Finding [my][F]rench girlfriend´s porn stash [story driven][kink][Part 1?]

The last time I posted on here, I told the story about [how my innocent girlfriend found my secret porn folder]( This is the story about how I had the tables turned on me a few years later, by another girl.

In my home country of Denmark, we still had a military draft when I was a teenager. I got unlucky, and drew number 341 out of 40.000, meaning I owed the Danish army 4 months of my life. To my luck, Denmark had a system in place allowing misfits such as myself a way out of this jam: I could declare myself as a “*conscientious objector* ” and serve my time doing voluntary work for half a year instead. This worked out to my advantage in many ways: I could pick and choose between a number of interesting volunteer jobs all over the country, and I got a decent allowance from the army to pay for an apartment and basic necessities. Just what I needed at the time, as I was very eager moving away from the small town I grew up in.

I was 20 when I started my job as an “International Students Help Desk Officer” in Copenhagen, the Capital of Denmark, and it proved to be everything I had always thought was missing from my small town upbringing and teenage years. The job basically consisted of manning a help desk from 9-15 every day, and then running “social events” at night once a week. I put “social events” in quotes, because I basically ended up running a bar – the best bar in town if you asked me. I had a lot of musician friends that played for free drinks, and as I had a great central location provided for free, and no expectations of turning a profit, I could undercut the prices of rest of the Copenhagen night life by a wide margin.

As one might imagine, this position made me quite popular with the international students. Almost all of them was – like me- just moved away from home, and were very eager to realize all their pent up desires of early adulthood.

I had a lot of one night stands during that time, and could often pick and choose who I wanted to take home when I closed the bar. I had just about established a talent of identifying who had grown up in the most repressed catholic homes, when I met Delphine. She was French, which was what initially drew me to her, as I had previously had success with catholic French girls, but she proved to be very different from the girls I had previously pursued. She was a few years older than me, working on her bachelor project at the university, and she was anything but repressed. She cursed, she drank, and she introduced me to a trope about French women that had up until then eluded me; she was promiscuous and sexually aggressive in a way I had up until then never experienced.

It was very much her that seduced me the first night we went home together, I quickly fell very much in love with her, and we became a couple.

We had what I considered a great sex life from the start. Her libido matched, if not surpassed mine, she was always up for whatever sexual shenanigans I could think up, and she introduced me to quite a few things, that young me had up until then thought people only did in porn; some bondage, some anal, some toys, lots of sex in places where we risked getting caught, and lots and lots of dirty talking in her heavily French accented English.

Despite all this, I was quite shocked about how deviantly curious she proved to be, when I found her porn folder on her computer.

She had asked me to for some help troubleshooting a computer problem, that boiled down to her not being able to download an update, because she was lacking storage space. I did a quick search based on file size, and quickly found a folder with quite a few suspiciously named .avi and .mpeg files.

I called her over.

“Delphine…. is this what I think it is?”

She laughed it off – “*oui*, you caught me, I watch porn – are you surprised?”

I honestly was. At 20, it still had never occurred to me that women could watch porn as well, even though I was quite the porn enthusiast myself. Still, I tried to play it off cool,

“No, of course not”, I lied. “I am just curious why you never showed it to me. It could be fun to watch together.”

She hesitated for a moment. “Sure, I can find something we can watch together. I will find something we can watch tonight when you are done with the computer.”

This peaked my curiosity; normally Delphine would never pass up or delay the chance for a spontaneous fuck.

“Are you afraid what I´ll find if I start clicking through these myself”, I teased her, while opening the first file, which name was a seemingly random string of numbers and letters.

As the video started playing, I immediately understood her hesitation, as it was obviously a lot more hardcore than what I had expected. It was a video of a tied up woman bend over a bench with chest arched up. Her butt cheeks were bright red, obviously she had just been spanked, and she had a hook up her ass, that was tied to her long hair in a way that would pull up further if she relaxed her posture. Behind her was a fully clothed man, carrying a large dildo attached to a broom handle, with which he started roughly fucking her pussy only a few seconds into the video.

Delphine quickly jumped to table where I was sitting, shutting down the laptop, her cheeks just as red as the once I had just seen in the video.

“Hey you, *vilain garçon*, that is private!”, she laughed, while pushing me down to the bed. We made out violently for a minute. She started undoing my belt, but I sensed and resisted her ploy of distraction.

“You don´t need to be embarrassed Delphine – I watch porn as well you know.”

She got up, still on top of me, and started caressing my face. “I know, buy you are such a sweet young boy, I don´t want to scare you away, I don´t want you to think I am some old French lady pervert.”

This definitely hit my competitive nerve. “What makes you think that you are more of a pervert than me? Do you think I only watch boring porn? Let´s watch some more!”

After a bit of negotiations, and many promises that I wouldn´t get scared for life or judge her, Delphine finally agreed, and we opened her laptop back up. Apparently it was less embarrassing for her if she couldn´t watch along with me, so she got down to the other side of the bed, and started massaging my legs and feet, while I sat with my back against the wall with her computer in my lap.

The other videos more or less followed the same theme: Women restricted in one way or the other, given orders by men that was more often than not clothed, or only took their cocks out to get them sucked or to masturbate while the women was restricted or performing some kind of task.

All the while I was browsing the videos, Delphine couldn´t take her eyes of me. She was blushing, breathing heavy, and very obviously aroused, while also somewhat cautiously gauging my reactions.

After I had gotten over the initial shock, the whole situation was an incredible turn on for me, and it started dawning on me that I was living the first pages of a new chapter in my sexual history. I undid my belt, took my cock out, and told Delphine to get on her knees and “help me out” while I browsed.

She had the most amazingly horny and submissive look in her eyes, as she crawled towards my rock hard cock without breaking eye contact. This was obviously the start of something good.
