My [F]irst time being shared by a group ?

So, I’ve received great feedback from story where I had posted the details of the first time I got shared by my husband and his friend!

If you haven’t seen it, but you want to, check my account ? I warn you now though it’s pretty hot ????

Now, alot of people have asked for a follow up story. I’ve received numerous requests: Loss of Virginity, more Clint stories, first time including a woman, first time in public etc.

The requested story I’m most excited to tell however, is the first time I was shared in a group session, and the later hours of that evening.

The original request was just for my first group session, but if I talk about that I can’t exclude the evening that followed it. Every group session I’ve had has been memorable, but I specifically think of this one because of what happened afterwards ?

Heads up in case you didn’t realize it yet though, I don’t skimp on details so this is going to be a looong story.

Okay, time for the backstory. Once again I will be changing names for the sake of anonymity for both myself and those involved. I will still be referring to my husband as Jacob, Clint will be reprising his role from the first story, and there are three new guys. Let’s call them Greg, Lance and Dan. Lastly, I will be going by Becca.

I will give a little backstory on each person involved so that you can understand my sexual history with them. So in total this is going to be like three mini stories and one long story ?

So we all remember from the previous story that I’m married to Jacob, and the first time I was ever shared, was with our large cocked mutual friend from high school, Clint. I had dated Clint briefly and it didn’t work out, but we always maintained a strong physical attraction to one another. Greg, Lance and Dan however didn’t meet me until college. By then I started to fill out more the chest area and dressed in attire that was a bit more revealing.

Greg was an underclassmen to my husband and I back in high school. I never met him while we attended, but he had befriended my husband late senior year. He’s about our height, cute but not who I would normally go for. He’s had a crush on me for years and would always lurk on my Facebook or Instagram liking any pics I posted that showed a little skin. I can only imagine his head exploded the first time I sent him a nude photo with no context ?. Needless to say the second I invited him, he dropped everything he was doing and came over to fuck my brains out

Lance is a few years older than us and was on his last semester of college as we were both getting in. I don’t know if I just had freshman glasses on, but I remember meeting him for the first time and almost immediately getting wet because he was so hot. Even though he knew I was taken, Lance would always be very forward in the fact that he was attracted to me. It got to the point where we were drunk at a party and danced together. To be funny I grinded up against him, and he decided to pull me really close and grind his boner up against me as he slipped his hand around and grabbed my tit. Keep in mind this was before my slutty days. Don’t get me wrong, I liked it but acted like nothing happened. We all kept hanging out after college and that night never got brought up. After I had started fooling around with friends, the look on his face was priceless when I showed him my tits for the first time and let him do what he wanted to me in front of my husband.

Lastly is Dan. He’s one of my oldest friends and went to private school with me back in middle school. We were both raised very religiously and we’re both repressed sexual beings. He and I have always had a deep connection, but neither of us ever thought about it as a romantic interaction. There was one instance in high school though. He and my best friend were dating in high school and she and I decided to have a sleepover. He snuck over while her family was awake so he couldn’t leave the room. If I had left the room it would have looked suspicious, so I had to sit in the room and watch them have sex. I caught him looking at me a couple of times, and I couldn’t help but watch.

I’m not sure if you’ve ever had to watch another couple have sex, but it’s extremely hot. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t touch myself a little (which he got a front row seat for). Much later that night, we were all sleeping in her bed and he tossed and turned until he had spooned me instead of her. Being my long time friend I thought it was very sweet, until he moved his hand up my shirt and squeezed my tit and gently pinched my nipple. That was the first time a guy had ever played with my tits. I wasn’t sure if he was doing this in his sleep, so I whispered very quietly “I’m not Natalie” (my best friend)

“I know” he whispered back then rolled back over.

I felt very conflicted the next morning because he was my friend, he was dating my best friend, but I wanted him to do it again. In private he pulled me aside and apologized and said it wouldn’t happen again. Even though he and I have been friends this whole time we started drifting apart after that. Natalie never found out but I know it’s something he’ll never forget.

Now that we have some backstory on everyone involved, we can get to the good stuff ;) this is the story of the first time I was fucked by an entire group of guys

Enjoy ?

So Friday night rolls around, and we all know what that means….MOVIE/GAME NIGHT! WOOHOO!! hahaha. This also happens to be the night that my pussy is on the prowl to swallow up some cock. Almost everyone in attendance is aware of this.

By this point in our relationship, my husband lets me suck and fuck any one of my choosing. I had to let him know that I was feeling particularly horny that night and wanted him to invite ALL of our usual playmates. He decides to bring Clint, Greg, Lance and I decided I wanted to round it up to a solid five.

Like I mentioned in the earlier sections of the story, my longtime friend Dan and I had been growing apart, but he had just messaged me earlier that week and he was on my mind. I knew we were going to be watching The movie “Riddick” and playing super smash Bros afterwards, both of which Dan loves. I decided to send him a seemingly innocent invite for him to come over and he agreed ;)

Fast forward to that evening. Everyone starts showing up and they see me in a low-cut dress, hair done up to be wavy (but still frames my tits), and black lipstick and eye shadow. I’m wearing a bra that’s intentionally too small with a low-cut dress so my tits are practically pouring out at this point. My areolas are huge and are even poking out a little bit. I look like a whore and I knew it ?.

All of our usual playmates think it’s super hot and fondle me a little after they come through the door. I would giggle and tell them that that was for later after winking at them and biting my lip seductively. All of them are aware that we play with each other but have never done it as a group. When they heard I wanted to “take on all cummers” they all seemed excited at the prospect of me being available for free use that evening.

The last person to show up was Dan. His prior viewing of me had been in person when I was 19 and I tended to cover up all my womanly features due to shyness. So when he opened the door and I looked like nothing short of a pornstar, he got visibly uncomfortable in a good way.

“Becca?” He asked, “you look great” he clearly nervous and didn’t know what to say. “Oh!” He covered his eyes and pointed at my chest. My areola was peeking its head out.

It was sweet of him to point it out, but I responded by giggling and saying, “whoops haha they tend to do that. It happens so often that I don’t even care anymore. Anyway, come inside everyone’s here already”

He uncovered his eyes and walked inside. As I closed the door, I adjusted my chest so that way both of my areolas started to poke through and it was a larger amount than what he had seen.

Since he had never been over, he wasn’t sure what to do with himself, so he waited for me. When I turned around I caught him just staring at my chest and I intentionally acted like I didn’t notice. I walked towards the living room with him and introduced him to everyone. They all hit it off right away and we got to watching the movie. I intentionally sat next to Dan and make sure we were close. My thigh was rubbing up against his, and every now and then I would whisper questions about the movie in his ear. When he would turn to answer me he would make eye contact with me but as soon as I looked away, in my peripheral vision I could see him leering at my tits with unwavering focus.

Subtly, I did things to keep his focus there though. I would intentionally take deep, long breaths point where it looked like my tits were going to explode out of my dress. I played with the ends of my hair that end around my nipples, and arched my back in a way that made them front and center. The coup-de-gras in my opinion though, was at any time there was tension in the movie I would bounce up, acting scared or stressed. My tits would need adjusting and I did it in plain view of the whole room. I’d reach down my bra and act like I was tucking my tits back away, when I was barely able to keep them in to begin with. Intentionally adjusting to no avail, my areolas would keep poking out, which made me the center of attention for five horny men.

Not being naive, I start noticing signs that they won’t be able to be held back much longer. Jacob is on the other side of me, gripping my inner thigh, Greg is practically massaging his dinger through his pants, Lance keeps adjusting himself every 45 seconds or so, I look over at Clint who gives me a seductive wink, but Dan was sitting there with a full erection in his pants and acted like everything was fine. With that much lust in a single room directed towards me, I knew I had to make my move soon or I was going to leave a huge wet spot on the couch.

After about halfway into the movie, there’s the scene where riddick gets a lock of hair off of the girl that is in the bathroom showering up. As soon as her nipples are on screen, Jacob says, “hey hun, her nipples are the same color as yours!” Everyone laughs and agreed except Dan. He is obviously not knowing what to say or how to react, so he was practically squirming lol

I give my husband a look and he knew exactly where I was about to go with this. “What’s wrong Dan? Dont you agree?” I asked with a sad tone. “Her nipples are so cute. Do you think mine look like her’s?”

Panicking a little at this point he says, “I’m sure they do but I wouldn’t know” chuckling nervously, he tried to go back to watching the movie.

“What do you mean you wouldn’t know? You’ve been staring at them all night.” I stood up confidently and stood over him. “Maybe this will clear things up” I slowly pull my arms out of the dress sleeves, and pull my dress down below my tits so now my overflowing bra is exposed. This is one of those bras that clasps at the front, and I try to slowly undo it. Because it was practically bursting already, the clasp came undone quite forcefully and exposed my tits in a dramatic fashion. It wasn’t what I was going for, but it achieved the desired effect. I came looking for copper but found gold haha

All the guys were visibly hard and knew what was about to happen. Dan on the other hand just gawked at the massive milkers in front of him. “So?” I asked, “what do you think?”

“Beautiful as always!” Greg shouted. I looked over at him and bit my lip but shushed him, wanting to see what Dan would say.

I walked a little closer to Dan and leaned forward so he had a perfect view. “Well?…”

There was a clear and audible silence in the room. He was in shock and didn’t know how to act. But Lance did. Lance got up and walked towards me. He got behind me, grabbed my tits and pulled me against him. “I guess I have to start things around here” he said in a confident tone. He firmly squeezed my soft titties, gently pinched my nipples and tugged on them. Just because Dan was uncomfortable, I wasn’t going to suddenly be shy about feeling good. I moaned and reached behind me to feel his cock, which was already hard behind his jeans.

Clint, Jacob, and Greg got up almost immediately after Lance had initiated the heavy petting.

This was it. No turning back now. I was finally going to be shared by several men and I trembled in anticipation at the prospect of pleasure that awaited me. I had been a slut for everyone in attendance, but now I get to be the communal whore for the evening. My sexual thirst had never reached such a compelling need, but I relished in knowing it would be quenched with copious amounts of cum ??

All of them proceeded to start touching me in different ways that all felt amazing. Like I had mentioned, Lance was playing with my tits, so I unzipped his pants and played with the tip of his cock. Greg decided to go a little further south and rub my inner thigh. He lifted his hand closer and closer to my pussy until his fingers danced across its lips, revealing that I hadn’t been wearing panties the whole time. Clint grabbed the back of my head and started making out with me aggressively (which I loved) and my husband Jacob unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock and put it in my only free hand.

Every aspect of me was being utilized for pleasure. This was nothing short of heaven for me. I had a cock in each hand, my tits were being yanked, my clit was being slowly massaged, and I was making out with my best friend. Clint occasionally pulled away from my mouth and would nibble on my ear. Jacob would grab my ass, lightly spank me and tease my eager asshole with his thick fingers. Greg worships my pussy, so he got down on his knees in front of me and proceeded to insert his tongue between it’s lips while working my clit still. I can feel Lance’s pre-cum beginning to form since I’m working the tip of his long cock so much, so I slide my hand down his shaft gripping the base, then letting go so I can cup his balls and play with them.

Dan sat on the couch and watched every part of me being groped or used for a solid five or six minutes in amazement.

I couldn’t take it anymore. I broke away from the guys for a brief second only to strip off what was remaining of my dress so I could be fully naked for them. I got on my knees and proceeded to sit there with an open mouth waiting to take turns swallowing their cocks.

I motioned Lance over first so I could lick that tasty precum off of his twitching shaft. They all walked up so I put Clints cock in one hand and Jacob’s in the other. Greg is left all alone but I dominate him a little so I ordered him to jack off for me while he waits his turn.

I return my attention to Lance and make sure to look him in the eye as I’m taking his cock down my throat. His pre-cum was super sweet tasting and I wanted more, so I proceeded to suck like I was trying to suck the soul out of his body. He grabs the back of my head forces me to deepthroat him in front of the other guys. In that moment he owned my throat, and I took it as deep as I could. After coming up for air, I gently kissed the tip and repeated this cycle a few more times for him.

To make sure my husband and Clint were not getting jealous though, I had to leave Lances cock for a few minutes even though it was so yummy. I obviously suck off my husband all the time, and Clint is my most frequent partner (that includes my husband) so I know exactly what these men want from me. I shove my husband’s cock as far into my mouth as I can take it and work my tongue on the shaft. Clint wants his balls sucked, and his cock licked from base to tip. Being the whore that I am, I give these men everything they want without a second thought. I make sure to moan as I’m pleasuring them, but I never forget about Greg. Periodically I pull away from whoever I’m sucking off to look him in the eye and encourage him and degrade him. I would say things like “I love it when you stroke your small dick for me” and he would visibly quiver when I talked dirty to him. (Even though his cock is kind of short, it’s the girthiest ?) After spending at least 10 minutes on each cock, I finally turned to Greg with an open mouth and said “come fuck my mouth with your tiny cock, loser”. Having waited his turn (like he should have), he eagerly took advantage of the opportunity.

Mind you these were not pretty blowjobs. I gagged while tears rolled down my face. My lipstick smeared and my mascara was running as I was cradling their balls. In that moment I truly looked like a whore in the sexiest way possible. Feeling each of their cocks slide down my throat was an extremely sexy feeling since I had never given more than two blowjobs in an evening before this. Clint and Jacob are huge, Lance is long but not girthy and Greg has the thickest cock but it’s not particularly long. That being said I loved all of them for different reasons.

Given that Greg is infatuated with me, he gets excited the easiest. Without warning he blew his load in my mouth and I swallowed I kept blowing him for a second or two just to watch the look on his face as he squirmed. “Thank you” I half garbled after I was finished having him spelunk my throat. I smiled at him with his remaining cum on my lips and teeth and tongue.

Still having remnants of another man’s seed in my mouth, I moved to Lance and he face fucked me aggressively. And I have only played around a few times at this point, so he’s still fucks me every time like it’s the last time. As I’m gagging on his long cock he’s pinching my nipples hard and I’m moan as he’s about 7 in deep in my throat. He actually warns me that he’s about to blow his load and wants it on my face. I gladly oblige and after I pulled his cock out of my mouth, I aggressively said, “shoot for fucking load all over my whore face!” After that, he shot thick ropes that stretched from my forehead and hairline to my chin. I guess he had been saving it up for me ?

With that remaining cum, I looked over at the rest of the guys and asked if I should give Dan a blowjob, to which they all encouraged me. Dan however who was visibly in shock at the scene playing out before him. “If it’s all the same, I’m having a good time watching” he said meekly.

I could tell that he was really tempted but to timid to take me up on the offer right then, so I did something that I think he’ll remember until the day he dies. I walked over to him and bent over placing my hands on the couch with my head directly in front of him. My ass and pussy were fully exposed to the horny men behind me. I teased them with a sensual wiggling of my hips, beckoning them to take me. They had been waiting long enough didn’t want to wait any longer. Nor did I. To say I was absolutely sopping wet would be a tragic understatement.

“Would you mind if we had a little more fun right here?” I asked after I leaned in and whispered in it and his ear. “I like to look in someone’s eyes as I’m getting fucked” I whispered with my hot breath on his ear.

Jacob didn’t wait for Dan’s response though. He got behind me and briefly teased my wet hole with his massive cock and shoved it inside of me. When I felt him tease me for that brief second I pulled back and looked in Dan’s eyes and I could see his repressed lust. When Jacob entered me and started thrusting, all Dan could see were my swaying tits, my cum covered face, my ruined makeup and me moaning like an animal.

The rhythmic clapping of my ass as my husband fucking me in front of 4 other men was perhaps the most erotic melody I’ve heard to date. As he will push into me he would pull my hips into him, and my body rippled a wave of pleasure and lust. Thrust by thrust he filled me and while looking Dan in the eye, I kept moaning, “OoOoOhH yEeEaAaH bAbYyYy, FuUcK mE, fUuCk MeEe” cumming all the while.

With a final thrust he emptied his balls inside of me and slowly pulled out, exposing a copious amount of cum slowly leaking out from my freshly pounded cunt. Greg had already recovered and decided he was next. I knew it was him without looking because even though he’s not long, his girth completely stretches me out and it feels amazing.

He teased my eager hole with his fat cock. He and I have an agreement that I own him and he has to ask permission before he can enter me. I love being his dominant boss bitch. “Can I please fuck you Becca?”

“That’s not how you ask me you little dick loser” I said with a sassy tone. “Ask me right, or you can’t have this” I backed my wet pussy against his cock and pressed his head against its opening to drive him wild.

“Can I please fuck you my big titted goddess?”

I didn’t answer right away just so I could fuck with him a little longer. I give in and even pay him a compliment, “Fuck me with your fat cock Greg” to which he instantly obliges. The fact that his cock is the perfect length to hit my G-Spot in this position definitely worked in his favor. Despite the fact that he wants me to treat him like this and degrade him, I am absolutely enamored with his cock. Don’t tell him that though ? hehehe

As he is shallowly pumping his thick meat inside of me, I keep aggressively commanding, “Give it to me Greg. Give me all five inches of that fat cock! FUCK ME!” Hearing this gets him off rather expediently I’m afraid though haha. He only lasts about a minute and a half until he adds his load to the semen cocktail. He managed to get me to cum twice in that amount of time though so I can’t complain too much.

“I’m so sorry, that was too quick- -”

“Just put a man inside me that won’t blow his load in 2 seconds” I told him and he slapped my ass and started to walk away. “Where are you going? I told you to put another man in me. I want you to guide his cock into me. That’s your punishment”

Lance walks up fully hard and Greg reluctantly grabs his cock and guides it into my pussy. To be honest Greg stretched me out so much I didn’t feel Lance at first. The shallow end of my pussy had gotten wrecked, but Lance was the longest and as he fully entered me I swear he hit my cervix. Lance is the exact measurement of how deep my pussy is. He bottoms me out and hits places no man ever has. He fucks me hard and fast and I love it. I start shaking so much that my arms begin to give out. I wrapped my arms around Dan’s waist placing my face right above his crotch. He was hard as a rock against my cheek, and as I was pounded it was like my face was giving him a mild hand job through his pants. My bare tits were being thrusted against him, heaving while I was being claimed by other men.

This continued for about 10 minutes as Lance jackhammered me until he exploded inside of me as well. Out of my regular paramours, Clint was the only one left and he’s my favorite ?

I got back up so I was leaning over Dan and the look on his face was priceless. He was completely shocked and completely horny. Clint calmly walked up behind me and spanked me a few times causing me to shudder. He gently stroked the outside of my pussy with his massive cock until I was making noises. No exact words could escape my lips. I had been so thoroughly fucked, and was still so excited for Clint, that my brain couldn’t form coherent thoughts. By this point Clint has become a regular partner of mine so he knows EXACTLY how to fuck me. As he pounds me, my eyes start rolling back and I reach for the nearest thing I can grab which is Dan’s hand. I interlock his fingers with mine and grip hard as I’m cumming. I decided it wasn’t enough and brought his hand up to my swinging tits and make him start fondling me. It doesn’t take much coaxing before he’s doing it on his own. I bite my lip and look deep into his eyes as he’s playing with my nipples. My face and his are only a few inches apart and with every thrust that Clint throws into me I go a few inches closer to Dan’s face. “Kiss me Dan” I moan quietly to which he complies. he’s still very awkward with the whole situation so he doesn’t commit to it though. After about 15 minutes or so, Clint let’s lose the final load for the group session inside of me. He slowly pulls out and I collapse because my legs had gone numb.

By the time the four of them had been done with me, the spankings, hair pullings, creampies, and name callings were beyond count. Through all of it I never left Dan’s lap and he watched everything. I loved looking him in the eye as Jacob, Greg, Lance and Clint took turns with me. Thrusting their manhoods deep inside of me and leaving their seed.

The guys cleaned themselves up and left me on the floor, and in Dan’s lap, well fucked and leaking cum. They proceeded to fire up the switch so they could play super smash Bros after they got redressed and stopped paying attention to me. While they started choosing characters I sat up on my knees and fingered some of the come out of myself until it was on my hand. I looked at Dan and swallowed it. “Did you like the show?” I asked in a friendly and innocent tone like nothing had happened.

He nodded his head while still beet-red in the face. I looked around and saw no one was looking so I got off my knees from the floor, and straddled him on the couch. “How come you didn’t play more with me? I thought you would want to after you stared at me the whole time you were here” I asked in a disappointed tone.

“Can we speak somewhere privately?” He asked shaky tone after a few moments.

I was determined for him to engage in a little bit of naughtiness, so I said “not until you feel up my titties again”

Looking flustered he picked up his right hand and quickly pinched my nipple and immediately let go.

“That doesn’t count.” I said firmly. “If you want me to talk to you in private, you have to play with my titties for 10 full seconds”

He hesitantly lifted both hands this time and placed them on my juicy melons. He started softly squeezing with a firm grip. I only expected him to use his hands but he leaned in and sucked on my left tit. It felt good bending him to my will, so I bit my lip and grinded my leaking cunt against the bulge in his pants. He twitched and let go after a few seconds. “Can we go now?” He asked in a hurried tone.

I leaned forward slightly, pressing my breasts against his face and leaned back to get off of him. I grabbed him by the hand and led him into the guest room while all the guys were focusing on their smash tournament. I knew they were going to be a while so I could take my time with Dan. One way or another, I was determined to have him end up inside of me. The thrill of being a cum dumpster was absolutely exhilarating and I wanted more.

After we entered the room, I intentionally left the door open so my husband could watch in case he lost interest in the game. ?

He sat on the bed and I walked over to him (sill naked but acting like it’s no big deal) ask, “what’s wrong?”

“What happened to you?” He asked, “You used to seem so innocent”

“I’ve always been this way, I just repressed it. The same way you are. Or have you forgotten that you fucked natalie while I had to watch back in high school? Or that you felt me up that night while she was sleeping” I asked in a laughing/light-hearted manner.

“Yeah, sorry about that. I was an out of control horny teenager” he chuckled.

“Don’t apologize” I told him. “I was into it. I guess today was like getting a taste of your own medicine. The question is, did you like it?”

“Actually yeah. I forgot how sexy you are, and watching you be so dirty was…not what I expected. That and you have amazing tits” he said. I made a motion with my eyes towards them and reared back my shoulders. All he had to do was reach our and grab them.

“Take me.” I told him plainly. “I’ve wanted you to take me since I watched you fuck Natalie’s brains out”

“What about the other guys?” He asked. (I knew I would break him down) “I don’t want to have sex in front of other people”

“Oh!” I said understanding his concern. I stood up and announced to the guys, “Hey boys, I’m gonna fuck Dans brains out. Don’t come in here.”

“Ok hun, have fun!” Jacob yelled as all of the guys are yelling at each other about the game.

I closed the door, locked it and when I turned around, Dan was already stripping naked. Boxers were full blown tent pitching on him which in retrospect is hot and funny. Something primal woke in me and I ran towards him and tackled him into the bed. We rolled around, kissing passionately and he gropped me much more aggressively now. I pulled his cock out of his boxers and worked it up and down with smooth motion. His cock is average in just about every dimension, but to be honest after the variety pack I had been given earlier, it was a welcomed change of pace.

What makes this experience so rememberable to me is what happened next.

My pussy was still dripping cum from multiple other men, and he proceeds to go down on me. He didn’t care. I was so turned on that I was wrapping my legs around his heads and shoving him into it.

When he finally came up for air he looked at me and said “I’m going to fuck the shit out of you” He did something so hot for me that I had to return the favor. I decided to be hyper aggressive and pushed him off of me, pinned him to the bed and I crawled on top of him.

“No your not” I said in a bossy voice. “I’m going to ride the cum out of you. Just lay back and let me do all the work”

I started by laying his dick upwards toward his stomach and grinding my pussy against it. I placed his hands on my hips so he could He could feel that I was sopping wet and was drenching his cock is pussy juices and cum. I started going faster and faster until he said, “fuck. I’m gonna cum”

I immediately stopped because I wanted to tease him. A small droplet of cum managed to escape his dick but he didn’t finish. I got off and licked up the droplet so that I didn’t waste anything. After getting back between his legs, I started to lick the head of his cock slowly, then taking it in my mouth. Since he wasn’t rocking anything special, I was able to get my lips all the way down to the base of his cock. And of course I didn’t forget about his balls. Cradled in my hand, I massaged his balls firmly and played with them as I was aggressively throating his cock. Warm slobber escaped my bottom lip into the palm of the have that was playing with his balls. in the middle of his dick being acquainted with my tonsils, he grabbed the back of my head and helped me there for a moment so I would get all over his dick. I couldn’t hold back anymore and shot his explosive load past the back of my mouth, directly into my throat. It was a surprisingly large load and I never even got to see any of it ?. Because a man comes though doesn’t mean I’m done with him. As soon as I could feel he was no longer dumping his load, I started sucking again and I gripped his balls much more firmly. The look on his face was like when you cum for the first time.

“Wow, that was amazing!” He said as I pulled his cock out of my mouth. My makeup was still ruined from the prior blowjobs, but this slobber was fresh.

I took all of the spit that had gathered on my face, rub it off with my hand, and started rubbing my clit with it. “Do you think we’re done?” I asked simply. I crawled higher up on him turned around, and sat on his face. “You’re going to eat my pussy out until you get hard again.”

Lord knows I did not have to tell him twice. He started licking my clit immediately and slapped my ass hard. I was letting out audible moans for anyone that wanted to listen in. He spanked me a few more times and each time I squealed. I reached down and started jacking him off because I was getting impatient. I wanted- no, I NEEDED him inside me. It took a few minutes but the second he got hard I hopped off and stood over him, pussy glistening. “Do you want me to fuck you?” I asked him

“Yes” he simply said with wide eyes

“Then beg for it” I told him

“Please Becca, I can already tell you’re going to be the best fuck of my life. Please ride me.” He begged.

I smiled and said nothing as I lowered down onto my knees straddling him. I reached between his legs, grabbed his cock and slowly inserted him inside of me. I placed my hands on his chest and began to ride him so vigorously that my ass cheeks clapped against him when I came down. He reached up and started playing with my tits which felt amazing, so I gave him a closer view. I moved my hands to either side and shoved my tits in his face as I rode his cock like a wild stallion. My pussy was so broken in and wet, there was an audible slurping as I went up and down on his shaft. He sucked on my nipples as I took his entire cock inside of me. As I repetitively slap my ass down on him and I started whimpering, “I’m cumming. I’m cumming for you”

Without warning, he slammed my hips down and grunted as he shot whatever cum was left in his balls as deep inside me as he could muster.

When I hopped off, I was dripping cum but I was finally satisfied

We laid there in the bed for about 5 minutes afterwards without saying a word. Just trying to catch a breath.

A knock was at the door “you guys done in there?” It was Jacob, “we could use more players”

“Yeah hun we’ll be out in just a second” I let him know.

damn got dressed but I walked out of the room naked since I hadn’t brought any clothes with me. I figured everyone in the apartment had seen me naked so there was no point in acting embarrassed (especially given what had just happened) so I just went to the living room and played super smash Bros for the rest of the night. Completely naked, with cum dripping out of my pussy, ruined makeup, and sex hair.
