My [F]irst time being dominated. she taught [M]e importance of having a safety word (Part 1)

I won’t bore you with the long details of how I met Claire. We knew each other in high school but didn’t really talk apart from being in the same group assignments once or twice.

After I had returned to home after moving away for college and a career for about 5 years we managed to connect through mutual friends. Started as group hang outs, then eventually got to one on one. Claire was always very flirty whether we were in a group or alone.

Claire had very pale skin, strawberry blonde hair and very a very naturally proportionate body, and a very sexy smile. She lived alone in a 2 bedroom apartment.

“What’s in the second bedroom?” I asked during one of our hangouts.

“That’s my office,” she replied. She worked mainly as a server at one of the fancier restaurants in town but also did graphic design, her true passion, on the side with hopes of it becoming a full-time freelancing gig in the future.

She showed me the office which had a very neatly organized desk, imac computer. In the corner of the room were some room dividers and a door to her walk-in closet. Later that week we hung out at her place and had a few glasses of wine while she showed me some of her work on her computer. Things had always been flirty between us, never serious and she was the type of girl to show affection with a lot of touches.

“What’s behind this wall thing here?”

“That’s just my walk in. Where I get changed and stuff,” she answered.

“Why don’t you get changed in your bedroom like normal people?” I joked.

Claire laughed and threw her legs over my lap, sitting right next to me. It’s also worth noting that up until this point Claire and I hadn’t had any romantic or sexual encounters outside of the flirting, she was just comfortable cuddling, sitting on laps etc.

“This closet is bigger. I also use it for extra storage for some stuff I… wouldn’t want to be left out in the open.”

“Yeah? Like what?”

“Oh ya know, all the stuff you probably imagine me wearing in your dreams.” She laughed.

“Actually it’s funny you say that. I can never actually seal the deal in my dreams. So when you say ‘yeah in your dreams’ all I can really say is… not even there, really!” I was always trying to make Claire laugh. Humour was how I got her to start hanging out with me in the first place.

She lifted her legs from over my lap and got up out of her chair and walked over to the divider. “Why don’t I show you a few things, then? And you can tell me all of your wildest fantasies.”

I was shocked and in disbelief and stuttering for an answer. “Yes. Yeah. No, definitely. What do you have in mind?”

She disappeared behind the screen and began placing her clothes over the top to show me what she had removed. Her top. Her right blue jeans. Her bra. Her lacy thong.

When she emerged from behind the screen she was wearing some red and black lingerie. I honestly can’t fully describe what they look like because I was so mesmerized by how amazing she looked, but also by how much her regular clothes hid her amazing features. She was wearing a body suit made entirely of red straps just wide enough to cover everything I wanted to see. No wonder it took her so long, it couldn’t have been easy to slip into.

She slowly walked over to where I was sitting, next to her desk. “Why don’t you tell me what you and I get up to in those dreams of yours and I’ll see what I can do.” She straddled me in the armless office chair I was sitting in.

“I… don’t even know. I can’t believe this is happening right now…”

“Don’t be nervous,” she said while placing a hand on the back of my head and running her fingers through my hair. “Describe your biggest fantasy with me, and we’ll do it right now.”

I was still in utter amazement that this girl that I had indeed fantasized about was sitting on me in attire that surpassed even my wildest fantasies. “I… imagine you going down on me constantly.”

“That’s it? A blowjob? That’s your wildest fantasy?” She laughed lightly, while beginning to kiss my neck just below my ear.

“I don’t know! I just want to do anything at this point.”

Claire shifted her weight and stood up off of me, grabbing me by the arm and leading me out of the room and into her bedroom. “Well until you’re ready to tell me, why don’t I tell you about one of my fantasies involving you.”

Standing next to her bed she began in it toning my shirt.

“I wanna handcuff you to this bed…”

My shirt now removed and thrown to the floor, she grabbed for my belt and gave it a gentle pull, allowing her to release it.

“… and ride you. Your cock. Your face…”

She pushed my pants to the floor and I stepped out of the legs, removing my socks.

“Until you cum.”

She pushed me into her bed and opened a drawer in her night stand. Out she pulled a pair of fuzzy handcuffs and some restraints. She once again straddles me on the bed and grabbed hold my wrists, placing them over my head. She locked my hands in the handcuffs between the bars of the headboard.

“And after you cum, I’m gonna take your sick in my mouth and suck until there’s nothing left in you.”

Claire slid down my body and off of me, and then put her fingers under the waistband of my boxer briefs, giving me the cue to lift my hips for her to pull them down and off of me. She got off the bed, grabbing the restraints and and placing one of the cuffs around my ankle and tying it to the bed post before moving to the other side and doing the same.

“Do you like the sound of my fantasy? Sounds a lot better than yours.” She moved back to her nightstand and retrieved something but I couldn’t tell what it was.

“I like it better already too. I’ve never been tied up before, I think I might like this..”

Claire climbed on top of me and began making out with me while grinding her hips into me. Before this, I was already rock hard. With her every motion I was reaching new levels of arousal that I can only describe as hurting slightly.

“Since it’s your first time being tied up I’ll be gentle,” she said, kissing my neck area again. “Why don’t you give me a safety word so I know when to let you out.”

“I promise I’ll behave. I don’t need a safety word.” I would later come to realize this is a big no-no in the bdsm community, but at the time I was too into it and wanted to show her that I could handle it.

Claire began pinching my nipple while kidding me between words. “Everyone needs one, just tell me any word.”

“You don’t believe in me huh? I’m gonna show you. I want everything you’ve got.”

Claire pressed on my chest to push herself into a sitting position, straddling me. “We’re gonna get your safety word sorted out first before we get there, hun.” She retrieved the item that she had brought with her, a blindfold, and placed it over my eyes after I had lifted the back of my head. She pulled the strap tight securing it on my head and enveloping me in darkness.

I felt Claire shift again, positioning herself differently over top of me. She began stroking my cock while sitting on top of me. This continued for a minute or so before she added massaging my balls into the mix. I was in heaven. I could have cum right then and there but I focused so this pleasure would last longer.

After another minute or so, I felt my balls tighten when Claire had grabbed a hold of them firmly while still stroking me with her other hand.

“The next word you say is gonna be your safety word.”

I wondered what she meant by this until I felt some light taps against my balls that were slightly uncomfortable, but still bearable. As I began to squirm in my restraints she began to tap harder… and harder. My arms instinctively tried to shoot down to protect myself but were stopped in their restraints.

“Fuck… fuck! FUCK!!” I began screaming.

Her slaps to my balls did not relent. “Nope. That’s not your safety word, say something else!”

My mind began scrambling and my balls were being pummeled. I couldn’t think of anything in the moment except for mercy.


The hits did not relent, and increased in pace. “Something more unique than that.”

I didn’t know what else to say. I was all out of ideas. Why can’t I think of other words?!

“FRIDAY!” All I could think of was what day of the week it was.

The hits stopped. “Good. So now we have a safety word for you, and it only took about 15 seconds.”

I was breathing heavily. Those 15 seconds seemed to last an eternity.

Claire shifted backwards, placing her ass over my face. I felt the silky straps of her lingerie against my face.

“Now that we have your safety word, we can have some fun.”

I felt Claire’s weight shift as she lowered her face to my groin, grab a hold of my cock and slide it into her mouth, engulfing it all in one take. She bobbed head up and down, swirling her tongue around the head of my cock at the apex of each movement.

She released my cock from her mouth but still held it in her hand.

“Oh, and if you ever decide you want to use your safety word, ill untie you…”

She stroked my cock with her hand a few times.

“… but we’ll never do this again.”

She put my cock back in between her lips.



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