[MMMtM] [Noncon] The Construction Crew

When I landed my first “real man” job, I had no idea what I was in for. I thought that I would just be part of a construction crew. Turns out, I have some other tasks as well.

This whole thing started because of a tradition. When we were on our lunch break, the supervisor, Sebastian, came over to me. He made small talk for a while before dropping the bomb.

“You’re going to have to put up with a lot of shit on this crew. We don’t want pussies working with us. We have a little test we do with all our newbies.”

“And what’s that,” I asked between bites of my sandwich.

“Each of the guys are going to pull out one of your pubes. If you don’t scream or cry, we know you’re a real man.”

“You can’t be serious.”

“I’m not kidding. It takes a minute. They’ll grow back. Your girlfriend won’t even notice.”

“You know what? If that’s what it takes, I’ll do it.” I pulled my pants around my ankles, fully exposing myself. “Take as many as you want.”

Sebastian did a double take. He slowly looked me up and down. An unsettling wide grin spread across his lips.

“Victor! Max! Get over here! Damon’s got a cunt!” Sebastian yelled.

Two big burly men sprinted towards us. Their eyes flashed when they saw me. They licked their lips.

Max stated, “It wouldn’t be right to pull a lady’s pubes.”

“I am a man. It says so on my driver’s license. You don’t need to play nice with me. Just take your hairs.”

“It’s so pretty…” Victor mused.

They pushed my legs apart. I was strong too, but they could probably bench press my body weight. Even if was strong, there were three of them. There was no way I was going to get away.

Sebastian held my growth between his thumb and index finger. “Hey, fellas. You ever see a dick this tiny?”

“You ever see a hole where the balls go?” Victor pointed at my hole.

“No, I haven’t. It’s an interesting look, isn’t it?”

Sebastian’s fingers rubbed my growth. His big, intrusive hand still made my growth start to tingle with the first signs of interest. I ignored those feelings.

“Alternate suggtion: we fuck him,” Max pushed my leg up.

“No way in hell.” I tried to kick him, but he dodged.

“That could be a good team building excercise. I’ll allow it.”

“Excuse you?”

Sebastian undid his overalls and removed his briefs. His dick was starting to harden. With shock, I realised mine was as well.

Sebastian pinned my legs open on either side of the plastic chair. Victor and Max each took one of my arms. I could only move my head.

“Remember, if you scream, you lose.” Sebastian grew harder.

What a sick bastard. Was he really getting off on seeing me trapped like this? Was he just playing games? Would he let me go soon?

His filthy dick rubbed on my labia. I glared at him. One last warning to let me go.

He slowly, carefully shoved himself inside me. “Mmmm… that’s a warm pussy.”

“Why’ve you got your dick in a man?” I asked, smirking.

“Because it’s not gay if you have a cunt.”

He started to move inside me. His dick felt larger and more intrusive. He moved at his own pace, not caring about how I felt. My legs were already starting to burn. I squirmed to try to get some relief but he prevented me from moving. The other two were almost cutting off my arm circulation. Why was this making me wet?

It must be my body’s natural response. A method to make bitter pills go down more easily. I was not enjoying this.

Thankfully, Sebastian was older. A couple minutes after he stuck his dick in me, he pulled out. He filled the inside of his overalls with cum.

Max pulled down his jeans. He was smaller than Sebastian was, but he was younger too. He looked at me with a devilish smirk.

“We shouldn’t be doing this. You’re a man, like us.” His voice was calm.

“Yes! Thank you! Just let me get up -”

He put his finger to his lips. “You’re a man. Roll over.”

I didn’t know what he used on me. It felt just like lube. Maybe it was. A guy as sick as he was might carry some around in case he needed to jerk off quickly.

Sebastian and Victor held my arms as Max pulled my ass cheeks apart. I stared at the ground. Max tested my hole. It was ready.

Having somebody in my ass was worse than having someone in my front hole. The cock was unfamiliar. It didn’t help that Max was more agressive than Sebastian. He would grunt and pant with each thrust. All I could do was grit my teeth.

Max grabbed my head, yanking it upwards. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The other two were grinning at me like hungry wolves who just found a wounded deer. I was their prey.

Would I eventually become like them? Would I become so masculine that, when presented with genitals, I would only think about fucking it? That I wouldn’t even consider if the other person wanted me to fuck them?

Max pulled his dick out and came in a rag. My asshole was throbbing. There was still one person left.

Victor dropped his trousers. His dick was hard and it was massive. He gave me a powerful look.

“You two can get back to work. I’ll handle Damon,” he said, almost laughing.

The other two agreed. They headed out as if nothing had happened. Victor and I were alone in the break room. He yanked me to my feet. I stumbled, trying to stand.

“Do you still get periods?” He whispered.

I frowned. “What the hell does that have to do with anything?”

“Max, Sebastian, they’re chicken shit. They don’t know a good opportunity when they see one. Don’t worry. I’m going to take real good care of you.”

He lifted my shirt. His tounge ran all over my chest. He sucked on each nipple until it was hard.

I struggled. “Fucking stop it. Let me go. You’ve had your fun.”

“It’s going to be so much fun watching your tits fill with milk…”

“I don’t have milk ducts. I had them removed,” I spat.

“Hmm…” Victor lifted me up. “At least we might get to watch your belly grow.”

“No you will not!” I kicked him in the stomach.

He slammed me against the wall. He pressed himself against me so tightly that I could barely breathe. With being that close, it was easy for him to get his dick in me.

He chuckled. “You’re terribly wet for someone who doesn’t like this.”

I held my tongue. He was right. My body was betraying me. I was under the complete control of this powerful man.

Victor whispered, “Do you know what liking having strange dicks in you makes you?”

“No…” I wasn’t protesting, just curious.

“It makes you a slut. A slut who is about to make a baby.”

“If you cum in me, I’m going to the cops.”

“And what if I make you cum?”


“If I make you cum, what’ll you do?”

“I won’t.”

Victor slowed down. He kept pressing against me, but it wasn’t as much. He massaged my shoulders and my chest. There was a calm expression on his face.

I relaxed. Maybe he was backing off. As soon as he could, he would remove himself from me. We’d get back to work. We’d never speak about this again.

Then why was I so tight?

My legs shook as I came. Those seconds felt like minutes. Victor had done it.

He grabbed my hips. “My turn.”

He moved like a nail gun. Each thrust was quick going in and slow going out. I started grinding on him to speed the process up. He took that as another sign of victory. He started kissing me and calling me pretty.

Then, without warning, he pulled out. He stared to go soft instantly. I smirked.

“Get too scared?” I said.

Victor laughed. “You really are a slut. You didn’t even notice.”

I reached between my legs. A white substance covered my finger tips.

Oh hell.

I yanked my pants up and booked it to the portable toilet. In that dark, reeking chamber, I tried to scrape every speck of Victor out of me.

I didn’t end up pregnant, thank God. But I did earn a special reputation among the workers. From time to time, they take little grabs at me whenever they passed me. Sometimes I swear they give me work so they can stare at my ass. They might corner me again in the future. I don’t know. But if they do try, I won’t go down on them without a fight.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k86koq/mmmtm_noncon_the_construction_crew


  1. I won’t go down on them without a fight…please do.

    Definitely dig your writing.

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