A fun night (Part 2)

Here is Part 1 for anyone who just got here. ??

A Fun Night [MFM] from eroticliterature

Things were definitely beginning to heat up and we knew we had to get out of there.

The next 30 minutes went by like a blur. Almost 2 in the night. It was dark, save a single lamppost that we stood under. Chloe in my arms, her tongue battling mine while slowly and rhythmically swaying into me, all while Paul booked us an Uber. She shifted from me to Paul really quick while i gathered my bearings. Her lipstick left unmistakable marks on my face and it smelled really intense. As i leaned on the lamppost trying to stand still, both of them leaned on me while continuing to kiss. It felt like forever before the Uber finally made it to us.

Naturally, we jumped in the back with Chloe in the middle. As we exchanged pleasantries with our driver, Chloe slipped her hands down both our pants and started playing around with our cocks. In a drunken daze, it felt like we were being sly but when i think about it now, the driver must have enjoyed a really good show!

It was not a long ride till we got to their place. Their home was a quaint little space with a tiny living room and a single bedroom with a sprawling queen bed. They had a bookcase which caught my eye and i stood trying to figure out how many of the books were familiar. Paul poured us a drink and fell on the couch while Chloe rushed to the bathroom.

I headed over to the couch as well, sat down next to Paul and grabbed my drink. He asked me what i was feeling, if i was nervous, excited.. anything. I didnt know how to explain what i felt. I just told him that my mind wasnt working and i wasnt going to let it overthink me out of a good experience. I did feel tingly all over and the thought of me being physical with another man sent shivers down my spine. Just as i was talking, he leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

I stopped mid sentence and stared back at him as he smiled and sat back. It took me a second to realise what was happening and i smiled and leaned toward him. Soon his lips were on mine, his hand in my hair, my hand on his neck and we were kissing. Kissing like i hadn’t kissed before. He was gentle yet domineering. He wanted this as much as i did.

The world around me came to skidded halt as he pulled away abruptly. We heard the shower running. With a sparkle he got up and quickly stripped down to the nude and ran to the bathroom signalling me to follow him.

I sat back in the couch. I touched my lips, felt the sensation of his lips on mine. Amazed at my first kiss with a guy, i smiled and sighed in disbelief. I finished my drink and took off my jacket and walked into their bathroom.

Walking in, i noticed Chloe under the shower, with Paul stuck to her from behind, lathering her boobs and her torso, stopping to pinch her piered nipples as she let out a squeaky moan. As i stood watching, Paul stepped out and started tugging my shirt off and pulling down my pants.

Now im nowhere near being super fit, but i have a decent build with a 7 inch penis that i have ways been conscious about. So when i see Paul step out with a clearly fit body and a penis thats definitely larger than mine, i got a little conscious. Not letting that stop me, i stepped out of my pants and stood admiring his cock as he took mine in his wet warm hands and stroked it till it was hard as a rock.

And holding my cock, he pulled me into the shower. The water was cold and as i gasped for air as it washed down my face and closed my eyes,i felt the world go black around me and all that i could feel was their warm bodies enveloping me from the front and back.

Chloe pressed herself up into my back, her cold piercings stinging my skin, her crotch grinding on my tailbone and her arms on Paul’s back pulling him tighter into me. Paul pushed himself on me, kissing my neck, while his hands were in my hair and his cock slowly rubbing against mine. When i finally came to, i pulled both of them closer in with each arm, all of us grinding under the water in sync, with moans escaping all of us and the only thing present and clear were the sound of the water and the beats of our hearts.

( To be continued..?)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/keubgu/a_fun_night_part_2