Disabled guy here. My (32m) total lack of social anxiety has come in very handy when approaching women! [FFM]

I (32m) am a disabled guy with Cerebral Palsy who walks with crutches or a frame.

I give the impression of being really confident but it’s more a complete lack of fear, inhibition or self-doubt – I don’t know how or why I’m like that but I feel very lucky. I’ve never had a little voice in my head talking me out of things. I think anyone with a lack of fear will succeed to some degree, regardless of good-looks etc.

A lot of pickup artists are like this but I’m NOT a pickup artist – in fact they make me cringe! I’m all about forming genuine connections with people.

Because of my lack of social anxiety I can get up in front of a room full of people and give a talk like it’s nothing. And when it comes to women I will quite happily go up to a group of ladies – or one lady in a group – and start chatting to them. Not hitting on them, just having a laugh.

A lot of the time I’ll just end up making good friends, because I’m not looking for sexual conquests, but sometimes sparks will fly and we’ll end up leaving together.

I once struck up a conversation with 2 BFFs in a cafe (22f & 23f) and a week later I was eating them both out at the same time in a hotel room. Okay it wasn’t a full threesome but who’d turn down a two-course meal?!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kcwit1/disabled_guy_here_my_32m_total_lack_of_social


  1. > I once struck up a conversation with 2 BFFs in a cafe (22f & 23f) and a week later I was eating them both out at the same time in a hotel room. Okay it wasn’t a full threesome but who’d turn down a two-course meal?!

    Bruh you can’t do that shit to us, give us the fucking story!

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