[MF] Bred on the Farm pt. 3 [hucow] [lactation] [preg] [exhibition]

>[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/flowerchildwithchild/comments/fi6sr0/sexy_story_bred_on_the_farm_hucow_breeding/) and [Part 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/flowerchildwithchild/comments/g7ykm5/sexy_story_bred_on_the_farm_pt_2_hucow_breeding/) of this series. You don’t have to read the previous entries to understand this one, but they feature recurring characters. All characters are 18+.

The 32nd Bi-Annual Human-Cow & Agriculture Fair took place on an autumn weekend, when the maple leaves were changing colour yet the sun was still bright and warm.

Penny blinked at the hustle and bustle of the various stalls, vendors, and tents assembled on the stretch fairgrounds. After the past year spent at the quiet refuge of Forrest Nursery and Farms, the noise and sheer number of strangers was unsettling to her, and she rested a hand protectively against the curve of her pregnant stomach. If not for the calming presence of Buck at her side, she might have slunk back into the truck.

It was a few months ago that the young farmer had asked, after one of their daily feeding sessions as she wiped the remnants of his cum off her lips, if she would be interested in entering the competition at the fair. If she won, half of the prize money would be added to her payment at her contract’s end. The preparation had been rigorous, but Buck’s father had won in numerous years past and there was a reputation to uphold.

Half a dozen farms were represented, but Forrest Nursery and Farms was the finest, and Penny and Buck were here to prove that.

Across the busy fairgrounds, a man spotted Buck and approached. Like Buck, he was broad-shouldered and wore blue jeans, but his eyes were dark where Buck’s were bright as the sky in summer.

“Buck Forrest,” the man said with a grin, clasping Buck’s hand. “Good to see you again. Where’s your father?”

“Amos Williams, always a pleasure. Pa’s mindin’ the farm,” Buck said. “It’s a busy season.”

“Ain’t it always,” Eric rumbled. His eyes strayed to Penny, roamed appreciatively over her full stomach. Penny thought she might melt into the tent next to her. “This your entry this year?”

“Yes, it is,” Buck replied. “Go on, Penny, say hello.”

“Hello,” Penny said quietly, forcing herself to step out from behind Buck.

The other farmer’s eyes widened before he smiled, shaking her extended hand as if it were made of glass. “Ah, yes, I’d forgotten you don’t bliss them out. Very nice to meet you, miss.”

“Likewise,” Penny said.

Amos turned back to Buck. “See you around, Forrest. Best of luck in the competition.”

Penny glanced at Buck with a confused frown.

“Some of the farms, they keep their girls all hopped on drugs,” Buck said, with a twist of his mouth. “Makes the girls all loopy and brain-numb. It doesn’t hurt the babe, but ruins the taste of the milk. And Pa always says – if you can’t keep your stock happy, you’re not much of a farmer, are you?”

Penny nodded. She couldn’t imagine the Farm without the attentive and well-mannered men who ran it, nor the supportive sisterhood of the other girls.

“Let’s move along, Miss Penny,” Buck said. “We have to register before the first round.”

The competition had three components: Presentation, Production and Showmanship. After retrieving their entry numbers – Buck’s pinned onto his shirt while Penny’s was a choker with the number on a silver tag – the pair were shown to a quiet corner of the arena’s backstage to await for their designated time slot. Penny felt her heart race with each passing minute, but soon the competition was upon them, and they waited in the passageway to the arena.

“Entry number six, Forrest Nursery and Farms,” an announcer called, as Buck led her out onto the arena floor. “A round of applause for Buck and Penny, please.”

Penny couldn’t see the audience through the bright lights, but the smattering of applause told her there was a considerable number of them. Seated above the arena floor, she could make out the panel of judges who stared down at her.

She focused on each step, following dutifully behind Buck until they arrived at the dais at the centre of the arena. Utterly bare except for the ruby-red ribbons braided into her blonde hair, Penny held her hands at her sides, fighting the swell of nerves as hundreds of strangers looked down at her nakedness. She was certain her face might be as red as the ribbons.

Some of the other entrants she had glimpsed backstage were bedecked in pressed-on jewels or elaborate leather harnesses to show off their baby bumps and plump breasts, their make-up polished and professionally done.

“We’ll let your natural beauty shine through,” Buck had said. “That’s the most important part. Everything else is just a distraction.”

Reminding herself to smile, Penny ran her hand over her swollen stomach as they read out her measurements, and turned in a slow circle to allow the judges to see her pert rear. As soon as the heat of the lights disappeared when they walked off, Penny let out a breath she had forgotten she was holding. Buck rubbed her back, whispering reassurances.

Their slot for Production came alarmingly quickly after that, and Penny found herself once again blushing on the dais in front of hundreds of eyes. Nothing had changed in the arena, except that the judges had come down from their table and were standing expectantly around the dais.

Giving her a reassuring smile, Buck ducked his head, his calloused hands at the small of her back as his mouth found her breasts. Penny bit back a whimper as his nimble tongue swirled over her nipple, and he sucked *hard*. Within seconds, she felt her milk begin to flow, eager as always under his touch. When the young man pulled away, wetness glimmered on his lips and ran down his chin. He stepped back and nodded at the judges.

The three judges approached, and Penny fixed her gaze on Buck as each judge in turn took her breast in their mouth, drank from her, before stepping back and jotting notes on their clipboards. The female judge grasped both her breasts and weighed them in her hands before selecting one. Penny tried not to tremble, and reminded herself that she was hardly shy about the treatment when Buck did it – although none of the judges had the same skill with their tongue. After it was over, applause trailed Buck and Penny as they walked out of the arena.

“You’re doing great, Miss Penny,” Buck said.

The hours seemed to drag in the day before Showmanship, even as Buck tried to distract her with carnival rides and caramel popcorn. While they waited for their turn in the passageway to the arena, Penny could hear the performance sounds of the previous entry out before the judges. Amos and his partner had been in the slot before them, and Penny could hear his cow’s needy wails.

“Are you nervous?” Penny whispered.

Buck glanced at her, smiled, and stepped closer to her. The farmer reached downwards, running his index finger gently over her bare slit. Penny was already wet, as she always was around him. He offered her his glimmering fingertip, and she took it in her mouth, tasting her own arousal.

“Not at all, Miss Penny,” Buck said. “You’ll do wonderful.”

When the announcer called their number, Penny’s heart pounded in her chest, but she followed Buck out into the arena one final time.

On her hands and knees on the dais, Penny closed her eyes, imagining being back at the Farm – the familiar whirling of the milkers overhead, the quiet noises of the other girls, the wind through the barn’s rafters, and the footfalls as Buck and Wade did their rounds. She felt herself relax, her body softening.

She heard Buck’s zipper, and then felt the press of his cockhead against her slick entrance.

“Just like always, Miss Penny,” Buck whispered. “Give ‘em a show.”

As soon as Buck thrust his hips forward, Penny began to moan. He always did that to her, somehow managing to draw the raw, slutty noises out of her. Noises that would have made her blush under any other circumstance, but without fail, her shyness evaporated as soon as Buck’s thick cock was inside of her.

Her eyes opened, meeting the gaze of each judge in turn as Buck fucked her. They watched her carefully, their pens hovering above their clipboards, and more than one squirmed in their seats.

Like his father, Buck was a traditionalist, and so he fucked her on her hands and knees for most of the performance. When she would later recount the competition to the other girls, Penny was uncertain exactly how long Buck fucked her, how long he drew the groans of pleasure from her mouth, only that her thoughts were hazy until he gently pulled her upwards into his arms.

The farmer held her against his chest as his hips thrust upwards. His hands ran over her stomach, swollen and aching with his child, before he found her chest. He kneaded at her breasts until milk spilt around his knuckles. Penny’s head lolled against his chest, her mouth falling open as the loud cries continued to tumble out of her.

“C’mon girl,” Buck breathed into her ear. “You can do it. *Now*.”

At his word, Penny came with a strangled shout. Only his strong grip on her body kept her from collapsing as her body shook in orgasm, her cries louder and louder with each pulse of pleasure through her body.

“Oh, good girl,” the farmer praised. He thrusted his hips into her twice more, buried himself to the root, and came deep inside of her. Penny whimpered with each twitch of his cock, as the warmth of his cum flooded her.

As they panted in the afterglow, the audience exploded in raucous applause.

The lights dimmed, and Buck set Penny down and stumbled to his feet. As the applause continued, he helped Penny to stand, and the two walked off the arena.

“Did… did I do well?” Penny breathed. The young man responded by kissing her against the wall, long and hard, something he had never done before.

“You were the best,” Buck said with a wholesome smile, when he broke the kiss.

Penny believed him.

An hour later, the judges affirmed it.

At Forrest Nursery and Farm, the blue first-place ribbon hung proudly outside Penny’s stall for the remainder of her stay. Whenever Buck visited her for his daily rounds, her loud moans echoed in the barn as he fucked her, but he always kissed her afterwards in thanks.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/kbd7mh/mf_bred_on_the_farm_pt_3_hucow_lactation_preg

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