The Haunting of Palmer Mansion Chapter 20 [MF] [inc] [cheat]

*I’ve written this story through chapter 26. The novel is complete.* *All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*

Previous Chapters:

[Chapter 1](

[Chapter 2](

[Chapter 3](

[Chapter 4](

[Chapter 5](

[Chapter 5.5](

[Chapter 6](

[Chapter 6.5](

[Chapter 7](

[Chapter 8](

[Chapter 9](

[Chapter 10 part 1](

[Chapter 10 Part 2](

[Chapter 11](

[Chapter 12](

[Chapter 13](

[Chapter 14](

[Chapter 15](

[Chapter 16](

[Chapter 17](

[Chapter 18 Part 1](

[Chapter 18 Part 2](

[Chapter 19](

Winter break started, and the twins were home from school. They sat at the table with their dad as they all munched on breakfast.

“When’s Mom coming home?” Brittney tried not to sound desperate, but she was. Her pussy had been on fire without her mother’s tender touch. And no amount of masturbation seemed to make up for it. To make her horny matters even worse, she could not get the image of Daniel’s massive dick out of her head.

“Penelope’s mother is recovering nicely.” George looked over at his daughter. “Your mother should be home on the 23rd. I’m pretty sure.”

“She’s not going to miss Christmas, is she?” Worry crept into Daniel’s blue eyes.

“She’ll be back. We’ll have the same Christmas we always do.” George took another bite from his grapefruit.

Independently, both twins doubted it would be the same Christmas as always even if their mother returned on time. They both made plans for Julie in their minds, each staring off into space.

“Anyway, what do you all have planned for today?” George knew what he was doing. That damned valve in the basement was acting up again. How was he going to make any progress on the house if each new valve he put in kept failing? He’d wanted to list the house by spring, but that was looking less and less likely.

“I’m hanging with friends,” Daniel said.

“Some brother-sister time,” Brittney said at the same time. She looked over at Daniel. “I thought we were going to hang out today.” She looked hurt.

“I haven’t seen my friends for a while, Brit. And Hassan made a new board game we’re all gonna try.” It was true. Daniel hadn’t seen his friends much, even not accounting for his time at the cabin.

“You’re all high school seniors and making board games. You’re such nerds.” Brittney offered a good-natured smile to let Daniel know she was joking. “I guess I can go over to Madison’s for a while. How about we do something before we leave?”

George watched his children talk out their differences. The twins had always gotten along so well. Why couldn’t Brad have gotten some of their genes?

“I … um …” Daniel had been planning to fap while watching the video of his mom comparing his dick to her forearm. The dazed look in Julie’s eyes at that moment made Daniel’s balls churn. “Sure, Brit. We can hang a little this morning.” He sighed. Fapping would have to wait.

“Oh, and don’t forget. It’s the first day of winter break, so I want you both home tonight. It’s time to watch everyone’s favorite Christmas movie.” George smiled at his children. It wouldn’t be the same without Julie, but Christmas movie night on the first night of winter break was an Anderson family tradition.

“You’re gonna shoot your eye out,” Daniel smiled.

“Oh no, I shot my eye out.” Brittney’s laugh sounded like jingling bells.

“Very good you two, but it’s Diehardimas this year.” George and Julie had started the tradition before even Brad arrived. Each year just before Christmas, they alternated between watching A Christmas Story or Die Hard. And it was, indeed, a Die Hard year.

“Okay, we’ll be here, Dad.” Brittney nodded.

“Ditto.” Daniel smiled amiably.


“So, what do you want to do?” Daniel looked over at his sister from his computer chair.

“Well, we never really finished our conversation from the other day.” Brittney sat on the edge of his bed, her hands in her lap.

“Is this about my dick?” Daniel stopped swiveling in his chair. “Look, it isn’t really a problem. I …” Why was he trying to avoid showing it to her again? If she wanted to see it, he should show it to her. Daniel adored the way women looked at it. And Daniel adored Brittney. And she was a beautiful woman. “I’ll show it to you again if you want.”

“Yes.” Brittney nodded. She tried to keep her face neutral, but her insides twisted into knots at the thought of seeing that breathtaking cock again. “Madison keeps asking me about it. This way, I can tell her what it’s like when I see her later. Maybe I can get you two to start dating.”

“You’re gonna tell her that you saw my dick today?” Daniel stood up, pulled off his pants, and tossed them toward the closet. He stood only in his micro-boxers and t-shirt. “And that you touched it?”

“Well, no … I guess I can’t tell her I saw it again.” Brittney was usually a strategic thinker, but she really hadn’t thought this one through. “And … um … why would you say that I’m going to touch it?”

“You asked to touch it last time, so …” Daniel pulled off his t-shirt and tossed it toward his discarded pants. Not long ago, he’d have been embarrassed to show off his naked torso, even to his sister. But women seemed to like it. “So, do you want to touch it?” Daniel dropped his boxers and kicked them away. This time he was fresh out of the shower and genuinely curious to see what Brittney was all about.

“Wow.” Brittney’s blue eyes fixed themselves on the growing thing. “Look at it … unfurl.” She wiggled her butt a little on the bed. “Maybe I should touch it. Just to see.” This was all Madison’s fault for putting these ideas in her head. And her mom’s fault for leaving her so horny. “Come over here, doofus.” Brittney watched the dick sway as he walked over. It was now almost all the way hard.

“Should I lock the door?” Daniel stopped right in front of his sister, his dick now inches from her cute, upturned nose.

“It’s okay.” Brittney looked at the door and then back at the cock right in front of her. Locking the door implied they were hiding something, and she didn’t want that. Anyway, their dad was busy working in the basement. “This will only take a sec. And then maybe we can go for a walk in the snow together or something.”

“Sure.” Daniel watched her right hand move toward his dick and hesitate. Then she set her jaw as if making a decision, and reached out and gave his cock a little smack. Daniel snorted a laugh as they both watched it bounce side to side rapidly until it lost its momentum. “What are you doing?”

“I’m testing it, dummy.” She did it again and couldn’t help but smile at Daniel’s sweet laugh and the absurdity of this mighty thing swaying like a dangerous metronome. “If you’re going to date my friend, I’ll need to be rigorous.”

“Then by all means, continue your inspection.” Daniel put his hands on his hips.

“I’ll need to see how thick it is.” Brittney’s face became serious again as she took hold of it and squeezed with her right hand. She let out a long breath as the pliant flesh pushed back at her fingers. Daniel’s penis was so different from Ted’s, or any other boy, that it was almost like she was touching a penis for the first time. As warmth spread through her stomach, and wetness spread in her panties, she knew she wasn’t merely a lesbian.

“Well, how thick is it?”

“Very thick,” she whispered.

“Do you think Madison would like it?” Daniel saw a brief flash of jealousy flash over her face. As her brother, he knew that look of jealousy well.

“Yes.” Brittney squeezed it rhythmically. She wasn’t trying to please Daniel, she was only prodding him. She brushed down the veiny thing with her fingertips, and then back to the purple head. She put two fingers on either side of his little hole and spread her fingers slightly. The hole opened a tiny bit. “Is there where you pee from and … you know … cum from?”

“Um … you know it is, Brit.” Daniel raised an eyebrow. He had to hand it to her, she always managed to surprise him.

“It’s just, I haven’t seen one up close like this. And, you know, I have different holes for different things down there.” She pushed her hand back down, gripped his dick again, and pumped him. Her hand looked so small on him. “This would be very different if we were identical twins.”

“I’m glad we’re not.”

“Me too.” It felt so good to jerk off her brother. Her whole body tingled. “So, is this what you’d want Madison to do?” She looked up at him with serious eyes.

“Well, actually, I’d want her to use two hands.” Daniel fought the urge to put a hand on Brittney’s head. It was second nature to him now in such situations, but he thought Brittney might rebel.

“That makes sense.” Brittney put her second hand on him and pumped. “Wow, Daniel. Your dick is really something. I think Madison is going to love it.”

“You gonna tell her about this?”

“Shut up, doofus.” She shot him a mock-angry look and returned her gaze to his penis. She pumped him in silence for a while.

Daniel broke the silence. “You should probably get it wet.”

“How?” Brittney looked up again. He looked very happy. It thrilled her to make her brother so happy.

“Just spit in your hands.”

“Isn’t that gross?” Brittney wasn’t sure if he was just putting her on.

“Nah, it’s great.”

“Okay.” Brittney took her hands off him, spit into each palm, and then resumed her pumping. “Daniel? Are you a virgin?”

“No.” Daniel loved the slick sounds of her hands on his dick. “But I don’t want to talk about that right now, okay?” He wasn’t sure how to break it to her that they were both sleeping with the same woman.

“Okay.” She pumped him in silence for another few minutes. “It’s been a long time, Danny. Are you going to … cum?”

“Do you want me to?” He wasn’t sure how she’d react to getting covered in gooey, hot sperm.

Brittney thought it over as she worked him. “No. I think this is enough. I’ll tell Madison you’re ready to date, if she’s still interested.” She took her hands off him and stood up, careful to move to the side of his giant erection. “I’m sorry I didn’t finish you. Are you sure that’s okay?”

“No problem, but you better go.” Daniel gave her a dreamy smile. He wasn’t that far away from cumming. “I’m going to watch some porn now.”

“Oh, okay.” Brittney kissed him on the cheek and fled the room. How odd, if her brother had told her even just a few days ago that he was about to watch porn, she would have called him a perv. But now she just hoped he really enjoyed his orgasm. She closed the door on the way out and made her way up to her room. She had an hour before she needed to leave for Madison’s, and Brittney needed to cum, too.


“This *is* Christmas music,” the three Andersons on the couch said in unison, along with Argyle in the movie. They all laughed. The lights were off in the basement, and the movie had just started. Daniel sat at one end of the couch. His sister cuddled under the blanket next to him. On the other end of the couch, George ate popcorn and bobbed his head to Run DMC as John McClane made his way to Nakatomi Plaza.

They settled in and let the movie spread Christmas cheer as it had done so many times before for the Andersons.

About the time Hans Gruber quoted Alexander the Great, Daniel felt Brittney’s small hand on his thigh. Her hand was under the blanket, but above his pajama bottoms as it slowly worked its way to his waistband. “What are you doing?” Daniel whispered to his sister.

“Shh.” She smiled at him and returned her eyes to the movie.

Daniel looked over at his dad, who was still munching handfuls of popcorn, absorbed by the movie. “I don’t think –”

“Shh.” George said without looking over.

Daniel turned his focus back to the film and felt Brittney’s small, warm hand slip under his pajamas and underwear.

Brittney scooted closer and leaned up to Daniel’s ear. “Madison says she’s still interested,” she whispered. “Do you think she’d do this if you two were dating?” She touched him and played with the head, but Daniel’s micro-boxers were too restricting to pump him again.

Daniel nodded and let his sister press up against his left side. He was now fully hard as she played with the top of his dick, where it poked up above the elastic waist of his boxers.

All three Andersons kept their eyes on the movie, but only George really cared about what was happening on screen.

“No fair,” Daniel leaned down to her ear and said the words just as a block of C4 took out the first few floors of Nakatomi Tower. He slid his left hand under the blanket, and quickly moved his hand under Brittney’s pajama bottoms and panties. She squirmed a bit, but once he found her wet slit, she settled down. He ran his finger along the little ridges inside her pussy. He could feel her shoulders tense. She didn’t stop him.

The twins worked each other as quietly as they could, while John McClane saved the day. Right about the time the bad guys opened the vault, a loud pinging sounded from the laundry room.

“Oh, shit.” George put down his popcorn, stood, and raced over to the door. He opened it, listened, and his shoulders slumped. “Well, at least it’s not the valve.”

Daniel and Brittney quickly withdrew their hands from each other’s genitals under the blanket and tried to look innocent.

George turned back to his children. “I need to deal with this.” He shook his head. “I’m sorry, I know we were all enjoying the movie. You can finish without me.” He turned and disappeared into the unfinished part of the basement.

“Well?” Daniel looked at Brittney.

Brittney nodded. “Your room, or my room?”

“My room,” Daniel said. “It’s more private.”

They stood, held hands, and headed upstairs. Brittney noticed that his hand was sticky with her mess as she squeezed it.


“You know, I thought I was a lesbian.” Brittney kneeled in front of her standing brother. She still had her pajamas on. Daniel only wore his top now. She stared at his massive erection, inches from her face. It shook a little with each beat of Daniel’s heart. “But now, I think I like both girls and boys.”

“I have to tell you something, Brit.” Daniel watched her lips part and her pupils dilate. “I saw you and Mom together.”

“You saw …?” She looked up into his handsome face without comprehension. But when she saw the sly look in his eyes, she knew he was talking about all the wrong things she’d done with her mother. “Oh, my God.” She put her hands over her face as her cheeks flushed red. “You saw us doing stuff? I’m gonna die, Danny. We didn’t mean to. It just sorta happened. I mean … I … I think this house is …”

“It’s okay, Brit.” Daniel put his hand on her brown hair and patted her like a puppy. “I’ve been doing stuff with Mom, too.”

“What?” Brittney peeked through her fingers up at him to see if he was teasing her. He looked serious. “You have?”

“It started a while ago.” Daniel smiled, remembering the shocked look on Julie’s pretty face the first time she’d been covered by his deluge of cum. “She’s the best mom ever.”

“She is.” Brittney took her hands slowly away from her face. She was still very red. “Daniel, did the house change Mom? Did it change you? I mean, you used to be small down there and now, look.” Her eyes glanced at that long, thick cock.

“Yes, there’s a woman named Eloise Palmer. She offered us a deal.”

“I’ve met her,” Brittney whispered. She reached out and took hold of Daniel’s dick with both hands. It was so warm. “I want that deal, too.”

“You do?” Daniel raised his eyebrows.

“Why wouldn’t I?” Brittney’s face leaned forward a little. She licked her lips.

“It’ll hurt for minute. It gets really hot, but then it feels good.”

“I don’t care if it’s hot. If you and Mom made the deal, I want to, too.” Brittney licked the purple head before her and admired the slight salty taste.

“Okay.” Daniel put his hand on her shoulder and lifted her to her feet. Her hands fell away from his dick. “Let’s go get a cold shower going first. Trust me, you’re going to need it.”

They left his room, crossed the hall, and closed themselves in the bathroom.

“You should probably get naked.” Daniel set the water as far cold as it would go.

“This is weird.” But Brittney pulled off her top, her bottoms, and her panties. “What do we do now?”

“Well, now you have to agree to the deal.” Daniel looked her up and down. She was such a slight, gentle creature. Her small boobs had pink, puffy nipples, and she had a nice trimmed triangle of brown hair between her slender legs. He took a mental picture, because she was about to change. “The bond, the pact, the contract made. We paid and received and the Devil took his due. All we need from you is your approbation.”

“Devil?” Brittney’s blue eyes widened.

“I’ve met him. He’s a nice guy.” Daniel took Brittney’s left hand in his right. “He doesn’t like rules.”

“Oh.” Brittney offered a faint smile. “I don’t even care, I just want to be in this with you and Mom, Danny.” She squeezed his hand. “I agree to the deal.” A heat built rapidly in her chest, hips, and between her legs. Daniel was right, it hurt. “Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, Daaaannnnyyyyyyyyyy.” A strange red glow filled the bathroom, and seemed to emanate from her.

“Get in the shower. It’ll help.” Daniel took off his top, and carried her into the shower. The water was a shock to his skin, but he didn’t care. Brittney writhed and cursed as the heat moved through her. Daniel watched as her glowing boobs grew, and her hips expanded. He stood her on her feet and turned her so the cold water hit her breasts flush. “It’ll get better soon.” He dropped to his knees, and buried his face between her legs.

“Ohhhhhhhhh.” Brittney was only partially aware that her brother lapped at her pussy. The heat faded and Brittney cupped her boobs. They were not the same. This is what had happened to their mother. They were so much more full and heavy. She dropped them and grabbed them again. They fell on her chest in an entirely new way. “My … boobs … hang now … Danny.” The heat disappeared, replaced by the pleasure of what her brother was doing between her legs. “Oh, Danny.”

“Mmmmppphhhh.” Daniel focused on her clit. He grabbed her now rotund butt with both hands to hold her to him. He could feel her trembling with her impending orgasm.

“Daaaannnnyyyyyyyy.” Brittney squealed and shook. Stars danced with her in the shower. When she finished, she pulled Daniel to his feet and planted a deep kiss on his lips. She could taste her tang there. They made out like that for a while under the cold water, his massive dick pushing into her belly. She couldn’t help but compare him as a kisser to their mother. Julie was soft, gentle, and caring. Daniel more urgent, and intense. Brittney liked both.

The cold water became too much for both of them, so they shut it off and stepped out of the shower. They shared Daniel’s towel and dried off together, laughing and playfully slapping at each other’s naked bodies. Soon, they locked lips again. They crossed the hall back into Daniel’s room, blindly reaching for doorknobs as the they kissed the whole way. When they were inside Daniel’s room, they stood groping each other in the center of the room.

“I … need to … return … the favor,” Brittney said between kisses. She dropped to her knees and slid her hands up Daniel’s skinny thighs to his balls. She took one in each hand, a heavy handful each. “So full.” She then continued up to his cock and jerked him with reverence for several minutes. Brittney moved closer and closer until she licked the head. “I’m not sure how to get this in my mouth.”

“Just put the tip in.”

“Even the head is huge.” Brittney licked it again, a little precum tantalized her tongue with a salty splash. “My mouth is pretty small, Danny. But I’ll try. I want to make you happy.” Brittney opened wide and took the purple head into her mouth. Her eyes bulged at the effort. But she was surprised by how quickly she grew accustomed to his size. Soon, her little head bobbed on Daniel while she stroked him with both hands.

“Wow, Brit. You’re a natural.” Daniel put his hands on her silky head and let her blow him at her pace. Certainly, Brittney was not an accomplished blowjob artist like Penelope, or even Julie. But her tentative enthusiasm felt great in its own way. “Keep it up.”

Brittney worked him with a short, energetic back and forth motion for about twenty minutes. “Mmmmppphhhhhh.” She wanted his cum. It was the first time in her eighteen years that she wanted a man’s cum.

“Where … do you want it … Brit?”

“Uuuuuppppphhhhhhh.” She worked him even harder, the head of his dick just pushing at the back of her mouth. She’d never swallowed for Ted, or the other two boys she’d blown before. But she wanted to put her brother’s seed in her stomach.

“Okay … here … goes …” Daniel tightened his grip in his hair and tried not to force himself down her tiny throat. His hips shook and with a series of soft grunts, he let loose in his sister’s mouth.

“Aaaaaccckkkkkkkkk.” Brittney was not ready for the river of cum that came shooting out. She couldn’t swallow any of it. It filled up her mouth, puffing out her cheeks, and then exploded past her lips, dripping onto her new boobs, thighs, and the floor. She pulled her mouth off, sure he was done, but Daniel fired again and again, plastering her face and hair with cum. When he was done, she reached around on the floor, looking for something to wipe the semen out of her eyes. “Some help, Danny?” She finally swallowed the remaining salty stuff in her mouth, and gave a little shiver of pleasure. It was good.

“Sorry.” Daniel pulled his top sheet off the bed and handed it to her. “Here you go.”

“Thanks.” She wiped herself off. “That was a lot more than any guy I’ve been with.” She opened her eyes. “And you’re still hard.”

“Die hard, right?” Daniel smiled.

“Yippee-ki-yay motherfucker.” Brittney laughed. She stood up and looked him up and down. “So, do we do more stuff, or what? I’ve never been with anyone that stayed hard after … you know.”

“Do you want to try putting it in?” He watched her as she cocked her hip at him. Her boobs had gone from tight handfuls to bountiful teardrops. And her hips and waist were no longer mostly up and down, they had a nice hourglass curve to them.

“I … do. It’s all so crazy, but I do.” She looked back at the door. “What if Dad comes to check on us?”

“I’m sure he’s busy in the basement.”

“How do you want to do it?” Brittney walked over to the bed, flopped onto her back, and spread her slender legs. She knew how she wanted it. She wanted to watch his cock sink into her.

“That’ll work.” Daniel got between her legs. He glanced over at the drawer on his bedside table and thought about the promise he’d made his mom. “Should we use a condom?”

“Do you use condoms with Mom?” Brittney looked down at her boobs. They hung to the sides now when she rested on her back. She thought it looked so pretty. She looked farther down at the monster hovering above her pussy.

“No.” Daniel rested his cock on her belly, with his balls on her pussy so she could see how far he’d be inside her. “But usually we use her butt.”

“No way.” She looked up at him, her face pale. “I have no idea how that’s possible. I can tell you right now that you’re never sticking that thing back there.”

“Okay.” Daniel held up his hands in surrender. “So, condom?”

“Not this time.” Brittney couldn’t believe it would fit inside her. Resting on the outside as it was, it went halfway up her belly. “Next time we’ll use one. But I want to feel what Mom feels. Just once. Pull out when it’s time, okay?”

“Okay.” Daniel lined his dick up with her pussy, and nudged the head in. She was incredibly wet, but even so, he met some resistance. Without the deal, Daniel doubted he would have been able to even get the tip in her little opening. But with the deal, it did pop in.

“Oooohhhhhhh.” Brittney stared past her boobs at the disappearing cock with intensity. “It’s in. You got it in, Danny.”

“Still a long way to go.” He inched it further. She was so tight.

“I can’t believe I’m watching that big thing go inside me. How does it fit?”

“It’s the deal, Brit.” He slid it further, and his balls slapped up against her ass.

“I … love … the deal … uuuuuuuggggghhhhhh.” Her hips rocked and she came for the first time with a man inside her. Her pretty, upturned nose wrinkled as she grunted with pleasure.

“You like watching it?” Daniel could see it was going to be hard for her to hold her head up, but she wanted to see what was happening to her pussy. So, he waited for her orgasm to pass, grabbed a pillow, and put it behind her head. “Now hold on, I’m going to really pound you now.”

“Okay,” Brittney squeaked. She grabbed the bedsheet on either side of her hips and opened her legs wider. Nothing could prepare Brittney for the onslaught that followed. There was just so much cock, and it kept disappearing into her. And to make it even more obscene, she could see it poking at her belly from the inside, like an alien in one of her beloved sci-fi movies. Her brother pummeled her for more than an hour, and Brittney loved every second of it. She came again and again, sometimes one on top of the other. Her tits almost hit her in the face they were bouncing so wildly. She said almost nothing during this time except for the occasional, “I’m cumming … again …” or “So … big …”

Eventually, Daniel was ready. “I’m gonna … cum … Brit.” He stopped his thrusting and moved back to withdraw from her.

“No.” Brittney reached around to his little butt with both hands and pulled as hard as she could, her thin arms and shoulders flexing to hold him inside. “Do … you … cum … in Mom’s pussy?”

“Some … uh … sometimes …”

“Do … me … too.” In her fevered brain, it was worth the risk. She wanted to feel what it was like to take all of her brother. She was on the verge of another orgasm. Was it her eighth, ninth? She didn’t know.

“Okay.” The back of Daniel’s mind flashed warning lights at him, but rational thought wasn’t going to win the day. His hips went back to long, smashing strokes that drove his sister’s butt deep into the mattress on every down-thrust. A minute later, he lost his rhythm, and let out a series of soft grunts. “Cuuuuummmmmminnnnnnnngggggggggg.” He poured everything he had inside her.

Brittney screamed out her own orgasm along with her brother. The feeling of his hot stuff inside her was too much.

More than five minutes passed before either of them spoke. Daniel lay on his sister, his head resting next to her right ear. They breathed in unison, still panting a little from the exertion and the high.

“Are you on the pill?” Daniel whispered into her ear. When his sister shook her head, he felt his balls contract a little. “It’s probably okay.”

Brittney nodded. “Yeah, probably.” She ran her hands up his smooth back. “Merry Diehardimas, Danny.”

“Merry Diehardimas, Brit.” Daniel’s hips rocked a little. He was still so hard.

“Again?” Brittney whispered.

“Why not.” Daniel dumped two more loads in his sister that night.

When Brittney finally got up to go take a shower and get to bed, she found herself waddling like she’d ridden a horse all day. They would use a condom next time, she told herself. Oh, God, there would be a next time. She couldn’t wait.


The far-backseat of the minivan was all Khadra’s. The two middle backseats were piled with suitcases. Up front, Penelope snored in the passenger seat. Julie, with her hands on the wheel, and her eyes on the open road, bounced her head to loud 90s pop music that blasted on the car’s speakers. Khadra felt protected to have these Anderson women so close, but it was also nice to have her own space. She kicked her feet up on the seat to relax a little and bumped something to the floor. She reached down to pick the thing up, and her hand closed around a familiar girth.

Allah preserve her, that damned massive dildo had followed her on her car trip. Khadra brought it to her lap and inspected it. Her stomach turned over as she felt the familiar ridges of the veins, and the spongy flexibility of the silicone. Khadra lifted her head a little to peer over the seat in front of her, Julie still danced away as she drove, and Penelope slept. Khadra slouched back down in her seat, mostly hidden from the women up front. Her hands trembled as she held the pitch-black thing to her large bosom.

Did she dare? It had been more than a week since she’d had the thing between her legs, and her vagina soaked itself in anticipation of its return. The thought of her mortification if the other women caught her kept the dildo above her dress for more than ten minutes. But as one catchy pop song changed to the next, Khadra knew she wasn’t going to be able to resist.

The last thought she had before slipping the monster under her dress, was that she could at least wait until she had a private moment back at the mansion. But, apparently, she couldn’t. Khadra spread her legs, moved her panties to the side, and inserted the phallus. She grunted with familiar pleasure as the thing greedily stretched her out. Julie loved loud music, thank Allah.

Over the next half hour, Khadra pumped her vagina to three remarkable orgasms. She had to bite down on her hijab so that she wouldn’t alert the ladies to her activities. When she was finally satisfied, she pulled over her purse and hid the dildo at the bottom under the extra hijab she carried around with her.

“Do you smell something odd, Khadra?” Julie turned down the music and spoke over her shoulder. “It’s really familiar, but I can’t quite place it. I wonder if we’re driving by something.”

If Khadra could blush, she would have turned bright red. Khadra knew that Julie smelled her excited vagina. “I don’t smell anything.” Khadra pulled down her dress and pretended like she was resting back there.

“Oh, well. It doesn’t smell bad, I guess. Sorta reminds me of my daughter for some reason.” Julie turned the music back up and went back to nodding her head to the beat. Penelope continued to snore in the seat beside her. Khadra lay down and let the blissful post-orgasm electricity sooth her nerves.


They were a couple hours from home when Penelope woke from her nap. She stretched and looked in the backseat, but couldn’t see Khadra. The poor woman was probably asleep. Penelope had been unsure about bringing her with them, but the little, dark woman had been such an excellent helper as they moved Penelope’s mom home from the hospital. Penelope looked over at Julie in the driver’s seat. Her mother-in-law bopped her head to the music, her tits shaking behind her bra, dress, and seatbelt. Penelope could see a round curve to Julie’s belly that hadn’t been there before.

“Julie?” Penelope turned down the music. “Julie, I want to talk to you about something.” Penelope looked in the back again, and thought she could hear Khadra softly snoring.

“What is it, sweetie?” Julie glanced at Penelope, and then gazed back out at the open road.

“I’m pregnant,” Penelope blurted out. She wasn’t sure why she would tell her mother-in-law before her husband, but something about Julie’s swelling belly made her want to confide.

“My first grandchild.” Julie smiled. Of course, Julie already knew about the pregnancy and knew it wasn’t Brad’s baby. But she was happy to pretend. It was pretty much the same DNA, anyway. Who would know the difference? “You and Brad must be so happy.”

“I haven’t told him yet.” Penelope blushed. How much was she going to tell Julie? Surely not that she’d been fucking both of Julie’s sons.

“Oh, really?” Julie nodded thoughtfully. “Well, in that case, you might as well be the first to know my good news. I’m pregnant, too.”

“I know.” Penelope looked down at Julie’s stomach. “I mean, you’re starting to show. I guessed.” Penelope, of course, knew that their babies had the same father, but she wasn’t going to tell Julie that she knew her mother-in-law had succumbed to the same giant dick that she had. “So, you haven’t told George?”

“Not yet.” Julie scrunched her face up in an exaggerated frown. “I expect he’ll be grumpy about it. He only wanted three children. And, well, babies do get harder later in life.”

“Did you tell, Danny?”

“Well, that’s an odd question.” Julie narrowed her eyes and looked over at Penelope. How much did this woman know? “Why would I tell my youngest son but not my husband?”

“I … um … just meant that …” Penelope looked out the passenger window at the passing cornfields. “How about we announce both our pregnancies after dinner tonight? It’ll be something extra to celebrate on Christmas Eve. The Anderson family expanding.”

“Sure.” Julie nodded. “That sounds like a nice surprise. I guess I can’t really hide it anymore.” Julie looked down at her belly. She really was beginning to show. Her own grandchild was in there. Heck, two of her grandchildren were riding inside their mothers in that very car.

Little did Julie know, she actually had three grandchildren growing inside their mothers in that minivan at that moment.


After a nice family dinner, everyone gathered in the main living room to decorate the tree. With the room’s high ceilings, George had been able to fit in a tall, majestic spruce. A roaring fire warmed the room, and cast cheerful warm light onto the assembled group.

“I thought the chimney was broken, how’d you get the fire going, George?” Julie kissed her husband on the cheek.

“I guess the inspector was wrong. But I didn’t light it. I thought you did.” George pulled a red globe out of their decoration box and hunted for the perfect spot on the tree to hang it.

“Is this your first time decorating a tree?” Penelope asked Khadra as she sat down on the couch next to Julie. The warmth of the fire felt so good.

“Yes.” Khadra smiled, adjusted her hijab, and pulled an oval ornament with glittering snowflakes from the box. “It’s fun, isn’t it?”

“Yes,” Daniel said. He sat on the hearth, hip to hip with his sister.

“It is.” Brittney said and laughed. The eighteen-year-old twins giggled. Daniel put his phone next to him on the hearth, and turned on some instrumental Christmas music. The thin, reedy sounds filled the cavernous room.

“If we could have your attention.” Julie put her arm around Penelope’s shoulders. “Brad? You’ll want to hear this. That can wait a minute.”

Brad looked down from the ladder where he was trying to hang the highest ornaments. He always wanted to outdo his family.

“We have joyous news.” Julie smiled and looked at Penelope.

“We’re pregnant,” Julie and Penelope said together.

George dropped his ornament on the ground where it bounced and rolled away. Not one of the antiques, thankfully. He stared with wide eyes at his wife.

“What now?” Brad looked down from the ladder with confusion.

“Um … you both are?” Daniel’s face drained turned ashen.

Brittney studied her brother, reached down between them, and squeezed his hand. She knew what he was thinking.

Khadra beamed. This was good news, was it not?

The reedy Christmas music played as everyone processed the information.

“Um … well … I suppose this is a Christmas miracle.” George tried to smile. “God has blessed us with two new Andersons.” He walked over to his wife, dropped to a knee and looked her in the eyes. “Are you happy?”

“Very much.” Julie’s warm smile spread. He’d taken it better than she’d expected.

“Well, shit.” Brad’s ladder teetered as he lost his balance, fortunately Khadra stepped over to steady him. “You forgot your pills, Pen. I knew this would happen.”

“Bradly, this is a time for joy.” George looked up at his son with a threatening stare. “You’re going to be a father.”

“Sorry.” Brad looked at his wife. “Yay.” For some reason, his wife was looking at his brother. That annoyed Brad.

Brittney leaned her lips up to Daniel’s ear. “What did you do?” She whispered so only he could hear.

Daniel squeezed her hand in response, stood, and pulled a pink globe from the decoration box. “This is a special Christmas. Let’s make this the best tree ever.”

The music played, conversations restarted, and cheer seemed to win the day in the room. As Daniel performed the familiar Christmas ritual, he listened for the tick tock of the ubiquitous clock. But instead, he thought he heard distant, stalking footsteps. He didn’t think it was Santa. The news about the babies had changed something in the house. He was glad for the company. And glad his partners, Eloise and Day Star, were somewhere watching out for him and his progeny.

*I’ve written this story through chapter 26. The novel is complete.* *All chapters are available on my website. You can find the link in my Reddit profile if you’re interested. Or if can’t find the link there, you can search for “RawlyRawls subscribestar” on google to find my site. If you prefer to wait, I’ll post about a chapter a month here. All characters in sexual situations are 18 or older. Thanks for reading!*
