Pt.2: Moved into a rough neighbourhood but I’m loving the attention [F][28]

Hi guys! Nina here with an update on this situation. If you haven’t read the first part, I highly recommend that you do!

Just a quick recap: I recently moved into an apartment that’s in a sketchy part of town where crime is known to be high. When I moved in, I was being heckled by a group of guys. I found myself getting turned on by the attention I was getting, knowing that they probably wanted to have sex with me. But I was second guessing my decision to go through with it after my friend (and roommate) told me about the potential danger the guys may pose and their past troubles with the law. Regardless, I ended up talking to the guys and gave them my number. They invited me to hang out in their apartment but I declined and took a rain check. That is basically where the first part ended.

So throughout the day I continued to get messages from the guys and I would periodically respond. The messages weren’t deviant or sexual in any way, but they did ask me to come by one of their apartments to hang out later that evening. There were 4 of them in total. 2 brothers who lived in the same apartment, and 2 more guys who shared another apartment. We were all around the same age. The younger of the brothers was a year older than me and the other 3 were in their early to mid 30s.

I was honestly tired of unpacking and decided that I needed a break. Plus, my curiosity was getting the better of me. At the same time, I didn’t want to present myself as an easy fuck. I decided given what I’ve heard about their possible trouble with the law from my friend, it was best for me to take things slow and let them materialize.

Before accepting their offer of coming over, I decided to talk to my friend about it. She was laying down on the couch on her phone. I sat across from her and told her that I ran into the guys a few times, how they weren’t all bad, maybe a bit loud and obnoxious, but decent overall. I told her how they even helped me with my luggage.

She decided to defend her position but her tone and language towards them was a bit softer. “Look, I don’t really know them all too well. Maybe they’re just loud like you said and don’t present any real threat. I’m just telling you what I’ve heard from other people. And like I said, one of them did get in some trouble with the law in the past, but he’s back to living here now. So not sure how bad it could have been.”

I absorbed her words before telling her that I’ve been messaging them throughout the day and they asked me to come over, and bring my friend along. She declined and said I shouldn’t go either because she doesn’t know them at all. I told her I wanted to get to know them. They are our neighbours after all and if I get a bad vibe I would just leave. 

She asked me why I was so adamant about hanging out with people I just met. I didn’t want to tell her the truth. That I’ve been at the centre of a gangbang before with my husband’s friends and that it was one of the most unbelievable experiences of my life, and potentially experiencing that again was music to my ears. 

I couldn’t reach out to my husband’s friends for that  same pleasure either given our issues. I did try reaching out to Rodney a couple of times but he ghosted me and isn’t responding. So I stopped. 

I told my friend that I was adamant because I wanted to make new friends and these guys seemed nice. She realized that I had already made up my mind and simply told me to be safe and to text her if any issues came up.

I went back to my bedroom to see my stuff all over the place. Okay Nina. Need to find something to wear. My first instinct was to go all out and wear a sexy skirt with a crop top. But I knew I couldn’t afford to present myself as easy. I decided to keep it casual and threw on an old black dress. The dress had no sleeves, was short (but not in a slutty way), loose and comfortable. I didn’t have to be super careful in it and I could walk around and sit in it without any issues. This seemed like the best choice. I wore a black thong and no bra (I barely ever wear bras to begin with).

I showered, did some light make up and went over. I knocked on the door and one of the brothers opened up. Only 3 of the 4 guys were there. I said hello to all of them and ended up taking a seat on a small ottoman. The fourth one arrived a few moments after me. The tv was on and I pretended to watch.

The guys began talking to me and eventually our conversation started to flow. They were all friendly, definitely not as sophisticated as some of the older men I’ve been with, or even any of my husband’s friends, but still nice. I was enjoying my time. There was no inappropriate touching of any kind either. 

We ordered pizza and I asked how much I owe for my share. They didn’t let me pay which was very nice of them. Then the night started to get more fun as one of them gave me a joint. I hadn’t gotten baked in ages and only did it a few times in the past, but things were different now. Fortunately, it’s legal in Canada!

We went out to the balcony to smoke up and of the boys lent me his hoodie to guard against the cold. I started to loosen up and become a lot more conversational. We went back inside to warm up and this time I sat on the couch in between the two brothers, with the other two guys taking seats nearby. They asked me if I had a boyfriend. I said no and didn’t bother talking about my soon to end marriage. 

Then the conversation drifted to a more sexual tone. One of the guys asked how a girl like me wasn’t getting any. Perhaps it was the pot talking but I was a lot looser and not as tight lipped, so I said I was seeing a couple of guys but I wasn’t in an official relationship. Obviously, I didn’t mention that these guys were my sugar daddies.

The guys laughed and one of them gave me a high five for “getting some”. Then I was asked what my body count was. I counted on my fingers. My husband, Rodney, Ken, Jamal, Nick, Alex, Josh, Robert, and Luis. 9 guys. Hopefully I wasn’t missing anyone. I held up 9 fingers and they laughed hysterically. I added, “All within the past 2 years!” I got another high five for that. My confidence was getting boosted by their approval.

“Were they all white guys and Lebanese guys?” one of them asked. I said no and that I’ve been with black guys before too. “We’re a lot better in bed, aren’t we?” he asked playfully. I laughed and said that everyone is different and I’ve had fun with all my partners, however, I admitted that the best sex I ever had was indeed with a black guy. And that I kept going back for more. 

I didn’t know why I was telling them all this but I really wanted to. I was enjoying the rush I was getting from their approval and it was boosting my confidence. Then they asked if I had been with more than one guy at a time. I didn’t say anything and smiled as I sank back into the couch. At this time, the younger brother put his hand on my bare leg and asked, “2?” I just kept smiling and shook my head no. “3?” I didn’t say anything and just looked around with exaggerated awkwardness, smiling. “4, 5?”

I held up 6 fingers and covered my eyes in embarrassment while laughing. The boys erupted with laughter and amazement and asked me for details. I kept my description to a minimum. 

I felt the brother’s hand on my thigh as he kept a firm grasp on it, caressing my leg and playing with the hem of my dress. He moved my dress up higher to expose more of my leg. The weed, the conversation, and his touch were all turning me on.

Then, I got a text from my friend asking me if I was okay. I realized I need to pull back a bit and so I told them I had to go. I thanked them all for inviting me and gave each one a hug before I left. At the door, they told me that I should come by again to chill and that this was fun. I agreed and said I would.

I got home and my friend asked me how it went. I told her it was a lot of fun, that they are nice and that she should come next time. She said she would think about it. I made myself a small sandwich before going to my room.

The guys kept texting me, asking me details about my sexual encounters. I told them about the night I got ploughed in Rodney’s car. About the time I had my first gangbang with 4 guys and how drunk I was. About how 4 guys took me to Cancun on a boys trip and fucked my brains out for an entire week. About how I got fucked in the men’s room of a club in Cancun and people seeing me go into a bathroom stall with a guy. About how I took 6 guys at once, one after the other, and at the same time in all my holes. 

I didn’t hold back. I told them everything. And I sent them a couple of pictures. No nudes. But sexy pictures of me in my favourite outfits moments away from getting banged.

I knew why I was being so candid. It’s because deep down, I wanted to play with fire. I wanted to be taken by them and have my fun, and accept all the risks and danger that comes with it. I knew I was experienced enough and could probably take it. And I was excited at the prospect of being used by them and having my guts rearranged. 

I hope you guys enjoyed this update. I’ll post more updates as they happen.

P.S. I would ask that if you have nothing good to say, then please save your energy and go some place else. There’s no need to comment hate and negativity on my posts, about my character, my lifestyle, and my choices. Go do something else with your time.




  1. I would just like to point out I’m speaking this train and gang bang into existence sending positive vibes

  2. I’m so curious to see how you look, you must be some gorgeous lady to be able to attract all those guys

  3. Wow hot story! You do you as long as you stay safe and don’t hurt anyone. Anyone who says otherwise is just a troll! Can’t wait for me. Any chance you’ll share a pic or two of you either here or dm?

  4. Just want to say that you sound like a whole lot of fun and I wish I was somewhere remotely close to you. ???

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