body, there was not a shadow of a doubt about the femininity of the creature that stepped into the ray of moonlight and [came into view](https://cdn.fiction.live/h1200-w1200/images/1dau4q2qa_75791d53a04e8f84d22bbf76469b08f01.jpg). A creature as odd as the last, part human, part feline, naked save some patches of her own fur, menacing, her body sleek and muscular and powerful, her hair a wild mane of blue, her tail and claws covered in white.

    There was something in your brain that was screaming at you about how dangerous this creature was, that despite her looks she could kill you with just a swipe of her claws. And the point was clearly proven as she slashed at the nearest corpse. You almost puked as all the clothes and the gut had been ripped in the single slash, bits of ribs poking out into the night air as the stench of blood and gore became many times worse.

    The female monster looked at the body and then at you. You began to prepare for your next step backwards when she let out a long hiss that froze you on the spot. Emerald glare not leaving you, she used her paw-hand to rip out an arm from the corpse as if it were the easiest thing ever. And began to eat it.

    For the longest second, you considered running or to keep backing away, but you weren’t sure if that was a good option either. If there was one thing you were sure of, it was that you didn’t stand a chance against her. Running wouldn’t do you any good and you’d die if you tried to threaten her. What was the only thing you could do besides remaining on the spot completely frozen? After a moment of consideration, you sat on the floor.

    The initial hiss she threw your way when you began to move was cut off once it was clear you were sitting down. The woman blinked mid-bite, tilted her head, and a grin appeared on her lips as she quickly cleaned the flesh from the forearm and then the remainder of the arm. The nausea was real, and you had trouble fighting it, but managed.

    The woman took another couple bites out of the remainder of the corpse before she sat down and began to lick her bloodied paw-hands clean, eyes flashing in your direction every so often.

    Looking at her, your eyes wandered to the ears, the fur, and then the tail, and for the longest moment, you couldn’t stop yourself from remembering little Loki back at home. The little brown cat was part-demon, but it wouldn’t be home without it.

    Waiting for her to look your way, and then you… tilted your head. She did the same, imitating the gesture, and switching to the other side as you did so. You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling slightly, the woman returning the expression just as readily as she, on all fours, began to approach. Her tail was lashing in the air as the smile spread further, you could only gulp as you noted her large breasts swaying at the same rhythm as her rump.

    A purring sound escaped her as she got closer, she stood up.

    Fuck, she was taller than you by maybe a dozen centimetres or so, not to mention she was clearly fit, you could only gulp once more. “Purrrrr.” She muttered, her clawed hand reaching out to swat at your shirt, the look in her face smug but curious and interested. What you hadn’t expected was that that gesture was enough to rip the shirt and leave shallow cuts on your skin underneath. You flinched but stood your ground as she began to walk around you, purring, her eyes shining keenly, the smell of raw meat and blood reaching your nostrils sharply.

    You’re insane, you know you are, there’s no way you aren’t, no other way to explain it. Without thinking, or rather, maybe thinking too much, you carefully reach out towards her head. She looks at your hand and glares, but seems curious enough about it so as to not do anything just yet before finding out what your intent ways. The fur in her ears is soft but clearly unkept, and much to your growing surprise, you touch their base and find they’re as much a part of her as her nose or eyes. You suspected that was the case, but it was still surprising to find out she had actual cat ears.

    Your fingers dug into the base of her ears and scratched at them with practised ease.

    She began to purr again, louder this time, pressing her head against your touch while her clawed hands reached to grab hold of the sides of your head.

    Without warning, she leans in and licks your face. You smell the rot of meat and God only knew what else as her tongue lapped at the whole of your face and left it drenched in saliva. Despite your now increasing urge to vomit, you realize there’s a heaviness to her breathing, a blush to her cheeks, an upturned coyness to her smile. The strange woman allows you to keep scratching her for only a moment further before her claws dig into your pants and rip them, strangely using far more care to avoid hurting you than the previous time.

    Though you flinched, you remain still, mind reeling as she gives a playful yowl and turns around. You’re floored there and then.

    “Purrsian.” She mutters under her breath, her tail rising high into the air and her eyes flashing with hunger.

  2. Honestly, this is some real good stuff. Everything from the concept to your choice of words is great. Keep up the good work!

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