Best Friend’s Sister

It was 3:00pm when I arrived at Sam’s place for the football game. He greeted me with a grin, “it’s about damn time,” he said as I handed him the beer that I brought as my contribution for the event.
From the look on his face he’d been at it for a bit. “Just in time for shots,” he exclaimed.

Against my better judgment, I thought, “why not?” As I rounded into the kitchen to see some other friends. I made my rounds quickly as they had gathered around the kitchen island, each with a shot of tequila in front of them. Sam wedged his way between me and Rob, one of the others bracing for some rapid consumption of Sam’s favorite Don Julio.

“This is for you, my good friend. Prepared with love.”

“The only thing that I’d expect, man! Thanks” I exclaimed as I looked over my shoulder. At that point Lacy walked in from the hallway connected to the bedroom, and our eyes met. She shared a half smile as she pushed a Lock of her hair behind her ear.

“I didn’t know you were going to be here.” I stated to her as she came in for a hug. “It’s been ages,” she said while we shared a lingering embrace. As she squeezed me tight I felt her breasts press against my rib cage. They felt much larger than I remember.

“Dude! Are we taking shots or what?!” Sam inquired.

“Fine. Fine. One sec” I said. “Lacy, we’ll catch up later”

“Can’t wait!” She shared a seductive look. Half smiling again. Winking as she brought her cup to her pink, supple lips.

Lacy was a stunning blonde. Much shorter than me, with a full figure. Blue eyes and lashes that draw you in at a moments glance.

She’s two years younger than Sam, but they’re extremely close. They were my neighbors growing up, so Lacy and I were pretty close—almost as close as Sam and I.

There was always tension between Lacy and myself—what I deemed as attraction, but was never willing to explore since I didn’t know how Sam would react. He’s a bit of a hothead when it comes to Lacy. He chased her high school boyfriend down with a baseball bat.

Although we lost touch after she went away for college, the tension came right back the moment we saw one another.

“Here’s to honor. If you can’t come in her, come on’er” Sam toasted as he lifted up his glass.

“Fuck off” Amber—one of our other friends at the party exclaimed as she cup-checked Sam, sending his tequila across the room.

The rest of us ingested our shots, all grabbed a beer, and found our respective places on the couch to watch the game. It was rivalry weekend, so we were all in our game day best. Sam, Rob and I wearing our jerseys. Amber wearing hers and the others sporting their tee shirts. Lacy was one of the others. She hated the idea of wearing a jersey, but her tee shirt was tight. It Hugged around all of her curves, really showcasing the prominence of her lovely chest.

“Let’s fucking go!” Sam yelled just moments before the kick-off.

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Lacy noted under her breath.

She had chosen the seat next to me on the couch that was a little cramped.

“He is so ridiculous, right?” She asked me.

“Ah, come on! He’s just having some fun.” I told her.

“Wanna make a bet?” She asked.

“Ummmm….” I paused.

“Come on, it’ll be fun I promise,” she stated with a wink.

“Ahh…what do you have in mind?” I asked.

“I bet he’s passed out by 7. Right after the game.” She proposed.

“I suppose I can root for my boy to rally.” I told her. “What are the stakes?”

“You leave that up to me.” She said. “That’ll make it even more fun”

“I’m not sure you know how a bet works.” I said.

“Fine! He snoozes by 7, you tell me a secret. He keeps going strong—which he won’t—you tell me a secret.”
We shook hands. Her hand was well manicured and soft. She took her hand back to her drink and I did the same.

The game kicked off and we were underway.

“You know this is a drinking game, right?” Sam polled the group.

We all looked at him. Perplexed.
“Hell yeahs.” Sam shouted. “Gotta do something to keep this going for you squares…every quarter we all drink. Every time there is a first down or a turnover we drink.”

We all begrudgingly obliged as this was his house, but we all knew that we wouldn’t keep up with him.

“First down, mother fuckers! Drink!”

I looked at Lacy, we connected our cups and took a short sip.

The game went on and Sam slowed his requests to have everyone drink, but I had already been feeling it more than I planned, so asked him if I could crash.

“Me and Amber are going to shack in my room tonight. Lacy is in the guest, but the couch is wide open—all you.”

“Thanks man” i said with relief. Now I could relax a bit with a place to stay.

I nestled back into my seat. My leg against Lacy’s. She placed her hand on my lap and then removed her hand quickly.

“Sounds like I’m crashing with y’all tonight” I told her.

“Sounds like it.” She said coldly as she brought her drink to her lips.

I felt like she didn’t want me there, so my nerves got the best of me. I had a couple more drinks during the game to relax.

It was 6:45 when the game ended and Lacy and I locked eyes. Sam was awake.

“WE WIN AGAIN! Fucking right!” Sam screamed. Amber rolled her eyes. Unbeknownst to myself, Amber and Sam were planning on “shacking” tonight. They had been having casual sex for almost a year now. Amber knew what she was in for.

“I’d pull out Herman right now, but Lacy has to be a buzz kill” Sam said.

Herman was What Sam called his cock.

Amber coached Sam, “maybe you and Herman should go to bed”

“Goonies never say die!” Sam screamed

“What the fuck man?!” I asked as I chuckled at the random allusion to our favorite movie growing up.

The clock behind Sam was at 7:01pm.

I gestured to Lacy lifting my glass in her direction. At this point, I had gotten up with Amber and Sam to send the rest of our friends off. We said goodbye to everyone and I helped Sam to bed.

“Let’s fucking gooooo….” he said and his sentence trailed off as his head hit the pillow.

“Looks like I’m going to have to fuck myself,” Amber said. She was really looking forward to fucking Sam that night.

To be honest, they were perfect for each other. Both of them looked like movie stars, and likely had some characteristics of certain types of movie stars. Sam’s jaw was chiseled. He had wavy brown hair. Large eyes like his sister, his gaze was captivating. Amber was just as fit. Dirty blonde hair with giant boobs and an incredible ass. I would be lying if I ever said that I hadn’t thought about her riding my cock.

Sam was in bed, and Amber was on the computer now.

“You good?” I asked.

“Yes. I just wish you didn’t know this about us.” She responded.

“Our secret. Scouts honor.” I implied.

“Would you mind locking the door on your way out?” She asked. “He’s an early riser if you know what I mean.”

I locked the door and closed it behind me. I leaned on the door for support for a few seconds.

“Deep breaths” I said to myself. I hate staying away from home, so I needed a minute to myself.

Fully expecting to crash on the couch, I turned around the corner into the living room. Lacy must’ve gone to bed. It was just me. I grabbed a glass of water and decided to have a night cap once that was full. I set the glass of water and an empty pint glass on the counter. I grabbed a beer from the fridge to fill it up.

As I was pouring, Lacy walked out wearing Sam’s jersey that he had thrown off in frustration during the game.

“What about me?” She asked.

“What about you?” I responded.

“Maybe I wanted a night cap too”

“Alright, I suppose I can help with that”

I grabbed a glass and a bottle of beer for Lacy.

“Nooooo!” She cried as I grabbed the bootle opener.

“What?!” I stopped.

She walked over to the liquor cabinet and reached up to grab something off of the top shelf, exposing her scantily clad thong.

Her cheeks jiggled as she reached up.

I looked away immediately. Trying not to add fuel to the fire.

“This.” She said as she put the some Grey Goose in front of me. “I want this.”

“I usually only drink beer. What do you want?”

“Make me a lemon drop,” she requested.

“Ummm…I need to Google that one” I responded.

“Don’t worry, everything is in the fridge” she shared.

I looked through my phone as I gathered the ingredients. Simple enough, so I proceeded to make the drink.

“Wait a second. I thought you hated jerseys,” I stated, inquisitively.

“I do, but I forgot my PJs” she mentioned.

“Well it suits you,” I said with a wink.

“So about that bet….” she mentioned.

In the whole ordeal with Sam, I forgot all about it. I had won since Sam made it just past 7:00

“I think I know what secret I can tell you.”

“Okay?” I responded skeptically.

“Promise you won’t freak out?” She asked.

“Um you’re scaring me, but I promise, I suppose.” I said shakily.

“Um, ok here it goes” she took a deep breath.

“I’ve seen your cock.” She stated.

The color drained from my face.

“What? How?” I asked.

“Wellllll, one time my parents left and you and Sam were home in the basement”

—“oh shit” I thought. Sam and I used to jerk off in their basement.

“I was headed downstairs to hang out and saw the porn on the tv. I know you’re not gay but I saw Sam jerking you off.”

I stared at her blankly.

“But that is a bonus to make way to tell you my actual secret.”

Mortified, I responded, “well okay.”

“I haven’t been able to keep a boyfriend, because all I can think about is your cock.” she said. “Ever since that day, I’ve just wanted to play with it. I have had a crush on you for ages. Ugh. Sorry. Now I’m sharing too much.”

“Uuummm,Lacy. I don’t know what to say. I responded.

“Don’t say anything, but give me your help.”

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into Sam’s guest room.

“I know I don’t owe you another secret, but I wore this outfit for you,” she mentioned.

She reminded me that I had drunkenly told her that I loved when girls wore jerseys. For some reason I found it hot.

“So I need a male eye on a few outfits.” She proceeded as she removed the jersey.

Her tits dropped heavily when her shirt was removed.

“Stop” she said to me after she caught me staring. “Close your eyes while I change, so I can get your objective opinion on everything.”

“Fine!” I closed my eyes.

She changed into her next outfit. It was a skirt that showed the bottom of her ass and a see-thru button down shirt. “I’m a school girl” she said as I opened my eyes and her breast jostled up and down.

“Wow” I stammered.

“Ok, all I need is one more view on this outfit and you can’t see me change, so I’m blindfolding you now” she took force.

“Doesn’t sound like I don’t have a choice” I said as I willingly took the blindfold on.

She took off all of her clothes and said, “okay, I’m ready.”

She pulled off my blindfold. To my surprise, she was completely naked. Blood started to make its way to my cock. Her body was picturesque. Unlike any girl I’ve ever seen.

“Maybe you should fuck me tonight” she said.

“I can’t. What about Sam?” I said in my retort.

“So he gets to play with your cock and I can’t?”

“We were young and that was just because we couldn’t get action.”

“So why can’t I give you action?”

“…” I had no rebuttal.

She grabbed my cock. I didn’t stop her.
I knocked my head back as she began to stroke it. Then I felt her tongue on my balls. She began to lick from my taint to the head of my cock. I shook with ecstasy as she took me in her mouth. Deeper; in her throat as she played with my balls.

“Let me fuck you,” she stated as a question. At this point, she was in control so I had to adhere to her demands. She climbed on top Of my cock and I watched her pussy stretch as I ended up deep inside of her.

It started off slow, then she sped up the tempo. She thrust forward as she came down. I placed my hand on her waist with my thumb on her clit; applying soft pressure in aims to increase her pleasure. She took one hand behind her to fondle my balls.

“Fuck!” She cried. I felt her begin to quiver. Her vagina tightening on my cock.

Our other hands were laced as she continued to ride me. Up and down my cock. Luckily, our hands were connected as she came with force. She used me for leverage.

Her convulsions were enough force to invite me to cum as well. I shifted my weight to be on top and began to cum. Pulling out quickly, I thought I’d cum on her stomach, but I my pulsations were more than I anticipated; reaching her neck.

My final pulsations fell on her large chest, which she rubbed in as she smiled. I kissed her and we were connected.

She told me she wanted my cock tomorrow as she cleaned up with a washcloth.

We drifted off to sleep in each other’s embrace, still naked.

We continued to fuck over winter break without plans to manage when she leaves.

Sam has no clue, but I guess that is a story for another day.



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