My ‘first time’ teaching English in South Korea (F/M)

As a white blonde girl in Korea I felt like a celebrity. Even in the capital Seoul, where everyone is used to seeing foreigners, people were constantly staring at me. I had finished teaching late at a Hagwon and it was Friday night, so I thought why not grab a drink somewhere. I was in the Hongdae area, which is pretty much the epicentre of student nightlife, so I had a bunch of bars to choose from. Wandering through the bustling streets, I brushed past a right mix of characters, ranging from tipsy Korean Businessman, to loud American soldiers and giggling students. Noisy bars were in abundance, but it had been a long day and I felt the need to go somewhere a bit quieter.

Miraculously, I found a cute little place that for some reason hadn’t attracted any loud and boisterous friday night revellers. I sat down at the bar, ordered a glass of wine and sparked up a cigarette. A few exhales and sips of wine later I found myself in the zone where your vision dims, your mind grows cloudy and anything is possible. Buzzing from the wine, and lost in my own thoughts, I hardly noticed the two Korean men who had sat down either side of me. “Hello pretty lady”, said the taller one, looking smug and confident and seemingly impressed with his English.

I stared into my wine glass, pretending I hadn’t heard him. His hand crept around, caressing my lower back, and he grinned and said “very sexy, want another drink?” Noticing his friend silently leering at my legs I awkwardly readjusted my skirt, which they seemed to take pleasure in. Politely, but firmly, I said “No thank you.” He pretended not to understand me and I could feel his fingertips sliding lower and lower down my back. I felt waves of anxiety begin to creep in, and nervously glanced at the bartender polishing glasses in the corner, hoping he would understand. It’s safe to say, he got the message. He immediately dropped his glass and stormed over to the two men, shouting them out of the bar in Korean.

He poured me another glass of wine on the house, but I was still dizzied and shaken from the experience. He spoke excellent English, and we got chatting for what felt like hours. Perhaps it was the wine, but there was something so warm and comforting about him. Eventually he said it was about time to close, but he could offer me a coffee upstairs. Not wanting to go home yet, I gladly accepted his offer. I realised I had been so engrossed in our conversation that I hadn’t noticed how attractive he was.

He was tall and athletic and effortlessly confident. I found myself growing hotter and weaker in the knees the longer he spoke. In his bedroom upstairs he took me in his firm embrace and we tenderly made out for awhile. He laid me down on his bed and gently slipped off my skirt, exposing my now thoroughly wet panties. I had never been this far with a man before, but when he kissed my moist panties I felt on fire and readier than ever. He yanked off my panties and threw them across the room, exposing me fully. His erection appeared large and intimidating, as he smoothly parted my legs and massaged my labia with the head of his penis. Every cell of my being wanted him inside of me, but I was still visibly nervous. He caressed my face, reassuring me, while I slowly felt the pressure grow stronger, and then in one thrust… (Part 1)


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