Moved into a rough neighbourhood but I’m loving the attention [F][28]

Hi guys! Nina here with another quick update.

I included a few questions below that I’m curious to get your thoughts on.

If there is enough demand, I’ll post a picture of me in one of my outfits. Upvote or downvote to let me know :)

So I am in the process of moving into a new place. It’s in an apartment building that I’ll be sharing with a friend of mine who’s lived there for a while. The neighbourhood and the building itself are in a lower income area and naturally, it is a rougher neighbourhood with high crime rates. If you read my previous posts, you would see why I had to bite the bullet and move here.

I don’t have much stuff and moving in has been a fairly easy process. There are just a few small things I have to do and errands I’m having to run, but it’s become a lot easier with my friend letting me borrow her car.

When I say that I’m in a rough neighbourhood, I don’t mean that there is raging crime in the streets. But the place does have a reputation for crime and many of the people you pass by are a bit…out there? As in they dress and behave in a way where they might be perceived as dangerous in the traditional sense and not to be messed with. The demographic of the neighbourhood seemed to be predominantly black and white people, with some of Latino and Indian descent as well.

Walking around grocery stores and fast food restaurants is generally fine and there are no issues. But things really start to get interesting around the apartment building. Walking into a building for a non-resident is very easy; they just follow a resident in from behind. No one says anything. Around the lobby, stairwell, elevators, and hallways, you would always find young guys from their mid 20s to mid 30s hanging around in groups (despite the situation in the world). And these guys do look like they belong in a gang, and do seem slightly dangerous. There are two groups I always see. A group of 4-5 white guys, and another group of 4 black guys. The black guys all live on our floor.

I asked my friend about them and she said to get used to their behaviour. They’ll always try to hit on any girl and pick them up, that they seem dangerous and she’s seen cops arrest one of them before. I’ve only been through the building a few times and I’m finding the same group of people always trying to chat me up and talk to me.

The first time was a bit weird. I was walking to her apartment and I saw these guys in the lobby. I walked past them with a suitcase making my way to my new apartment. They “cat called” me but I ignored them.

The second time it happened I was on my way out to get more luggage from the car. I was by myself and not wearing anything revealing. I was in tights, a t shirt and had a light jacket on – very conservative by my standards. Two of the guys tried to talk to me. They asked me what my name is. I ignored them and kept moving. Then two of them followed me into the elevator. I was scared. They stood right next to me and asked me my name again. I responded and told them. They asked me if I was new in the building and I nodded, my eyes looking down. They told me that they live near me and invited me to their apartment. I didn’t say anything. The elevator door opened and I darted out into the parking garage. They got out of the elevator but didn’t follow me and called out, “We’ll see you later, Nina!”

I got inside my friend’s car, locked the door and sat in silence for a few moments. I felt a rush of adrenaline. I was clearly in a dangerous situation. Mind you, this was not the first time something like this has happened. Every girl gets hit on throughout her life. It is a guarantee, just like death and taxes. But in the past, I’ve always been scared and wanted it to be over. This time was different. This time…I enjoyed the attention. This past year and a half has taught me that I love the attention I get from men. Whether it’s men I sleep with, the men on Reddit that comment on my posts and my pictures, or the guys in the building, despite their character or what type of person they may be.

In fact, unlike my sexual encounters with my husband’s friends or my sugar daddies, the difference here was simple. There was the element of surprise, the unknown, the danger, and a lack of safety. The danger of being wanted by men with questionable moral and legal values, not knowing what sort of stuff they were involved in. It turned me on. Yes, it turned me on like crazy.

I unconsciously found myself with my fingers on my clit, rotating slowly. My tights were damp. And I realized that I wanted to play with fire.

I had one more suitcase in my car that had my clothes. I went to the trunk and opened it. I sifted through the suitcase to find something else to wear. I pulled out a short little green mini dress. It was a short sleeve dress, nice and loose and flowy. I changed in the car and kept my black thong on that I was wearing from before. I grabbed the luggage and wheeled it back towards the lobby. The two guys who had followed me into the elevator were still there. They looked at me and made a comment about my outfit change. I smiled as a knot formed in my stomach. “You need help with that bag?” one of them asked.

“Yes, please,” I said with an innocent smile. They picked up the suitcase and we waited for the elevator. In this time they chatted me up and I responded nervously to all their questions. We took the elevator up and they stood right next to me, shoulder to shoulder. We walked out of the elevator with me leading the way. I could feel them checking me out from behind. We approached their other friends with my luggage. They all checked me out simultaneously. One of the guys introduced me to his friends. I said hello to all of them and lowered my mask below my lips so that they could see what I look like.

They invited me inside their apartment but I politely declined. Then one of them asked me for my number. I thought about it. And in a rash decision, I took his phone from his hand and put my number in it. The other guys made a fuss about this and asked for my number too. The guy I gave the number to asked if he could add me to their group chat. I said that was fine and that I was open to making new friends. One of the guys said that I should come along and hang out with them and bring my friend too. I accepted and said that I would be open to planning something but wasn’t sure about my friend. We chatted a couple more seconds with them doing most of the talking and me listening.

I excused myself and one of the guys brought my luggage to my door. I took it from there and told him I would see him later. I locked the door and sank into the couch. What the fuck am I doing? I don’t even know any of their names. They could all be into some shady shit for all I knew. But these rational thoughts didn’t stop the wetness from my pussy soaking through my thong. I went into my room and fingered myself, thinking about getting fucked by a group of dangerous guys.

Moments later, I was added to a group chat. Messages poured in as I read them. The guys invited me to their apartment to hang out in the evening. I told them I would think about it and that I’m very busy with the move.

So that’s what has happened so far. I’m curious to know what everyone thinks.

Should I go hang out with them?

What should I wear?

How far should I take this?

Also, I’ll post pictures if there is enough demand. Upvote or downvote to let me know! ;)




  1. I mean.. What’s the worst that could really happen. Who hasn’t been arrested before ??‍♂️.
    Just be safe and text your location to another friend on the outside.

  2. You do you but I would still be careful as these kinds of situations can get messy really quickly. Don’t let you horniness cloud your judgement.

  3. Just get gang banged already, you know you want it, make sure it’s on your terms, maybe tease em a bit, flirt with one at a time (good time to mention limits) before ‘hanging out’ in their apt, make sure your pussy ready.

  4. If your open to a GB, then he’ll yeah you should go! Wear the outfit that you wore to the club in Mexico, with nothing underneath!

  5. You’re walking down a dangerous path. If you ‘hang out’ with them it’s going to end badly unless you think that gang rape would be fun.

  6. Possibly dangerous. They’ll assume your willingness to hang out as an interest in sex. If you tease and deny, it could lead to forcible acts. If you’re truly horny and interested, then I’m sure they would love to use you repeatedly. Would love to see some pics!

  7. I am somehow not turned on at all by all this.. the way you’re describing all of this, it seems more towards really dangerous.

    They know your name, where you live and they have your personal number. Your privacy is not so private anymore. And you don’t know how rough the neighborhood could get. After reading all this I’m actually really concerned for you.

  8. You can hook up with anyone, I suggest not fucking people in the building you live in. Don’t shit where you eat.

  9. Notice how nice they got just from you changing clothes for them? I’m sure if you’re down to let them talk shit and then fuck you they won’t hurt you anymore than you want.

    Or maybe they will brutally gang rape you after one of them drugs your drink. Who knows?

  10. All I can advise is be careful. Only go to their apartment if you plan on fucking one or all of them. If you get their names, you should be able to Google them in your town to see if they have been arrested, when and for what? That type of info is printed in the local newspapers.

  11. Nina post a picture please. also wear something sexy but not to revealing . are these guys black American or black foreign?

  12. I think your best bet is at least the first time you hang out with some or all of them do so somewhere public and get a feel for the situation before going anywhere private.

  13. Just be careful you are playing with fire but let’s green dress the view they had ?

  14. Most of the comments here are either unhelpful or rude as fuck. Fuck you all who are judging/labeling OP.

    Anyways with that out of the way, there’s so many uncertainties about this. I’d say just get to know the people better and spend more time with them maybe with your other friends or in public places where you’re more comfortable. If they seem safe and not up to shady stuff then yea up to you how far you wanna take it ;) I’d say just play it safe. Good luck and have fun!

    Edit: also if you feel the need you could also carry some pepper spray in case there’s people up to no good

  15. That is actually so hot, just thinking of you getting used by dangerous guys is getting me hard. Though back to reality, might not be the safest thing for you to do. Only if sex didn’t have any repercussions am I right?

  16. If you’re considering sleeping with all or a lot of them, I say stay away. It’s too close to home. If you were on vacation and this happened I’d say go for it. No ramifications or unwanted attention to deal with afterwards.

  17. i gotta be honest with you.. i would not let a bunch of horny strange men on reddit convince that this is in any way a good idea. This sounds terribly dangerous and like a gang rape coming. i’d nope out of that fast.

    v unsafe decision making

    it’s fine to have fantasies and such but this .. sounds more like soon to be trauma

  18. Absolutely not that is a terrible idea, nothing about this sounds remotely safe

  19. I would suggest getting to know them first and see for yourself if you could establish a relationship with them. I won’t recommend doing anything intimate with them unless you trust them already.

  20. If you go there just know that you’re gonna get gangbanged, spit-roasted, throated, creampied and everything else whether you consent or not. Just showing up dressed like you were is consent for them.

    Don’t play the game if you don’t want the prize.

  21. Canadian, Lebanese…dangerous neighborhood with alot of blacks, are you living in Montreal by any chance?

  22. This can only end well. Too bad the majority of people here in the comments telling you that it’s a bad idea aren’t going to change a thing.

  23. I’d say never judge a book by its cover nina so often people think I’m a thug because I’m tatooed and look a little rough

    He helped with your luggage they don’t have to do that so I’d say go for it and see where it leads

  24. God I wish I was a girl sometimes. Id be tha biggest goddamn slut. But I love my average dick too too much. A guy can dream tho

  25. As all else, It is my opinion you stay wayyyyy the hell away from that, it sounds incredibly dangerous and will likely end very, very badly. Just my 2¢…

  26. You don’t really know them yet and you are new to the area. If you love danger, then perhaps this is an option that might be ideal for you. But, I think you have opened a door and they will probably expect you to hang out with them eventually. If they take no for an answer, I’m not sure. But because this is their area and you are someone new, it is an adjustment I hope goes safely. They could be harmless, so perhaps befriending them and trust gradually developing with them might be key to how this all plays out.

    Now if you love danger and think you want to fuck one or more of them, this is your choice. And telling it might turn a lot of folks on.

  27. You’re taking a huge risk here – and if you’re prepared to take the risk of getting badly roughed up by people you don’t know, it’s your life.

    But you’re not thinking about how you’ve already put your friend at risk along with yourself too. And that is deeply irresponsible.

  28. Wear a slutty outfit and see if they take you, and gangbang you, or offer ;)

  29. I’m so jealous. That sounds amazing. I’ve been dying to find myself in a situation like that. Enjoy it!

  30. I’s suggest that you “Don’t shit where you eat” but honestly who am I kidding… Ive banged an 18-19 year old red headed neighbor girl before… and I had Absolutely NO business doing that. But alas I was a 32 yo Military guy, who didn’t know the meaning of the word NO!

  31. You’re awesome! Just be careful out there and make sure your friend knows where you are at :)

  32. Slow down, no need to rush. Trust your gut. If they make you feel scared or uncomfortable, walk away. It’s perfectly fine to be turned on by something that is scary, go home and rub one out, but keep as fantasy.

    Many things are better left as fantasy or rare adventures. Rare usually means not close proximity because you won’t want to deal with the aftermath every time you leave building..

    Fucking anyone of these dudes and they will all know…and they’ll only increase the pressure or flat out just take you at their leisure after that. If you don’t want to be their free use slut, then don’t open the door or tease/lead them on.

  33. Get to know them first. They are looking for what you want to give them. They aren’t going to hurt you. Just have fun in the group chat for a while and then go from there. I’d be more scared about ignoring them now. But you know deep down you like the attention or you wouldn’t had them help

  34. Did any one of them catch your attention? Who stood out and why ? Who’ll get to hit it first ?

  35. Sounds you are just desperate to talk with someone about your fantasies, which, due to not being fulfilled, are becoming more and more about explosive situations.

  36. Like other comments, I agree on being careful here.

    I like your free spirit btw. Have fun, live life to the fullest :)

  37. I hope this is just creative writing.

    I’m all for the risky fantasy, but I would say a gang of dudes on one girl doesn’t have a history of success. (piperperry.jpg doesn’t count) I feel like you just put your friend in a position where she may have to get you out of trouble.

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