Hooking up with one of [M]y college [f]riends

I met Morgan when I was a junior in college at Alabama and she was a sophomore. She was a friend of a friend named Sarah, who had brought her out for our coed flag football team. Sarah had told us that Morgan was a good athlete, but that undersold her. Morgan was an absolute stud. She had played soccer and basketball in high school and anything we threw her way she caught. We had a couple former high school football players, plus I’m 6’4” and had played basketball in high school. So we had a good team. But as anyone who’s played coed intramurals knows, your team is only as good as the girls you have on it, so Morgan was often our go to receiver.

At the time I had a long-time girlfriend, so we were just friends in the casual way that you become friends with countless people in college. I knew that Morgan was good looking, I mean I had eyes, plus her standard Nike shorts and tank top certainly showed off her toned, athletic body (for those looking for the full picture she’s around 5’7”, medium length blonde hair, and was probably between a B and C cup). But nothing ever went anywhere beside very light flirting because I was off the market.

Anyway, fast forward a year and a half and I break up with my girlfriend. During my last semester Morgan’s house became my defacto hang out place. She lived with two other girls in a house just off campus, and I’d park there, walk to class, then come back and hang out. She was always up for competing, so we’d play everything from disc golf to an old Wii to cornhole to beer pong. We established a small group of 7-8 people: me, Morgan, my two roommates, her two roommates, and her two neighbors who would come hang out. Group dynamics are always in flux in college when people are hooking up and dating, but despite an increase in flirting no real couples emerged.

Morgan and I were the ones people assumed would date though. We were almost always partners/teammates and had a natural chemistry. We played off of each other well and could easily make the other laugh. That combines with her natural good looks caused me to start thinking about her more and more. I was actively avoiding any sort of serious dating, but I couldn’t deny there was an attraction there. I found myself daydreaming about how I could have my cake and eat it to when it came to sleeping with her but staying friends.

But nothing ended up happening during that final semester beyond some dirty dancing in the bars a few times, so we’ll take the story to New Years Eve, 2015. I had graduated in the spring and was living in Birmingham, while Morgan was finishing her senior year. But her parents lived in Birmingham (for those that don’t know, Tuscaloosa and Birmingham around an hour apart depending on what part of the city you’re going to). Alabama was playing Michigan State in the college football playoff, and Morgan threw a NYE/football watch party at her parent’s house (with their permission).

Her parents went to the game in Dallas, leaving the house free for us to throw down. We got there mid-afternoon and pre-gamed through a workman like performance from Clemson as they took down Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl. By the time the Tide kicked off the 10 or so people there were in various stages of intoxication, and by the time the 38-0 beatdown was over everyone was drunk and in a fantastic mood.

Midnight came and went and several started to Uber home, leaving me, Morgan, her roommate Brooke, and one of my buddies from college, Michael.

“You guys want to go jump in the hot tub?” Morgan asked us.

I started to ask about bathing suits, but as soon as she’d asked she went outside, pulled the cover off the tub, and proceeded to strip down to her underwear and get in.

“Grab that champagne bottle and come on!” she called out to us.

You didn’t have to tell me twice, so we each grabbed a half full bottle, dropped our pants at the steps and climbed into the tub.

After the dash through the cold we all quickly relaxed and let the hot water embrace us. We were passing the bottles back and forth, with Morgan and I sharing one and the other two splitting theirs. I started to get a little cramped so I turned to be fully pointed toward Morgan, who was in the corner to my right, and stretched my legs out to rest my feet on the seat she was on.

She had our bottle, and after taking a swig passed it back to me. When she did she let her hand fall under the water and come to rest on my knee. Nothing overt, but she left it there and was making some lazy circles with her hand as the group chatted.

This caught my attention, and when we made eye contact she gave me a sly smirk. This caught me off guard, but with the amount of drinking we had been doing I didn’t worry about “what does this mean”. I just gave her a grin and extended my leg slightly, while my mind started to imagine what could lay in store for us.

The conversation continued for a few minutes, and while her hand didn’t go any further it also had stayed put.

I passed the bottle back over to Morgan, who turned it up and finished it off.

“Brooke, is your bra getting waterlogged like mine? The padding in this thing is getting uncomfortable.”

She replied “Yeah it’s not great, plus I’m worried it’s going to mess it up. You want to get out?”

10 hours of drinking plus Morgan’s hand on my leg lowered my inhibitions enough to blurt out “if your bras are the problem then the easier solution is just to take them off.”

This brought a laugh from my roommate, but then both our eyes widened when the girls shrugged and agreed.

“Ok, but no peeking!” Brooke replied.

Michael and I nodded, but obviously had our eyes open as the two girls reached behind themselves and unclasped their bras. Brooke stayed under the bubbles as she tossed hers over onto the ground beside her, but Morgan casually stood up and threw it onto the table, finally giving me the view I’d been craving.

Her boobs was perfectly shaped with soft pink nipples, and they gave a pleasant bounce as she executed her throw. I whistled appreciatively at the grace of her body and watched as the water ran rivulets down her toned abs.

“I’m assuming you were whistling at the back of your eyelids, as we gave explicit instructions not to look.”

“Uh huh, I always pass at the opportunities to see my friends topless when they flaunt themselves two feet away.”

Morgan just laughed, and we went back to chatting, but the vibe of the night had changed. Amazing how nudity does that. I made a comment about going to get another drink, and was contemplating how to get out of the hut tub without displaying the semi I was sporting.

“No need for that, let’s play spin the bottle.” Morgan said.

This caught me off guard, and before any of us had a chance to react she grabbed the empty champagne bottle off the side and flipped it into the water. She didn’t even bother spinning it, she flipped it end over end, so it landed pointed directly at me.

“I’m not sure that was much of a spin” Michael laughed, but he was cut off by Morgan’s “Whoo!!” She came back out of the water giving me another brief glimpse of her chest before she leaned into me.

I moved on instinct, and our eyes closed and we locked lips. It was a sloppy, exploring kiss, and as I put one arm around her waist and another to the back of her head she put both her hands on my legs. I felt one of her hands slide up my thigh and give my dick a firm squeeze. This sent a rush through my body and I felt longing that had been pent up for the better part of the night surge through me.

My head was spinning, and we broke our kiss after 7-8 seconds to see amused looks from our two friends. Morgan dropped back below the water but stayed at my side, so I put my arm around her as her hand left my crotch but didn’t move from my leg.

“You two have something going on that I don’t know about?” Brooke asked.

“Just the luck of the bottle” I replied. “No one is above it’s power.”

Morgan looked up at me, “So are you going to spin?”

I looked over at my roommate, and then said “I’m still not sure you gave it much of a spin. But I think I’ll skip my turn and then spin for him.” At that I just set the bottle down in the water pointed directly at Brooke.

“Showtime!” Morgan exclaimed, and we watched a look pass between Michael and Brooke, and for a brief moment I wasn’t sure which way this was going to go. Then Michael made an exaggerated, sloshing step into the middle of the tub, then laughed as he dropped under the water and emerged essentially laying on top of her and they began to kiss.

I used this as an opportunity to drop my hand down and cup one of Morgan’s breasts, which drew a low, barely audible moan from her as she slid closer to me and leaned her head back.

I dropped my head to hers and we shared another kiss, then she broke our kiss off and spun up onto my lap, sitting on me side saddle with my now full erection pressing into her leg.

Michael looked over at us and then turned back to Brooke. “Looks like these two could use some privacy. You want to go back inside?”

I had put my arms around Morgan’s waist, holding her loosely, and as they got out I lowered my left had and gave an ass cheek a squeeze. It was sculpted, and my already raging hormones spiked again. It was one thing to admire it from afar, but feeling it reminded me what good shape she was in and I grinned at her. Michael got her a towel to cover Brooke up, which she accepted graciously, although I had a strong suspicion that they wouldn’t be needing that for long. Sure enough I heard a squeak from her and I saw his hands going inside the towel as they went inside.

But any thoughts about what they were doing were swiftly booted from my brain, because as soon the door shut Morgan swung her leg over me and we attacked each other.

Our tongues danced and each of my hands immediately glued themselves to a butt cheek. Her body molded itself to mine and I felt her hands entangle themselves in my hair. We were hungry for the other, and our mouths mashed together in a torrent of passion.

After a minute of this I snaked a hand between our bodies and engulfed her right breast. At this I felt her hands form fists in my hair, and she pulled my head to the side and ran her tongue in a long line from my collarbone up to my ear. I tweaked her nipple, and this brought an involuntary bucking in her hips, which I began directing with my other hand that was still on her ass.

The hot water lubricated us as we slid against each other, each body part finding its partner and we pulled at each other to somehow make the distance even less, the friction even greater.

She pulled my head back and pinned it against the headrest, then sucked my earlobe into her mouth. This brought out a moan from me and I pinched down on the nipple I’d been playing with.

“Oh fuck” she moaned directly into my ear. I wrapped my arm around her and crushed her into me, my desire for her hitting a fever pitch. My boner was straining against the confined of my underwear, and I pulled her against it again and again, grinding into her clit, and her ragged breath letting me know that I was hitting just the right spot.

We brought our mouths back together, and she moaned into mine as we forced our hips together. I kept her pressed against me but slid her up my body until her torso was out of the water. I run my tongue down the slope of her chest until I swirled it around her nipple. I then sucked it into my mouth, teasing it with my teeth.

I brought a hand out of the water and cover that breast up as my mouth repeated its performance on the other. Morgan had her head back and let out a laugh.

“Oh my god this feels so. Fucking. Good.”

I smiled up at her. “I know, right? We’re so good at this.”


“and good lord you’re hot.”


“I want to have all of you.”

She pushed away from me and went to the center of the hot tub and gave me a come hither motion. “Come and get it then.”

Now in the deeper water we resumed making out, and our hands went everywhere to explore the others body. I wrapper her legs around me and supported both our weight, then as she started to hump me I assaulted her neck, sucking in hard and leaving what going to be the first of multiple hickeys from the night.

My hands had returned to her rear, and I groped her and brought out yelps of pleasure as she enjoyed the lavishing I was applying to her body.

She then dropped her legs and stood up, and in a firm voice told me hot tub time was over. “Ok, enough foreplay. Let’s head back in the house and then I’m going to have my way with you.”

We broke apart enough to grab towels, then covered ourselves and made a mad scramble to the house to try and escape the cold air. Once inside we heard moans coming from the guest bedroom in the basement, and clearly Brooke and Michael had managed to occupy their time together.

We ran up two flights of stairs, and I couldn’t help but stare at my friend as we got into her childhood bedroom. Now on full display in just her soaked panties, she was truly a sight to behold. Her hair was slicked back and water still ran down her long legs. Her stomach had a slight ripple of toned abs, and as I brought my eyes to meet hers I could see she was on fire with desire.

“Let’s get in the shower and clean up some and re-warm up, I want to get this chlorine off of me before we get in bed.”

I happily agreed, and followed her into the bathroom as she turned her shower on. It was only a tub/shower combo, so I remarked that there wasn’t going to be too much room in there.

“Oh, you trying to get away from me now?” she said in mock anger.

I stepped into her space and gave her searing kiss in reply.

“That’s what I thought.”

She then peeled her underwear off, revealing a neatly trimmed pussy that tantalized me.

She climbed into the shower and held the curtain open for me to come in. “Ok, now I’ve felt on that thing enough, drop them drawers and let’s see what we’re working with.”

I happily obliged, but with the cold and the trip up the stairs I’d lost a bit of my erection. I got into the shower and pulled the curtain closed behind me.

Because of our height difference, making out in the shower proved difficult. Not surprising, but after a few strained kisses we resorted to just feeling each other some more. I applied way more body wash than could ever be needed for a human, and gleefully ran my hands all over her body, with plenty of extra and unnecessary pauses for her boobs and butt. As I groped her front I crouched slightly and pressed my renewed boner into her ass. I then ran my hand down between her legs, but she stopped me before I went much further.

“It looks like our friend is back and ready to play,” she said, turning around and grabbing my dick. “Let’s see how he tastes.”

With that she dropped to her knees and pushed my hips back until I was leaning against the back wall of the shower. Then she took my cock in her hand and gave it a slow pull. She followed that with licks on either side with her tongue. She worked it with her hand again as she placed open mouth kisses on my stomach and inner thighs, teasing me with what was to come.

Finally her head came around and she took my tip into her mouth, and I let out a groan as she gave it two long sucks and then popped it back out of her mouth. She repeated this multiple times, just taking in the first inch or so, sucking it, then letting it fall back out of her mouth.

She started to work her way a little further, bobbing her head slowly as she still worked the shaft with her hand. After all of the lead up I could already feel orgasm building, but I was determined to hold off so I could continue to have my world rocked. Then her pace picked up.

She took my in all the way to her hand, then stayed there and swirled her tongue around my shaft. My legs started to feel wobbly and she moved her hand off and grabbed each of my hips. I started at the top of her head as she worked her way all the way down until her nose touched my pelvis. I was into her throat and let out an involuntary gasp. She worked her mouth back up my manhood, taking it out until just the tip remained in her mouth, then pushing her way back down until I was once again buried inside her.

I was dizzy with pleasure, and the fourth time she did and then stayed down and sucked and it was too much. I hit the point of no return and I gave her a semi-incoherent warning, so she backed off to just the head and began working me with her hand as I exploded into her mouth. She continued sucking for several seconds after I had finished until I finally pulled her off.

“Holy fuck. That was incredible.” I told her. I had to hold the curtain rod to stay upright but could feel sanity returning. “

I felt like I had run a marathon, but one look at the wild look in her eyes and I was ready to devour her. “Now let’s get out of this shower and let me return the favor.”

We turned the water off and quickly toweled dry. She was in the middle of wrapping herself in her towel when I picked her up and started carrying her to the bed. This proved to not be a great idea, because between the alcohol and mind-bending blowjob I didn’t exactly have my sea legs. I stumbled a few times, but managed to get her to the bed. I opened her towel back up, theatrically discarded mine (which brought a laugh from her) and climbed on top of her.

“Ok Morgan, close your eyes and enjoy.” I bent down gave her a kiss, which she returned with fervor, then her head dropped back down to the bed and then began to work my way back down her body.

I knew she was ready for it, but my control had returned some after my orgasm, and after what she’d done to me I wanted to drive her to incoherence. So I started slow. I had already spent time in the evening lavishing her breasts, but they fit so perfectly in my hands I couldn’t pass them up. I rolled a nipple as I sucked the other one, then licked and teased it so it stood at attention. Then would switch and capture the other.

After that interlude I continued my journey south. I could tell she was ready to pick up the pace, because her legs were squirming and I felt her pushing up into my body as it slid down into her gap. My hands ran along her thighs and I pushed them apart as my head reached its destination.

I had teased her long enough, so as soon as I go there I widened my tongue and gave her a long lick from bottom to top.

“Yes, oh god. Lick that pussy. I just want you to each the shit out of me.”

I paused for one more half second, and at that she grabbed my head and pushed it back in. So I went to work.

My tongue pushed inside her folds, and I worked it up one side and then down the other, then reversed course and did it the opposite way. She responded with a string of obscenities and I saw a hand go to her chest while the other clenched the bedsheets. I lifted her hips to change the angle some and drove my tongue down inside of her, lapping at her insides and tasting her dripping pussy.

She was on fire, and quickly her obscenities faded into rambling noise as I assailed her with as much as I had in me. I could feel her breath beginning to shorten, so to popped a finger in to drive her even wilder.

“Shit yes, give me another one.” I added my ring finger next to my index finger and my lips found her clit. I worked my fingers in and out of her and made a sloppy mess of her, alternating between surrounding it with my mouth and then encircling it with my tongue.

“Oh yes, yes, yes, yeahyeahyeahyeah…” she cried, and I stuck to the up and down the rhythm with my tongue and began to pull with my fingers against her g-spot. After maybe 20 seconds of this her legs clamped down on my head and her body began shaking as she came.

I pressed myself into her as she rode out her pleasure. As she floated back down I left my fingers slowly moving inside her and I came up from my home between her legs and gave her a kiss. She returned it with a flame still burning inside her.

“Wow. Oh fuck.” Her hips bucked involuntarily as a stroked her sensitive insides. She pulled me back in and kissed me again. “I want all of you. You ready for another round?” she asked and reached down and felt my dick. It had enjoyed the auditory performance she had made, and was back standing at attention.

She stretched backwards to her bedside table and opened it to grab a condom. This stretched her out before me, which I took as an opportunity to take a nipple into my mouth again.

“Ugh, you have always been such a boob slut.” She told me. “Good thing for you you know what you’re doing down there or else I’d throw you out of this bedroom.”

I bent down and kissed her, then said “I mean I’m not picky, I’d be happy to not do it in the bedroom, we could go bang on the couch, in the kitchen…”

At that she slapped the side of my head and laughed. “God you can be such a dumbass. Now shut up and fuck me.”

She opened the package for me, and I rolled it on then positioned myself over her in missionary, then pushed my hips forward and entered her.

As her warmth enveloped me I could feel her body tense below me, then relax as I slowed down. I got halfway in then paused, worked back out, then pushed in slightly further. We moved slowly, with each stroke gaining an inch of further penetration, until I was fully nestled into her.

She began subtly shifting her hips from one side on the upstroke and then to the other on the down, matching my movements but simultaneously amplifying them.

I couldn’t help but groan as our pace increased slightly, and soft sounds of slapping flesh began amplify and fill the room. Then Morgan started the dirty talk in earnest.

“Oh yes. Oh god. Yeah just like that. Mmm I love the way your cock feels inside me. Ugh this is, uhg fuck, great. Go a little harder now, yeah not too much yeah just like that. Ah fuck, yes I love this so fucking much. Keep giving me that dick…”

She knew she was driving me crazy, and that only encouraged her more. We kept going, our pace jumping in intensity as she told me exactly how to fuck her. Our bodies found a grove and I could feel every inch of her giving way to me as we drove each other mad. She hooked my legs with her feet and pulled me tighter into her body, willing me to go deeper, harder, longer.

I was starting to get close but didn’t want this to end, so I bent down and kissed her, then pulled out and quickly rolled off of her and flipped her over onto her stomach. I then pulled her hips up as I positioned myself behind her, and slid back in as a moan escaped her lips.

“Oh you fucker, god yes fuck me. You better go as hard as you can. Make me cum.”

A man doesn’t need any more encouragement than that. I slammed into her, giving her every inch that I could. The entire bed was rocking as we went back and forth, and the headboard was rhythmically bouncing against the wall. I put every ounce of energy I had into focusing my lust directly into her. Her cries increased in pitch as she to finger her clit.

Staring at her ass I could help but give it a slap, which brought a gasp, followed by another moan and she pushed back into me. I grabbed both hips and manhandled them, driving her down onto my dick as it surged forth. I felt her give up control as waves of pleasure crashed through her.

“Oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yes, just like that yes, ugh fuck I’m going to cum”

Her head bounced to the side and I watched as her eyes squeezed shut, her body tensed for several long seconds, then she gave one last “oh fuuuuuuck” and her legs began to shake and she melted. I could feel her spasming on my dick as her orgasm roared within her, so I rammed it home and finally let myself go and shot load after load into her. My brain felt surges of white hot joy and then I felt my body match hers as I slumped over her, unable to support either of us as I was emptied.

I fell in behind her, and we lay spooned for a minute, my cock slowly going limp inside of her as we caught our breath. I put an arm around her and kissed her shoulder. We kissed once more, then I went and showered up to clean myself off. She ended up joining me, but beyond a few fun pokes, slaps and grabs in the shower, nothing else happened.

We slept together that night, and in the morning after our hangovers abated somewhat we discussed the night. I told her frankly it was one of the hottest nights of my life, but we both agreed that we didn’t see any sort of romantic future together, and since we wanted to remain friends it was best to leave the night for what it was, fun between friends.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k44o93/hooking_up_with_one_of_my_college_friends


  1. Roll tide from class of 21! As a Birmingham native, Morgan definitely sounds like she’s from Mountain Brook lmao

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