Fantasies of the Bear Next Door pt 5.1

We hung out again today. Hadn’t seen each other if a while. Maybe a month? Time moves so differently now, during the pandemic. Sometimes days last weeks, and months fly by in only a day or two. We did our current normal thing – grabbed some coffee and grub, then came back and chatted about life in my backyard, 6ft apart and with our masks on. We enjoyed our drinks, each other’s company, and a bit of herb. I couldn’t help the catch in my breath or the skip of my heart whenever he pulled his mask down to sip his coffee. Just seeing his full face in person felt like something so rare and intimate.

When he got up to leave, I walked him to the gate, and even though we haven’t been hugging, since the pandemic, I just couldn’t stand it anymore… “We sat next to each other in the car, so can I PLEASE have a hug?” And gave him my best best puppy dog eyes. I knew there was no way he could or would turn me down, especially when I was so clearly pleading. Have I mentioned the power and intensity of this man’s eyes? Oh right, I have. A lot. Well… the look my plee received struck me right to my core. I knew my request and the sound of me begging right in front of him would make his cock twitch. I knew exactly what I was doing. I wanted to make him imagine me naked, bent over, begging “PLEASE Bear… please lick my pussy,” even for just a second as he stared back at me, with my arms open for our embrace. And by the look in his eyes and the cock of his eyebrow, I knew I had succeeded and then some.

When we hugged, for the first time in ages, after months of heavy flirting… that simple embrace felt like electricity. I couldn’t let go. I wanted that feeling of his strong arms holding me tight against him, my head buried in his shoulder, to last forever. Even when I felt his gripping loosen, slightly, to let go, I still held fast for another few precious seconds.

In reality, that was where it ended. I had to let him go, knowing we both could have stayed there eternally. I had to let my Bear go because he wasn’t truly “mine.” Yet.

However… when I thought back on that “please,” the look it created, and the hug that ensued… while alone in my bed just a few hours later…. the embrace ended quite differently.

… Even when I felt his gripping loosen, slightly, to let go, I still held fast for another few precious seconds. But then, with one bodies pressed together, hearts pounding, alone in my backyard… I couldn’t take it any longer. My resolve fell and my mouth opened, tongue slipping out and ever so gently traced his earlobe. I felt his body shudder and heard the small gasp release from his lips. While he still held me, I let my tongue glide down his jaw, to his thick neck and bit down. “Fuuuuuck,” I heard him moan as he squeezed me tighter. I leaned back and looked into his eyes. They were on fire. I pulled his mask off and kissed him hard and deep. Tongues stroking each other’s tongues and lips, he grabbed my ass with those big bear claws and lifted me up. I wrapped my legs around his waist and grabbed the back of his head, biting his lower lip. He carried me through the sliding door, into my bedroom and I fell back onto the bed. He wasted no time pulling down and off my leggings, tossing them to the floor. I quickly threw off my top as well, but lay there slightly confused when he knelt down while my panties were still on. A small, sheer, purple thong with little black and white racing stripes on the band. Why hadn’t he taken them off? I wondered yo myself, but then, just as quickly as the thought came, it vanished as I felt him push his face against my pussy. Through the thin fabric, I felt the pressure of his nose nuzzle my yearning cunt. I gasped and arched my back, pushing myself against him.

“Ohhh fuck! Lick me, Bear, pleeeeaaase.” I begged. “Mmm no. Not yet. Not till you’re so wet that I can see your honey soak through the fabric of these panties,” was the reply he gave, as he then pushed and nuzzled and teased me further. My body eagerly obliged. I had been waiting for and wanting this for so long, I couldn’t help but make a mess of myself. “Ah ah,” he said, “don’t let it drip now. Save it all for me. Don’t waste it.” The muscles in my pussy clenched, as I tried in vain to hold back the flood.

He was pleased at the reaction my body was giving him and my, albeit failed, attempt at obeying him. He told me to sit up, still at the edge of the bed. “Now, feed it to me.” I did as I was told and dipped my fingers deep into my soaking pussy, and as I did so, he said, “Good girl,” and then, “Who makes your pussy wet, Pixistick?” As he looked hard, right into my eyes. I melted. If I had been standing, my knees would have given out and made me fall to the ground. I plunged another finger in, all three knuckle deep and brought them out to his lips. He hungrily sucked and licked them clean. When all traces of honey were cleaned up from my fingers by his delicious tongue, he kissed me again and then threw my legs up and buried his face into my pussy. I was soaked. I was shaking. I screamed out at the pure, sinnful pleasure. I called his name at the top of my lungs. He was incredible! Everything I had imagined and more… living up to his nickname in so many more ways, with his ravenous hunger for my honey and long, thick, flat tongue. He made me cum quicker than any tongue before him. And they just kept coming… I cussed and bucked, overwhelmed with wave after wave of orgasm till I thought I couldn’t take anymore…

And then he took off his clothes… (pt 2 coming soon)


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