When I [31M] tity-fucked a hot young chick [19F] [MF]

After traveling around for a few months and living out of my suitcase, I was a bit homesick and decided that I’m going to head back home for a bit. Then, in a couple of months I’ll probably head out again. So I booked myself a flight home. My flight was in a few days and I decided to stay put in the city I was at since I didn’t really want to travel anymore. I had spent a good amount of time living in hostels over the course of my travels therefore I decided to treat myself and got myself a room at a nice boutique hotel for my last few days there.

Now I had a few days to kill. The first day at the hotel, I just chilled and didn’t really do much. The follow day, we were in to the weekend and I decided to head out. After starting out a bar, I found myself at a nightclub and there I ran in to a couple of guys. One was Canadian and the other one was Dutch. They seemed cool and we hit it off. We started buying rounds. A couple of hours went by and we walked in to a different area of the club. I noticed a few pretty girls sitting at a table. We walked past them and one of the girls smiled at me. Never the one to miss a hint, I immediately walked over to her and introduced myself. Turns out she was 19 and from Russia. I have a massive thing for Eastern Europeans and this girl was quite hot. She was petite and was dressed in cut off denim shorts and a crop top. I had ample liquid courage at this point and when said yes to a drink, I just grabbed her hand and led her to the bar. We had a drink at the bar and I found out that she was on a gap year of sorts and was working at a casino in the city. Her friends were Russian as well and they worked at the casino too. I told her to introduce her friends to my mates and she obliged. We all hit the dance floor soon afterwards. Her friends didn’t speak much English so my mates didn’t have much luck but this girl and I seemed to be hitting it off just fine.

We spent around an hour dancing and drinking some more. It was soon 5 am and the Canadian guy to leave for the bus station as he going to the different city and Dutch dude was heading back to his hotel. I said my goodbyes to the guys and the girl told me that she was going to grab breakfast with her friends and invited me along. I joined. The girls ate whereas I just got myself a beer at breakfast. Afterwards, I informed the girl I was going to take a Grab ( Southeast Asian version of Uber ) back to my hotel. If she wanted I could drop her home. She agreed. We took a Grab back to her place and we got off. I could have taken the same Grab to my hotel as well but I figured a few more minutes with her would be nice so after we got off, I told her that I’ll get myself another Grab to my hotel and she was welcome to wait with me while I did. The cab was a few minutes away and we made out a bit before my cab got there. We made plans to get together for lunch later that day as she had to work later that evening. She said she was going to get some sleep and then text me when she woke up.

I went back to my hotel and slept for a few hours. A text from her woke me up. We arranged to meet up in an hour for a late lunch. I picked her up and took her back to the nice rooftop restaurant my hotel had. We had lunch over there and then we had a little bit of time to kill before she had to head to work. I suggested that we go and chill back at my room but she didn’t seem to enthusiastic about it so we decided we’d go get some coffee at a cafe nearby. As we were walking downstairs, she asked me if there was a bathroom nearby and I told her she could use the one in my room. So I led her to my room. I was still a bit hungover from the previous night so I just lied on the bed and as she came out of the restroom, I gestured her to join me. She did and we cuddled for a bit and kissed. I did try to put my hand in her top and she stopped me saying she doesn’t go that far on the first date. I was disappointment but I was like whatever. We kissed and cuddled a bit more and then it was time for her to leave. I called her a cab and told her I had another day in town and would like to see her before she left. She said she’d like to see me too and would see if she could get the following day off from work so we could hang.

Later that night I met up with the Dutch dude from the previous night. We met up at bar and grabbed some beers. Then we hit a different bar to catch a football (soccer) game. I called it a night sort of early.

The following day I woke up feeling much better after getting a good night’s sleep. The girl texted me saying she was unable to get the day off from work despite trying hard and unfortunately she wouldn’t be able to see me that day since she was working late. Since I was flying out later in the evening the following day, she suggested we could get together for lunch again so she could see me before I left. I ,however, was keen to spend the night with her. Therefore, I suggested that we meet up later that night after she got off from work. I didn’t care how late it was. She agreed and said that she’d be done around midnight. I told her to text me when she was done working and I”d pick her up. I spent rest of the day trying to make the most of my last day in SE Asia. I went out shopping, grabbed lunch at a nice place and even got myself a nice massage in the evening. I spent the night sipping beer and streaming Netflix back in my hotel room. A little after midnight, she texted me saying she was almost done with work and I could come pick her up. I headed over to her place of work and picked her up. We headed out to this one busy street where they have a bunch of bars and restaurants. It was lively but not too crowded given that it wasn’t a weekend night. We ordered some drinks and she got herself something to eat as well. A little while later we moved to different bar and we happened to be the only two people there. We made out at the bar a bit and then I asked her if she wanted to come back to my place. She hesitated initially but I convinced her after saying that since it was my last night here, I really wanted to spend it with her.

I hailed a cab back to my hotel. She asked if she could have a t-shirt to sleep in. She went to the bathroom and emerged a few minutes later in her underwear and my thirt. She looked cute AF but I was a bit disappointment her choice in underwear. It wasn’t anything too sexy but anyway I didn’t think much of it. I brushed my teeth and undressed to my underwear and joined her in bed. We made out for a bit but she stopped me from going any further. Said she was tired and just wanted to get some sleep. I was pretty disappointment but tried to get some shut eye myself. I couldn’t sleep much though because I was hard AF. Anyhow, I mostly tossed and turned most of the night only falling asleep early in the morning. It must have been around noon when we both started waking up I guess. I realized I had this hottie in bed with me and it was about time I made another move. I started kissing her neck gently and she seemed to really like it. She moaned gently and then turned her towards me and kissed her. I put my hand insider her shirt to feel her tits and then I took it off. Her tits were amazing. Not very big but very firm and perky. I sucked on those those for a while as she played with my hair. Her moans as I licked the outline of her nipples drove me crazy. I decided it was time to go a bit further but she stopped me saying she was on her period and unfortunately we couldn’t have sex even though she wanted to. That probably explain her choice of underwear. I was, obviously, bummed out. I got off her and laid back but before I knew it, her hand was inside my briefs and she was stroking my dick. She played with for a bit and then asked me if she could take my underwear. I helped her with it and she started sucking my dick. She went at it for a bit and once I was close to ejaculation I asked her if I could finish on her tits. She said she happy to oblige. I took my dick and starting going at it between her tits. Not very long after I got to cum on those glorious tits of hers. All I had wanted to do was fuck this chick ever since I met her two nights ago and even though, I didn’t actually get to fuck her I was pretty please with the outcome, over all.

Shortly afterwards, we cleaned up and we ordered room service for lunch. Afterwards, I called her a cab and kissed her goodbye. I finished up packing and left for the airport. I was grinning from ear to ear thinking about her on the flight back home.

We did stay in touch for a short while and she’d send me her “pictures” and kept asking me if I’d visit again anytime soon. I did go back there in a few months but until then she had gone back to her home country but the second time round I spent a week there I ended up going back to the same club on my first night and ended up meeting another hot chick from the same part of the world. LMK if you’d like to hear about my time with her as well.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kee43z/when_i_31m_tityfucked_a_hot_young_chick_19f_mf

1 comment

  1. Which country was this? That’s great you just went for a vacation and all this happened. I need that confidence and spontaneous-ness in my life.

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