Me and two bohemian strangers on the back of a midnight bus to Trenton [FFM] [Public] [BJ] [Slow Burn]

The midnight bus kicked off before my butt was in a seat. There were no spots available up front, so I made my way to the last row and flopped into it. The company couldn’t be bothered to fly me because it was cheaper to bus me to the city. An eight-hour ride vs a one-hour flight, all to save maybe a hundred bucks. *Thanks guys*.

The lights cut out.

It was already past eleven and there was one more stop before the long haul began. I was planning on sleeping, but the last row didn’t recline. *Awesome*. I tucked in under my jacket and made myself comfortable. Most of the other passengers were already asleep. The quiet whispering of couples was occasionally punctuated by snores from another rider.


The bus hickuped to a stop with the automated chime of “*Bell Plaza. Next stop, Trenton, NJ*.” The lights flickered on, startling a woman sleeping a row ahead of me. Two riders got on. The first was a tall girl in a long colorful dress. She had long blond dreadlocks and was toting a canvas bag that managed to hit every isle sitter she passed. Behind her was another, shorter girl in a black hoodie. They looked like they had just left an outdoor concert. *Bohemian vibes if you catch my drift*.

The tall one shot me a big smile which I reciprocated. She shuffled around my legs and plopped down to the left of me, narrowly avoiding my head with her bag. Before I could ask if they wanted me to move, the hoodie girl parked directly to my right. There were seats next to them and they could have easily sat together, but at that I concluded they must not know each other. It was still strange that they didn’t give me any space.

They shuffled around in their seats and got comfortable. Tall girl was rooting through her bag when she turned to the hoodie girl laughing. “See, I told you I had it.” She tossed the hoodie girl something.

“Nice,” she chuckled.

*Wait, they are together. Why box me in?*

“Place is packed, man. I’m Flora by the way,” The tall girl said, reaching out her hand with a smile. I don’t normally find the grunge/hippy look all that appealing but this girl made it work. Her long dreads were pulled back into a knot and the ends flowed down her billowy dress. She was beautifully tanned with sharp blue eyes and a kind smile. There was a refreshing scent of rose water all around her.

“I’m Cass. Yeah, we’re lucky we got seats,” I replied shaking her hand.

“Yeah, I had to suck off the driver to get on” the hoodie girl snickered. She flipped back the hood and offered me her hand as well, “I’m Fauna, nice to meet you Cazz.” I awkwardly chuckled at her joke and shook her hand. She was tan like her friend, but her hair was a tangle of brown with beaded braids. Her piercings were what caught my attention. Silvery rings and studs dotted her lips, eyebrows, nose, and cheeks. She was also pretty, but her cold eyes and dead-pan voice were less inviting than her friends.

“So where you heading, Cass?” Flora asked as she resumed digging through her bag.

“Ah, Trenton.” I replied.

“No shit man, everyone on this bus is going to Trenton.” Fauna said mockingly. She was putting off a different scent. Something earthy. It was marijuana. “Why hop the red eye to Trenton?”

“Oh, I’m going to our company’s computer cluster to do some work. We couldn’t access it remotely so I’m going to check on it. Didn’t find out till it was already late. I probably should have started with what I do, I’m-”

“I.T.” Fauna cut me off. I felt a pang of frustration. *What the heck’s her problem?*

“That’s cool,” Flora said in a sleepy tone. She had found what she was looking for, a pack of gum. I watched her out of the corner of my eye. Her bag was full of all sorts of things jangling together: a glass pipe, a zip lock bag of change, some lighters. My eyes wandered up from the bag. Her rainbow-colored dress was loosely hanging on her. The neckline was tied with string and it plunged lower than her breasts. I could see she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples were pocking faint outlines through the soft fabric. I shot my eyes back up the aisle to the front of the bus. My face felt hot and I hoped they hadn’t noticed I was blushing. *Don’t be a weirdo.*

To my relief, the light cut off and the bus jerked forward. Only seven hours and fifty-nine minutes to go.

“Can I get the wooly?” Flora asked extending an arm across me, “I’m cold.” Her motion flooded that rose water scent over me. It was nice and I couldn’t help but smirk.

“Bitch, we sharin wooly.” Fauna said, pulling a large green blanket out of her backpack.

“Ah, I can move over to the window if-”

“Don’t sweat it man. More bodies make for more warmth. If you’re cool with that. It’s a big blanket.” Flora said. She didn’t wait for my response and the next thing I know; I was up to my neck in a wool army blanket.

The two girls kicked off their shoes and tossed their gear to the far window seats. They got under the blanket and I couldn’t help but feel they were cozying a little closer to me. It was nice and warm though. The day had been in the high seventies, but the night temp dropped quickly, and the bus didn’t seem to have heating. I cursed the company one more time before slipping off my shoes to get comfortable.

I could feel a little tension building. Between the sweet scent and the two girls next to me, I was starting to become very aware of the situation. *They’re messing with me. Or maybe I’m over thinking it?* Two strangers share a blanket with a guy they just met on the back of a bus? Suspicious, but I wasn’t about to complain. This was kinda nice, at least they were attractive strangers.

“So why are you going to Trenton?” I asked.

“I got folks in the city, so we’re doing a little couch surfing between gigs.” Flora answered. She had let the blanket fall to her waist and had swiped her dreads all to one side exposing her lovely neck. Her head was against the back rest and her eyes were closed which gave me another chance to peak at her open blouse. Each pothole the bus hit jiggled her breasts and clattered the stones on her necklace. *Eyes front!*

I tried to make small talk with them. Weather, jobs, home. Anything to take my mind off growing situation in my lap. Flora was pretty open. She answered most of the back and forth while Fauna fiddled with things in her bag. They were part of a group which followed music circuits and did concert venue prep. I got the vibe that they were one of those odd couples that formed out of years of necessity. A strong friendship born from a common passion in spite of their stark personalities. They both grew on me a little in that brief conversation.

“Fuck, the phone’s dead Flo,” Fauna interrupted, “How longs this ride again?”

“Eight hours”

“What the fuck am I going to do for eight hours? I am way to wired for this shit,” Fauna protested loudly. A few passengers glanced back at us.

“Nap it off man. You’ll be fine.” Flora said without opening her eyes.

“Yo Cazz, your phone still alive? Wanna watch something?” Fauna asked, leaning toward me. Her demeanor had done a complete one-eighty. Gone was the cold blank stare, replaced with a sweet smile and begging eyes.

“Ah, sure.” I searched my pocket for my phone. This was not an easy task as my slacks had gotten a little tighter since we all huddled up under the blanket. After unlocking it and opening prime video, we began swiping through the endless stream of free B-grade crap. Fauna took the opportunity to get even further into my personal space. She was now leaning on my arm and her head was almost laying on my shoulder.

“Who’s the girl in your background? Wife or a side-chick?” Fauna teased, flicking through the menu screen.

“Oh that’s my twin sister. I’m single.” I replied. Not sure why I threw on that last bit.

“Lucky us.” Fauna whispered under her breath. I don’t think I was supposed to hear that. There was a flutter in my chest. *Wait, is she hitting on me?* Fantasies of kissing her popped into my head. *Snap out of it! She’s just flirty, relax!* I’m not sure who I was trying to convince, myself or my dick.

The bus had grown darker as it entered the interstate. The bumps and turns had smoothed out to a quiet hum. It seemed like the other passengers had all gone to sleep. Lucky them. One movie on my phone was probably going to kill my data for the month.

“Mind if I scooch in a little closer. I can’t see.” Flora’s eyes were open now and she was intently looking at the screen. I gave a quick nod and she folded the arm rest into the seat and pulled herself in. She was now right up against me, her hand resting near my thigh. “What are you feeling tonight?” She asked. Her relaxed tone was like silk on my ears and I felt hot in the face again.

“Oh fuck yeah! This one’s all action and titties. You seen this one Flo? Huh?” Fauna was aggressively jabbing my screen. “Pick this one!”

As if I actually had a say in it. I started up the movie and rested my phone on the waded-up blanket in my lap. The two girls pulled in and to my surprise Flora laid her head on my shoulder. “You comfortable Cass?” she asked.

“Mhm” was all I could muster. My heart was about to jump out of my chest.

Of course, the movie was terrible. It was not in English and the subs were too small to read. Every time there was gunfire and explosions, Fauna would whisper “pew pew” under her breath. When the sex scenes came on, she’d excitedly squeeze my arm. At this point I had an erection that was uncomfortably bunched into my slacks. I couldn’t move cause the girls were basically on top of me and I didn’t want to wake up Flora or give it away that I was incredibly turned on by the scenario. By this point the thought had crossed my mind. They were doing this on purpose. Maybe they just get off on the idea of teasing some random guy. I must seem like an easy target.

I looked over to Flora who had fallen asleep. Her breathing was soft and slow. The light from my phone cast a dancing blue glow over her. I followed the neckline of her dress down to her chest. The loose fabric had fallen open. Floras entire right breast was out. Her nipple was holding the fabric back from covering her. I took a deep breath at the throb of excitement. I was sitting cross armed and my hand was only a few inches from her. *I wouldn’t dare… would I?* I couldn’t help it. Slowly, as to not alert Fauna, I let me hand drift across the divide. A few inches away then a few centimeters. My knuckle gently grazed her nipple. It was warm and seemed to perk at my touch. I pulled back. *What am I doing?*

Another sex scene was coming on and Fauna had moved her arm from the shared armrest to my upper thigh. She was gently stroking my leg while watching the movie. It was clear that she had calmed down significantly or maybe she was coming down from something. She had melted onto my side and her hand was exploring the top of my slacks. I grew worried that she’d bump into the growing bulge in my pants and the gig would be up. Instead, she stroked my thigh rhythmically. It was starting to feel a little too good. Part of me wanted her to reach over and touch me. Slide open the zipper. At this rate, the idea didn’t seem all that crazy. Clearly these girls had unique ideas on personal space and boundaries.

A while later, the movie ended, and the screen cut to a searing white light. Fauna scrunched her face, “too hot,” she muttered. She slid aside the blanket and pulled her hoodie up over her head. Underneath was a thin spaghetti-strap top which could barely contain her bust. She was not wearing a bra either and I could clearly make out her nipples through the white fabric. Her upstretched arms framed her amazing curves and waistline. These girls are a gorgeous pairing. Like something out of a sports magazine. This ride was turning out to be well worth the trouble.

Fauna let her arms fall to her sides and one of the straps fell leaving her shoulder naked. My eyes were glued to her until I realized she was smiling back at me. I smiled too. She slowly reached her hand over the waded blanket… and took the phone to continue scrawling. *So close.*

Flora stirred from her nap. “Was it any good?” she asked with a yawn.

“Eh” I said, seizing the opportunity to move the blanket up and pretend to adjust in my chair. My dick flipped up inside my slacks and a wave of relief washed over me.

“Another?” Flora asked looking over to Fauna.

“Nah” She replied flopping back into my shoulder and throwing the blanket over herself. “I wanna do something else.”

I flicked off the phone and suddenly we were blind in the dark. I could tell the two were looking at each other.

“So you gonna go to sleep?” Flora whispered in that silky voice.

“Not tired.” Fauna whispered back. She was walking her fingers over the blanket that was wadded in my lap.

“Well, we still got six hours.” Flora said. My heart was starting to race in my chest, and there was a lump in my throat. I could feel their breath on my neck and the heat that was radiating off their naked skin.

Fauna leaned in close to my ear and whispered, “I think we can figure how to pass the time. What do you think Cass? Got any ideas?”

*Oh I have ideas!* “We could play the worlds hardest game of I spy,” I joked, trying to ease my expectations.

They both giggle which made it worse. They were dropping the pretense and were definitely aware that I was sweating. Flora had wrapped her arm around me, and I could see her examining me through the dark. She flicked open the top button of my shirt. “How about we play a game in the dark?” She whispered to Fauna.

“Yeah” Fauna purred as she ran her hand down my thigh close to my crotch.

“I… Uh, well-”

Flora shushed my stammering, undoing another button. “You don’t need to talk for this game. In fact, that’s the goal. First person to moan loses.” She breathed the words as she leaned in and slowly kissed the side of my neck. Another button came undone. Fauna had slipped under the blanket and was working my belt loose.

*Oh my god, this is actually happening!*

While Fauna worked free my belt and unzipped my slacks, Flora had undone the last button of my shirt and was racking her fingers across my chest. Her breath on my neck alone was somehow more arousing than the whole situation. I chose to remain frozen, letting the two girls play with me. I didn’t want to mess anything up. Flora likely picked up on that and she gently took my hand and guided it into her dress. She ran my hands over her small but firm breasts. I squeezed and massaged them till her nipples perked up in my hands. Her breathing became excited and she guided my hand lower, down her abdomen.

Fauna was having a tough time with my briefs. She aggressively pulled and tugged the fabric away till she freed my cock. When she did, she gave it a little kiss on the head and giggled. She reached up and snagged one of Flora’s hands and pulled it down to my crotch. The two of them began slowly working my shaft back and forth. Fauna rose and ran her tongue up the side of my neck until she reached my ear. She bit down on my earlobe while squeezing my cock tightly.

While the two vampires kissed and sucked on my neck, I yanked Fauna top down. In the light of passing cars, I could see her beautiful breasts. She giggled and trapped my hand between her cleavage like some kind of restraint. Her breasts were bigger and softer than Flora’s. After a few good squeezes, I eventually made my way to her nipples which were pierced. *Of course*. The shifting, swishing of fabric, and heavy breathing was starting to get audible. I’d glance at their breast then surveil the seats ahead of us. I’d look down at them both jerking me off then check to make sure no one was watching. If even one person looked there’d be no doubt of what was going on in the back. At this point the blanket was barely covering us. *This is crazy.*

The two seemed to be really enjoying this and my boldness was growing too. That was up until another rider sneezed. Cold reality flooded back in. I’m on a bus…full of people. Flora pulled me back with a new distraction. She grabbed me by the cheeks and kissed me. An aggressive French kiss. Her tongue parted my teeth and swam with mine. I had never been kissed like that.

The girls jerked my cock faster and faster and I could feel I was getting close. How I had lasted this long was beyond me. Although what felt like an eternity had realistically been only a few minutes. Fauna pealed back my shirt and began sucking on one of my nipples while Flora guided my hand down between her thighs. She wasn’t wearing any panties. My hand slide over her soft pubic hair and found the lips of her pussy. She was warm and wet and she guided my hand with hers like she was playing with herself through me.

That was it. “I’m gonna cum,” I whispered. I could feel the sensation welling up in me.

“We win,” flora whispered into me ear. She grabbed the back of Fauna’s head and drove it down into my lap. They both let go of me as Fauna’s mouth swallowed my cock down to the hilt. She bobbed her head a few times. I gasped as my back arched and I came hard into her throat. I held Faunas head down with one hand and vigorously fingered Flora with the other.

Flora continued to kiss my neck and play with my hand. She was getting excited enough that each time I pushed my fingers inside her she’d let out a little gasp. My forearm was running down the length of her chest and abdomen, nestled between her breasts. Fauna continued to deepthroat me. Everything had happened so fast that it never occurred to me to get a condom on or what I would do if they let me cum all over myself. I didn’t even have a condom. This didn’t bother either of them and Fauna simply swallowed everything. She finally let go after I couldn’t stand the sensation of her winding the steel stud in her tongue around the head of my cock. She kissed up my stomach, over my chest and then locked lips with me, pushing Flora away. I had never kissed a girl with piercings like this. The sensation was wonderful and there was a hint of my saltiness on her tongue. The feeling of the stud playing with my mouth was amazing.

Flora pulled my fingers out of her and kissed them. She then guided my other hand between Fauna’s legs. She was wearing underwear which Flora pulled aside so I could slide my finger in. Fauna was extremely wet and as I ran my fingers over her labia, I could feel that her clit was pierced. *Jesus.* On my first push in, she let out a very load moan. All three of us froze at that. I looked around wide eyed. No one moved.

Fauna grabbed me by the neck, panting, “Don’t fucking stop,” she hissed. The girls took a break from kissing me to kiss each other. They passionately made out on top of me while I continued to finger them. My dick didn’t have a chance to softened before they went at it again.

*Oh my god, this is really happening, this isn’t a dream!*

Flora’s turn was next as she glided her lips over the head of my cock. Her saliva trickled down my shaft and she’d bob her head down to quietly suck it back up. Occasionally, she’d bite with a little aggression and tease my balls with her hand. Fauna had bit down on my shoulder to muffle her moans which were growing into silent screams. She was the next one to cum. Her body shuddered as she dug her nails into my forearm and thigh. She pulled out my hand to give herself some breathing room to shudder and twitch in the dark.

Flora seized this opportunity to take my face back. Between the minty taste of her tongue and the overwhelming sweetness of her rose water perfume I was in heaven. “I want you to cum again.” She whispered triggering an throb in my dick.

“I don’t know if I can.”

“You can. I’ll help you. I want you to cum in my mouth and lick it off my tongue.”


She didn’t give me a chance to finish. Flora plunged down on me and began vigorously suck on my cock. I could feel her furiously beating my shaft while she buffered the head. I Grabbed a hold of her knot and drove my dick deeper into her. Not a moment later, my hips locked up and I spasmed a second load of cum into her mouth. I could feel her swishing it with her tongue as she rose off of me. She lined her face with mine and gently took me in a long slow kiss. She had swallowed most of my cum but left just enough to trickle into my mouth. She let our tongues swim in it before release.

It was finally her turn to orgasm; she had saved the best for last. Flora slid her dress off her shoulders and brought my head to her chest to suck on her nipples. She began fingering herself and caressing the back of my head, running her fingers through my hair. She writhed and wiggled in her seat and I could feel her nipples getting harder the closer she got. She head locked me against her chest, curled forward and let out a very restraint moan into my ear as she came.

We fell back into our seats. Sweating, panting, enjoying the cold air on our skin. I have absolutely no idea how we did not get caught. I’m very confident at least some one heard. After a while Flora produced wet-naps from her bag. We cleaned up and got dressed. The rest of the ride was spent in a huddled mass, sleeping off the sex.

We made it to Trenton and didn’t exchange too much conversation after getting off the bus. I hopped in a cab and they walked off down the road. We waved and Fauna blew me a kiss. It wasn’t a dream. The rest of my ride was daydreams and regret for not getting their number.

I later realized it was definitely not a dream. They had stolen my wallet.


1 comment

  1. Hey Y’all. I hobby write for fun but my grammar is pretty appalling. I’m always happy to hear constructive criticism. What did you like, not like, and what needs fixin. Hope you liked it and let me know what you think.

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