Cream & Coco, Chapter 13 [Fm] [Incest] [Mother/Son]

[Chapter 12](

I woke up after noon. I still felt exhausted after an entire night of being pleasured by Drew. Drowsily, I looked over to watch his sleeping face, smiling dreamily at how peaceful he was. My eyes dropped down to the cut on his lip, and I swallowed. I had tried to protect him by stopping his assault. If he had begun beating Andras up, he would’ve been the one locked up by the police last night. Thankfully that hadn’t happened, but now he was hurt. Was there something I could’ve done to change the outcome? Should I have told Drew about Andras beforehand?

No, I decided. All things considered, this was a pretty good resolution. Drew had looked downright murderous last night. Who knew what he would’ve done if I’d told him about Andras? I knew he’d planned his revenge, perhaps he would’ve taken drastic action. Instead, Andras was the one in police custody. Drew was left unsatisfied, but that was okay. As long as he was safe.

I sighed and ran my thumb across his lip, and he winced and cracked an eye open.
“Sorry,” I mumbled. “Still hurt?”

“It’s nothing,” he grumbled back. “Coulda been a lot worse.”

“Drew, promise me something.” He groaned and rolled to stare at the ceiling. “Don’t act violently toward that man again.”

“It sounds like you’re protecting him,” he uttered, annoyed.

“I’m protecting *you.*”

“I know. I’m just saying what it sounds like. Y’know, even my friends know about my plans for him.”

“Are you saying you’ll have them act in your stead?” I asked with a smirk.

“Ha! C’mon, mom. You know Stef and Brie wouldn’t do something like that.”

I nodded. “Drew. Promise me.”

He stared at me for a long time, brushing my hair out of my face and stroking my cheek. Finally he sighed, meeting my eyes. “I promise.”

I smiled. “My brave white knight,” I whispered.

He snorted. “White knight is a bad thing now, mom.”

“What? Why?”

“Because now it just means a man who kisses women’s asses just to get laid. They’re usually just desperate virgins.”

“Oh.” I teasingly walked my fingers up his chest, and his eyes turned hooded. “But I didn’t mean it like that. And besides, have you ever been with a girl before?”

“Oh mom, you’re making it worse!” he laughed, before turning bashful. “I, um… No, I haven’t.”

“That’s right, because you’re all mine,” I cooed, biting my lip. “You’re mommy’s good boy.”

He swallowed, breath quickening, and I kissed him fervently. My, I’d gotten so bold. I really hoped I wasn’t taking advantage of him. *Of course not, Coco, he’s the one who’d made the first move.* Oh right. In that case, I was going to enjoy myself to the fullest.

We broke apart, and he massaged his jaw a bit. “Damn. Probably can’t service you through the night anymore. My jaw is killing me,” he laughed. I giggled and gave him another quick peck on the lips. “You meeting that friend of yours again today?”

“Yeah, as usual.” I pondered for a moment, then spoke up. “Did you… want to meet her?” I finally felt more comfortable with Drew speaking with other girls. Jesus, that made me sound like such a jealous woman. But he was my boy, and now I was confident I wasn’t going to lose him to a young beauty like Sasha. It would actually be interesting for Drew to meet the girl that had lent such a big hand in the growth of our relationship. But all those thoughts were for naught as Drew lightly shook his head.

“Nah. Don’t wanna mess up your girl talk by being there. ‘Sides, the twins need some help with the mess they’re in right now.” He sighed knowingly and kissed my forehead before rolling out of bed.

“Actually, speaking of which,” I piped up, and his eyebrow quirked. “Mrs. Thomas called. On Friday…? I think I managed to calm her down about it, and she might be willing to talk things out with those two.”

“Hm. That’s good news, I’ll pass the message along. Parley?” he added with a smirk, and I laughed.

“Less drastic than an armistice.”

“Wait, hold on a sec.” Drew turned to me, a sly expression on his face. “You managed to talk Mrs. Thomas into maybe accepting their relationship.” I gulped, knowing the question that was coming. “That wouldn’t have anything to do with you and me, would it?”

“What do you mean?” I stammered. My God, I was the worst liar in the world.

“I mean, would you have handled it differently, say a month ago?”

I was speechless, momentarily struck with embarrassment at my hypocrisy. At last I found my footing, and with a bit of reflection, I replied, “Actually, I don’t think I would have. Sure, maybe I would have been more scandalized by the news, but I still would’ve said roughly the same thing. And by the way, I gave very sound advice, thank you very much. Given the circumstances.”

“Given the circumstances,” Drew repeated with a chuckle, and I blushed again when he looped an arm around my waist and turned my chin to face him, our noses almost touching. “You mean these circumstances?” Our lips met, his tongue twirling around mine as he pulled me against his chest. If I didn’t know better, I’d think he was a veteran womanizer. He couldn’t keep getting away with this.

Before I knew it he’d pulled away, leaving me whimpering for more before my eyes popped open as I caught myself. He had the smuggest grin on his face, and I ended up giving him a playful lecture on teasing one’s mother. No time to dally though; Sasha was waiting for me.

I took the usual route to the cafe, waiting at a red light in front of the nightclub named Taboo. For such a bold name, it looked like such an unassuming building. It was surprisingly small, and only one story high. How odd. Most of the premises was likely underground then. It was also the only club in the vicinity, meaning it was difficult to include in a bar-hopping chain.

Sasha frequented this area, perhaps I’d ask her about it.

She gave me a slight wave as I walked up to our usual table. “Privet, Sasha,” I said, smiling widely. “I hope you haven’t been waiting long.”

“*Privet,* Coco. *Net,* not long. Your coffee is ready.”

“Thank you.”

She smiled while I sipped. “You are in good mood today. Andras does not bother you?”

I groaned. “That’s a whole story.” At this, she sat forward in her seat, eager for my retelling. “But no, I think I’ll have a bit of peace, thankfully. We had a confrontation last night, and things finally came to a head. I was on a date with Drew…” I paused, watching her expression. She nodded affably, as if she didn’t know Drew was my son. “…and Andras was waiting outside. He asked for money, like you said. We traded words, and he ended up hitting Drew.”

“He is alright?” She was absolutely enrapt in the story.

“All things considered. A punch across the face. Some police officers saw and arrested Andras.” She sat back, looking supremely satisfied. “Hopefully that’ll be enough to keep him away.”

“Perhaps,” Sasha mused. “But let us not talk of unpleasant man anymore. You are too happy for just this news. You have good night after?” She winked.

“Oh goodness, you’re going to make me describe every lurid detail?” I laughed.

“Okay, then just good parts.” She smiled slyly, appearing to be biting the inside of her lip in anticipation.

“Honestly it was pretty straightforward. He… He licked me. All. Night.”

Sasha’s eyes widened in a hungry expression, letting her imagination fill in the gaps. She got a very faraway look, and she sighed, taking on a hint of melancholy. After a moment she seemed to pull herself back, and she gave me a genuine smile. “Is real good news.”

I chuckled. “Thanks.”

“He did not use toy on you?”

“What? No! No, that would be so embarrassing.”

Sasha got a devilish look in her eye and stood. “Come. Finish coffee, we are going shopping.” After getting over my initial shock, I chugged my latte and trotted after her. Before long, we were back in that sex shop where we’d first met. She perused the racks of sex toys, then beckoned me over as she pulled a blue jelly-looking dildo off its peg. “Is Drew this big?”

“Bigger,” I mumbled shyly.

“Perfect. There is changing room in back of shop. Go try.”

I stared blankly at her, slowly digesting her words. *Dumbfounded.* That was a good word for how I was feeling. “Excuse me?” Sasha gave me a quizzical look, as if asking me to elaborate. “Well first of all, sex shops have changing rooms?” She gestured to the costume sets on display indicatively. “Fine, fair point. I suppose. But secondly, *they let you try these out?*”

With a smirk, she walked up to one of the clerks and whispered into their ear. They nodded, and Sasha waved me over. Unbelievable. She had talked them into letting me stick a dildo inside myself on store grounds.

She ushered me behind a curtain while she unpackaged the blue gel dildo, then handed it to me while she stood outside. What was I doing?! Hesitantly, I pushed down my pantyhose, then my underwear. As I pointed the dildo at my womanhood, I could see my hands shaking. It was dry. I was dry. I hadn’t stuck anything this substantial in myself in years. If Drew’s finger was any indication, I had tightened back up since childbirth. And not to mention, I was in *public.*

“Sasha, I don’t know if I can do this,” I said desperately.

In a flash, she was in the stall with me, taking the dildo out of my hands. She studied me for a moment, then ran her hand down my face and neck, her delicate fingers feeling ticklish on my skin and setting off one of my erogenous zones. I shivered a bit, and her fingers swept back up to hook under my chin. When I opened my eyes she leaned in and kissed me gently. I was taken by surprise, but for some reason I didn’t pull away. Sasha Trusova was my corruptor, pulling me ever deeper into depravity.

It wasn’t Drew. Underneath her perfume, she smelled clearly feminine. And even if I closed my eyes and ignored the softness of her lips, I could tell by her technique that I was kissing a girl. Not that I’d kissed many girls – or even many boys, for that matter – but I could just tell. And finally, seemingly most importantly, she wasn’t my son. *What in the world?!* It couldn’t be. The very concept of incest was now something that turned me on. I felt like crying. Instead, my sex moistened. I imagined it was Drew that was kissing me at the back of a sex shop, and I held Sasha by the shoulder and moaned.

She chuckled once and deepened the kiss. We were tasting each other by the time she pulled away, and she gave the dildo a lick before slowly and surely sinking it into her mouth. I watched with morbid curiosity as she took the blue cock, shooting me a flirty look as she serviced it. When she was sure it was all good and wet, she returned to kissing me. I didn’t even notice what she was doing until she began pushing it into me. With a gasp, I pulled away from our kiss, feeling the dildo stretch me out.

“Wait, I want… I want to save myself for…” I panted. What the fuck, Coco! What was I going to end that sentence with? What the hell was I thinking?!

“Is important,” Sasha whispered, working more of the dildo into me. She was twisting it back and forth, as if drilling it into me, somehow making the insertion easier. “Do not want Drew to hurt you when you take him.”

“I never… said I would… have…”

“No, you did not say,” she agreed. “Not with words.”

Oh God, she knew. She knew before I did. I wanted to, no, I *planned* to make love to my son. As the realization hit me, Sasha slipped the last of the dildo’s length inside me. I clenched on it, legs trembling, mind reeling from my desire for Drew. The outer world failed to reach me in my haze of yearning. Not when Sasha reached into my purse that was sat on a little stool in the corner. Not when she held my phone up to my face and unlocked it. Not even when she held it to my ear while the dial tone rang.

“Hello?” Drew’s voice said.

I swear my heart stopped. Sasha pulling the dildo out of my pussy and suddenly thrusting it back in, that started it again.

“Hi baby,” I managed.

“What’s up? You still out with that friend of yours?” Sasha began a steady rhythm, fucking me with the dildo. Its gel texture seemed to mold itself to me, and it felt pleasant. No, the crux of my libido stemmed from the thoughts of fucking my son, while I spoke on the phone with him. I moaned loudly, definitely loud enough for everybody outside to hear. We were left undisturbed. However, Drew had heard too. “What’s going on? Are you alright?”

“It’s fine… I’m fine, I… Ohh, yes…”

“Mom?! Who’s there with you?!” I could hear his rage, his anguish.

“It’s just Sasha, baby,” I gasped. “She’s – ugh! – using a dildo on me.”

Sasha took the phone and crooned into it, “Hello, Drew.”

When she put it back to my ear, Drew simply uttered, “I see.” There was a pause, then he murmured in a gravelly voice. “Describe to me what she’s doing to you, mom.”

“Oh, Drew, I can’t–”

“Tell me…” he breathed.

“She’s… thrusting a blue dildo… into my pussy. It’s soft… like some kind of… gel.” God, this was so dirty, on so many levels. Sasha knelt down to get more leverage and a better angle, hammering the dildo into me.

“Is the dildo as big as me?” Drew rumbled.

“No, it’s… smaller. We made sure of it.”

“So I’ll still be stretching you when I take you.”

I began climaxing immediately. Those words coming out of his mouth pushed me over the edge, and I bucked on the dildo while Sasha held me steady. “I’m cumming, baby,” I slurred, followed by a series of undignified moans and other unintelligible sounds. Drew continued to whisper erotic promises of satisfying me, and it just kept the orgasm rolling and rolling. Love was dripping down the insides of my thighs, soaking into my pantyhose. My ears were ringing, and I couldn’t see anymore. My climax had hijacked my senses, and I couldn’t process anything else.

When I finally regained lucidity, I realized Sasha was helping to keep me standing. The dildo was still wedged inside me, and I moaned weakly. “Baby?” I rasped into the phone. I still felt lightheaded.

“I love you, mom. See you back home.” As he hung up, the words made me clench down with lust, and the dildo was squeezed out of my pussy and landed on the ground with a wet slap. I doubted there was a return policy.

Drew was waiting for me when I returned.

I’d barely managed to get out a “Hey, baby, I’m home,” before he dropped to his knees and ripped my pantyhose apart. Words of protest died in my throat as he put his mouth on me, licking me clean, servicing me at our front door. I dug my fingers into his hair, relishing the power I felt at seeing him kneeling before me. It was actually quite nice. Thrilling, I would say.

He pulled away abruptly, rubbing his jaw, and I remembered last night. Undeterred, he pulled me to my bedroom. This was the first time we’d done anything in my bed, and I quickly discovered the reason for the change in scenery. From out of my nightstand, he pulled out my two toys, setting them down on the sheets next to me.

“Remember that morning when I found you in the aftermath of using this?” he teased, holding up the bullet vibrator. “‘Cause I sure do.” He undressed me quickly, then lay me down on the mattress.

“What about dinner?” I said dumbly as he plugged the wand in.

“Orgasms for dinner,” he replied brazenly, but I didn’t even have time to be appalled. He touched the wand to my clit, and I threw my head back and gripped the sheets. I was to have no rest today, it seemed. I shuddered under his attention, sighing in bliss. He slipped the bullet into my mouth, making me suck on the hard plastic before pulling it out again. Then I felt it at my ass.

“Drew, what are you–” I grunted as he began pushing the bullet into my rear, trying to take deep steady breaths. It didn’t hurt as much as I thought it would, but it was still an altogether new sensation, and it was taking some getting used to. I spasmed once when I felt it slip inside, the wire threaded in my sphincter. With the wand still on my clit, Drew picked up the bullet’s remote, a hungry expression on his face. “Drew, don’t–”

He turned it on, and my front and back began vibrating in unison. I involuntarily thrust my pelvis up in an attempt to escape him, but it was hopeless. The bullet in my ass was driving me wild, and I clutched my head and screamed in ecstasy. To top it all off, Drew put his lips to a nipple and started drinking from me. It was too much. I wondered if Leon in the next house over could hear me screaming Drew’s name as my orgasm began.

One long orgasm that lasted through the night, as Drew assailed my senses until my mind gave out and I lost consciousness.



  1. Got a bit filthy this week, but I’m sure you pervs don’t mind ;) Glad that Andras is out of the picture though, huh?

  2. Still figuring out role to be played by Lexi.. and how it all will connect to her?

    Will we be seeing something about bree and stef with their mom?

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