[F] But I’m Married – The Tattoo Pt3

The next time she repositioned herself it was a little closer to me, she had twisted now so her forearm was pressing into my pubic bone and as she moved the needle gun down she moved her forearm and elbow into my pussy, pressing in

“That’s not hurting is it?” she asked
“No, I’m getting used to it now, it feels fine” I explained
“Good, I’m on the ears so I’ll need to move around a bit”

She moved her arm again, pressing her elbow into my pussy, surely that wasn’t an accident, she stopped and wiped the ink again? She moved one more time and once again pressed into my pussy as the needles pierced my skin, it felt nice, both pleasure and pain, I looked over to Angela who was definitely getting all the attention, I couldn’t quite see from where I was but it looked to me as if Danni had a finger inside Angela’s underwear but no that couldn’t be the case!

Rose was still working on my tattoo and her arm was still pressing against my pussy, as she moved to the more intricate parts she leant down closer to the gun, I could see more of her tattooed chest and particularly the top of her breasts, it looked as if she had a beautiful body, her skin was such a nice tone, I reckon she was early 30s maybe, very sexy and quite flirtatious

“Ok, we just need to have a little test now for 10mins and then I’ll check the lines again” she said as she got up
Looking over to Angela I could again see what I thought was a finger missing from hand of Danni, I looked at Eve who nodded and gestured to look at Angela, I moved slightly to have a look, as Angela was lying on her back, Danni was on her right side and working in the inside of her thigh, the tattoo gun in her right hand, her left hand on Angela’s thigh but teasing her pussy as her underwear was moved to the side exposing one of her pussy lips, Angela was gasping but that could have been the pain of the needles or the fingers teasing her pussy

Eve was hovering around like a school teacher watching her pupils, she came over to be and asked how I was, I said I was fine

“That Rose is hot isn’t she” she said
“Yes, she is nice” I confirmed
“I think she’s got a soft spot for you” she laughed
“Actually she said that you were hot so maybe you’re the target”
I laughed
“There’s a reason this place is famous in the lesbian community” Eve laughed as she went back to Angela

Rose returned and sat back down, she got close to my tattoo and was having a good look, running her fingers over the tattoo, she was so close her hair was hanging on my stomach and tickling my skin, I could also feel her breath on my skin, I clearly had goosebumps as she laughed and asked was I cold

“I think your done now” she said
“Oh, ok then” I said disappointedly

She then told me that to expect in the next few days, the scabbing and the fact I can’t go in the bath or the hottub

“Give me you phone ” she asked
I unlocked it and passed it to her
She typed something into the phone
“My numbers in there, if anything happens or you want to talk about it then just give me a shout” she said as she passed my phone back to me

She patched me up and then I smartened up my clothing, I stood up, and at that point I could see Angela’s tattoo coming on quite nicely and Danni’s hand still where it was, Angela looked at me and smiled, rolling her eyes as she did so

“How much longer will she be” I asked Danni
“Oh at least another hour”
“Do you fancy a drink in the pub around the corner” I asked Eve
“Ooh yes please Rose responded”
“I haven’t got another customer for a few hours”’she added

Eve came over to join us and as we were leaving Danni followed us to the door, pulled down the blinds on the front door
“You ok?” Rose asked
“Yeah, I’m just locking the door after you leave to make sure no one comes in, we haven’t got a customer booked in until 4” Danni confirmed

We walked out and heard the door lock behind us, we walked down the street to the pub, went in and got a table, as we ordered the drinks we had to fill out a form for the track and trace and Eve put down that I lived with her, I laughed

“So what’s the score with you two then?” Rose asked
“Well I don’t know where to start” I giggled as the barman brought our drinks
“So she’s married and I’m her lesbian lover” Eve said proudly as the barman placed the drinks on the table, he looked and smiled
“Ohhh that sounds fantastic” Rose purred
“How long have you been together” she asked
“25yrs” I said laughing…”oh you don’t mean me and the hubby”
“Not quite” she said smiling
“Two months now I think” I confirmed
“Wow you are so lucky” she said

I reached over the table and touched Eve’s hand
“Yeah I suppose so” I said as I smiled at Eve
“So what’s your story then?” Eve asked Rose

“Oh the usual, a string of useless boyfriends whilst always fancying girls and then the night of my 25th birthday I split with my boyfriend and ended up in bed with a girl and I’ve never looked back since” she said with a sad face

“And is there anyone special in your life now” I asked
“Not for a few months but I’ve got my eye on someone and I think they like me but nothing seems to be happening” she confirmed
“Well life too short, just go for it” I said with confidence
“When are you seeing her next?” I added
“Saturday hopefully” she said
“Well there we go, if you haven’t fucked her by Sunday then move on” I said laughing….I really did sound the expert

We finished our drinks and went to order more when Rose said she needed to get back, another drink wouldn’t be a good idea if she was tattooing someone so we all got up and walked back to the shop, when we got there Rose knocked the door but there was no answer, the windows are completely blocked out so you can’t see in and Danni had pulled down the blinds on the front door so you couldn’t see in, Rose knocked the door again…nothing, she got her phone out to call Danni when Eve bent down and looked through the letterbox

“Oh!” She said
“What?” I asked
“You’d better see?” She exclaimed

I bent down to look through the letterbox and you could see into the shop and Danni was between Angela’s legs licking her pussy, Angela was pretty much naked, I could see exactly but it looked as if her dress was pushed up past her breasts, she certainly wasn’t wearing any underwear, Danni on the other hand was fully dressed

“Back to the pub it is then” I joked
“Look like” Rose confirmed

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kexfox/f_but_im_married_the_tattoo_pt3


  1. Wow. Just wow. Very erotic. I wish I could be a fly on the wall…Angela needs to start documenting her experiences, too.

  2. Very nice story Nikki. Did your tattoo come out okay, and would you get another one in the near future?

  3. Have you and Eve considered another threesome with Steve? I feel he deserves it. I would let my wife date another woman, but I don’t think I would be cool with it starting out as cheating. And then he got in trouble for having sex with her while you were home, which is unfathomable after he forgave you. I’m not trying to shame you, because I believe it’s brave and beautiful to love and explore so boldly, but I feel like he’s the unsung hero of the story and I want to hear that he’s having a good time too.

    I feel that if everyone loved and treated each other the way he loves and treats you, we’d live in a better world.

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