While the Wife is Away, Both Will Play!

Zachary Williams wasted no time in texting his best friend the moment his wife walked out the door. Brittany, his wife of seven years, had a software conference in Miami for the week. While she never traveled for work, her company sent a representative each year to a conference that was designed to update the companies on changes to their software systems. In reality, it was just a big party that VioTech threw each year to appreciate the thousands of dollars that their clients, Brittany’s company included, overspent for services each year. She was more than happy to get to the beaches of South Florida and out of the cold, extended winter of Minneapolis. Although it was the middle of May, the temperatures in Minnesota were still hovering just above freezing at night and still cool enough for a heavy jacket during the day. She ached to let the sun kiss her skin while sipping a cocktail with her toes in the sand. Brittany was more than happy the day her boss told her that she was the one going to Miami, and she certainly didn’t object.

*Jessica replied almost immediately to her friend’s text: What’s wrong?*

Although his initial text was only one word of two letters long, she sensed something was off. Usually, Zach’s texts were cheerier, or, if he were just saying hello, he would write, “hiiiii” as opposed to the “hi” that she just received.

*Zachary replied: I’m ok. Just been feeling meh lately. Britt just left on a work trip.*

*Jessica answered: You don’t sound okay. Want to have a drink later?*

*Zach replied: That would be great. Call me when you are off work.*

*Jessica responded: Of course! See you tonight.*

Brittany contemplated the night before while on her four-hour plane ride. She enjoyed the comforts of first class, paid for by her employer of course. Zachary’s words echoed through her mind as she sipped a fresh glass of chardonnay. “Our sex life has become, well, bland, don’t you think? We should do something to spice it up.”

She knew he was right. She wasn’t mad about that at all. For a while, she had wanted to bring up the lack of passion and lust in their relationship. Her feelings were the same for Zach as they had been since before, they were married, she loved him immensely, as he did her. But, somewhere along the way, the hunger for each other’s bodies had dissolved. Sex was, as he put it, bland. The thing that upset her was that he hinted, or suggested, that they bring another person into the bedroom. While a lot of guys would love to see their wife with another girl, Zach brought up the idea of another man. He wanted to watch her in a state of ecstasy. He meant not to offend her, but he did. Zach missed the sounds of screaming hot sex that his wife used to make, and he thought he was unable to give her that any longer, so he suggested for another to come into their home and ravish her body. He didn’t say it in those words, but that is exactly what she heard, and she didn’t like it. Now, sipping on her third glass of white wine, those thoughts swirled around again. She missed the hot, passionate sex of their newlywed days, and would do almost anything to get it back. Having another guy fuck her in front of her husband had never crossed her mind, and she didn’t like the idea, but, now, she wished she would have reacted differently. She hated leaving for a week on bad terms, especially with someone she loved so much. A tear escaped her eye as she gulped down the last bit of fermented juice. A few minutes later the pilot announced their final descent.

Jessica called Zach just as Brittany’s plane touched down at Miami International Airport. She had just gotten home from work and was stripping herself of her work clothes while on speakerphone with Zach. The two had been friends since before Zachary married Brittany. They met by pure accident through a mutual friend on a trip to the Caribbean. Their friend, Garret, organized a twelve-person vacation by renting a mansion in Barbados. Zach arrived three days later than everyone else, as he had a prior engagement, but couldn’t wait to get to the warmth of the islands. He and Jessica became friends almost instantly. Both had a semi-crush on the other but neither of them acted on it. Instead, they became friends and their friendship continued to blossom long after the vacation to the Lesser Antilles. They went on a few dates, but their relationship never extended past the friendship level. While both of them somewhat wanted the other, they each loved the dynamic of their friendship. That was nine years ago. Shortly after returning from Barbados, Zach met Brittany. Two years later, they were married. Jessica was able to swallow her pride and attend the wedding. On the side, she was a freelance photographer and did a great job as the lone shootist of the Williams Wedding. Throughout the years, Brittany and Jessica became friends, but her loyalty was to Zach. In her mind, and in his, they were best friends. “What is all that noise? And is that my echo? Am I on speaker?”

Jessica replied, “Yeah, gah, sorry. I’m trying to get out of this suit. I hate wearing this thing.

Zach perked up, “Ooh la la, am I getting an audio striptease?”

“Oh, hush it. But my blouse is finally off. Just a bra and suit pants to go.

Zach said in a flirtatious tone, “Mmm, tell me more! Take it off baby!”

Jessica laughed, “You’re nuts. Where are we going? I’m starving and could use a drink after this crazy day at work.”

She looked in the mirror as she let her pants drop to the floor. She wondered if Zach would like to see her in just a bra and panties, or maybe less. They had kissed once, long ago, but that is all. She touched herself through the grey silk panties as she thought of him undressing her. Jessica thought to herself but said out loud, “That would be fucking amazing.”

A surprised Zach on the other end of the phone replied, “What’s that?

She quickly redirected, “Oh nothing, sorry. So where are we going?!”

She erased the naughty thoughts of fooling around with her friend’s husband and her best friend from her mind. It had been two months since she had someone inside her, and she was letting her mind wander into dangerous territory. And she knew it.  Stop it Jessica, she thought to herself.

Jessica replied to Zach’s recommendation, “Sounds great!  You picking me up or am I meeting you?”

“I’ll pick you up. Be ready in an hour?”

“Sure! See you soon. Oh, and as for your audio striptease, my bra is on the floor.”

She hung up after that and smiled.

Brittany hurried off the plane toward the exit. She had traveled all over the world with her husband and never carried more than a backpack and small carryon. This business trip was no exception. She bypassed the tired, frustrated passengers at baggage claim and went straight to ground transportation. A man in a suit had her name on a sign and led her to a limousine waiting outside. She stepped in, loving the luxury at the expense of someone else. She arrived at the Mandarin Oriental thirty minutes later. A welcome cocktail party was scheduled for 8pm. That gave her almost two hours to unpack and enjoy the comforts of her luxury suite. It didn’t take her long to turn the gold handles of the deep soaking tub, drawing herself a warm bath. She unpacked her clothes and hung her dresses and blouses in the closet while placing shorts, pants, and delicates in the drawers. She set her laptop on the desk along with a mystery novel that she had purchased at the airport in Minneapolis. After putting everything in its place, she walked into the bathroom and stopped the water before it overflowed. She looked in the mirror and admired her body as she slowly undressed. Brittany smiled at herself as she unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. Her breasts were still perky, and she liked the way they bounced up once released. She wiggled free from her comfortable cotton panties and decided that she needed to take care of some personal grooming. Brittany unzipped her red Coach accessory bag, withdrew the razor and shaving gel, and dipped herself into the slightly uncomfortable hot water. She winced as her body slid into the heated liquid. Steam rose, and after a few minutes her body acclimated to the temperature. She sat her phone on the taupe colored marble surround and let the water engulf her.

After plunging her face and head under the water, she came up for air. She reached for the white towel with gold embroidered letters and dried her hands before grabbing her phone. Despite her hair dangling down, the facial recognition worked and her mobile unlocked. She pressed the texting app.

*Brittany wrote to her husband: Hi. Just got to the hotel and opted for a bath before the welcome party.*

*Zach replied: Oh, good. Glad you made it. I’m sorry I upset you last night.*

*Brittany wrote in response: Don’t be. You were right. Maybe when I get back, we can spice it up a bit.*

She snapped a photo of her legs in the bathtub and sent it to him.

*Zach responded: Mmm, that sounds good. And nice legs! I’m sure you’ll get to show them off at the beach this week.*

Brittany sent a wink and kissing smiley along with an I Love You. He didn’t bother telling her that he had a date with Jessica. Despite them being friends, Brittany had just a hint of jealousy to the younger female friend of her husband. In her mind, Jessica was prettier, but Zach never thought of it that way. Still, he thought better of volunteering his plans for the evening.

*Zach typed: Love you too. Have a drink for me! Bye for now.*

After his brief text conversation with his wife, Zach took a quick shower and got dressed. Nothing too fancy, but a step up from casual. Dark jeans, brown boots, and a beige cashmere sweater. He completed the look with a purposely faded olive jacket with the buttons unbuttoned, and a quirky pilot watch that had hints of all colors of his ensemble. He smiled at his reflection as he sprayed a waft of body spray in the air, letting it mist over him. Twenty minutes later he arrived at Jessica’s uptown condo.

While the two best friends drove to a trendy wine bar not far from Jessica’s place, Brittany lathered her legs and nether regions with a generous amount of gel. The warmth of the water had opened her pores and she always used a fresh blade. The combination of the two made for silky smooth skin without the hassle of razor burn. Once satisfied with the results of her shave, Brittany emerged from the pool of cooling water. She let the drain swallow the remnants of her bath as she slowly ran an icy cold rag along her bikini line. This would seal the pores and stop any irritation from surfacing. She wanted to be blemish-free, not only for tonight, but for the days to come at the beach. She dried her blonde hair with the house dryer and used her own iron to sprinkle in curly locks. She applied the lightest of makeup, letting her own natural beauty shine through. She did not deter from the dress that she had brought just for the welcome party. The neckline plunged, but not too much, just enough to show that the flesh that hid beneath the fabric was round and perky. The hem fell just an inch short of fingertip length. The simple black heels that matched the simple black dress made her look anything but simple. She usually opted for stockings, but not tonight. The weather in Miami was much warmer than Minnesota, and her legs were smooth as silk. Her black lace panties matched her invisible bra. She looked in the mirror as she applied the lightest of pink lipsticks. She placed her mobile into a clutch that matched her lips, placed a do not disturb sign on the door, and headed for the lounge.

Meanwhile, back in Minneapolis, Zach and Jessica reminisced of old times while working on their second bottle of wine. He couldn’t help but notice her cleavage as the dim lighting danced off the silver pendant that landed between her breasts. She twirled her hair in a flirtatious manner as they sipped the Spanish red and enjoyed olives with walnuts, grapes, and cheese. Their conversation moved from their trip to the Caribbean and progressed to the present. Finally, with the help of the wine, she was able to pry the problems of today from him. He told her about the sex talk with Brittany the night before and the way she stormed out and rejected the idea. Jessica was thrown off a bit by him wanting to see his wife with another man, but she admitted that Brittany handled it a bit like a teenager throwing a tantrum. She offered, “Sometimes it’s hard to keep the passion with the same person, day after day after day.”

She sexily ran a tongue across her lips, flirting with him, taunting him, begging him to release his frustrations with his wife onto her, before pressing them to her wine glass. Her bright green eyes sparkled, almost providing additional light to their dimly lit corner.

“I know, but we used to really heat things up. Too much information, I’m sure.”

Jessica laughed and said, “Oh stop. You’re my best friend, I can listen.”

Zach asked, “Do you ever wonder about us? Like, what if we had…”

Jessica finished his sentence, “Dated, slept together, and lived happily ever after?”

Zach’s interest perked, “Yeah, that.”

They both smiled and laughed it off. Jessica slid herself closer to him in the round booth and took his hand. Their fingers mingled together under the table as they finished the second bottle. He looked at her and her him, and without warning, she pressed her lips to his. He didn’t stop her. The shared a quick, but not too quick kiss, similar to the only other one they had many years ago.

Zach said as their kiss was broken, “I remember the taste of your lips. So nice.”

Jessica smiled and kissed him again. This time with a bit more passion. She took his hand and placed in on the exposed skin between her dress and her stockings. She felt soft and smooth, the flavor of her cherry lip gloss mixed with the Spanish red turned him on. He moved his hand up her thigh as she gave his lips a light suck before pulling away. Jessica whispered, “I have more wine at my place.”

Thirty minutes later she was pinned to the inside of her hallway. She kicked off her heels and let Zach move his hands across every curve. She helped him out of his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt as he sucked on her neck. “This is so bad. I’ve never fooled around on her before.”

In between her heavy breaths, Jessica whispered, “Shh, it’s okay. She’s a thousand miles away and will never know. Besides, from what you’ve said, you need a little spice. And I haven’t had sex in almost two months.”

She undid the last button of his shirt and moved to his jeans. She unbuttoned them and fell to her knees. He looked down at her as she pulled the denim down. She wiggled free from the tiniest of straps that held up her dress, and let the fabric fall, exposing the pink lace cradle that held her breasts. She touched him through his boxers before tugging at them. His immensely hard cock gave a bit of resistance, but she finally jerked them over his bulge. His cock popped out, parallel to the floor. He was turned on by Jessica but more so at the thought of having someone other than his wife. He had never cheated but the act turned him on more than he thought it would. He had wanted Jessica for far too long. The sexual tension between them was a fierce passion. Jessica opened her mouth and took the entirety of his cock. A decade of foreplay finally came to an end.

As her husband engaged in adulterous activity with his best friend, Brittany ordered a gin and tonic and took a seat alone at the expansive bar at the Mandarin Oriental. The welcome party was just beginning, and it didn’t take long for a man in his early fifties to spot the thirty-six-year-old blonde drinking alone. He introduced himself as the manager of a company on the west coast that she had forgotten as soon as he said it. She noticed the gold ring on his finger, and he noticed the diamond on hers, but that didn’t stop them from divulging in a harmless flirtatious conversation. The night wore on, the welcome speaker addressed the attendees of the conference in a brief ten-minute speech, passed out the week’s syllabus, and let the party carry on. Brittany asked about his wife in San Diego, while thinking how fun it would be for this handsome older gentleman to fuck her brains out. She downed her third gin and tonic and the two of them took a shot of cherry vodka together. As the alcohol lowered their inhibitions, the conversations drifted from work and family to their adequately mundane sex lives. Ben spoke of how much he loved his wife, but sex sometimes seemed like a routine. Brittany agreed and told him that she was in the same place and was happy to accept this much needed work vacation.

Fifteen minutes later Ben and Brittany cheated on their spouses for the first time. The passion was hotter than the South Florida night. They kissed at the bar with his hand on her silky-smooth thigh, and that is all it took for a spark to become a flame. They made out in the elevator and down the hall to Brittany’s suite. The straps of her dress were off her shoulders before she could even open the door. He pushed her through the entryway, and by the time they got to her bed, they were down to their underwear. Ben admired the perkiness of her breasts, much better than his wife at home. He pushed her to the bed and took full control. He began to slowly kiss down her neck and chest, but she stopped him and said, “To hell with foreplay. Fuck me like you need it, and do whatever you want to me. Anything.”

Ben spread her legs and jerked her panties down, almost ripping them in the process. He left her bra on as he got on top and parted her pussy with his throbbing cock. She winced as he split her open, and he didn’t go slow. She moaned as he slid himself deep inside her. He put his hands on the top of the mattress and used it for leverage as he fucked her over and over again. Brittany screamed, “Harder! Fuck me harder!”

He raised his upper torso like a cobra and moved himself farther inside her. He looked down at her face as he assaulted her pussy with his cock. He reached around her back with his hands and unhooked the lace that kept her tits together. He stopped thrusting inside her just long enough for her to help remove her bra. He admired her breasts as his cock throbbed inside her. She smiled. “Better than your wife?”

Ben replied, “You naughty girl. Much better.”

“Good. Fuck me like you’re mad at her. You deserve it.”

He pinned her shoulders down with his calloused hands and slammed himself inside her. She screamed in a pleasure that she hadn’t experienced in years. Ben felt his cock throb and struggled to hold in his cum. He knew if he kept fucking the hottie from Minneapolis, that he would cum inside her. He pulled out, crawled up her body, and told her to open her mouth. “What if I don’t? You going to slap me?” She asked in a bratty tone.

“Mmm, is that what you want?”

Brittany said, “I want you to treat me like I’m your little homewrecking whore. I’ve always had that fantasy. You know I’m better than your stupid, boring wife anyway.”

Ben slapped her across the face, “Prove it, you little slut.”

Brittany opened her mouth and begged for his cock. He straddled her face and slid his cock inside her mouth. She gagged but took it all in. Saliva dripped from her mouth as he fucked her face harder and harder. Finally, she couldn’t take it anymore and pulled away. Makeup dripped down her face and mixed with the drool that was pouring from her lips. Strings of saliva connected her mouth to his cock.

He slapped her again. “Fucking take it. And you better fucking swallow.”

“She looked up at him with submissive eyes, “Does your wife let you cum in her mouth?”

“No, that’s what I have you for.”

“Good. Fucking give it to me.”

She opened her mouth again and let him fuck her face until he came. She swallowed every drop that shot into the back of her throat. He pulled out and finished his orgasm on her face, covering her in his milky, white cum. She smiled as he collapsed beside her. In a quavering voice, Ben mumbled, “Holy fuck that was hot.”

Brittany replied, “Yeah, it was. Fuck I needed that. I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

Still breathing heavily, Ben said, “But I want to make you cum.”

Brittany giggled a sexy squeak and said, “Oh, I came. Twice while you were fucking me. Hopefully we will see more of each other this week.”

This is Chapter 1 of my newest erotica, loosely based on my own experience. [Find Chapter 2, here!](https://sexualcompass.com/2020/12/02/while-the-wife-is-away-both-will-play/)

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k5e278/while_the_wife_is_away_both_will_play