Kayla explores her lipgloss fetish part 1 [FM]

It had been a long, stressful day. The only thing getting me through the day was the thought of coming home to you and having you hold me in your arms. Your lips have been on my mind all day. Absentmindedly, I rub my lips together, feeling them silkily glide together with a coat of lip gloss. The thought reminds me of our first time experimenting with the gloss. How mesmerizing it was to open up this new area of exploration. How I can never look at a tube of lip gloss the same. Our kisses had been so passionate then. Now, the scent of lip gloss on my lips sends flashes of that night, and I ache to come home.

Finally, 5 o’clock comes, and it’s time to go home. I’m almost nervous to see you, but I know you’ll be there waiting for me with open arms. As I pull into the driveway, my fingers begin to tremble as I pull the tube of gloss from my purse.
Using the mirror on the sun flap of the car, I try my best to recreate the look from last time. The plastic tip touches my lips, gently at first, then with more pressure as I squeeze the shiny red liquid from it’s container onto my rose petal lips.
When I am finally satisfied with the application, and the pink vanilla goo is dripping down my chin, I get out of the car and head inside to find you standing in the kitchen, cooking what smells like a delicious meal. I only have one thing on my mind though.

You turn with a smile to say hello, but quickly take a double take at my appearance. The sight of my lips catches you off guard, and the spatula falls from your hand. It clinks to the tiled floor, but neither of us look down. All at once, I feel that same hypnotic trance come over us. Your eyes widen, and a look of hunger comes over your face that has nothing to do with the food.
Abandoning the food altogether, in three quick strides you cross the room and pull me into your arms. This is what I’ve been aching for, and I feel right at home wrapped in your hug. Your hands twist themselves up into my hair, and you press your mouth to mine gently. The initial tenderness gives way into something more passionate as the heat between us builds. Your tongue darts into my mouth, swirling around my lips to taste the shiny gloss.

Breaking away from my lips for a second, you quickly move your lips down to where the gloss has started to drip down my chin. With quick pecks, you use your lips to stop the dripping, smearing the gloss all over your lips and into my skin. With the gloss heavily on your lips, you plant tender kisses all over my cheeks and forehead, leaving faint stamps of your lips in a glowing pink.

Pulling out the tube of gloss again, I flash you a wicked grin and push you to the couch. Quickly, I straddle myself across your lap so you cannot move. With my glossy tool, I apply the gloss to your lips in the same fashion as mine, coating it around and around. Hypnotized by the beautiful pink goop, and surprised at how kissable it makes your lips look. Irresistable.


In the same manner as you kissed me, I take your face in my hands and firmly plant my lips onto yours. I playfully slide my tongue between your lips, gliding my tongue over your thick, glossy lips, the taste of vanilla on my tongue.
Then, I follow your suit, giving you quick pecks in all the places the gloss started to drip, then planting them on your cheeks and forehead. We must look like complete fools, but we don’t care. We are in our world now.

In our world, there is just the two of us, and the feel of our lips locked together between a thick layer of vanilla shine. Something about our world is magical, and I have never before felt this intense amount of passion for anything in my life. The fervor with which you clutch me to your chest and move your lips in unison with mine tells me the same.

I look up into your eyes and see your soul staring back at mine through my deep, blue eyes. Right now, there is nowhere in the world I would rather be than right here, in your lap, our arms wrapped around each other in vehement need, our faces covered in a sheen of gloss, our lips swollen from dancing together, opening and closing on each other.
Slowly, you reach for the gloss again, and I feel myself trembling.
“I think we need more of this,” you say.
In agonizingly slow fashion, you press the tube to my lips and squeeze. Something about seeing you apply the gloss to my lips sets all my nerve endings on fire. As soon as the first drop of liquid oozes out onto my lips, I feel it like a bolt of electricity. My body is humming as I look up into your eyes, parting my lips to give you better access.

Your eyes are full of hunger and passion, and they look as wild as mine feel. Yet, at the same time, they are soft, loving, sweet, as if you are cherishing every moment of me. Holding me, touching me, kissing me. As if you cherish this very moment in time and are trying to cling to it forever.

I giggle as I feel gravity start to pull the heavy gloss down my lips, onto my chin, and dripping into your lap. At last, you are satisfied with the coating, and you wrap me up again in your arms, twisting your hands into fists in my hair and pulling me closer to you.

At last, our lips touch again, and this time, neither of us want to break away. The need to feel your lips on mine in the world we have created for ourselves is unbearable, and I find myself pulling on your shoulders, trying to pull you closer to me, trying to get more of you, all of you. It is never enough.
We can feel the gloss slide between our lips, transferring from mine to yours as we melt together in reckless abandon.

Gone are the worries of the world, gone is the stress of the day, gone is the food you so lovingly had cooking for me in the kitchen. For now, it is just you and me, in a perfect bubble of lip gloss and kissing. Making out with anyone has never felt this good before.
The warmth of your lips spreads through my entire body as I feel myself give into you. The wetness of our lips mixed with the sweet vanilla aroma of the gloss and the sticky consistency blend together to create a sensation to put all others to shame.

Right now, in this moment, all I want to do for the rest of my life is sit here with you, our lips locked together in a passionate, intimate kiss.
For what seems like hours, we continue to make out on the couch, getting more passionate and pressing in our need for each other. Our bodies’ desires to take things further is obvious, but neither of us break away. We can’t. Our need for each other grows, the need for release becomes more insistent, yet still we remain locked in each other’s arms, refusing to break away for any reason.

Except to apply more gloss, of course.
In one fell swoop, you pull me down onto the couch to lay beside you, nestled into your side, my head resting in the crook of your arm. Before our kiss continues, however, I take the tube of lip gloss and hold it between my teeth, pressing the tip onto your lips. Using my teeth, I bite down onto the tube and apply the gloss to your lips using my mouth.

Now, my aim is not straight as an arrow, and using my mouth to apply gloss to your lips is tricky business, resulting in a gooey, wet, sticky mess that did not quite always get on your lips. We giggle as I continue to apply the gloss to your mouth, dabbing it on your chin and cheeks every now and then.

When I’m done, you take the tube from me in your mouth and, in the same manner, begin applying the gloss to my lips with your teeth.
You are much more careless than I was, out of fun, and we laugh as you dab a dollop onto the tip of my nose. I know you are loving the mess, so I let you haphazardly apply the gloss to my lips in short, jerking motions, dripping the goo onto my cheeks and chin as well.

Finally, we can resist each other no longer, and we toss the gloss aside, pulling each other toward ourselves and running our hands up and down each other’s bodies. Somehow, we have found the perfect world for us to belong in, and this night would not end for us. Our lips are puffy, sore, and swollen, but still we do not stop. I am so turned on I can feel the wetness dripping down my thighs, but still we do not stop. I can feel the hardness of you pressing against my thigh, throbbing his urgent need for release. But still, we do not stop kissing. The spell has come over us again. A magic we are not prepared, nor want to be prepared, to stop.

And so, the night wears on. We stayed like that, on the couch, locked in a passionate embrace, making out, the entire night. Our tongues massage and stroke each other, our lips gliding together, our teeth making appearances now and again to gently bite the puffy, slippery, glossy lips of one another.

Suddenly, the first rays of dawn’s light come streaking through the window, and we realize, in shock, that we spent the majority of 8 hours just holding each other tightly and kissing. We look at the floor and notice 8+ empty tubes of gloss strewn about the carpet, depleting my entire supply from the shopping trip the other day when we had our first adventure with gloss. At first, we do not believe we spent that many hours just kissing, but as quickly as the thought came, we both realize how sore our lips and jaws are.

Our lips are so puffy they look purple, and our faces and necks are completely covered in a layer of gloss. We laugh at the sight, and are amazed at the magical world we have that allows us to spread a single moment over a span of many hours. With a gentle, slippery kiss, we press our lips together one last time. The morning has come, and so must our world come to an end. For now…

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k5q1t9/kayla_explores_her_lipgloss_fetish_part_1_fm