Alex [M] and I [M] Grow Closer After The Gym

First post here, feel free to give it some love. Let me know if you’d like to hear more.

This is the story of a friendship that evolved into a friends with benefits type arrangement. It still gives me shivers to think about, as I never expected (or even wanted) what eventually came to pass.

His name was Alex (not really, but that’s what we’ll call him), we met about a year ago through an amateur indoor sports league. He was unassuming for being one of the best players in the league. I’d place him around my skill level. Never thought much of him besides his skillfulness in volleyball. It was clear he had been playing for a while as he exercised a certain skillfulness that’s built over years of refinement.

Over time I started to prefer playing next to him. His sets were solid (which is hard to come by) and he always gave 100%, no matter the odds of success – when another player punted the ball in the wrong direction, him and I would instinctively take off sprinting for it. I admired his tenacity and commitment to winning in that way.

I can’t remember exactly how we got to know each other off the court. We might have hit the pub after a game with friends. I remember hitting it off though, talking about politics and our favorite spots in town. We started to make it a regular thing to retreat to his place after games. We’d throw back a few cold ones each time, with him having no trouble drinking me under the table. Made sense with him being a former sailor and all. His foul mouth and drunkard ways weren’t the only habits hard to break… but more on that later.

It was probably my third time over when I found myself pretty trashed. We had been watching some trashy movie on Netflix but somehow got to talking about women. I zoned back into him talking about his last relationship and how things went wrong. I ask a few questions before he asked about my experiences. I shared that I’ve never been in a relationship, but had had my share of fun.

“Go on”, he said.

I was raised Christian, and had only recently become comfortable having sex without extreme guilt. Sort of a late bloomer in that regard in my mid-twenties, so talking about it was still pretty awkward.

I gave some vague details on what she looked like, how we met, and eventually worked up to say we “boned a couple times” lol.

“Go on”, he said again, casually letting me know he wanted the sloppy details.

So I went on, sharing the juicy details that even now have me looking over my shoulder. The more I talked though, the more excited I became.

Eventually I started to become visually excited – and wearing gym shorts did nothing to conceal my feelings…

I was embarrassed, kinda flushed to be 1: talking about sex and 2: visibly horny in front of a dude I hardly knew, but something about being trashed helped to let my guard down. So I kept on with the story, and eventually adjusted myself as my chub grew to a full-on boner. I tried to cover myself but was horrified when Alex mumbled:

“Someone’s excited”

I wasn’t sure what to do, and almost leapt up to leave out of embarrassment, before he said

“Don’t worry. Your story’s kind of hot man”

“Oh yeah?” I said, and asked if he had any stories to share

He smiled, and started to recite a few chance encounters with friends, coworkers, family of friends etc. Needless to say he had played around a bit.

I didn’t know how to respond once he started rubbing his crotch though. I had played around a bit in college here and there through dating apps, but always anonymously and this is someone I knew and saw on a regular basis. I eventually threw caution to the wind with an internal “fuck it” and said:

“Looks like I’m not the only one excited”, barely mustering up the courage and felt myself sink into the couch as I waited for his response.

“Maybe we should do something about it” he said, as he turned his head with a smirk.

To my surprise he stood up and pulled down his shorts, his sausage flopping to his belly as his did so. I was pretty shocked, wondering how in the hell we got to this point. But I wasn’t about to let a good JO opportunity go to waste (had been a long time desire of mine). So I stood up and followed suit, sliding my athletic shorts down to my ankles.

“No underwear?” he noted with a half-chuckle

“Naw, these have a liner” I said, half embarrassed to be naked in front of a friend, but relaxed from the alcohol.

“I’m surprised a liner’s strong enough to hold that thing in place. That thing’s huge.” He said, sort of admiring my package.

“I do alright. You’re not looking too bad yourself.” I said with a smirk, half looking in his direction. We were of a similar size, both fairly above average.

I sat down, and just like that we began to stroke. He put on some porn on the tv, and I alternated between the weird lesbian action on the screen, my cock (in disbelief I was on a friend’s coach jerking), and the most surreal view to my right. I couldn’t believe this was real but here this dude was, right next to me stroking slowly up and down his long shaft.

I jolted a little when he stood up abruptly and started walking away, surprised to see his butt cheeks for the first time lol.

“You want another one?” He asked, as he pulled out a couple beers from the fridge. I was drunk already, but no way I was gonna let him outdrink me – so of course I said yes.

He sat back down, beers in hand, landing right next to me. Wasn’t sure if this was on purpose, but whatevs – I’m just glad to be here, still in disbelief at what was happening. As he reached over to hand me my beer, his warm hand slid past my cock head on the way back. I let out a small sigh, sort of surprised but also to let him know it was appreciated.

So we’re sitting there, porn playing at a low volume, cocks in hands and it’s all so surreal. Next thing I know he’s reaching over asking “You need help with that?” and grabs my shaft with a steady grip I’ve never felt before, like a vice! Then he starts to slide up and down my shaft slowly, maintaining his grip.

At this point I’m in complete ecstasy. I’ve had handjobs from chicks before but this was different. He (being a dude) knew what to do, how much pressure to use, and found a rhythm based on my subtle moaning feedback lol. This wasn’t his first rodeo.

Being the good friend I am, I’m all about reciprocity. Thinking it’s only fair I return the favor I glance over, seeing his cock still rock hard in his right hand. I prompt him with the same “Need some help with that?” and feel my hand replace his almost as soon as he lifts away. I grab it in my hand, and start to imitate his earlier moves. His light moans let me know I’m doing something right. So I pick up the tempo and start to fondle his balls a bit, just how I like as I reach over with my left hand.

It’s all focus on him now, with me leaning half over to let him know he’s appreciated. Guess the pressure had been building for some time as he didn’t last long. He let out a light whisper saying, “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum dude.” Being competitive I took that as a challenge – and picked up the pace. He says again, “Dude I’m gonna cum” and that doesn’t deter me.

There’s something about how someone orgasms that I find so telling, and I was curious to know more about this new friend.

So I keep stroking as his breathe grows heavy. He lets out a long moan as I feel warm liquid start to roll down my hand. I look down, sort of in disbelief I’ve got another man’s jizz in hand. Still mid-thought I feel him reach back over to help finish me off. Good man for keeping with it after busting a nut – better than I could do lol.

I guess the pressure of it all had been building within me too, as I didn’t last long after that. A few tight strokes and I was shooting squirts of cum on my chest. A string flew over my shoulder and Alex says “Damn dude” as he flinched out of the way.

After the hype subsides we kind of sit there for a sec, wondering what just happened. With post-nut clarity I start worrying how this might alter our foundling friendship when he said “That was hot dude”. I knew we were in the clear then.

He leaps up to grab a couple towels for clean up. There’s a nervousness between us, sort of wondering what’s next. Little did we know this would be the start of a 6mo friends with benefits situation.

If you liked this story be sure to let me know. Things got a bit more interesting once lockdowns led to a little extra time on our hands.

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