[FM] But I’m married – The Meal Pt4

I woke quite early, unfortunately in our passion last night I hadn’t closed the blinds so at 8am sunrise the light flooded into our bedroom which always wakes me, Eve and hubby were both fast asleep, I slid down the bed not to disturb them and stood there looking back, to see the both of them naked on either side of the bed was quite strange, I could climb on either one of them and have them right now if I wanted….just don’t ask me which one I’d choose

I grabbed my dressing gown and and left the bedroom, went downstairs, opened the back door for the dog to go out the garden and then switched the coffee machine on, a few minutes later I buttered myself a croissant and filled my coffee mug, and sat at the breakfast bar, it was quite nice to have that time to myself, I heard movement upstairs, a toilet flushing so expected someone else to come down soon, as both of them drank their coffee black I poured another coffee for whoever wanted it but no one came downstairs, i sat there on my phone, reading FB, looking on Reddit but no one came downstairs, it was probably about 20mins before I thought I’d maybe go and see who was awake, I grabbed a fresh coffee and headed upstairs, I could hear sounds from the bedroom and I opened the door

What I saw I couldn’t believe, I wouldn’t have even contemplated, what I saw was my husbands naked ass as he thrust balls deep into Eve, I screamed!!

“What the fuck is going on!!!”
Hubby turned and almost in shock rolled off Eve, his solid cock springing out as he turned
“What do you mean?” He protested
“What do you think I mean?” I shouted, not full on as my son had come from his shift and was in bed only two rooms away
Eve lay there looking a little shocked, pulling the bed sheets up to almost cover her body
“But, but after last night I though it was ok” he said
“Last night was last night, I was involved, but that doesn’t mean you can shag her yourself”
“But she said it was ok” he protested
“I woke up with her mouth around my cock, what did you think was going to happen” he followed up
“What the fuck are you up to” I shouted at Eve
“Hold on! You said you were happy to involved Steve, you said you wanted him involved” Eve responded
“Yes, I did but that’s when I was involved, I didn’t say you could fuck himself youraelf”
“I thought you did” she shouted back
“When? When did I say that?”
“Last night when we were in the spare bedroom”

Hubby looked a little confused at that point

“I can’t believe this! I can’t cope with this” I said as I stormed out of the bedroom and back downstairs and into the kitchen, moments later hubby in a dressing gown, came down and straight after me into the kitchen

“Listen I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you but I just thought this was a continuation of last night” he explained
“No! She knew what she was doing, she knew she was in the wrong”
“When I woke and she was sucking me off I just thought…”
“I know, I don’t blame you”

He stepped forward to give me a hug, I pushed him back
“I don’t blame you but I’m not ready to forgive you”
He shrugged his shoulders,
“I don’t really know what to do then”
“Don’t worry I’ll deal with it”

I left the kitchen and went back upstairs, into the bedroom where Eve was practically dressed
“What the fuck was that about?” I shouted at her
“I thought you’d like it, I thought you’d come back upstairs and join in”
“What you mean fucking my husband behind my back?”
“You mean the same as we did that first night, you knew what you were doing was wrong yet I try and do something nice and spice things up, exactly as you told me you liked and I’m the bad guy” she protested
“Listen I’m sorry, I got it wrong” she said as she moved closer to me, her hand reaching for my shoulder, I smacked it away
“No Eve, crossed the line, I want you out of here!” I cried
“Now please let’s not overreact” she said cautiously
“Just fuck off out of here, I don’t even want to look at you” I screamed

She grabbed her bag, picked up her shoes and walked out of the room, she paused to say something and I turned my back on her, she carried on downstairs, through the front door and as I collapsed on the bed in tears I heard her car start up and pull away….was that it, did I over react? I lay there in the bed in my dressing gown, curled up in a ball, I was kinda crying but more out of anger than upset, I don’t know how long I was there for when hubby came in and brought me a coffee, he sat on the side of the bed and we chatted, I held his hand and explained that I wasn’t annoyed with him, he was only a man and I’d expect him to react exactly as he did, he lay down next to me and we cuddled for a while

Later on that day Eve text me
“Listen I’m really sorry that I upset you but I think you over reacted”
I didn’t respond

Hours later Kate text me
“You ok? Eve told me what happened, are you ok?”
I didn’t respond

Eve text me 4 more times during the day, I deleted each one without reading, I was pissed off!

We had a normal day, we didn’t discuss what had happened but come that night we had a few drinks and watched them TV, at the end of the night Steve said he was going to bed as he had golf early in the morning, I followed him up and after washing we both slipped into bed, as I cuddled up behind him I whispered in his ear
“So what was your favourite part of last night”
He turned around and simple said
“all of it blew my mind”
“Seeing you with another women and then when you both blew me, that was just the stuff of fantasies”
“Yes it was fun, I’m glad you experienced it”
I reached down under the sheets to feel his rock hard cock through his PJ shorts, I started to tease it as he leant over to kiss me, within moments we were both naked and he was climbing kissing over my body and down to my stomach and then my pussy, he teased me and then started to eat me

I reached my hands down to his face and pulled him up to look at me, and he looked me in the eyes I simple said
“No, I want you to fuck me like you fucked Eve!”
He climbed up my body and I parted my legs as wide as I could and his cock easily slipped into my soaking wet hole, he started to slide in and out slowly, feeling his full length and then thrusting in, we carried on like that for a while before I felt his balls tighten and he fired his load inside, he carried on but as his cock become flaccid he slipped out and fell next to me in the bed
“Sorry but thinking about last night I just couldn’t last”
“It’s ok don’t worry, I understand” I said as my hand went down to my pussy and I rubbed my clit, nice and slippery with his cum it wasn’t long before I cum myself, we kissed and fell asleep

When I woke up on Sunday morning I looked at my phone to see 5 messages and 1 missed FaceTime call from Eve, I deleted them without reading them and I lay in bed wondering if that was the end of my time with Eve, I’d loved being with her, I’d loved having the experience but she’d crossed the line and it could have caused issues with my husband which is the most important relationship in my life, Monday at work could be interesting!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k2louw/fm_but_im_married_the_meal_pt4


  1. So here we go, I’m quite nervous about posting this as there may be people that don’t like my reaction but this has been 100% truthful all the way so there’s no point in stopping now

  2. One thing I could see about what happened that morning between Eve and Steve. There were no rules establish between you and Eve concerning having sex with Steve without your presence. First and most you show that your relationship is up front and Eve is the spare of the moment. You really surprised me with your reaction. You love your man..bravo???️

  3. Was the sex between your husband and eve protected ?

    With your reaction. Its your choice, however maybe talk to Eve with your Husband and set the record straight. Burying your head in the sand will cause more issues.

  4. So you had a threesome knowing your son would come home after his night shift? Possibly during it? You couldnt possibly know how long it would last??

    Did your son know Eve was even stopping over??

  5. So I’ve read this over several times, revisited some previous chapters, and had a hard workout to clear my mind and see if I could get a grip on this. I think I have. Sorry if this is too long.

    First, since the Aftermath chapters, it’s been clear to me that this adventure of Nikki exploring her sexuality has become a Nikki and Steve adventure, hopefully culminating is some shared experiences. I always thought the plan was Nikki can get with Eve, but Nikki and Steve want something together, too, with Eve or some other woman.

    Second, Eve has stated she’s a confirmed lesbian and has made her intentions clear from the beginning that she wants Nikki to leave Steve for her. Nikki keeps saying no, I love my husband and I’m lucky he supports me in being in both worlds. I think Eve continued to show her deviousness when she and Nikki were in the second bedroom towards the end of The Meal Part 3. As I said in my post yesterday, Eve was a bit incredulous that Nikki was so happy when Eve included Steve. Eve was clearly trying to mess with Nikki’s head again when she invited Steve to be with them on the bed, when all she did was fulfill one of Steve and Nikki’s fantasies. And towards the end of that discussion in the second bedroom Nikki never consented to Eve and Steve getting it on. I also don’t think, again given Eve’s avowed sexual preferences, that Nikki never contemplated an Eve and Steve coupling. Nikki was the centerpiece.

    So, when Nikki goes back up stairs and sees what she sees, and screams. In my mind, her reaction is not only totally justified but totally expected. Nikki, I can understand how you feel Eve was trying to mess yet again with the dynamic you have with Steve. The confirmed lesbian who has been trying to get you to leave your husband was getting plowed??!! So I don’t see this as an over reaction.

    I feel kind of bad for Steve. He wakes up to someone sucking his dick…I’m so glad you guys cleared the air.

    As someone else mentioned in their comments, the importance of communication, rules, etc. can’t be overstated.

    Nikki, I get the feeling that there’s another chapter here: what happens at work, next steps, etc. I presume there has been some time between the events you’ve portrayed in the Meal installments and today. As always, your writing and story are compelling reading. I hope for more.

  6. I think you have double standards. In an open relationship clear boundaries need to be set by all parties involved.

  7. This is what I was actually waiting for. Husband getting some alone time with Eve. Hot story!

  8. This was always my worry.

    Nikki, I cannot deny you have, appeared, been respectful towards your husband but am concerned that you opened your marriage to something that you never expected. You want your fun, your husband finds it hot too, but the reality is that your husband wants his fun too. Are you going to deny him that?

    Decision time baby, you seem to be a loving couple but, and please shoot me down of you want, I really have a worry that your sexuality will end your marriage because you truly are sexually a lesbian and your husband will always be second best.

    I hope I am wrong.

    If you love him, as he appears to love you, then you need to make this an equal situation and accept that he’s been extremely accepting.

    This blog is as real as it gets but please don’t make it a tragedy.

    Love you ?.

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