Tensions at work [MF] [Workplace] [Sexual Tension] [Part 2]

[Part 1 here](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k7flyt/tensions_at_work_mf_workplace_sexual_tension_part/)

He’d implored me to forget about the kiss but I knew I wouldn’t forget. I doubted he would too. At the very least, there was an agreement that we’d pretend it hadn’t happened. He continued to be out of the office for the next few days which made it somewhat easier to ignore but once Monday came around, I was sure my facade would falter.

My imagination had wreaked havoc on me since our date. I’d had explicit fantasies about him, I’d been mad at him, I’d been embarrassed about my behavior, I’d craved seeing him again, and dreaded it all at the same time. Logically, I knew stopping had been the sensible thing to do but I hated it.

It was his turn to avoid me though. He kept to his office and ditched meetings where we would have normally interacted. We had no reason to talk now that the proposal was submitted and it was a harsh contrast from seeing him every minute of every day to nothing.

Finally, we crossed paths on Thursday in a meeting where he joked about how Business Development people were only good for fluffing the egos of our customers. It seemed we were back to business as usual except now marred by my insatiable fantasies.

Six months after we’d delivered the proposal, we got word they would make the award announcement in person. They asked each company to send 3 representatives to DC. Obviously, he was going. The CEO of the company was going, and my boss, the director of business development was selected to be the third. I was a little more than disappointed and expressed that to my boss during one of my meetings. Maybe it was a little bratty of me, but I whined about how I’d put in all the effort and that it should be me that goes, not the CEO.

As fate would have it, with two days to go before the trip, the CEO had to back out for whatever reason and my boss volunteered me to take her place. I was so shocked and excited.

I eagerly booked my flights and took over her hotel reservation. It was also going to be the first time since the “date” that me and the other director would be together again for any amount of time and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that yet.

We somehow all ended up on different flights to Dulles but were staying in the same hotel. I got there first, followed by the R&D director sometime after dinner hours, and finally my boss was rolling in on a red eye flight. The meeting was at 8:00 AM so the plan was to meet in the lobby at 7:15 and carpool to the customer’s office as one group.

Around 4:00 AM, my boss had texted me but I didn’t see it until I woke up. “Flight got delayed, won’t land in time for the meeting so I cancelled, go without me”. Butterflies erupted in my stomach, I wasn’t ready to represent solo.

By 7:05 I was in the lobby dressed in a pencil skirt dress with a thin blouse under a feminine cut business jacket. While I sat waiting, I jiggled my foot nervously, letting my stiletto slip on and off my foot. He walked up wearing a tailored suit I’d never seen him wear at work and my breath got a little shallower. I looked at my phone, he was early too.

“Erik isn’t going to make it”, I mumbled.

“I know, he called me and we talked for 20 minutes this morning. Shall we?” He waved me towards the door and followed me out.

I knew all my confidence had been shaken from me. I watched my feet as we walked to his car and from his car to the building. I fidgeted with my newly manicured nails. We were the first ones there.

I started to grab a front and center seat, but he nudged me towards a set of seats two rows back and towards a side aisle. We didn’t say anything to each other. We didn’t need to.

When I wasn’t looking at him, I could feel his eyes on me. I couldn’t see his expression, but I had the unmistakable feeling I was being watched every time I turned my head away.

Others in suits started filling the room in groups of threes and sixes. Companies had partnered, that wasn’t a good sign for us. One of the louder groups claimed the front and center seats we had steered clear of.

“That’s Craig”, he whispered in my ear. “He used to work for us but quit about 2 months before you joined. I guess in a sense you replaced him”. He chuckled. “He’s an asshole”.

Craig walked up to us from the loudmouth group and stuck his out his hand to introduce himself. “Well, aren’t you a peach” he commented after I told him my name and role in the company. I can only imagine the look on my face was pure confusion mixed with incredulousness. He then proceed to turn to his former colleague to make small talk, ask about so and so, and gush about his new company, Sunraid Atomics. To wrap things up he turned to me and said “Good luck sweety”, giving me the verbal equivalent of a pat on the head.

“He’s an asshole” I muttered to my travel companion. We both stifled laughs.

More waiting. I was clenching my fist and bouncing my leg again. He reached over and placed and subtle hand on my knee to still me just as the customer stepped up to the microphone they’d set up. He gave me a squeeze and then let go. I dared a glance at him but he didn’t return my look. His hand was warm and the gesture was more than comforting. My breathing never quite recovered from first seeing him this morning but now my chest was feeling extra tight.

The customer started out with introductions and platitudes about how wonderful all the proposals were and how hard it was to select a winner. But there had clearly one that stood above the rest unequivocally. Craig turned around and sneered at us like he knew something we didn’t.

In the seconds before the announcement I started to piece it together. The R&D director didn’t look nervous, he was confident as ever, but definitely not happy. The CEO had bailed because he was “too busy”, my boss had missed his flight. Craig clearly knew something and was looking forward to rubbing it in our faces. They all knew somehow. A knot formed in my throat, we had lost and I didn’t need that blabber head at the mic to tell me. I wanted out of the room and I wanted out now but I was stuck. He reached out again and held my hand. We had to stay to hear it.

“…please help me congratulate the winners, Haines Engineering Corporation, in their outstanding design and performance…”

My brain short circuited. I felt his breath catch in his throat the same way it did in mine. That was us.

“… after extensive deliberation we concluded the recurring operating costs of …”

That was us, we won!

“… and the elegant design elements that contributed to a …”

Tears involuntarily welled up in my eyes and I looked up at the director. His eyes were glossy and frozen in shock we both were on the verge of jumping up in joy and hugging or high fiving or … anyway.

“… congratulations again to the Haines team. We’ll we start out briefs with each individual team in thirty minutes. Each team gets one hour for one on one questions about their proposal adjudication”.

A schedule of companies and times was displayed on the presentation behind the speaker’s head. We scrambled to write down the time slot we had. Last time slot of the day, 5:00-6:00 PM. We’d need to reschedule our flights back home.

Everyone else’s mood in the room had soured palatably and it was time for us to make ourselves scarce, plus we had some calls to make.

We ducked out as quick as we could as soon as people in the room started to stand and mingle. We’d be back in 8 hours. The second we were clear of the competition and our customers we whooped and high fived. Our hands missed on the first pass so it took us a 2nd high five attempt which just made us break out in laughter.

We called the airline then we called our hotel to book a room again for tonight. I called my boss, he called his boss, he called the CEO. The bosses called back. We were on the phone nonstop until lunch. In a brief respite from the phone calls we just looked at each other and laughed again.

Over lunch we gushed about the unexpected win. He confessed that someone had leaked the results a few days ago and that Craig’s company was rumored to be the winners. It was the only reason I got to go. The CEO didn’t want to be humiliated in front of the competition.

The afternoon was a blur of emails, more phone calls, and staring giddily at each other. The out brief went equally as quick. The customers were exhausted after hours of telling other people why they lost and we were the easy ones of the day so they kept it brief. They highlighted our strengths, identified some design risks, gave us a date for further negotiations two weeks in the future, and we parted ways.

We were exhausted emotionally and physically. “Where to for dinner?” he asked me as we walked out of the building.

“Someplace extra snazzy” I joked. “Surf and turf on the company dime?”

He didn’t even flinch, “Have you been to Thyme?”. I hadn’t even heard of the place but a quick search on my phone told me it was a new American eatery that had been Michelin rated with a blended mixture of mid-century modern and 20’s era décor. “Sounds perfect”, I responded.

Inside, it was a glamourous place with smaller tables adorned with lounge furniture. Most of the table settings were for two and suddenly this seemed far too intimate for an after-work dinner. I loved it.

We didn’t hold back, I ordered a bartender’s choice cocktail, he got a glass of nice red wine, we ordered charcuterie platters, ceviche, and beef carpaccio. That was just the first round. We wined and dined ourselves all evening snacking on small platters and the best alcohol we could order.

The conversation stayed very material though, we laughed about the expression on Craigs face when the announcement was made, we admired the quality of our food and drinks, we talked about our favorite whiskeys, and shared what TV shows we’d been enjoying.

“… but isn’t that the one with all the graphic nudity?” he questioned when I told him what show I was currently binge watching. “I don’t get that channel, so I haven’t tried watching it”

“It is, but its tasteful and meaningful to the story. Its not really about the nudity. Trust me, it’s a piece of television artwork,” I defended slightly too drunkenly with animated handwaving. I was clearly trying too hard to sound sophisticated about it.

“Sure it is” he said smirking knowingly at me. I smirked back with a maybe-your-right look.

We both reached for the last almond on the charcuterie board and he insisted I take it. I obliged and slid it into my mouth and pretended to gloat about it by eating it slowly. He looked like he was about to dive across the table and steal it back from my lips, but it wasn’t the almond he was hungry for.

“Want to head back to the hotel, check in, and maybe grab some desert from the hotel bar?”

“Sounds like a good plan to me” I responded. I stood up a little too quickly and realized how glad I was we’d taken one car that morning.

He pocketed his wallet and slid the signed receipt to the middle of the table. I hadn’t even noticed we’d gotten the check, much less that he’d paid. He was clearly much more sober than I was, he smoothly pulled his suit jacket off the back of his chair and slid his arms into it without missing a beat. The movement sent a waft of subtle after shave scent my way. It was so masculine and subtle. Pleasant memories of him leaning over my shoulder to look at my computers screen late at night came rushing back.

Back at the hotel, I eyed the liquor selection on the shelves behind the bar and was excited to see my one of the whiskeys we’d talked about earlier that night nestled within the meager selection. The bartender was wiping down the counters when we stepped up and took a couple seats right in front of him. “We just closed for the night” the bartender muttered to us. He looked up and saw our poorly veiled shock and disappointment. It was barely past 9:00. “I guess I can pour you one to go though if you are quick about it”.

I didn’t hesitate to order my whiskey on the rocks. Brian gave me a funny look that I assumed meant “that-was-quick”. He too picked something out for himself and slid $30 across the counter before I could even offer to pay for this round.

After thanking the bartender profusely for accommodating us we took our drinks and stepped away from the bar.

“You okay hanging out in my room to enjoy these?” He asked me more skeptically than as an invite while clinking his glass against mine. I realized the funny look he gave me at the bar was because it dawned on him faster than it dawned on me that the bar closing meant we had no place to sit in public.

“I bet they gave you a nicer room than me, so sounds like a good plan”. He had some elite travel status I was still ages away from accumulating. I tried to play it casual. Afterall, if we were two girls on travel this wouldn’t be weird at all. My gut told me otherwise.

The elevator ride was silent, I desperately tried to think of some small talk to bring up, but it felt like we’d already talked about everything so I just sipped my whiskey. He looked around the elevator, admiring the feaux wood side paneling, the recessed spot lighting on the mirror ceiling, and even the buttons for the different floors. I’m pretty sure I’d ridden in elevators in New York that traveled 50 floors in the time it took us to travel 6 floors. When doors finally opened, he led the way to his room with me inches behind him.


The second the room door closed behind him, I’d set my suit jacket and glass down on the hotel desk and closed the distance to him. His lips met mine and all that tension exploded. I felt his breath catch and my heart skip a beat as we touched. It felt like he had sucked the air from my lungs but I didn’t want to take a breath. His tongue teased my lips and we stayed locked in that kiss like the world would end if we stopped.

He walked me backwards to where he could set his drink down too and pinned me against the wall next to the desk. He held one of his hands gently around my neck just under my jaw line to steady my face while he ran his fingers through my hair with the other hand. I hooked one of my legs around his as if I could pull him into me more.

His lips started to explore and he started to kiss my cheek and neck. I gasped as he nibbled my earlobe. “We shouldn’t”, he whispered in my ear again.

“Of course we shouldn’t” I responded with a sultry look and then I grabbed his face and ferociously stole another kiss before he could make another excuse. His lips didn’t protest, they met mine with fervent passion as he took the lead. He grabbed both my hands and held my wrists together above my head and pushed me harder against the wall with his whole body.

With his other hand he caressed my jaw and neck before running his fingers along my arm. He’d taken a break from kissing and leaned back to just gaze at me. He let my hands drop and traced the outline of my torso. At the hem of my blouse he slid a cautious hand underneath. His hand was warm and firm against my stomach. “Your skin” he said breathily, “it’s so soft.”

As he got higher he caressed my bra and finally slid my blouse over my head and tossed it to the ground. I reached out to unbuckle his belt but he pulled away from me before I got any further. He picked me up with my legs around his waist as my skirt road up and we continued to kiss against the wall. I could feel the bulge in his business slacks pressed against my inner thighs.

With my arms and legs still tightly wrapped around his body, he carried me to the bed. With a controlled fall, I ended up on my back with him looming over me. He shrugged off his suit jacket and I removed his already loosened tie. He was kissing my neck and making his way down my collar bone as I unbuttoned his dress shirt. His hands touching every inch of my skin, they roamed around until he deftly unclasped my bra. His thumb rolled around my nipples and he pinched them gently. His shirt now hung completely open as he held himself above me.

I eagerly touched his chest and felt his unexpectedly taught muscles until he moved down out of reach. His lips found one of my erect nipples and he circled it with his tongue eliciting a pleasurable moan from me. I ran my fingers through his gorgeous hair which turned out to be as thick and soft as it looked. I messaged his head as he continued to kiss down my torso tickling my belly and pelvis. He unzipped and slid my skirt off revealing my lacy pink thong.

“I just need to see you” he said as he leaned back and admired my nearly naked body. I reached out and finished the job of taking off his belt and unzipping his trousers. He stood up, still staring at me and dropped both his pants and boxers to the floor. The view was spectacular. It was unreal, like a perfectly proportioned Greek statue come to life. He tossed his shirt on to the growing pile of discarded clothes.

This time he started on my calves, messaging and kissing his way up my legs to my pink thong which he traced before pulling them off. His fingers explored the small trimmed patch of hair before following it down to my slit. He gave me a mischievous look when he felt how wet I already was and then didn’t hesitate to slip a finger inside me. While he experimented with different fingers and different strokes he continued to pepper my body with kisses. Finally, he landed a kiss on my pussy and traded his fingers for his tongue. I raised my hips to meet his mouth and moaned as he traced out the alphabet with his tongue. Before he even got to QRS my legs were quivering and my body was overwhelmed with pleasure. When I couldn’t stand the sensation any more I squeezed my legs together and he came up for air and repositioned himself to lay face to face with me again.

He hesitated to kiss me again, but I met his lips with mine and savored my own flavor in his mouth. Our kisses growing even more passionate, I rolled him onto his back and found his erect cock. I stroked it with my free hand and brought the tip of the head to rub against my pussy.

I slowly nudged my slit open with the head of his cock and then let it glide into me slowly. It was long but not overly girthy and it felt warm and stiff and perfect against my skin. It was such a satisfying fit, like we had been manufactured to fit together.

With him as deep inside me as my body would allow, I paused to let myself adjust and savor the look of bliss on his face. Then I began to ride, slowly at fist then picking up speed. He started to moan and then wrapped his leg around me and rolled me onto the bed so he was on top. He slowed the pace back down but took longer thrusts that made me gasp each time. He was playing with my clit with his thumb as he thrust into me. We moaned as we stared into each other’s eyes. After a few minutes of this he pulled out and rolled me onto my side.

He laid down on the bed behind me and lifted on of my legs to slide his cock back inside me from behind. His hands were all over my body, rubbing my tummy and messaging my breasts as he kissed from my neck to my upper back. His thrusts were still slow and measured as we spooned. I turned my head so I could taste his lips and he kissed me deeply as his pace picked up. He continued faster and harder, holding tighter to my body like I might escape his grasp. I started to shake again and moan with pleasure and he rubbed my clit through the orgasm. I was breathless by now.

I could feel he was close so when he pulled out again, I instantly got on all fours to take him in my mouth and finish him off. Just as I wrapped my lips around him, he moaned, “This wasn’t what I had in mind when I pulled out, but my god that feels amazing”. We didn’t go long like this before he held my head and stopped me from taking him any further.

“I’m about to finish” and he started to pull away, but I wouldn’t let him. I held my lips around the head of his cock as started to pulse warm cum onto my tongue. I’d never swallowed before but something overtook my brain and I let it go down my throat. It was thick, warm and mild flavored and I loved it. Our eyes locked in passion and pleasure. “Impressive” he whispered before kissing me deeply.

We both collapsed together in a tangle of naked limbs and exhaustion. We enjoyed the bliss and cuddling for a few minutes before I exclaimed I should clean up and head to my own room.

When I came out of the bathroom he’d put on a pair of flannel pajama pants but was still blessedly walking around shirtless. Our clothes had been picked up off the floor. My suit was neatly folded on the arm of the couch and his suit must have been hung up or put back in his suitcase because it was nowhere to be seen. He’d even tidied the bed back up. I was still completely naked which he made no attempt to hide his pleasure at seeing.

“Stay here tonight” he begged. I could hardly argue with that.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k7g2ak/tensions_at_work_mf_workplace_sexual_tension_part

1 comment

  1. And THIS, ladies and gentlemen, illustrates the huge difference between a porn story and EROTIC LITERATURE…. brilliant!!

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