Giving my wife extra freedom?

We are a happily married couple with a good sex life. We were chatting about previous lovers, boyfriends and girlfriends and openly discussing who gave us the biggest thrills.

My wife mentioned a guy who was very well endowed and really used to push her buttons. He particularly liked to get her to take her knickers off when they were out and she was wearing a skirt. This would often lead to him fucking her either in his car or weather permitting over the bonnet of his car.

While she was telling me this I could feel her pussy getting wet, she was clearly enjoying the memories. To that end I said why don’t you contact him and see if he is interested in reigniting the fun – her face life up and asked if I meant it, to which I said of course.

Day two of her making contact with him and things are developing nicely. He has asked for a video call with her, he wants her to wear stockings and suspenders.

She is very excited and horny.I’m I wrong to allow her this additional freedom?

Happy to discuss with like minded husbands who have found themselves in similar situations.



  1. I’m not a husband, I’m just a boyfriend and my GF is my first and am I her first, so I can’t do much but… Maybe remind her “Who’s taking you home” (I got that from a song) aka who’s her husband, again take this with a grain of salt please.

  2. As long as everyone involved can keep separate, the physical from the emotiona,l I don’t see where you’d have any problems. If emotions start to come into the equation then that’s a whole other conversation.

    That too, can be a good thing as long as everyone is aware and comfortable with the situation.

  3. I would caution you against this just for the simple fact that I have heard stories where it has ended in divorce and it was a nasty one not saying that will happen with you guys but just use caution

  4. You are one confident person. Just take care that tempting the beast could have consequences

  5. As long as you’re marriage is strong and you both love each other then no there’s nothing wrong with it. If it’s just a chance for her to play, and she gives you the same opportunity then it will be all good. Many married couples have an open relationship, it’s about trust and communication.

  6. You are not wrong, she is still yours when all is said and done, so if you both enjoy this, go for it!!!

  7. I’m in a poly and open relationship, if you have any questions or just want to talk I’m happy to help.

  8. Stop for a second and think about your question.

    You’re talking about **allowing** your wife additional **freedom**. That you need to allow it, and that she already lacks freedom seems to be somewhat gross sounding in my mind.

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