[M] Introduction: First Story Post Here

Hello and welcome to my first of hopefully many true sexual events of my life. I know this is an introduction and not really going to be that eventful, but I wanted to have a beginning to what I am about to share. My writing is going to be as detailed and true as possible based on what I can remember from my past and will date back to 1990’s around 30 years ago because that is where my memories begin with what I would consider my first orgasm with another person. I will not get everything but will post as I remember events that happened and try to get them in the closest order as possible.

I am a 45-year-old straight man with a high libido, bisexual curiosities, and a very interesting sexual past. Before age eighteen, I have had sexual relations with around two hundred females before settling down with one woman around eighteen years old. I cannot say I am proud of it considering the many risks I took but I can say it was a fantastic experience as a good-looking hormone-driving teenager. To be honest, I was lucky to walk away STD free and without children. Good thing it was not as bad then and we were all young, clean and new to sex. After around 8 years in, the relationship got rocky and she had cheated on me with not only my best friend but also a few others. Her reasoning was because she was lonely and bored at home all the time while I worked two full time jobs to support my family. Therefore, I ended up returning the favor and cheated a few times before we separated. Mostly to reassure my manhood and ability to satisfy a woman sexually. I needed to know considering how torn up I was and what I did wrong for her to cheat on me. From there I went back to my old ways for a little while before meeting my next long relationship of nine years. Do not worry because I have a few good stories within this relationship. I did have a few months being single before I met my current wife where I was hanging out and partying in my hometown with a few exciting adventures. I have never cheated on my wife so my stories will end with my wife for now, unless…..

I hope you like my writing style and please be understanding, as I am bad with grammar and spelling. I depend a lot on spellcheck and proof reading a hundred times making thousands of corrections hoping to perfect what I can and add as much detail as I can to keep all reading entertained. Please feel free to ask questions, offer advice, and contribute in the comments. I do not mind some constructive criticism but do not be a Nancy or Karen please.

Although my sexual encounters started when I was very young, I cannot remember ever having a organism due to penetration until around XX so I consider that the day I lost my virginity even though I had fooled around before that. I was a young age in some experiences, so I will leave some details out to keep them appropriate for this sub. I did have a friend put my dick in his mouth for a second in order for us to fuck his sister but rudely interrupted by their dad. This was the first of three homosexual encounters I have had growing up I will share in my writings. In fact, this will be my first story coming soon.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kcyz61/m_introduction_first_story_post_here