[FM] The time I (a repressed Indian girl) got fingered in public by a foreign stranger

I’ve been a lurker on this sub for some time and absolutely love all the stories here. This is probably one of my favourite experiences of mine so thought I’d share as well :) Hope you guys like it!


When I was a student at university, I did a semester abroad in Berlin. Up until this point, I had only slept with two guys – one who was my ex-boyfriend and to whom I had lost my virginity, and second, a friend of mine during a drunken affair. I was surprised with the brazen and open sexuality I was seeing in Berlin. I had literally seen men dressed up in those leather leashes just roaming on the streets; a woman giving a man a blowjob behind a tree; and so much more. Now I’m from an Indian background where boys and sexuality is just not a topic that is addressed. My family is not conservative in any way – they know I drink, party, smoke, but somehow the topic of dating and especially sex is just completely ignored, meaning I had reached university a virgin until I lost it to my (secret) white boyfriend.

By the time of Berlin, I had broken up with him for almost 8 months and had only slept with another friend of mine (about 3 times). I came to Berlin with just the goal of studying and partying; relationships or sex was not in my mind at all. My friends in the program on the other hand had downloaded Tinder and were having the time of their lives.

So back to the story.

Three of my girlfriends and I headed out to a Latin club in Berlin (I’m blanking on the name). We danced, and danced, and danced. I was approached A LOT in Berlin, maybe even more than I am where I live probably because I kept being ‘exoticized’ there as everyone I met (even casually in coffee shops and what not) asked me where I was from (which was kinda racist too but oh well). The attention I was getting in the club was everything from men trying to grind, some men genuinely dancing with me, even a woman trying to grind, and an older married couple groping my ass asking if I wanted a threesome. While all of this was happening, one of my friends’ had invited her tinder hookup to the club. Around 3 am he showed up with a few friends. He was a local German and so were his friends. We had all met him before as she had hooked up with him a few times but his friends were new. One of them caught my eye. He was exactly my type – about 5’10, green eyes, a nice scruffy beard, and REALLY nice hair (think Joey from Friends in the earlier seasons). His name was Noah as he was introduced to us. Despite being sexually inexperienced and not very interested in it truthfully, I found myself staring at him and suddenly wanting to do things with him that still made my Indian self a bit ashamed.

We all just drank and danced a bit more. My friend got busy with her tinder hookup, leaving me, and my other friend with the other guys. We awkwardly stood for some time just drinking our drinks until my friend dragged us all on the dance floor. Some Spanish song was on and we were just trying to dance, the other two guys joining in. Noah took a step towards me and extended his hand, of course I took it and we danced a bit closer together. I am bbw so I have a pretty nice cleavage if I can say so myself and I was wearing a black body suit top that had a really low cut. I was also wearing a pink pushup bra inside so my cleavage looked amazing and I could see Noah staring at it as we danced. His cologne was so strong and I kept looking up at him, feeling his scruff on my head (he was around 5’10 while I’m 5’3). Soon he turned me around and wrapped his arms around me, just barely touching my breasts as we moved. I felt everything and deliberately moved my hips a bit more to tease him. It worked because he turned me around and suddenly was kissing me. We were interrupted by my friend as she pulled me aside. She knew I was not really into hooking up and all so just wanted to be sure I was okay and that he wasn’t pushing himself on me. I assured her I was more than okay and she let me go with a shit-eating grin.

Noah was patiently waiting for me and when I reached him, he took my hand to take me upstairs. The club had three floors with different kinds of music playing on each one. The main or ground floor was the most calm one and actually had some tables to sit down on. We took one of the tables that was situated beside the exit. We sat on opposite stools with his arm coming to rest behind my chair. We made some small chit-chat just about where we came from, what we were doing in Berlin, and what our plans were. He had a VERY strong accent. Honestly I didn’t understand half of what he was saying cause of how loud the music was and his accent. But it was doing things for me – I realized I definitely had something for accents.

Slowly his hand shifted from the back of my chair to rest on my shoulder, making small circles as he spoke. He had also leaned in a bit closer to talk since it was so loud. His closeness, his fingers, and his intoxicating cologne was too strong for me. I started breathing so slow and loudly because I got super nervous – he was so hot and my prude self-did not know how to handle this. Duing this time I was also a bit self conscious for being bbw so whenever I got attention, I would get pretty nervous. He asked me if I was okay as at this point I was breathing with my mouth open and I told him I needed some air. His eyebrow shot up and I realized how this must have sounded like some excuse to get out alone. And I’m so glad that that’s exactly what he thought.

We went out the exit and he was honestly a complete gentleman. He got me a water bottle from the bar without me asking, kept his hand firmly behind my back to guide me outside, and when my clutch bag was falling from my shoulder, he took the strap and put it back which just made me gush out right then and there. There were some people smoking right outside the club so I asked him to walk a bit further, stopping nearby some apartments.

It was still dark but there were some streetlights now, giving us a better look at each other. And he was drop dead hot. Inside I hadn’t even noticed that he had an ear piercing. We stopped by some cars and I leaned back on one, him standing just in front of me. We just stared at each other a few seconds, the awkwardness setting in a little bit as now we were completely alone without the booze, the music, dancing, and people making out with each other. I remembered the kiss we had shared inside and felt a tingle in my entire body. But since I wasn’t really experienced in this way, I was getting pretty shy and didn’t really know what to do. When I blush, my entire face and neck turns red and I keep smiling stupidly. I knew I was smiling stupidly so I bit my lip hard and looked down to try hiding my face.

Thankfully he was definitely more experienced than me and just pushed into me, squeezing my body between his and the car. Without wasting any time he just grabbed my cheek, titled my face and kissed me. I was completely on fire as his hands dug into my hips, pushed my waist back into the car, and slowly came up to feel my breasts. He moved my top aside to pop my tits out but since I’m a big breasted girl, I always wear a bra and I was wearing a pushup padded one that night. So moving it to the side was just not easy. I think that annoyed him a bit because he stopped kissing my lips and my neck and took a step back. With his entire focus on my chest, he just dragged my bra strap down which made it easier for the cup to move aside. My nipples were already hard from all the making out but now in the night air they got very sensitive. He popped one in his mouth while he toyed with the other.

I was completely intoxicated at this point not just from how hot this was but also from the alcohol from before but when I heard some people laughing and talking I realized that we weren’t that far away from the exit of the club and the only thing blocking us were a few small trees and cars. I was feeling frisky but my inner system started ringing and I pushed him back just repeating “not here” to his questions. Thankfully he understood what I meant as he also saw the group of people who had just exited the club and just silently took my hand and we walked a bit deeper into the residential area. It was probably around 3:30-4 am at this point so it was still dark and no one in the residential area was outdoors. Honestly I wasn’t really nervous about if someone even saw us cause I got the vibe in Berlin that no one would even give two shits as they’re so used to nudity and sex.

We finally settled at the entrance of one of the apartments. These weren’t any new and swanky apartments but were rather very old and had just a small concrete entrance with stairs. He made me sit on the top one (there were like 3-4 stairs in total) as he kneeled in front of me. I noticed that one of my boob was out almost comically but before I could fix that, he was opening my legs. Now as I said, I was just a pretty prude girl and had no intentions of hooking up with anyone so I was wearing some tight shorts under my skirt (think the workout kind) so my thighs wouldn’t chaff. I was really embarrassed but he didn’t seem to care. He just asked me to lift my hips up as he dragged those shorts as well as my panties with it, leaving my skirt on.

His fingers were just softly caressing my inner thighs, not going where I really needed him to touch me. My clit was literally throbbing at this point and I was getting frustrated so I took his hand and just shoved it towards my pussy. He laughed and stood up to sit beside me. He turned towards me and made me keep the leg closer to him above his knees, opening them up and giving him pretty easy access. He really fucking teased me; kept making circles around my clit without actually touching it, dragging his fingers down and very lightly inserting two fingers. He kept saying something to me which honestly I did not understand and now don’t even remember but I am guessing he was teasing me cause I just kept saying “yes” and then finally he inserted two fingers inside me as deep as they would go. He kept pumping his fingers inside me and bringing them up to rub my clit. At this point I was tightly holding his shoulder and biting my lip to not moan but soon enough he rubbed at my clit and I came all over his fingers. My clit gets very sensitive after I come so I pushed his hand away as I tried to come back to my senses. I honestly don’t remember what he was doing during that time but next thing I know I’m just looking at him and laughing. I hope he didn’t take any offense or thought I was laughing at him cause I was genuinely just laughing at how this was the most dirty thing I had ever done. Here I was a sexually repressed girl coming from a conservative Indian family getting fingered by a stranger in a public place.

He had a huge hard on that I could see through his pants but I was too shy to do anything about it. Apparently, he also didn’t really care cause he asked me if we should go back inside cause our friends must be worried. (That night we did end up meeting up again and I did get to thank him for this.)

For the rest of the months that I was there we met up quite a few times and had a lot of fun – we did a lot more things in our apartments and in other clubs. It was with him and my experience in Berlin that I really opened up sexually and have since left my conservatism behind.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/kayb4c/fm_the_time_i_a_repressed_indian_girl_got


  1. This sounds hot!
    As an Indian male living in Europe, I understand the indianness there

  2. This is one of the best stories I’ve read here! Absolutely love your narration. Please do share more of your stories.

  3. I love this story. I’m American and was sent to India starting in the early 2000s to coordinate with Indian software developers. I was wary from things I’d heard but, instead, I feel in love with the country. The people are warm, the culture vibrant, and the food is awesome. I went back many times and learned a lot about India from both being there and also the friends I’d meet. Everything is incredibly discreet but, in private, alone, when they’re 100% sure nobody else will know, I’ve found Indian women to be every bit as wild as their western counterparts.

  4. How is someone asking you where you’re from racist ? Did you not find better ways to get offended ?

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