Intimacy: A Manifesto. [MF]

I want our warm, smiling, eye-to-eye conversation to continue when we are kissing. When we are naked and sitting on the bed. When we are caressing each other. When we are fucking.

The excitement when we are planning a trip + energy when we try a new recipe together + enthusiastically sharing a new idea that has light-bulbed into our heads = what I want when we are alone together, suggesting new things, sharing fantasies, proposing new adventures and taking exciting risks.

When you are hurting or afraid or need to be timid I want to be there for you. To hold you. To rub your shoulders. To cover you with my strength and comfort. And I need to come to you in
my weakness and let you care for me with your heart and your body.

I need to be attentive to you. To listen – at the end of a long day or busy weekend AND when we close the bedroom door. I want to respond in a loving way. Tell me what you want and
need without shame. Tell me how you want to be touched. Tell me how to love your clitoris. Tell me how to love you. And I will do the same – knowing you want to love me too.

Let me hold your brokenness. Please hold mine. When shame and doubt and loss overwhelm me let me come to you and be held. Slide your softness around me as you kiss my eyelids and
tell me I will be okay. And let me hear your ache that I may comfort you and slide my strength into you and whisper words of hope and encouragement.

I want the laughter and silliness we enjoy looking at a funny gif or when you give me a piggy-back ride through the mall or when I try to sing karaoke to transition perfectly into our

When you are angry with me please tell me. And I will tell you. Neither of us would ever do anything intentionally hurtful. Bring those feelings to me. Let me hear them. Let me respond.
Let me repair. And then let our reconciliation and relief be affirmed with our skin. With our bodies.

When I am ashamed of my body – its folds and failures – I need to trust you with my anxiety. When you are ashamed of your body – its folds and failures – I need you to trust me with your anxiety. We are not dependent on perfection. We warmly accept one another always, no matter what.

Receive my ferocity. My restlessness. My sweet aggression. Let me be your animal. Your raging beast. Enjoy my masculinity unbridled. Receive me. And I will celebrate your ferocity
and unbridled desire because that is another wonderful piece of who you are.


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