[MF] She’s not doing her job properly. So, I have no choice but to punish her.

Workplace relationship is always a touchy subject.

I know what power can do to people. How easily I can turn a no into a yes simply by having in the position when I can take away people’s livelihood with a single sign on the paper.

I don’t have to threaten them, all I need is for them to aware that I can make that happen. Which is the reason why I never entertain the thought of developing any form of feelings to my co-workers. As Egoistic as I am, But there’s some line that I’m just not willing to cross.

I forget all of that moral line the moment I met her.

Well, . . .not “Met” . We’ve been working in the same department for quite a while, but I never really interact with her on a personal level. All it take was one night for her to hook me in. One damn Friday evening on a Bar near the conference hotel. For her to show me that she possess that gentle touch that I never thought I wanted. It’s hard to describe it. You have to settle with that phrase.

Gentle touch.

We share the night together after that little encounter, and we’ve been seeing each other behind everyone’s back ever since. It’s okay, right ? As long as we keep our sex life and workplace separate. I consider myself very discipline. I know exactly how to do the things I need to do when I supposed to do it.

Until one day , she opened the door to my office. Completely unannounced.

Folding her hands behind hear as she lean back on the door. Followed by a quick “Click” sound.

I admit, I didn’t know what to say at first. So there was some period of silence after that when we’re both waiting for each other to speak.

“is there something wrong, Shannon ?” Not her real name. But I’m worried looking at her behavior right now since we never really had any personal interaction at work.

“The report that you asked me to do” she asked as she slowly making her way to my desk. Placing both of her hands on my table as she leaned a little bit forward. She removed more buttons that she needs to if she goes for comfort.

“I’m afraid I haven’t got the time to do it. I was a little bit pre-occupied last night” she said.

She always told our mutual friends outside work that she never initiate sex with me. Somehow Always painting me as this raging sex addict that always take advantage her.

That’s complete bullshit.

It annoyed me since she’s not lying. I’m always the first one that make the first move. But she has this look that she always gave to me before that happen. A small movement on her lips and her body language that made me want to grab her by the back of her hair and pinned her to the ground.

and at that moment in the room, she’s giving me that look.

“Will you forgive me . . .Sir ?” she bite her lips as she said that.

and That’s all it took for her to make me risk everything.

I stood up from my chair, trying my best to ignore her and maintain my composure. She’s having too much control over me . . . .and I don’t like it. I put my hand on her chin and leaned down to give her one small peck on her lips.

“Don’t move . . .Stay in this position” I told her.

“Yes Sir . . .” she said breathily and stole one more peck on my lips.

I walk around the table and positioned myself behind her.

“Personal life and professional life. We promise at the beginning of our relationship that we won’t let one influence the other. Do you forget that, Miss Sanders ?” I love the way her fabric felt on my hand as I slowly lift her black pencil skirt up. Exposing her bare skin.

“I’m sorry Sir . . . I tried to finished it last night. But My boyfriend is not someone that you can say no to”

I let her know how I felt about her answer by giving one hard smack on her ass cheek. I’m pretty sure my office is soundproofed. By some things just more important than your job.

I gently caress her ass as soon as I spank her.

“It’s that how you think a professional woman should behave, Miss Sanders? Blaming the person in your personal life every time you fail to do your responsibilities ?”

“But Sir , I-”

I gave her another four swats on her cheeks. Harder than the previous ones. The room was silent for a couple of seconds, before I notice light sobbing coming from her. I caress her ass again right after. Comforting her.

“I expect an answer Miss Sanders. . . Not Excuses. Do you think you should Blame the person in your personal life every time you fail to do your responsibilities?”

I noticed that she tried to controlled herself before giving another answer.

“I’m sorry Daddy . . ” she said. “I shouldn’t have done that”

I gave another four swats on her ass cheek. She covered her mouth with both of her hands to prevent her from screaming.

and she start crying.

We have a safe word. A word that she can always say that will automatically make me get out my Dominant role and pull her into my embrace. She’s not saying it.

“We’re at work Miss Sanders. Please watch how you speak to me” I said. Caressing her ass again. It took her around a minute or so before she maintained her composure again.

“I’m sorry , Sir. No, I shouldn’t make that as an excuse for my wrong doings”

Good girl.

I push my middle finger into her pussy as soon as she said that. I like her answer.

I notice that she tried to cover her mouth even harder. Her body started to shiver. All I hear was light soft moans that came out from her mouth. Matching the Rhythm of slow, but strong thrusts that i gave here.

“You’re a smart woman Miss Sanders. I believe, you’re fully aware that you have my affection.”

I start adding my index finger as I said that. Feeling her pussy squeezed them together as I continue thrusting them in and out.

“Fuck . . Fuck Sir please . . Sir . . Please. Just Don’t stop . . please”

” But The fact that you think you can get away with not doing your responsibilities because of that affection.” I paused a little bit before I continued.

“I believe you might mistook my affection for you as a weakness . . .Don’t you think, Miss Sanders?”

With that, I start to increase the pace of each thrust.

“God please . . . Sir no . . .please . . .I don’t mean . . . .May I cum? Sir . . Please . . .”

She’s not making any sense. But I think I know what she wants. Whether or not she’s getting it is another whole another conversation.

“Hmm? is that what do you think you’re going to happen, Miss Sanders ? You’re going to get your reward after making a mistake ?”

She’s a complete mess at this point. She use one of her hands to frantically grasping the side of the tables for balance and one hand to cover her mouth.

“I don’t think I can . . . .Sir . . I can’t hold it . . .Please . . . .please. . . .”

The way she said it nowhere near that coherent. But that’s the gist of it.

With that, I leaned forward and whisper something to her ear . . .

” . . . . .”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k701jz/mf_shes_not_doing_her_job_properly_so_i_have_no

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