the icy wind in my house [ghost] [no sex]

before we start, let’s get a few things out of the way.

I’m not a very good writer and I’ve never posted here before, but I hope at least a few people enjoy this.

this is the first part of an indeterminately long story. the story will progressively get more lewd, but for the first part and probably the part after it, it’s going to be romance only.
in fact, there is very little romance in this one as it focuses on exposition. **you probably needn’t read this if you don’t plan on reading the future parts.**

I’m a side sleeper so I modelled all the bed scenes accordingly. sorry if any bits seemed confusing from a back sleeper perspective.


Walking up the stairs to your new bedroom, footsteps echoing through the house, you begin to feel a sense of passive fear. This rickety, old, spider-village of a house you bought the other day seems to just emanate dread. The first night in your new house is always an uncomfortable feeling, of course, but this house is just… different. There can’t be much insulation if you keep feeling drafts of cold air flowing around the house when the heat is on.

But it was cheap and had lots of free space, so you bought it without a second glance.

Took you the better part of a day, but you managed to get your (mostly) minimalist belongings into the house, The largest of which you were now standing before; your king-sized bed, complete with a thick blanket and soft feather pillows, made with only the highest quality of child labor.

The light from the full moon is almost calming, filling the house with a blueish white tone. You don’t even have the energy to change out of your clothes at this point, you just melt into the mattress, fully dressed, and barely even awake. as you settle into the bed, wondering why past you decided to buy a bed designed for 2 people when you live alone, you feel yet another random gust of cold air. The cold is somehow soothing, like the air itself was holding you, leaving a chilly but cozy sensation.

that night was the best sleep you’ve had in years, despite shivering the whole way through and losing half a litre of blood to the 8-legged denizens of this house.

#*next day*

The clock strikes 9:30. you’re tired, and it’s a good thing to maintain a sleep schedule anyway. turning off all the lights, your computer, and even your phone which you normally leave on, in case somebody discord DMs you in the middle of the night. As you stand in the bathroom, combing your hair before bed, you feel the cold air again, this time even chillier than the last. You freeze in place as you glance at the mirror, your arms are hot but you don’t dare move for fear of what lay behind you.
an ivory white woman, no older than 25, stands observantly in the reflection, with a kindly smile on her face and a gentle expression.

“di- did I scare you?” a soft voice echoes out from behind you, her smile quickly turning to a face of regret. “I didn’t mean to frighten you,” she says with a guilty tone.
finally you turn around slowly, still absolutely petrified. her simple black dress flowed in ripples, as if there were a light wind coming from below her.
you’re still too shocked to say anything, so she makes the first move. “I’m sorry for spooking you like that.. how about we talk about this when you’ve calmed down?” she says in an empathetic voice. she grabs your hand and leads you to your bedroom, knowing you would have passed out eventually had she waited for an answer. Still in a daze you have no time to react, no time to speak, no time to get yourself out of being killed by this *demon*. you are going to die tonight, plain and simple. As you finally begin to come to your senses the two of you arrive at the bedroom door. she leads your body into your soft, luxurious bed, muscles running on autopilot following the guidance *it* imparts. “y-y-y-you are-“ she cuts you off by putting a cold finger over your panicked lips, a caring smile still firmly on her face. “I’ll explain everything in the morning, I promise. But for right now, you need to sleep. To cool down from what just happened.” Listening to her words you lay back in your bed, still shaking from the experience. as you begin to close your eyes she kisses you on the forehead, dissolving into the air only to reappear behind you, holding you just as she did last night, this time fully materialized. holding you from behind she whispers one last thing into your ear.
“sleep well, (***your name***)”
