The Rabbit Hole Part 8 [FF] [MM] [Forced Gay] [Mind Control] [BDSM] [Dark]

**Chapter 8: Cruelty Fetish**


Dolly grunted as the dildo pounded in and out of her ass. Behind her, Joanna pumped wildly. Penny enjoyed how lewd and loud Joanna could be, and she allowed the bimbo to moan like a whore while Penny watched.

Nadia had revealed that she had always been nervous to do anal, that she had considered it a boundary she could never cross, and Penny helped her cross it. Dolly needed to be fucked in the ass once a day. Penny said it was to help loosen her up, and she enjoyed Nadia’s nervousness just before she become Dolly for her daily fucking. She enjoyed even more Dolly’s mute acceptance, her placid eagerness to be fucked each day.

It wasn’t the fucking that made Penny wet. It was the betrayal. It was seeing a boundary broken. It was seeing how completely she owned and controlled Nadia. It was how easily she could make Nadia’s body betray her preferences.

Joanna had suggested a strap-on for Dolly, but of course, Penny refused.

Instead, as Penny touched herself, enjoying Nadia’s future shame more than Dolly’s current pleasure, she had one thought running over and over in her mind: “There’s nothing I can’t do.” It was her own power that turned her on. At the end of each session with her dolls, nothing turned Penny on more than herself. She was impressed with what she could do, and just when she thought she had found a limit, she pressed through. Human minds, human identity, was putty in her hands.

That was the thought that rang through her head as she orgasmed. It had been years since she’d orgasmed. It had been even longer since she could orgasm without thinking of the institution, the facility, the nurse, the shocks, but now … now she was free. Her sexuality was unlocked, and all of it had to do with Nadia. She had never met a woman like this, someone who was so trusting with her whole identity and personality. She put herself in Penny’s hands with a degree of intimacy that husband and wife could only dream of. No one would hand over their identity to another to play with, but Nadia did.

Nadia reported that she remembered what Dolly did. She was asleep while Dolly was in control, but they came back as memories in flashes or in dreams. She loved them. To her, they were erotic films she starred in, erotic films she couldn’t believe were real. They were too good. That’s how she talked about what Penny did to her: too good.

“Stop,” commanded Penny. Neither of her dolls had orgasmed, but it didn’t matter. They wouldn’t cum until she told them to, and at this point, they didn’t need stimulation to cum. She could order them to orgasm sixteen times in a row right here, and they would. Humans were so delightfully simple in her hands now.

“Joanna, wake up now,” said Penny. She didn’t create a new personality for the bimbo, her mind was already fractured enough, but she did tell her will to go to sleep for long periods of time when they played. Honestly, Joanna annoyed her, always giggling and making bad jokes.

“Nadia, come back now.” Nadia blinked a few times as the Dolly persona left her. She looked behind her in horror to see Joanna with a dildo still inside her anus. Penny smiled at her shock. It was always a delight to see how enthusiastically Dolly would obey a thing that Nadia found so abhorrent.

“Go clean up,” Penny commanded. Immediately, Joanna pulled out of Nadia. The petite red-head arched her back and moaned as the silicon cock slid out of her. Penny bit her bottom lip. She was tempted to touch herself again. Instead, she made a mental note to find new circumstances where Nadia could wake up in the midst of Dolly’s debauchery. Mmmm … Yes. That moment of surprise, betrayal, horror, and arousal was Penny’s favorite thing about her new toy for now.

The two girls immediately went into the bathroom and began cleaning up. They got into a spare set of clothes left in there by Harold. In the past few weeks, the three of them had found a pleasant routine. Nadia lived with Joanna. It was easier to have them in one spot, together. Penny arranged for them to live in an apartment a few floors beneath her. She paid for it, as neither of them could ever afford to live in this building.

They almost never stayed the night. Occasionally, Penny would ask Nadia to stay over. They would talk or cuddle, but nothing erotic. Penny found the late nights alone to become increasingly uncomfortable. Her mind would wander to new plans, new ways to use her powers and expand her influence, and she would get little sleep. Nadia helped distract her from scheming, and that helped her sleep.

Penny tried not to think about the times she told Dolly to hold her or the times she made Dolly listen while she tried to explain what happened to her when she was younger, when she was a child. She never got through the whole story and often devolved into sobs. In those times, she needed the blank and unjudging face of Dolly. She didn’t think she could stand to have Nadia look at her with compassion and intelligence while she described her past.

The girls came out in their spare clothes: red lace bras and matching panties. When they left in an hour or so, they would only be riding the elevator down a few floors, and it pleased Penny to imagine their embarrassment walking through the hallways like sluts.

“Before you girls go,” said Penny as they took their place, on their knees, in front of the bed, “I’ve been working on a problem. I’d like your help.”

“Like what?” asked Joanna.

“Well, in a word: you,” said Penny.

Joanna’s face turned to shock, then shame. “Me?” she asked. “What did I do?”

“Well, not you so much as your true self, Joe. I’ve been running through my mind over and over what to do about him. It’s hard, you know, finding a suitable punishment for someone so disgusting.”

Nadia looked away from Penny. It still aroused her to know what Penny had done to Joe, and she admitted that she could no longer look at Joanna without thinking of Joe trapped in her body. Apparently, just being around Joanna so often had kept Nadia in a persistent state of arousal. That’s where she got all her enthusiasm to service Penny.

“I thought you had a plan?” asked Joanna.

“Oh, I did,” said Penny. “But that was before I got all these new powers. That was before I brought Nadia into the fold. That changes things. For one, I can do far more than I could before. For another, I can use Nadia to help increase Joe’s ultimate destruction.”

“How can we help?” asked Joanna.

“Nadia?” asked Penny, ignoring the question.

Nadia looked up and met Penny’s eyes.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes,” said Nadia, averting Penny’s gaze.

“What’s on your mind?” asked Penny. “Speak.”

Nadia hesitated, bit her lip, then obeyed: “It’s always complicated when we bring up Joe. It’s hot. I love hearing what you’ve done to him and want to do to him, but I can’t help feeling that it’s wrong. I mean, Joe is a person at the end of the day. It’s got to be wrong to use his identity as a tool of revenge or a way to get off.”

Joanna tilted her head, confused. Penny had been lowering her IQ regularly in small doses. Now that Joanna didn’t need to spy on Nadia, she really didn’t need a mind at all.

“Aww, honey,” teased Penny. “You know what he did to you. You know what he’s done to other women. It’s far worse for them. Do you think they would say we were being too harsh with him?”

“I don’t know,” admitted Nadia.

“I tell you what,” said Penny. “I appreciate your compassion, your gentleness, but I think that’s getting in the way.” Penny looked at both of her dolls. “I want both of you to become cruel, especially cruel to everyone except me for the next hour.”

Nadia and Joanna glanced at each other in panic, but then Penny spoke again.

“Become cruel. You are the cruelest women you could possibly imagine. You are complete bitches, except to me, yourselves, and each other. You delight to hurt people and to make them suffer. The crueler you are, the more wet you become. Nothing turns you on more than destroying a person. You don’t just want to put them in their place. You want to make them as low as possible. That is your fetish and obsession.”

The air shook around Penny’s words as the power took hold of her dolls. Joanna’s expression hardened, and Nadia’s gentle look of concern faded.

“Come up with a punishment for Joe. Whoever comes up with the cruelest punishment will earn one wish from me.”

Nadia smiled. Joanna mimicked her.

“He could be a stripper,” started Joanna.

“For free. He shouldn’t get paid for it,” added Nadia. They both looked at each other, bit their lips, and nodded.

“Is that all?” said Penny. That was boring. She had made strippers and prostitutes before. That was nothing interesting.

“He should suck cock,” said Nadia.

“His body should be free use,” added Joanna. The two girls turned to look at each other. Penny slipped from their minds entirely. They were brainstorming, and while they did, they grew closer and closer to a wild lust. Fetishes never stayed still. Left like this, it wouldn’t be long until they were sociopaths, finding murder and torture to be the best way to get off.

“He should be unable to cum.,” said Nadia.


“He should get hard but get no pleasure from it.”

“All his orgasms should be ruined,” said Joanna.

Penny smiled. It was a delight to hear Joanna describing Joe’s demise. Penny’s new powers helped solidify the separation of personalities. To Joanna, Joe was an entirely different person. What had happened to Joe was identical to what had happened to Joanna, but he was some other person whose fate she was deciding.

Nadia, on the other hand, knew that Joanna was Joe. It must turn the redhead on even more to know she was discussing the demise of her friend and lover. Hating Joe meant hating Joanna. Perhaps Nadia knew that. Perhaps she felt that the best way to add to Joanna’s suffering was betrayal. That would be sweet.

Penny got wet just thinking about it.

Penny had never thought about a life with someone else. She always imagined herself alone, unattached, until the end. But Nadia brought out a new idea, a new desire in her. She could make Nadia like her. Nadia could learn about trancing. She could join Penny in finding those that deserved punishment and ruining their lives. It would be nice, to not be so lonely while she did the work.

“He should hate men and women,” said Nadia. “He should be asexual.”

“But be designed for sex!” added Joanna, clapping. “His whole body should be purposed to sex, but he should feel no pleasure. Just shame.”

“He should feel arousal,” added Nadia. “Arousal will keep him addicted. In fact, shame should be the only thing that arouses him. If he feels a moment of pride, he should go flaccid.”

Joanna clapped. Penny nodded approvingly. Nadia’s mind was wonderful, dark and twisted. Penny did what she did out of anger, out of a desire for revenge. Nadia wasn’t like that at all. She wasn’t angry. She did it because it turned her on. Nadia did this for lust’s sake.

“We should find a way to make sure he is dependent on being used,” suggested Joanna.

“Debt,” said Nadia, quickly. “He should have hundreds and thousands in credit card debt. That way, he can’t escape his need for money. He will be eternally dependent and desperate.”

Joanna nodded in agreement. “A drug addiction too. Nothing likely to lead to an overdose. Not meth or anything like that.”

“Crack?” suggested Nadia.

“I don’t know enough about it,” said Joanna with a shrug. She was becoming less and less useful as her IQ dropped. Penny needed to dispose of Joe quickly. That was why she had her toys decide his fate. In the next few weeks, she would make it a reality.

“It doesn’t matter. We can make him deathly afraid of overdosing. Like, he has nightmares about it. He’ll still be addicted, unable to stop, but he won’t push himself too far.”

“Clever,” said Joanna. She slid her hand under Nadia’s panties. Penny smirked.

“Then we can … um … then we can …” Nadia lost her train of thought. Penny could see Joanna’s hands reaching out for Nadia’s pussy, teasing the poor girl while the two of them were driven deeper and deeper into lust at their own cruelty.

“We can make him indebted and addicted,” recapped Joanna. “He’ll be aroused only by shame, used by both genders. I suppose we can find him a pimp of some sort to help him find work.”

“To pay all those bills,” said Nadia, breathlessly.

“That’s right,” added Joanna. “Perhaps some permanent tattoos about public use.”

“Cum dumpster,” gasped Nadia.

Joanna smiled. “Exactly.” She didn’t pull her hands out of Nadia’s panties. While the two girls touched, Penny found her hands reaching into her own panties. She had cum more in the last month than she had in the past two decades. Watching these two girls fall into her darkness was the most intoxicating thing Penny had been a part of.

“He should … he should …” started Nadia, but her eyes rolled back. She arched her back and let her weight fall. Her arms caught her, and she reclined, rigid, while Joanna played with her.

“He could be a public urinal at a local club,” said Joanna. “He could serve the patrons however they wanted orally. He should be aware the whole time, he should hate it the whole time, but should do it because he’s desperate.”

“Uh ….” grunted Nadia, her hips grinding against Joanna’s hand.

“And the shame will turn him on, but he’ll only get ruined orgasms. It will always be ruined for him. No pleasure, ever again. Just shame. Just work. Just misery.”

Nadia gasped and jumped away from Joanna, freeing herself from Joanna’s touch. Joanna was more amused than offended, having seemingly brought Nadia to the edge of pleasure.

“Misery?” gasped Nadia. She looked from Joanna to Penny. Both women were touching themselves at the mere thought. It was a good fate, crueler than Penny had ever conceived for someone.

“Mmmm … yesses,” purred Joanna. She reclined and kept serving herself. She removed her panties entirely to better finger herself.

Penny didn’t do the same. She was distracted by Nadia. The girl wasn’t turned on. She was disturbed.

“Nadia?” asked Penny. The redhead turned to face her. The lust was gone from her eyes. “What’s wrong, pet?”

“Nothing,” breathed Nadia. “It’s just … it’s just … that’s hot. It’s fucking hot,” she said. Penny smiled. Joanna’s purrs became moans as she got louder.

“But …” said Nadia and the smile faded from Penny’s face. “All that debt? A drug habit? That’s … different.”

“It was your idea,” said Penny.

“I know. It’s hot. But it’s wrong.”

“So wrong,” moaned Joanna.

“That was the goal.” Penny leaned forward and ran her free hand over Nadia’s cheek. “It’s what you want.”

“Yes,” moaned Nadia.

“It turns you on.”


Joanna’s body went rigid. She fell to her side, her body quivering while orgasms rolled over her. Penny almost laughed. From her angle, it looked like the ridiculous size of Joanna’s tits finally pulled her down.

“But,” said Nadia. “Making him addicted to cum or an anal whore, those are like … fetishes. This is different. It’s his life.” Her face twisted, flickering from revulsion, confusion, and desire. “He doesn’t deserve that.”

“You think this is any different?” hissed Penny. Her temper flared. She found Nadia’s compassion adorable, admirable even, but only to a point. At some point, Nadia’s compassion became weakness. It became an unwillingness to do what is right, what is needed.

“You think this is just a fetish for you?” Penny spread her arms wide. “This is your life, now. You are not just my sex toy; your life and mind are my playgrounds. You live nearby so I can fuck you when I want. You will quit your job when I tell you to. You will do whatever I tell you, think whatever I tell you, like whatever I tell you.”

“Yes,” whispered Nadia. Her face had gone blank. Her brain was processing, rewriting itself over and over, trying to keep up with each of Nadia’s commands. Before a new brain, a new personality, could fully form, Penny erased it and added a new layer. She was empty, and Penny would fill her. She was blank, and Penny would rewrite her.

Nadia’s body went limp, her mouth dangling open. She no longer supported herself, and her torso fell to the ground. She lay there flat, drool dribbling down the side of her face, while Penny broke her.

“You think you are safer than Joe?” asked Penny. “You think I can’t do the same to you? You think I can’t do worse? Do you want to go to work naked? You want to beg your boss to fuck her? You want to discover the joy of crystal meth? You are my plaything. Your existence amuses me, and when it no longer does, your destruction will amuse me.”

“Yes,” moaned Nadia. A limp hand slid up her thigh as the empty girl began to touch herself.

“Joe deserves it. They all deserve it. I will punish my attackers. Watch me.”

Nadia blinked several times. “Your attackers?” she asked from the floor.

Penny vision went white. This bitch. Still, she resisted. Still, she fought off the power of Penny. Penny had gone across the world to crush this woman, to find something greater than her, and still Nadia found ways to break through.

“What is wrong with you?” yelled Penny. “Why won’t you stay?”

Joanna, seeing Penny’s rage, scrambled away from her to the edge of the room. There, she sat up, her back leaning against the wall, and watched in terror as Penny bore down on Nadia.

Penny balled up a fist and pulled it back but stopped herself. Nadia was helpless, still drooling, still empty. She could resist, but she wasn’t entire awake. She wasn’t free.

Penny knelt down, hovering over the thin redhead, and whispered, “How do you resist me?” Nadia lay limp and empty. “Answer!” barked Penny.

“I don’t know,” intoned the husk.

“You must know. Tell me. What is it? What’s so special about you?”


“Why do you think it is? What’s your best guess?”

“My medication,” said the girl flatly.


Did that explain it? Was it so simple? Someone else had been in Nadia’s mind before Penny. They had done damage, done something. Penny needed to know what medication she was on. What could threaten her power, help someone resist her?


“For what?”

“ADHD. Anxiety. Mood swings. Depression.”

“How much?”

“I don’t know.”

“Wake up. Be old Nadia. Come back. Show me.”


Dr. Tuminaro’s office was cold, and mostly empty. Penny and Nadia sat alone in the waiting room except for a large Hispanic man. The doctor’s assistant insisted that he couldn’t meet with Nadia, even if it was an emergency, but when Penny mentioned how much money she’d be willing to pay to see the doctor, there was a sudden availability.

Nadia showed Penny her medication. Penny had never heard of the medicine for depression. She thought she knew most of them, at least the popular ones. When they looked it up, they couldn’t find anything. That’s when Penny knew she needed to speak to Dr. Tuminaro.

At first, Penny thought she would need some complicated plan to get the information from the doctor’s patients or employees. Of course, then she realized, that was a waste of time. Penny could ask, and Dr. Tuminaro would tell her everything there was to know.

“Ms. Lane?” asked a voice from behind the desk.

Penny and Nadia stood and were led down a corridor. Penny was asked basic questions about why she was brought in. Penny told the nurse to fill in whatever she wanted and shut up. The nurse obeyed and brought them to a psychiatrist’s office with two couches facing each other. There, sitting at his desk in the back of the room, was the doctor.

Dr. Samuel Tuminaro was in his late forties. He had salt and pepper hair and desperately needed to shave. He was in good health, fit, and wore a slim suit that hugged his body. Penny and Nadia stood at the front of his office, watching him, while he scrolled through something on his phone.

“Dr. Tuminaro?” asked Penny.

“Just one moment,” he said without looking up. He continued to scroll, occasionally smiling while he did so.

Penny looked over at Nadia. “Is he always like this?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Nadia.

Penny waited. She wondered if she should pounce now. There was no need for subtlety. She could ask the doctor to tell her his whole life story, every secret inside of him, but she needed to wait and see. She needed to know what kind of man he was.

Penny walked around the office while she waited. There were books of psychology and psychiatry books lining the walls. But more than books, there were advertisements. Clipboards, pens, a tote bag, lanyards, post-it notes, and more, all with pharmaceutical company names on them. It reminded Penny of a Nascar racer, covered in sponsorship patches all over his office.

“Answer me truthfully, Dr. Tuminaro,” commanded Penny.

Dr. Tuminaro became still and dropped his cell phone.

“How much money do you get from pharmaceutical companies?”

“Close to a million a year,” he said clearly.

“How much do you make from your patients?”

“Around two hundred thousand,” said the doctor.

“The money from pharmaceuticals, does it come directly from them?”

“Gifts. Trips. Stocks.”

“Sounds illegal.”


“Do you diagnose the drugs of those that donate to you more than other drugs?”


“Does it play a non-existent, minor, or major role in your diagnosis?”

“Major,” said the doctor.

“And what about this?” asked Penny, raising up the pill bottle from Nadia’s apartment. “Tryptoglycomine. I’ve never heard of it before. Is this from a company that gives you these gifts?”

“That’s an experimental drug,” said the doctor.

Penny raised her eyebrows and looked to Nadia. “You are on an experimental drug trial?”

Nadia shook her head.

“Explain,” said Penny to the doctor.

“She didn’t sign up for a trial. We needed patients that had a rare combination of symptoms. ADHD and depression rarely go together. Only two of my patients qualified. We changed their prescription to match the parameters of the trial. We discounted their appointment cost and insisted that they come once a week for extensive interviews and checkups.”

Penny looked back at Nadia. The redhead nodded again, confirming the news.

“What are the side-effects of this drug?”

“I don’t know.”

“What are the potential consequences?”

“I don’t know.”

Penny clenched her fists. Another bully. Another tormentor. Another liar. Another one that takes advantage.

Penny turned and looked at Nadia. “You think I’m cruel?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Nadia.

The truth of it shook Penny, but her rage kept her going. “I’m nothing compared to him. These people get what they deserve, and they get it because of me. I’m the one who finally holds them accountable. I’m the one who isn’t afraid to do what is right. You’re scared? You think this is too much?”

“Yes,” whimpered Nadia.

“You’re weak,” hissed Penny.

The room almost shook with the command.

“You will watch me. You will become like me. Forget your weakness. Forget your fear. This is what is right. I will be you Goddess of Justice, and you will worship me. Is that understood?”

“Yes, Goddess.”

Penny felt herself soften at the title. Her body flushed and warmed as her pussy became wet. This was it. Penny was a goddess. She was Nadia’s goddess. Hearing it from her mouth was everything Penny needed to hear. It was new life, a new strength in her.

“Sit, pet,” commanded Penny. Nadia obeyed, sitting in one of the couches. “Watch closely. At each moment, as I destroy him, you will love this. Body and mind will be turned on, captivated by this.”

“Yes,” moaned Nadia.

Penny smiled and turned to face the doctor. He was sitting still, still waiting for more questions to answer. Penny hadn’t released him from her power, and until she did, he would wait on his goddess.

“Are you heterosexual?” asked Penny.

“Yes,” answered Dr. Tuminaro.

“Do you have a girlfriend?”


“Wonderful,” said Penny. She turned and looked at Nadia. “The more attachments they have, the more they can lose. It makes their destruction so sweet. We can use her later. Perhaps have her betray him, break his heart. If money is his weakness, she could spend it all. We can make her more dominant and instill her as the head of his life. He would be a useless worm under her heel. There are so many options when they have a wife.”

Penny looked back at the doctor. “Write down all her information you know, including social security number, credit cards, date of birth, maiden name, etc.”

The doctor obeyed, writing it all down on a prescription pad for his goddess.

“Have you thought about sex with another man?” asked Penny.

“No,” sad the doctor.

“Does it repulse you?”


“Good. That repulsion grows in you. You hate men. You hate their cocks. You hate gay men. Don’t you?”

“Yes,” said the doctor. His teeth clenched as he said it.

“But you’re curious,” added Penny. “Oh, so curious.”

The doctor licked his lips.

“Nadia, go bring in the patient in the waiting room.”

Nadia got up and left the room.

Penny got closer to the doctor and whispered in his ear.

“You hate those faggots.” The word felt disgusting in her mouth. Her whole life, she’d been attacked by words like those. She remembered her classmates whispering ‘dyke’ behind her. But that was why this was necessary. The words held so much power. They destroyed people regularly, and now they would help her destroy this worthless man.

The doctor said nothing, but Penny could see it in his body. His clenched jaw. His tight hands. His flushed skin. Yes, he hated as Penny directed him to hate. He was no Nadia. In her hands, he was putty.

Nadia entered the room with the heavy-set Hispanic man. He had a patchy black beard, thick mustache, soft brown eyes, and a bit of a gut. He was confused but not quite panicking. Penny came towards him quickly. She had practiced. This wouldn’t take long.

“You’re a homosexual,” said Penny. “You prefer white men. In the bedroom, you are dominant, aggressive. You prefer reluctant men, straight men. You like to turn them and help them realize how much they love cock, how much they need cock. You like them to beg you for it, to go insane wanting to serve your cock, all the while confused and hating themselves for it.”

The man blinked several times as his mind was rewritten. Penny looked to Nadia. The short girl’s eyes were wide with awe.

“You see what I am?” asked Penny.

“A goddess,” whispered Nadia.

“Exactly,” said Penny. She felt her knees go weak to hear Nadia say it, breathlessly worshipping Penny as Penny deserved.

Penny looked back at her new toy. “What’s your name?”

“Carlos,” he said.

Penny turned and pointed to Dr. Tuminaro, “You like what you see,” she commanded.

Nadia giggled as Carlos’ pants tightened against his erection. Good. Maybe if Nadia thought this was fun, she wouldn’t be so hesitant to participate.

“What do you think Carlos should do?” she asked Nadia.

“Ummm … I don’t know.”

“Think,” commanded Penny. “Be cruel.”

Nadia’s expression hardened. “He should get his cock sucked,” said Nadia. Her voice was resolute. Penny smiled. The little redhead was so adorable when she tried to be assertive.

“I agree,” said Penny. “Should Dr. Tuminaro like it?”

“No,” said Nadia. “He should get his face fucked.”

Penny felt the warmth spread to her pussy. “Yes,” she breathed. “That sounds delightful.” Penny went up to Dr. Tuminaro and whispered in his ear, “You will obey whatever Carlos tells you to do. You will hate it, but you will obey.”

Penny sat back down in the armchair, ready to enjoy the scene she had created. She pat her lap, inviting Nadia. “Come pet.”

Nadia obeyed, crossing the room and sitting on Penny’s lap like a good girl.

“Pants and panties off,” whispered Penny in Nadia’s ear.

Nadia obeyed.

Penny wrapped her arms around Nadia’s tight stomach, and let her hands rest on Nadia’s thighs. She quickly checked and was pleased to find Nadia soaked.

“Carlos,” said Penny. “Take him. Shame him. Fuck his face,” commanded Penny. For a moment, she was afraid the lack of nuance in her command would remove the subtlety from Carlos asserting his dominance, but it didn’t matter. All that mattered was Nadia on her lap and the corruption of the pure-hearted girl.

Carlos didn’t hesitate to act. He moved up to Dr. Tuminaro in four swift steps. The doctor flinched, actually flinched, to see the large man press upon him.

“Sit,” said Carlos, and the doctor sat on top of his desk.

Carlos smiled and ran his hand along the doctor’s chin. “Your skin is soft,” he said, but the doctor didn’t say anything. He shivered, and Penny wondered if it was from nerves or shame. Either way, she felt Nadia respond in her lap. She quivered, and Nadia smiled.

“You’d like to be taken like that?” asked Penny.

“Yes,” whispered Nadia.

Carlos ran his hands over the doctor’s chest. Penny saw him feel for the muscles of the doctor. He smiled to himself.

“You’re strong,” he said.

The doctor nodded.

Carlos took one of the doctor’s hands and ran them along his own pecs. “I’m stronger,” he said, and the doctor nodded. “Say it,” commanded Carlos.

“You’re stronger,” admitted the doctor.

“Good,” said Carlos. Wordlessly, he peeled off the doctor’s jacket. Dr. Tuminaro let it happen. He put up no resistance as Carlos took off his tie and unbuttoned the top three buttons of his shirt.

Carlos loomed over the doctor, and Penny could feel Carlos’s strength. He was like a panther. Every move he made was predatory, seductive. The muscles rippled under his skin and clothes. There was no doubt who was in charge, who was stronger.

Carlos ran his hands over Dr. Tuminaro’s thighs. Both men were taking shallow breaths as the lust clouded their vision. Penny was delighted to see that despite his preference, the doctor was hard under Carlos’s touch.

“You like?” asked Carlos.

The doctor shook his head.

“That’s fine,” said Carlos. “This isn’t for you.”

Carlos lifted, actually lifted, the doctor gently to take him off the table. He put the doctor on the floor and softly forced the man to his knees. Carlos straightened and unzipped his pants. Nadia’s breath caught, and Penny smiled. She lowered her hands to Nadia’s pussy and began to gently finger her pet.

Carlos swayed his hips, his hard cock gently flopped in front of the doctor. To his credit, the doctor didn’t panic. He didn’t attack. He didn’t flee. The doctor stayed still, his eyes on the ground, ashamed as Carlos taunted him. As Carlos swayed, the tip of his cock would occasionally run over the doctor’s lips.

As the tip of the cock grazed Dr. Tuminaro’s lips, he moaned. Immediately, he was filled with lust and shame in equal portions. He blushed and turned to see how Carlos reacted, but immediately brought his eyes back to the floor.

Carlos grabbed the doctor’s chin. He tilted his face to look him in the eyes. “Look at me,” commanded Carlos, and the doctor obeyed. “Open wide,” he said.

The doctor hesitated. Nadia held her breath. This was the moment.

Carlos pulled back his hand and slapped Dr. Tuminaro. Penny felt it as much as heard it from across the room. The doctor’s head shot to one side, but Carlos didn’t leave it there. Quickly, he grabbed the doctor’s chin and brought his eyes to meet his own.

“You want it?” asked Carlos.

The doctor hesitated. The moment hung between them, the doctor shirtless and on his knees. Carlos dressed except for his exposed and hard cock. Nadia held her breath. Penny smiled. Inside, the doctor was dying. Some part of him was burning with the shame that drove most to utter despair and darkness. It was a fate worse than death, Penny hoped. And yet, it turned her little pet on.

Then, the doctor opened his mouth wide. Nadia moaned, and Penny slid two fingers into her pet at the same time that Carlos slid his cock into Dr. Tuminaro’s mouth. Carlos used his hands to hold the side of the doctor’s head and began to slide his cock in and out. Occasionally, he would stop, pull his cock out, and slap the doctor. He would demand him to watch his teeth, but then he would go back to fucking the doctor’s face.

It wasn’t a blowjob. If you were to walk into the office, it wouldn’t look consensual. Carlos held the doctor’s head and humped his face. He would thrust, and Penny could almost see the bulge move along the doctor’s throat.

Penny loved it, but Nadia loved it more. The young woman moaned in heat, louder than anyone else in the room while she began to grind and fuck Nadia’s fingers. As Nadia got louder, Penny’s mind sank into a sea of lust. She used her free hand to fuck herself while the young girl rode her, enjoying Nadia’s display of debauchery more than Carlos fucking the doctor’s face.

“I’m going to cum,” said Carlos. “Go still.”

Penny turned to see the doctor obey. He went still as Carlos pulled out. He kept pumping his cock with his hand and then shot thick ropes of cum across the doctor’s face. The doctor stayed still while Carlos came over him, and Nadia moaned at the sight of it. She added her own hand, aggressively swirling her clit while Penny fucked her with her fingers.

Nadia shrieked as she came and went rigid in Penny’s lap. Penny stopped fingering herself and used her free hand to steady Nadia as she quivered. Her voice shook the room and washed over the sound of Carlos zipping his pants back up. It washed over the sound of the Hispanic man leaving the office and going back to the waiting room. It washed over everything. It was nothing like Penny had heard in the bedroom before. She had played with Dolly, and Dolly came silently. Nadia was something different. She was a hurricane, a tsunami.

It scared Penny to hear, but it lured her in more.

As Nadia calmed down, Penny turned her attention to the doctor. There was still so much to do. She could cum later. Nadia would help her. Nadia would never leave her side again, if Penny had her way. And lately, Penny always had her way.

Penny slid Nadia off of her and helped sit the adorable woman into the armrest. Even as she reclined in the chair, aftershocks still rippled through her thighs. Penny loved it.

The doctor stayed kneeling, frozen, with his face coated in cum. Some of it was dripping into his mouth. Some was in his hair. Some was creeping towards the doctor’s eyes.

“You belong to me,” said Penny.

The doctor said nothing.

“You hate yourself.”

It was not a question.

“You will experience worse,” said Penny. “But not yet. You can’t kill yourself.”

Penny circled around the doctor. There were so many things to do to him and with him. There were a dozen ways to destroy him, but he had something Penny wanted. He had a cure, a way for people to resist her. That was a threat to her power, but used correctly, it was a way to help her gain an edge against others. Could someone on this drug resist Camille? Could they resist Reyna?

Penny had to know, and that meant she would know. One way or the other.

“You have work to do doctor,” said Penny. “I need you to explain everything you know about Tryptoglycomine, including telling me how to get more of it. Much more of it.”

The doctor rose to his feet and moved a hand to wipe the cum from his eyes.

“No,” commanded Penny. “Leave it.”

Dr. Tuminaro immediately moved his hand away.

“You can take it off tonight before you sleep. Until then, wear it proudly. Now, let’s order lunch. We have so much work to do.”

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