I’ve [M] worked at an Ashram in Southern India, and I’ve physically serviced women who weren’t quite prepared to adopt the abstinence.

My family is a huge donor to this Ashram and thus I get the opportunity to volunteer for two months every year. I take time off work to volunteer there as it is quite a peaceful place.

A big part of the life there is abstinence where you are denied the consumption of alcohol, drugs and sugar products. You are also not permitted to have sexual relationships in the Ashram. The newly inducted members are never given a common accommodation from fear that they might be tempted to have sex. So they are given individual apartments in the same buildings as the more experienced tenants in the Ashram. There is one new member per floor.

I am usually given a job as as resource manager for one building during my volunteering tenure there. At the time I had sexual relations with two of the newly inducted women in my building. They were both above the age of 40 and were from the United States. No one other than the three of us knew that we’re physically involved.

I’m quite responsive to questions and would love to share the details with you. I just don’t want to tell every thing about it in one shot, and give out too much info. Keep asking me questions and I’ll try to give you a detailed an answer as I can.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/keax91/ive_m_worked_at_an_ashram_in_southern_india_and

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