Slaves of Bucarra pt.4 (M/F) (Blowjob) (BDSM)

*Note: In this story I played a lot with fetishes and stereotypes and how I could fit them in a story, taking inspiration from art and literature I’ve read. In the story all women are very submissive, except for the main character [Selena Dantes]( I finally finished the story and I hope you enjoy the last part.*


Selena walked back to the mansion she was deep in thought of what she would do next. She took another gander at the map, wondering where the Baron would secure his slaves and found a location that was labelled as ‘the warehouse’. While walking she kept her eyes on David’s tablet, revealing more secrets the Baron kept to himself, though did share with his loyal manager, though his loyalty was now surely questionable. With the tablet itself she managed to unlock the warehouse and she was correct. The slaves were indeed held her, still naked like a garrison of soldiers all lined up. Many were shaking from the cold and she wondered why they just didn’t share their body heat and tried to make themselves more comfortable. The answer was given to Selena when she saw the cameras hanging from the ceiling, realising they were all being monitored and no doubt they were ordered to stand like dolls. No doubt the security in this ranch had caught her on camera as well and had notified the Baron of her presence. She looked back at the slaves, “Listen carefully! You need to do as I say or there will be grave consequences.” She said, sounding rather intimidating, but then again what had these slaves to lose?

After she left the warehouse she ran upstairs to her room, changing her clothes to a sexy dress, that showed a lot of her cleavage, revealing her long legs and a hint of her thighs. The dress was so tight her nipples were very noticeable and no doubt the Baron wouldn’t miss them either. Selena could hear loud thuds coming from the stairs. The door from her bedroom was slammed open, the baron standing furiously in front him, dressed in his trousers, however the rest of him was naked. Selena glanced at his strong arms and shoulders, the pecks on his chest, “Why Baron, to what do owe this surprise?” She smiled.

“Don’t play dump with me, young lady! I’m tired of this inspection and I won’t tolerate any decisions you make from now on! No matter what you do, I will make sure you can kiss your career goodbye! You don’t realise how powerful I actually am and the connections I have to take everything away from you!” He shouted.

Selene feigned a sigh, “I admit that lots of my decisions might have been rather rash, my lord.”

“Rash?! That’s an understatement.” He scoffed, stepping closer to her.

However threatening the Baron was to her, Selena didn’t move and looked back at him, “I could retract them in certain circumstances. I could offer you a deal, Baron.”

The Baron stopped in his way, frowning at her, “I’m listening.”
She decided to step closer to him, sliding her dress, to reveal more of her thighs, “I know you’re a mighty man, Baron and together we could accomplish more. Your ranch is very impressive and I know your interest to… expand.”

“What are you trying to say? Stop beating around the bush.”

“I have taken other ranches down, Baron. Take their owners to their knees!” She grinned, “With my influence I will do the same to others and you could buy them out just with a dime in your pocket!” She chuckled, placing her hand on his chest.

“Why the change of heart, miss Dantes? I thought you wanted me getting wasted by your inspection.”

“I know, but then I realised…” Her finger slid down his chest to his stomach, close to his crotch, “As you said you are very powerful, and I want to be powerful as well! Let me help you, Baron, give me five percent of your earnings while you take the other ranches and we can then negotiate further…” She dropped to her knees, lowering his pants and not surprisingly his cock was very hard. She noticed it was already covered in precum. With the tip of her tongue she teased his knob, tasting it. Her mouth opened widely slowly taking in his cock, her tongue sliding down his shaft, tasting the salty sweat. Her eyes averted upwards, watching the Baron closing his eyes, moaning in delight,

“Mmmm, oh fuck yes…” He moaned.

Selena chucked, taking his cock in her mouth, her tongue dancing around it like an Anaconda wrapping itself around its victim. She twirled her tongue thrusting her head back and forth. The Baron grabbed her by her head, speeding up the process. She kept fucking his cock until she felt his cum draining in her mouth. She licked her lips, sliding her tongue across her teeth, while the Baron saw his cum in her mouth as she looked up to him and chuckled, some of the cum dripping down her chin. His cock was covered in it as well and after she took a deep gulp, she swallowed it down her throat, opening her mouth to ‘clean’ the Baron’s cock, taking it all in. She lowered her tongue from his shaft to his balls, holding them gently in her hands and licking the cum of them. Carefully she curled her tongue gliding it over his balls, no matter how strong the taste of sweat was. Afterwards she took his cock in her hands and moved her hands as fast as she could, his skin moving back and forth all the while his knob kept trickling with more of his cum.

The Baron was not convinced however and grabbed her by her throat, ripping her dress, tearing it apart. Her large breasts almost jumped out, bouncing in the act, “You don’t think I see through you, miss Dantes? You’ll have to do more than that!” He sneered at her. Selena didn’t panic, though she could help but reminded by the man who grabbed her by the collar she wore during their bondage experience. And it seemed like history was going to repeat itself,

“Allow me Baron… to prove myself.” She managed to say, still in his grip, though he unleashed her and Selena removed what remained of her dress, walking naked to the closet nearby and slipped out a few items, one she held in her right hand, namely the same kind of collar she used in her last BDSM experience. In her other hand she held a tablet, “All proof of abuse of conduct of your ranch?” She smirked and smashed it to the ground, “Destroyed…” She toyed with the collar in her hand before attaching it around her neck. The Baron looked intrigued at her, glancing at her breasts and her pussy, wondering what she would do next.

“Pick up the device controlling it on my desk and I’m totally yours.” Her sultry voice was enough to convince the Baron to do so. She eyed him, while he walked away from her. Quickly she picked up another item in the cabinet of her closet and slowly walked behind the Baron.

The Lord of the Manor turned around facing her, “What do you think you’re doing?!”

“Surprise, motherfucker!” She sneered, pressing the taser in her hand against him, knocking him unconscious.

Later the Baron woke up in the sex dungeon in the basement of the brothel, though now there was no one around anymore, except for Selena and the Baron. He opened his eyes though it was all blurry, however he did notice the pungent smell of cum all around him. There was a very sharp pain all around his body, hooks slit in his skin that had him hanging from the ceiling. His own weight dragging him down and only increasing the pain he felt. He hung with his arms stretched out, his body facing the floor beneath him, his legs wide open. The hooks were buried deep enough to hold him up,

“What the fuck are you doing? You’re insane, woman!” He shouted, another sharp pain shooting from both his legs and arms, others from the hooks buried in his back, “Get these out of me or I’ll.. I’ll…”

“You’ll do what, Baron?! Try to release yourself and I’ll tase you with more electricity you won’t wake up from!” She laughed.

“You’re insane…”

“Huh, I guess there’s an echo in this room because I could swear I heard that before.” She slid her finger along his body, grabbing his balls and slowly squeezing them “I’m sure you’re great at fucking any girl you had in your entire life. Fucking is what you’re good at, but it’s also your weakness.”

“What would you know of it?!” He scoffed.

“More than you realise. Why don’t we put your skills to the test?” She pressed a button that lowered the Baron right in front of her pussy, “Lick…” She simply said, though the Baron refused to. Once again she grabbed him by his balls, squeezing harder.

The Baron screamed in agony, “All right, you bitch!” He grumbled, while she positioned herself right in front of him again and he pushed his tongue forward touching her wet pussy, moving it across her clit and teasing the lips of her vagina, until he squeezed his tongue deeper inside. Selena took a small step forward, feeling the Baron’s warm tongue caressing her pussy, all wet with excitement and lust. No matter how vile this man was, he knew how to please a woman. At least so far, because he certainly wasn’t finished to put his skills to the test. The Baron felt tempted to bite her clit off with his teeth, though he feared Selena was mad enough to make his life a living hell if he did or worse. He watched her butt, wiggling in the same excitement she was feeling in her pussy. She moaned cupping his cheek and,

“Deeper…” She chuckled, while the Baron frowned, though the size of his cock betrayed him, rock solid by just the taste of her pussy juice. She felt her blood flowing through her veins and she squirted, the fluid splashing against the Baron’s face, making her laugh, “You’re good, Baron. Your tongue is…” She shook her head and turned around, spreading the cheeks of her butt and exposing her ass. She pressed her butt against his face and forcefully he pushed his tongue forward licking the skin. Selena could feel the sphincter of her ass twitch. She pushed an anal stretcher in her ass that gave the Baron more access, pushing his tongue in much deeper, licking every bit of flesh and muscle of her ass. Once she got bored, she turned around walking beside him and lubing his butt, “Now the fun really begins.” She laughed, pushing in a large vibrator down his own ass.

The Baron widened his eyes, his body moving frantically, though it only hurt as the hooks tore his flesh. He screamed, “No, stop it!” He shouted, though Selena didn’t pay him any further attention,

“Now you know what it feels like for all the hundreds of women you fucked down their ass. In fact this is just a taste of it.” She smirked, turning the vibrator on, while she bent her knees and grabbed his cock, teasing the knob with the tip of her tongue, only to stop afterwards.

“That’s all you’ll get, you fucking cunt…” She told him, “Though you are good at fucking, I heard…” She pressed another button and it moved the baron above a lowered him on it, where felt a sense of relief as the hooks still buried in his skin didn’t hurt as much. Slowly she removed the hooks from his back and grabbed him by his arms stretching them forward and cuffing him by his wrists. She proceeded to remove the hooks in his arms and legs. While feeling relieved the hooks were gone, the Baron knew she was not done with him. Selena stood close to him and she watched the collar around his neck, giving him an electric shock that weakened his muscles. She turned him swiftly, shackling the cuffs from his arms and legs to the table, and climbed on top of him, lowering herself over his cock, wiggling her butt against his knob, before she let him penetrate her pussy.

She widened her legs, leaving her arms on his stomach, before she started to thrust on top of him, moving her knees up and down, his shaft pushing against the flesh of her pussy that felt wet, though so tight as the Baron’s cock felt so hard inside her. She moaned thrusting faster and faster, “Yeah, fuck me, Baron. Fuck me with everything you have!” She laughed looking down at him, still pushing her pussy down on his cock, “Deny it all you want, but you are enjoying this!”

The Baron clenched his teeth, though indeed he was enjoying this, just feeling the juices of her flesh rubbing against his dick, her large breasts bouncing with each thrust. Due to their large size they would sometimes bob against each other. Selena cupped them in her hands, her fingers caressing her nipples, hard from just feeling so horny. The Baron groaned, feeling another bust of cum right in her pussy. She gave a sigh of relief and sat herself down, while his cock was still inside her. His warm sperm had a soothing feeling to it and she chuckled looking down at him, who couldn’t help but smile either, “Feels good, huh?”

He refused to respond, though she didn’t need an answer to know what he was thinking. Selene picked herself up, turning herself around and sucking his cock, covered in his cum. She went all deepthroat on him, sucking his cock like a hover,
“Mmmm, tasty…” She said, while her pussy was positioned right above his face, his cum then splashed onto his face. Selena looked over her shoulder and couldn’t help but laugh again, “Oh, you poor thing…” Placing both her feet to the floor, she walked closer to him and slit her tongue across his face like a puppy, licking every drop of cum, until his face was clean of it. The Baron had mixed feelings about her. He felt this hate boiling his blood for all he did to his fortune. Yet she could fuck him so good, unlike any slave before. She was so good at giving him a blowjob that she could almost forgive him for what he had done to her. He shook his head, throwing away every thought of this sexual experience and focusing on the damage she had done.

“You’re a stubborn man, Baron. Life’s a bitch… and so am I!” She grinned, grabbing a knife in her hand and putting it to his neck, “Listen to me, you fucking cunt. Don’t think I won’t slit your throat with this!”

“You’re bluffing, you fucking whore!” He roared, “Let me go!”

The knife was pushed right against his neck, just slicing through an inch of its flesh, “All right, all right, What do you want?!!” The Baron panicked, any doubt of her bluff changed into fear.

There was a tablet in her other hand, Selena smiling smugly as she showed it to him, “I want you to sign this… now! If you do, I won’t kill you…” She frowned, “That’s a promise…”

The Baron arched his eyebrow, “Well, you’ll have to take these shackles off. How else am I to sign it?”

Selena shrugged in response, though did release his right arm. Not to her surprise he tried to grab her however and she sliced his arm, “Argh, you fucking bitch!”

“Now you know I’m not bluffing. Sign it!”

“All right, all right!” He groaned and she gave him a pen to do so. After he had done as she had requested, she perked up,

“Good, now this ranch belongs to me. Obviously the paperwork still needs some of my touch, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” Pressing her finger to the tablet, there was suddenly the sound of a lot of commotion outside in the courtyard of the ranch.

“You can’t do that. This ranch is mine, you hear! Even with my signature, you still-“

Selena cut him off, “Already thought of that. You see I am a woman of my word. I won’t kill you, but I don’t know if these women won’t do the same.”

The Baron widened his eyes, the door bursting open with hundreds of slaves. Selena stepped aside. The slaves clawed at him with more and more uproar. There were so many of them screaming in anger. She couldn’t see what they were actually doing to him, but then again she couldn’t care less. She pushed herself through the mob and left the brothel and headed for the mansion. With much relief and satisfaction she showered in the warm water, any drop of sweat and cum draining down the piping. It was like a metaphor how the Baron had now lost everything and likely even his life by now. From the closet she took her purple pantsuit and dressed herself, walking out of the mansion towards the garage until one of the slaves she recognized from the stables,

“It was you who left that pen behind with the laser that allowed us to burn our shackles off. You were the one who hid us all this time and why did you risk so much?”

“She sighed, dipping her head, “I have my reasons. What’s your name?” She smiled, the slave stepping closer to her,

“I don’t have a name, only a bunch of numbers, 1138. How can I express my gratitude?” The slave chuckled, unbuttoning her coat, revealing her large breasts underneath. Her nipples were still hard and the slave immediately put her tongue to use, licking her breasts and sucking on her nipple.

Selena couldn’t help but laugh, “Geez, I just showered.” She laughed, “I have more work to do. What if you just call yourself Eve?” She nodded, though Selena could tell she wasn’t that excited.

“I need to go…” She sighed, buttoning her coat, turning around and heading back to the garage as she sat herself in front of the wheel and turned the keys. The motor started running and Selena looked back at the former slave, who looked a little disappointed. Putting her arm around the chair she put on her shades and grinned, “Well… what are you waiting for. I’ll need some help with my next stop.”

Eve squealed in excitement running to the garage and jumping in the seat next to Selena. Her car drove back and took a turn right out of the ranch. As they hit the highway she looked back at Eve and smirked, lifting up her short skirt. Eve felt goosebumps on her arms, lowering herself onto Selena’s pussy, while she pushed her head down, looking ahead with a big grin of her face, “Oh the next stop will be much easier and certainly will be… fun.” She chuckled, watching the sun ahead as the car disappeared over the horizon.

***The End***
