The Unfortunate Secret of my Wife Part 4 [Cuckolding] [Cheating]

I was probably trailing her for about a mile behind not wanting to take the chance that Bell might notice my car following her. It didn’t matter as well I couldn’t see her car given how I’m able to follow her roughly based on the app that’s showing the location of her tracker. As I kept driving on until the surroundings started to show the part of town I was getting closer to and I’d be lying to myself that I didn’t feel safe driving my car into this part of town. Debating in my head hard I decided to stop by the side of the road to wait for her car’s icon to finally stop first before I make my next move. It was another 15 minutes of driving before the icon finally stopped and I could roughly recall it was the same location.

Seeing how now it was pretty much confirm her car had arrive at her destination, I started to look to see how far away was the nearest part of town that was relatively safe for me to leave my car at. Finally finding the closest part was still at least a good 45 minutes of walking but realizing I had no choice in this now as I made my way there. Parking my car in a multi storey parking garage before starting my trek into the bad part of town and to where she was.

It was really obvious as I look at my surroundings where the commercial buildings started to become housing. They were all single storey with the age of the homes really showing with paint fading from walls, fencing broken and etc that really showed how long this place had been here. Not to mention could see the sight of groups of men walking about here and there, some in the darker unlit parts smoking or doing god knows what. I could even hear the sounds of gun shots from some distance echoing across, all of which made my heart to beat in my chest nearly a mile a minute. I was shaking and quaking inside but I knew I had to show or rather fake my way through that I was used to or part of the area so that no one would second guess me and come up to me.

There were the one or two glances my way together with some stares from those groups of men as they look to be what I assume had to have been gangsters or worse, I didn’t stop to check or look their way. Not to mention the few cars passing by with loud ghetto music & rap playing out really told me that I needed to quickly do what I need to do. Just wanting to quickly make my way to the locator on my phone’s screen which showed me where she was. Eventually I did finally got within sight of where the pin was on my phone and I could see her car parked by the side of the road right outside a red house. The length of the street was dark same as all the other streets in this area and the only reason why I could see her car was because of what light there was coming from the house.

There was some dim light showing out from the windows that were around the place so I knew it wasn’t empty. That and how there were several other cars as well parked front and behind her car which told me that there definitely was some sort of gathering happening there right now. Looking around I could see that the street was pretty much devoid of people thankfully unlike the earlier ones on my way over where there was groups of men on some parts of the streets. Looking around once more to make sure the coast was clear as I then tried as best I could to silently make my way over to the home. Getting down low as I got closer until I was by the side of the home where I could already hear people talking, some music playing the kind of ghetto rap that was rampant throughout the area. The strong scent of cigarette smoke and what I recognize to be the smell of weed as well was strong coming out from the windows of the home.

Inching my way carefully to peek over the edge of the window to look inside, I could see there were several people inside with some standing while others sat either on the couches or on the floor. The men there all really looked like the kind of people you do not want to be on their bad side, with their distinctive & numerous tattoo’s all over their body. There were all kinds in there black skin, dark brown, tanned, white and etc which really made me wonder just how many different ethnicities were in there.

There were also a number of women in there as well where I tried to see if I could spot if one of them was Bell, yet I couldn’t see here from amongst the women that I could see in my limited view. I recalled she was dressed rather revealing before she left, a tight crop top that showed off her amazing chest and toned abs together with a denim shorts. I could see that quite a few of them were either smoking or doing weed with the men, some even swallowing pills or snorting white lines of powder off a table which told me more than enough they were all doing drugs. This sent even more out of control thoughts into my head now as I wonder if she has been doing drugs as well behind my back. Other’s were also dancing and grinding with the men to the ghetto music where the movements of their bodies were pretty intense that it was more of dry humping each other now. More so above all of this was the unmistakeable sounds of a woman or rather sounded more like several women letting out moans and groans which I roughly could tell were coming from further in the house.

Feeling slightly frustrated at myself wondering where in the world was Bell, I then moved on over to the other side carefully before peering over the edge once more so I could have a look at another part of the house. That was where finally I could see her, my wife there without a doubt in this den of sin and carnal lust. The sight of her I thought would have gave me relief that she was safe, yet what my eyes laid on only sent my jealousy up to new heights. There she was my beautiful wife whom I thought was sweet and innocent, being sandwiched front and back by two very big sized daunting men as they grinded their crotches hard onto her front and back. Two pairs of hands roaming all over her body while I could see she had in her hand a lit cigarette, as she swayed and moved her body with the two guys to grind hard onto them as well. As she took a deep puff from her cigarette before blowing out the smoke, seeing her being like this drove me wild in my head not to mention I found myself being painfully hard in my pants. I never realized my innocent wife had become such a bad girl.
