[F] 19 – I forgot to put on panties for a wedding and accidentally flashed for everybody there

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Repost: I accidentally deleted it oops

I do go commando often, and I enjoy the freedom that comes with it. I am comfortable going commando in shorts, skirt, the occasional mini skirt and hugging short dresses too. I’m kinda weird because I don’t put on my panties first and then my dress/ skirt. I put on my skirt/ dress and THEN i put on my panties, so I occasionally forget to put them on.

I messed up once when I woke up late to attend a wedding, quickly got ready, put on my kinda short plaid skirt that hugged against my waist, A cute formal lace top and heels and accessories, and off I went. After the wedding as we enjoyed the food and walkabout, I noted the chuckles, stares and the “are you single?” from the guys and the shocked look from some of the girls but it did not hit me. I was sitting on a high stool and chatting with 2 guys, when one of them casually mentioned I was really brave to “attend in the nude”. I didn’t realize what he meant because I looked down and saw that I had indeed worn a bra and then it hit me… I DIDNT WEAR PANTIES. I was literally sitting there for 30 minutes talking to two guys probably flashing them the entire time along with everybody there.

To my horror, I realised what the situation was, and decided to stand while I could, and slowly excused myself out of the place. That was a head spinner for sure.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k74g30/f_19_i_forgot_to_put_on_panties_for_a_wedding_and


  1. Lol.. too in your comfort zone to notice?! I’ve been commando before when my jean zip worked its way loose throughout the day….. let’s just say i know the feeling ?

  2. Sounds more like r/tifu than a gone wild story but still pretty funny. Sorry that happened. But it is pretty funny.

  3. How do you go commando?? i’ve always wanted to try it but i’m scared of, well, dripping…. lol

  4. Just looked through your post history… very hot stuff. Will definitely be keeping an eye on you

  5. Great story and thanks for being brave enough to share. (IMHO, going around with no undies is liberating / exercising personal freedom, not slutty. For me it would only be slutty if you deliberately and obviously flashed your goodies.) Always great to know that some sexy lasses really do go pantieless to weddings. Hottt!

  6. Having looked at your post history, I think it would be awesome if you posted more stories on here with pictures, since you already post on other nsfw subreddits. I think more GWS with relevant pictures to add to the sexiness would be amazing, but it’s really rare on this sub.

  7. Ya – you “forgot” to put on panties.
    I think Feud might have something to say about that.

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