Ellie’s unexpected encounter. [MFF]

I was on my way back home from school having to cut through various alleyways so as to avoid being mugged and raped in this hell hole of a city, murders and thievery are so common here I always keep a can of pepper spray on me but anything can happen in this city when the height of these buildings force us to live in the shadows; I was walking my usual route which involves cutting through a few alleyways before I feel comfortable enough walking the main straight back to my house, when I passed by the usual restaurant with the usual dishwasher cursing the head chef as he takes out the spilling trash bags everything seemed pretty normal until a sharp whistle shot through the air “Heeyyyy pumpkiiinn! Whatcha doin’ walkin’ around in a lil’ skirt like that!” “Must be waitin’ for the janitor to snatch her up!” “Maybe she’s headin’ to uncle Roy’s place!” “Maybe daddy’s got a thing for his lil’ girl!” “Is that it, pumpkin? Daddy got you wearin’ his favorite skirt for em’?” “Oh, come on, baby! You can be my lil’ baby girl all you want, I’ll make sure you get all the attention you deserve!” “Awww, come on, baby, I’ll be your daddy from now on, I’ll protect you baby!” It was a group of clowns with bad makeup and an even worse sense of fashion, I couldn’t get a good count of how many of them there were, as soon as they started flicking their tongues and humping the air I bolted out of the alley, they howled and hooted at me as they set off to chase me down, I go down the Main Street but traffics busy so I cut the corner the my right, lights and horns whirl into one another, screaming for help but nobody listens, nobody messes with these guys, I cut into another alley hoping to lose them, I can hear them shouting for me, I pull down whatever I can to the ground to slow them down, they’re hot on my tail, my heart’s way ahead of my feet, Im running out of breath, I make a move to cut a corner only to swept away in the arms of one of the clowns grabbing me by the waist, I kick my legs and pound his back screaming “Somebody help!!! Please!! Somebodyyyy!!! Ugh!” He slams me up against the wall, I reach for my pepper spray but they grab my wrist and pry it out of my hands, I close my eyes and look at the ground praying to god he hears me, one of the clowns blurts out to me “aww, don’t look so down babe’s, we’ll take real good care uh’ya, you can even call me daddy!” They all burst into laughter, my face turns sour trying to hold back the tears and that’s when I hear his voice pierce through us all, our spines shuddering like a breeze through trees “What’s this all about! Why must I be disturbed?!” His voice high in pitch and scratchy in texture I’ve only ever heard stories of him but from the looks on the clowns faces they’ve clearly fucked, “Uhh, we was jus playin’ with a lil’ piece, boss, see? She ain’t nothin’-“ he cuts him off “Nothing! Apparently it’s enough to ruin my beauty sleep! Since when do you have any right to tell me the value of such things!” “Uh-boss I swear I din’t mean nothin’ by it, we was jus playing with a lil’ meat we happen t’ see passin’ by-“ **“AND MY PEACE IS TO BE SACRIFICED FOR YOUR DEGENERACY!”** “Uh-I’m sorry boss! I’m sor-“ PAWP! The entire skull of the clown pops like a balloon, gallons of blood and the residue of shattered skull and meat slapping against the pavement, his fallen body twitching for the mercy of god, my entire body jolts with static shooting through me in every direction at once, the other clowns shudder but they know better than to run off “The last thing I need is a pathetic-sorry-little sap! As for the rest of you out of my sight, **NOW!” “YES BOSS!”**

The clowns bolt for the other way. I sit there with my arms wrapped around my knees close to my chest trembling with my eyes sealed shut, praying I’ve truly been spared just now. I’ve never seen a gun in person let alone watching a man’s head blown to fucking bits, not even in this rut of a fucking city… tears trickle down my cheeks, that’s when I hear another voice from a woman, her pitch really high with a smooth texture “Awww, look watchou’ve done, big daddy, you’ve scared the poor lil’ thing!” The man with the gun snaps back “O’shut up Harley! Now’s not the time for your pseudo-maternal bickering! Go back inside!” Harley shoots back “Oh, mister big boy gettin’ all worked up all the sudden, this ain’t like you! I told you I’d give you a back rub butchya wanna be in your feelings, well look atcha now daddy! Ain’t so happy now, are ya!” I sink my head in my arms, whimpering, he snaps back “Shutupshutupshutup! I’ve had enough of your voice, Harley! AHHHHHHHHH! Why of all days does this trash need to disturb me!!! **Rrrrghhhhh”** He locks his bulging eyes on me, his back arched, his chest heaving, a disheveled smile across his face, slightly foaming from the corners of his mouth, his face completely whitened with red lips smeared across his face, black eye shadow, green hair, adorning a dark purple suit well tailored against his slim frame, white gloves over his hands, a yellow vest, a white button down, a green tie, black and white dress shoes-he speaks to me “Oh, where are my manners? Darling, I must apologize, allow me to introduce myself! I! Am a long standing foe of the man in black with cute little ears, the people look upon me as a monster but truly they misunderstand the quarrel between the bat and I as we merely suffer through a rough patch as so often happens between such passionate lovers, but we will make up! Oh! We will make up, you’ll see! But for you, darling, you may know me as,” he curtsies *“The Joker.*” “And I’m *Harley!*” “And she is to go back inside and shut her fucking trap!” He stomps his foot and shoots her a glare, Harley stands her ground, leaning forward and perching her lips as she observes her nails “Yea, yea, yea, bring her up already, I wanna brush her hair!” Still trembling with my knees to my chest Joker looks back at me with a fat grin on his face “Now dear, there‘s no need to fear, I assure you those little goons will no longer be of any trouble to you, should they dare cause you any trouble they’ll be a gelded lot, you’ll see!” He lends me his hand, I take his hand… after almost being gang raped only for the men to be driven away by the luck of god I feel an urge to express my gratitude to Joker… I reach in my pocket and pull out my lucky coin, “h-here you go, sir, it’s my lucky coin… I’d like to thank you…” “*AW!* Would you look at that, Harley! She’s given me a coin! And a lucky one at that! My! Thank you, darling, I shall treasure this coin through to my final moments, oh! What a sobbing mess they’ve put you through, let’s bring you in and get you all dolled up.”

They bring me into their home “This is no home! It is our lair!” I mean, their lair “Our lair!” our lair, Harley launches herself onto me, wrapping her arms around me, squeezing tightly, she easily towers over me by more than a head suffocating me with her boobs, I return the favor and she says “Gee, you’re quite the little woman, aren’t ya? Ehhh, we gotta do somethin’ about these clothes, what are ya goin’ to a funeral? Come on, step outta the clothes, baby, we gotta get ya into somethin’ sexy.” I didn’t expect to literally be dolled up, I didn’t know what to expect, I certainly didn’t expect to strip in front of strangers, my, I’m still a virgin… I mean, I’m no total prude, I’m familiar with my rubbing technique and I’ve fingered myself ‘a plenty but, but having the hands of others on me, no… I’ve never been touched by anyone else, she leads me in the bathroom, tiles among the walls are chipped and misplaced, the mirror on the wall massive though littered with punches, the light stretching from wall to wall close to the ceiling stark blue, I stand there motionless, “Come on! What are ya waitin’ for? What, I can’t see ya naked? Gimme those clothes, baby.” I, I, I strip my jacket off, I unbutton my blouse and let it fall from my shoulders, I kick off my shoes, only my bra, my skirt and leggings remain “Come on, darling, we gotta see it all.” I unclasp the hem of my skirt, shimmying my hips side to side as I let it fall to the ground… “Come on, don’t be shy, baby, mama’s gotta see what you’re workin’ with.” … oh god… what would my parents say if they saw me like this? I.. I, I unhook my bra letting my breasts hang free, the air extra chilly swaying against my exposed skin… my, my nipples… they harden “Wow, checkout the udders on my little girl!” My face is flushed with rosy cheeks, my, my vagina, my vagina feels tingly and warm, my thighs feel fuzzy, my head’s so light, I feel embarrassed but, but… no.. no, no, no, this is wrong, this is… “Come on, baby, just one more piece to go, we’re almost there.” I slip my thumbs beneath the waistband of my panties, my head spinning as I watch my panties slip past my knees to the floor beneath my feet, my, my hole completely exposed to this stranger, I instinctively place a hand over my mound and my arm across my breasts; Harley disarms me and turns me to the mirror facing my naked body shattered in the reflection with a hole where my face should be, “So ya got a lil’ chonk on ya, so what? It’s your body, sweet pea, that’s all that counts!” She pecks my cheek “we ain’t gonna hurt ya, come now, it’s time for a bath.”

Steam rises from the water in the bathtub, “Awright now, come on sweet pea, got the water all nice and hot for ya.” I step into the water and gasp as I turn to see Harley stripping herself bare “What? Didn’t think I’m gonna get my clothes all wet did ya? Don’t be silly now, mama’s got a rockin’ bod, don’t she?” She cocks her hip to the side, making her boobs jiggle a little, she smiles at me, I blush and nod my head in agreement, turning my head so as to hide my licking lips… she steps in with me, my back facing her, she sits herself down “Come on, baby, come to mama, no need to make this awkward, mama just wants to clean her sweet lil’ baby.” I lower myself to the surface of the tub, lightly groaning as I lean myself in her arms, her boobs pressing against my back, so soft, so full, so big, my heart beating against my chest being so exposed and close with another woman, a *woman*, especially with a woman such as Harley “Mama!” mama… Mama cups water in her hands and pours it onto my hair, she doesn’t stop until my hair is damp, she sweeps my hair back away from my face, I slowly melt in her hands, I, I’ve never been this close with a woman before, my god… Harley reassured me in a lower tone “there, there, sweet pea, mama’s gonna make everything just right.” She soaps up her hands, she slides her hands underneath my arms, reaching around for my boobs, she grabs my breasts “my oh my, sweet pea, little baby’s really got some stacks her, huh? Mama’s gonna take real good care of ya, mama’s got a lotta love for ya.” She grabs a handful of my breasts, drawing her fingers back until they reach my nipples, she massaged my nipples, slightly pinching them, my head slowly receding back, I whimper, mama tells me “you really got some nice tits on ya, no wonder those nasty men wanted to get their hands on ya.” She kneads my tits with slow and tender motions, “but that’s awright, sweet pea, you’re with us now, our little girl, our little baby, daddy and mommy have been trynna get pregnant for a while now, but seems like there were other plans for us, we got you now, sweet pea, our sweet lil’ baby, ain’t no one gonna lay a hand on you and get away with it.” She leans into my ear, she licks my ear, she nibbles on my lobe, she flicks her tongue deep in my ear, “Sometimes I call him Mr. J, sometimes Daddy, but never Joker, he don’t like that, and neither do I, only the dogs call him ‘Joker’ he’d love for you to call him daddy, as for me, I’m mama, and I’m mommy, got it?” I purr to her “Yes, mama…” mama trails one of her hands down across my tummy and in between my legs, butterflies swarming within me, she massages my pussy, she rubs my clit “You ever have anyone touch you here before?” “No…” “You’re safe in mama’s hands, sweet pea.” She massaged the simp of my pussy, sliding a finger in me, I’m so, sooo wet, my entire body buzzing with heat, “How’s that, sweet pea?” “S-sooo good, mama, mmm…” she slides another finger inside my hole, I can hardly catch my breath, my thighs squeeze her hands, my toes curl, I hold onto her legs, she quickens the pace of her in and out motions, curving her fingers toward my belly, my hips gyrating against her palm, my eyes rolling in the back of my head, biting my lip, water splashing as she fucks me with her fingers, my pussy so fucking wet, wetter than I’ve been in my entire life, fuck, fuuuuccckkk, my pussy contracts around her fingers, she licks, sucks and nibbles on my neck, static shooting throughout my body in waves, my whimpering turns into crying, “fuck, mama, fuck! Fuck me, mama, fuck me, I’m yours mama, fuck me, please! Oh, fuck mama!” She uses her other hand to rub my clit and I’m completely lost now, my vision blurs, I don’t know if I’m fainting, am I blacking out??? My entire body convulses in her hands, I want nothing more than to lie in mama’s hands, I want nothing more than to let mama take care of me, my god, I can’t believe my own words, how could I be saying this, how could I harbor such thou-“ohhhh fuuckkk, o-oh-oh my-oh my god, ma-mama, fuck-fuck me mama” mama really gives it to me hard, my entire wracking in her arms, water rippling all around us, my pussy so hot, my head buzzing, are those stars? Oh my, they, they must be stars, those are stars, oh my… “Sweet pea enjoyed her little homecoming gift?” “Y-yesss, mama.. thank you, thank you…” “There ain’t no need to thank me, sweet pea, mama wants to make sure her lil’ baby gets the proper treatment she deserves, now come on, time to get ya in some clothes!”

Mama takes a towel and dries us both off, being extra tender enough to pat me dry on my face, my boobs, my pussy… mama wraps a towel around my head, grabs my cheeks and squishes them together, pecking my lips a thousand times. Walking back into the main room daddy was speaking to several men on their knees before him bowing their heads, he was shouting at them “If anyone sees you take out their eyes, do you understand!” **“You got it boss!”** “Out with you now!” They scurried through the door. “I wuv you awready, sweet pea! Now! About those clothes… here, try this on!” Mama dresses me up in a red and black plaid skirt nowhere near my knees, a button down blouse with my sleeves rolled up to my elbows and a few buttons at the top loosened, red-wine colored socks coming up to my knees, leather wrist cuffs around the obvious, black-leather shoes with a buckle in the center, and, uhm.. no panties… After having been finger fucked by the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen and dressing up in this skimpy outfit I’ve never felt like such a slut before and yet… I like it… mama slips a ring on my right middle finger flashing her own ring on the same finger of her own hand, “See! Now we really are mother and daughter! Till death do us part!” Mr. J snaps “Don’t be surprised if you find yourself wanting to sever her tongue! I may even conspire with you!” “Daddy would be lost without my tongue.” Mama winks at him “Now time for the best part! The makeup!” Mama makes my face as white as hers, my lips are now red but not as wide as hers making my lips look small and plump, the skin around my eyes darkened to black with purple atop my eyelids, she ties my hair in a bun letting a generous amount of strands hang low, my nails are now a dark shade of green, my arms glowing with glitter “We’ll worry about ur hair later, and here, you’ll need this” mama hands me a gun with a waist strap… I’m visibly shaken as I’ve never handled a gun before, dear god, am I going to behave to shoot-ki-kill someone?… “don’t worry, baby, you’ll get the hang of it, mama’s gonna teach everything ya need to kno! Doesn’t she look cute with a pistol, daddy?” Looking in the mirror I don’t recognize the gir-or-the woman… I’ve become… I start to panic at the thought of my family, where are they, oh, how worried they must be of me, what would they think if they saw me like this, I must go back, I can’t stay here, what am I doing! “My parents! My family! I can’t be here, I have to go back, what about my parents? What would they think if they saw me like this?” Mr. J cocks his pistol “We are your parents now, darling. Those people won’t be of any bother to you any longer.” Mama grabs my cheeks and leans her face close to me “I know how scary this must be sweety; one minute you’re almost gang raped, and the next you’re part of a whole new family, but don’t worry, ain’t nothin’ to be afraid of with us, we’ll look after you, sweet pea, we ain’t gonna let ya rot.” I stammer for words “b-but, I-I-I must go back, what would they do without me, they must be worried by now, wondering where I am, I-I-I-“ mama locks her lips with mine, I groan in her mouth, she slips her tongue in my mouth sucking on mine, she grabs me the hips and pulls me close to her, she runs her hands up to my tits, she pulls her lips away “it’s okay, sweet pea.”

Mama lays me back onto a bed, my bed, mama lies next to me, kissing me, pressing her body against mine, sucking on my tongue, biting my lip, licking my ear, sucking my earlobe, I reach for her tits, her voluptuous, milky tits, kneading them deeply, she sucks on my neck, leaving her mark, groping my boobs, pinching my nipple, daddy’s lowers himself down between my legs waiting no time devouring my pussy, licking my clit and fucking me with his long fingers, curving them towards my belly, my back arches as I wrap my legs around his head, my sopping pussy making creamy noises from his finger fucking, mama moves down to my chest sucking on my nipple flicking it with her tongue, daddy spits on his finger and slides it in my butthole, I didn’t expect that, I especially didn’t expect to enjoy it more than it hurt, I didn’t even feel any pain, I only felt my pussy grip daddy’s tongue tight as he slipped it in me, my pussy was fucking soaked having him finger my shit-hole and devouring my pussy at the same time, I’m crying for more like the little slut I am, wanting mommy and daddy to never end this rapturous pleasure, that’s when mommy flips us over so that I’m on top of her “suck on mommy’s tits, baby, get your vitamins in” yes ma’am! I ravage mommy’s tits with my sopping mouth, kneading them really fucking hard for all her milk, gritting her nipple between my teeth, her moaning echoes through my body like the overture of a symphony, her milk so warm and sweet, fuck! I love mommy’s tits! Daddy gets to work on devouring my little shit hole fucking my pussy with his fingers, fucking me so hard I bite down on mommy’s tits screaming and crying and praying for daddy to fuck me forever and ever, daddy slaps my ass making me squeal like a whore, mommy moans pushing the my face deep in her tits, “mmmm, just like that baby, fuck, mommy loves that, ohhh” daddy’s fucking my push so hard I can’t take it anymore, my toes curling, my entire body buzzing with the tides of my orgasm washing over my body, whimpering in mommy’s tit as I cum all over daddy’s fingers, Mr. J teases me “What a messy little slut out little baby is” he slaps my ass. I let mommy’s tit plop out of my mouth with a wide grin across my face struggling to come back down to earth, “She’s had such a long day, daddy, nothin’ like a good night’s rest to feel new again. Come on, sweet pea, I’ll tuck you in.”

After tucking me in they lean in to kiss me goodnight. Mr. J asks me “Ellie’s quite an adorable name, but how about Pumpkin? Would you like to be our little pumpkin?” “I would love to be you r little pumpkin…” “awww she’s one ‘a us now! Sweet dreams, pumpkin!” “Sweet dreams, darling” “thank you mama and daddy, goodnight… I love you…” “awwww, we love you all the same!” They peck me a thousand more times all over my face before leaving me be in my new bed, in my new home, my new parents, my new family… what a day…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kcri36/ellies_unexpected_encounter_mff


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