[M]e and my twin sister fucked on a hot summer day [incest][b/s]

**Sex activity starts after the ()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()()**


Harsh sunlight bled through the cheap blinds, projecting lines across the length of my room. I could feel them against my body, the bright source of the oppressive outside heat leaving me sweltering even in the shelter of my room. Flat and spread eagle on my bed, all I could do was sigh, letting the uncomfortable hot distribute itself over my body. Sweat had already appeared, dried, and reappeared throughout the morning, the miserable course of this heat wave hardly half over. I readjusted my boxers, giving what lay underneath a chance to breath.

My mind went to thoughts of cold breezes, of ice and functioning air conditioners. This was perhaps the worst time to have a power outage; there was limited fridge use, since opening it would let the cold air out, and obviously no fans or AC. My hands wandered to the bedside table, and I fumbled for my bottle. Smooth metal that was usually cool was now warm to the touch. I brought it to my mouth and swallowed the last few uncomfortably heated droplets. At least the plumbing still worked. I slid off the bed with the bottle in my hand, pulled on a shirt and shorts, and made my way to the kitchen.

Noelle was sitting by the bar, her back to me, butt glued to the stool. She was wearing thin shorts, and I could just see a hint of olive cheek as she lifted her bum to readjust herself. I spent a moment just appreciating her, my eyes scanning her from bottom to top, gaze passing the smooth skin beneath her pink booty shorts, over the black tank top that fit along her toned waist, and up to her thin neck, partially hidden beneath a smooth ponytail of flowing black hair.

College had been good to both our bodies; we made a conscious effort to look hot as hell. We both said we did it just for the health, but in reality, we wanted to look good for each other. I’d spent many gym visits wondering what she’d think of me, whether she’d like how I looked with more muscle. It took far too long for me to realize she was thinking the same thing about me, though that’s a story for another time.

There was a bowl of grapes in front of her, big solid greens that she was slowly eating. She tutted at something on her phone before popping one of the little fruits into her mouth. Quietly, I made my approach. Just as I was about to reach her, she started speaking, but it was too late.

“I know you’re th-“

I encircled her in my arms, my clammy skin sliding against her bare shoulders and her neckline. Her outburst renewed itself into a displeased yelp.

“Oh god no, *get off me*.” She complained, trying to wiggle out of my grasp. I provided no mercy, and instead just grunted at her, keeping her tight in my sweaty hold. It was only a matter of time until she decided staying still in my hot embrace was better than squirming. She sighed, defeated, and leaned to me, letting her head rest against mine. Her ponytail tickled my skin. Reaching back, she pushed one of the little fruits against my mouth. It was cold. They must have been in the fridge.

“It’s far too fucking hot,” she groaned, and I let my mouth gape slightly, accepting her little gift.

I mumbled my agreement while chewing, the cool sweetness filling my mouth. After swallowing, I spoke quietly.

“Where’s mom?”

“Not here. She’s over with Uncle Terry, remember? The party thing.” She passed me another grape.

“Right. When did she leave?” I enveloped the grape with my mouth and sucked the tip of her finger. It tasted like sweat. She flicked my lip.

“Like 30 minutes ago.”

“She’ll be back, like, tonight, at least.” I noted while chewing. A taboo daydream began forming in my mind.

“Don’t talk with your mouth full, beast. She said she’d be back after dinner. Why do you ask?”

I swallowed down the last grape, wondering how to respond. Instead of speaking, I shifted my head back, and slid my clammy arms away from her body, giving her skin a chance to breath. I took hold of her waist instead, hands wrapping around her thin abdomen. My breath hot on the back of her neck, I responded.

“I like when you talk dirty to me like that”

“It’s not talking dirty. Act like an animal, get called an animal.”

“You make me act like an animal.”

There was silence for a few seconds. She popped in one last grape and slowly turned on her stool, moving my hands and facing her body to me. Expectant, almost condescending eyes peered above her smooth face, as if she were above me, not a few inches short. Within her gaze was a considering haughtiness, like she was a smooth skinned goddess judging me from a marble throne.

I’d always found her gaze remarkably powerful, and I couldn’t help but look away. Her lightly muscled arms lead to a toned frame, which hoisted a lovely volume of breast. The tank top barely concealed them, though I’d seen them bare many times before. I heard her tutting voice and looked up to see her eyes rolling. Perhaps her cleavage was not the right spot to stare.

“You’re not very discreet. Are you in the mood, or something?” she asked, her voice almost sardonic.

“The mood for what?” I responded.

Another eye roll. She edged forward in her seat, her large brown eyes hardly a foot from mine. Her legs spread and her small fingers took hold of my hips, urging me to shuffle closer. I did, and the foot of space between our lips became inches, until our progress was stopped by my thighs touching the edge of the stool.

“Don’t make me ask again. Want to or not?” she muttered. Finally, beneath the veneer of confidence and sarcasm, the breathy tones of need and desire made themselves known in her voice. I had no intention of asking her again, but for a moment I wondered what exactly she’d been looking at on her phone before she’d figured I was near. Something had gotten *her* in the mood.

“Maybe I’m always in the mood?” My hands moved back, sandwiching the thin fabric of her tank top against her waist.

“Prove it.”

Her eyes were testing, coy, not willing to give me too much ground. Though we’d been lovers for some time now, being twins since the start meant there’d always be that competitive spin on things. Since we’d been “together,” the nature had stayed, though it just didn’t feel as bad to lose against her, in anything really. Winning didn’t feel that great either. Somehow being together seemed to take precedence, always, and seeing her eyes usually made any morning or evening feel so much brighter. Anyways, back to the point – sometimes we’d make games during our sex, but those never, ever hurt to lose.




Making the first move, I closed the distance between us, leaning down and bringing my lips to hers. The kiss was light, soft – a testing movement from the both of us. My eyes closed in that minor cherish, grip tightening around her waist, her top ruffling up in my fingers. Just as soon as I landed, I lifted off again. I could feel her light breath on my mouth, the fading smell of grape tickling me. I wasn’t satisfied though, and I figured she wasn’t either. I pushed into her, again, this time tilting my head further and letting my lips conjoin with hers. She couldn’t hold her little whimper.

For several seconds we kissed, relaxing into each other as we filled the distance between us. There was passion, but the dull heat that tainted the air kept us slow. We savored each other in those moments, letting every second stretch as our delight slowly sifted within us. Moving too fast, with too much friction, would mean getting too hot. Getting hot was inevitable, but it was a nice excuse just to go slowly for once. It seemed though, that her energy today was a little faster paced than mine. One of her hands went to my butt, greedy fingers grasping me, and her other hand went to my shoulder, helping to prop herself higher to meet me.

My right hand traveled down her waist, feeling the toned body beneath the clothing before making real contact. The journey started with flimsy tank top fabric, then the polyester of her shorts, and finally, ended on the smooth texture of her thigh. The muscle beneath flexed in anticipation as I let my fingers slide up, taking a daring journey up her leg and coaxing frenzied goosebumps aplenty. Her own hold on me tightened as I got ever closer, until my fingers met the warm material of her panties, entering the crevice between her thighs.

Below, I could feel the heat, the wetness. Above, I felt the vibration of her rising moan, stifled by my lips. All of it informed me of my precious sister’s arousal. My other hand had gone up, cradling her back to keep her tight against me. Her hard nipples poked through her top, and I could easily feel them through my own shirt. And then, almost as suddenly as it started, the moment ended. She separated her lips from mine and rested her forehead against my brow.

“It’s too hot for this.” she whined, her needy voice tinged with annoyance.

I kissed her nose, though the real action was happening downstairs. My fingers pushed on her cleft, sliding to the top of her mound. Her arousal had already gotten my fingertips wet, and I was keen to explore further. A tiny, soft whimper left my sister’s lips, her form shuddering as my pressure traveled upwards. To be honest, I wasn’t completely sure when I’d reach it, but her second exhale gave me all the information I needed, letting me know my fingers were pressing down on her clit. The fabric of her panties was thick enough that I couldn’t precisely find her little bead, but not thick enough that she wouldn’t lose her breath when I pressed down. I didn’t press down, and instead just talked.

“Why not make it a little hotter? We’ve already gone this far.” I coaxed.

“But it’s so hot. God, you’ve gotten me so hot.”

“That’s your fault, honeybee, you got this started.”

Noelle stilled for a second. She loved it when I called her pet names, though nicknames related to bees had a more cursed history before they became the little love spells that so bewitched her. It started as a mocking thing from some traumatic bee sting event years ago, but it evolved, just like our relationship. If she weren’t already blushing, she’d likely be now, but I couldn’t see more than her forehead from this angle. Her shampoo smelled fruity with the faint scent of sweat mixing within.

“Don’t be cheeky. I’ll end it too.” Her voice was hardly a whisper, and most certainly not a threat.

In response, I pressed down on her, my fingers digging into that spot underneath her panties. Her thighs spread, and in a muted moan, she rose her hips up to meet my pressure. Brought together again, our lips touched, harder now, each of us avid for a taste of the other. The hand that was coiled around my rear, slipped down to my thigh, pressing down on my own arousal. I wasn’t fully stiff yet, but her rough palming coaxed my shaft into a yearning hardness.

I took my hand out of her shorts and back over her thigh. She mumbled in protest as my lips grappled with hers, but I quickly brought my hand to her waistband, slowly creeping under the elastic. My fingers slipped beneath her pantyline, this time touching her without the barrier of clothing. The smooth surface of her skin gave way to her trimmed mound, the few strands tickling my fingertips. She was impatient for my touch, and I was impatient for her moans, so I pushed my fingers deeper, until I finally reached her little bead, nestled between my index and middle finger. As I rolled her clit, her assault on my lips stopped for a moment, back arching in response to my attention. Faint mumbles became whimpers, and she lost focus at the sudden impulse of pleasure.

Not wanting to be out done, her thin, desperate fingers stopped palming my package, which to this point was completely hard, full length straining against the thin material of my shorts. She wormed her fingers into my own shorts, feeling me within my clothes. Her grasp settled on the tip of my shaft, hand surrounding my cock head, bringing a lovely, hot pressure. Gently, she tugged, in rhythm with my rolling motions on her clit. I dived my touch lower, dipping and stroking into her own rapidly forming arousal. Through the pleasure of our groping, we brought our lips back together, kissing as we fucked each other with our hands.

And then, abruptly, I slipped out of her shorts and stepped away. Surprised at my departure, her grip around my cock quickly gave way, and her hand likewise left my clothes. Without giving her another look, I took my water bottle off the adjacent stool and strolled over to the sink. I ran the cold water and filled up the bottle, sparing her a brief glance paired with a light smile. Dangerous seconds passed, until her voice finally broke the silence.

“What the fuck did you just do.”

“I was thinking you’re right, maybe it’s too hot for this.”

“Are you fucking kidding me.” She hopped off her stool, death in her eyes.

I ignored her rapidly approaching footsteps and brought my view back to the sink, watching my bottle fill.

“Don’t you fucking *dare*.” Her words sounded closer and closer.

I just had enough time shut off the sink before her fingers wrapped around my waist and jerked me back around. Steely, killer eyes met mine for a split second before she closed the distance, leaning up to force her lips on mine. This time, there was tongue. I was hardly able to settle my bottle on the counter before she grabbed my hands and forced them on her body, reconnecting our incestual contact. My right hand went down her panties. She shivered as the cold, wet digits pushed into her cleft; water had gotten them wet under the faucet. Still, her discomfort rapidly turned to moans as my pressure grew and my precision once more fell on her clit. My other hand, she landed on her breast, keeping me there by my wrist. I kneaded her, twirling my fingers to slip under her tank top. I made contact with her nipple, gently pulling and twisting the nub.

Even though she was shorter than me, often smaller than me in more than just physical ways, it felt like she was in control, like she was leading us to our pleasure with a very iron grip. Her hand made its way back into my shorts, except this time, she slipped them down and brought me out entirely, balls hanging on the elastic of my shorts and shaft pinned between our gasping bodies. Fingers wrapped around the head of my cock and slowly tugged my foreskin up and down. We kissed as if we were each other’s lifeline, mouths now open and connected, wrestling tongues twirling together. I let her lips slide above mine and gave her the control she desired.

My hand slid down from her clit, fingers trailing over her wet folds and prodding at her entrance. While I tested its give, my thumb stayed by her nub, a weaker though just as appreciative reminder of my previous pressure. I let just the tip of my middle finger slid in, a small sample of what I intended to do with her later. Despite the subtleness of my exploration, she moaned again into my mouth, delight lacing her mellow hums. Coaxing me further, her hips once again squirmed closer, the desire for more almost impossible to misunderstand. We continued like this, kissing, with my thumb softly massaging below, my middle and now my ring finger slowly sliding in, my hand on her breast, and her fingers around my cock.

Her hand slid off my wrist and took hold of my waist. Moving slowly, still locked in our embrace, she flipped us around so her back was to the sink. For a brief moment, our lips separated, and she spoke, a warm, though still demanding whisper.

“Get on your knees.”

Nobody else could make me react to those words like her. After getting one last taste of her warm lips, I started sliding down her body, taking her shorts down with me. She was impatient; her hands went to my shoulders, easing me down as I got to my knees. I steadied myself with my hands on her thighs, all her lovely glory before me. Her arousal glistened within wet folds that were likewise within puffy, enticing mounds. The surrounding skin was pinkening, blossoming into a similar palette.

I paid her exposed beauty no attention. Instead, I kissed around it, teasing, and experimenting with her sensitivity. My touch started just above, chin daringly close to her livid heat. The musk, sweat, and light sweetness filled my senses, invigorating me in my desire to please her. Though gentle, my first kiss was almost electric, sending a shock of feeling that forced desperation into her gasping voice. I let her feel my exhales, warm blowing air tickling her wetness, and I relished the lovely smells my inhales gave me.

“Stop teasing me you little jerk.” she muttered, voice hardly aggressive, more desperate than anything else. She tried to move my head towards that welcoming mess, pulling my mouth ever closer. I complied, doing as my sister desired.

I gave a slow, experimental lick, letting my tongue travel from the middle to the top. When I reached her clit, I twirled it with my tip, flexing my tongue, letting the sides of my flexible muscle shift and push the little bead. My lips rapidly closed in, sealing, and sucking and kissing, *hard*. She ground my face into her body in response, grabbing me by the scalp and forcing me in, cooing in delight and thrusting her hips out to get every ounce of pressure she could into her. I did my best to keep my eyes peering up, watching the passion both flex and loosen her body. Her mouth was hanging idly and open, gasping lips letting out those sweet little sounds I so adored.

“God Eric, that’s so *good*.”

I hummed in response, letting my delight in tasting my sister speak for itself.

“You look so perfect on your knees,” she whispered, lidded eyes staring blissfully. Her fingers clutched my hair and found little grip in the short strands. Needless to say, she didn’t need to force me in further; I was all too willing to give her my all.

“You’re *sooo* good at eating your sister out, baby. So good. You make me so wet baby.”

This wasn’t the first time I’d eaten her out; we’d spent many hours doing exactly this, before we’d become ready to have actual sex. I was certainly not a natural. Together, we’d learned, and were still learning. Everything in me made me want to make her feel that same pleasure she gave me when she went down on me, or when she stroked me off, or when she simply held my hand. I’d grown accustomed to her form, knowing just the right ways to empty her breath into heartfelt moans.

In between staggered songs of pleasure, she mumbled something about using my fingers. Normally I’d wait a bit before doing that plus tongue, but her impatience was making itself known. And so I complied, sliding a hand to her entrance, gently prodding along, letting her know I was there. I pushed in, only my middle finger for now, ever so slowly creeping into her as I continued to tongue her clit.

“Another,” she murmured. I took a mouth break.

“Excited today, hm?” I placed a light kiss on her clit.

“Just the heat. Do it.” she seemed abashed, more so than usual when I ate her out. I decided to prod her clit with my tongue instead of prodding her mind with questions. Later would be the time for questions, now was the time for her.

Another finger, this time my ring finger, went inside, joining my middle finger. She stifled a moan at the penetration and the subsequent slide into her. Her hold in my scalp tightened, and she let out a choked exhale of pleasure. While gently and purposefully tonguing out her clit, I slid my fingers up into her, then dragged them, hard, against the spongy, sensitive textures, making sure that every part of her depths felt their presence. My hand was soaked in her arousal, and the smell provoked a heat in me that overpowered any fierce ray the sun could have shone. Knowing it’d make things easier later, I pulled my finger out of her and used both hands to hoist her on the counter, pushing her up and getting her seated by the sink. She let out a disappointed grumble at losing my attention, but her delight rapidly returned as I got back to work without delay.

“F-faster, baby.” She stammered out, grasp in my hair tight. I increased the pace of my hand, letting my finger shoot high, up, and as deep as I could reach, all the while pressing down on her walls on the descent. Squelching and wet sounds filled the echoey kitchen, and they were rapidly followed by my sister’s escalating moans. Her hips bucked into my face, trying to accelerate the passing of each knuckle in and out of her body

“Fucking don’t stop.” She groaned out, desperate.

I kept going, hand muscles sore but without a care at all for my pain, only for her pleasure. Noelle was close, and I’d do anything to get her to the edge and very well over it. And finally, with my mouth firmly secured to her, sucking while my tongue roughly twirled and massaged her clit, her muscles clenched around my fingers and she reached her peak, cumming with her brother’s face in between her thighs.

She threw her head back, and for a few seconds she was entirely silent, body quivering and shaking in a breath absent swell. Below, her muscles spasmed, and her grip pushing me into her frame was impossible to push against (not that I would have tried). The squirting began, a sweet flow of hot that flooded around my lips, some running into my mouth, most running down my shirt, dripping through the fabric and soaking my cock.

The first sounds that broke from her lips were light squeaks, before shaky breaths released unsteady yet powerful moans. Even while she came, I continued my work below, not relenting for a second. It came to the point where the wall behind her was all that was supporting her quaking form, and I kept her blubbering and faltering frame pinned with my head and hand, letting her cum flow and her body release. Minor aftershocks followed, but neither of us would last forever.

Slowly, I had to stop, and as the seconds passed, my rapid pumping became weaker, just as her moans faltered into whimpers, then heated breaths. My fingers stayed inside, but I stopped moving them, letting them stay still, lightly fluttering them back and forth. All along my hand I ached, but the flushed cheeks and dilated eyes that watched from above made it all worth it. Her fingers gently sifted through my hair, stroking me softly. My lips left her clit, ending the suckling. I repositioned lower, fastening my mouth around her entrance, and gently wiping away her arousal and what remained of her cum. Both of our eyes stayed locked together, both with messy hair, messy minds, but love distinctly between us.

Slowly, the hand that held my hair slid down to my chin, and she brought me up. I separated my lips from her with a distinct pop, and she groaned at the sensitivity, before I sealed her open mouth with a kiss. It was soft, slow, sensual; containing as much passion as the last 10 minutes, yet with a fraction of the speed and violence. She tasted herself on me, cleaning my lips of her cum, and I pulled her closer, grabbing her nude waist. Even with the disturbing heat filling the air, I’d never felt more comfortable, holding her with aching knees, aching fingers, and an aching tongue. Her lips left mine, our kiss finally broken, and she rested her head against my brow, while tracing patterns in my back with her fingers.

“You’re precious,” she croaked. Her voice was hoarse, and I couldn’t help but laugh. She choked, and joined me, a crooked giggle that flushed up my insides in a flurry before she brought us back together for another soft kiss.

“Mhmm,” I hummed back, and then passed her the water bottle. Gratefully, she took it, taking a long and hard chug of the cool water. Sweat was collecting on her neck, sticking her hair to the slippery skin. My own body had likewise responded to the heat, and I could feel its attempts to cool itself dripping down arm and leg. Her cheeks were lovely and flush, a clear blotch even against her olive skin. She looked at me when she had her fill, catching me watching, and instead of just giving the bottle to me, she placed it below my lips, tipping the rim into my mouth.

“Tap me when.”

I drank and gave her her own opportunity to watch me, carefully swallowing as she gently adjusted the flow for me. I tapped her thigh, and she removed the bottle, screwing it shut and putting it to the side. We kissed again, lips now cool and the both of us hydrated, though otherwise still dreadfully hot. The kisses ended quickly, and we settled into a hug. simply content to hold one another.

We stayed like that, absent of speech or thought, enjoying our togetherness. The minutes passed. Something, though, interrupted my aimless wondering. Slowly, I felt her right hand shift, sliding down my back and around my thigh. It settled around a part of me that’d been stuck hard since she’d decorated my face with her cum.

“I’d *really* like you to fuck me, Eric.” She whispered, apparently not yet sated. Her lithe fingers circled my cockhead, slowly playing with the red crown.

I laughed, something light and free and hardly loud enough to shake my body. I couldn’t help it; I was happy, though surprised at her crass words. She met my reaction with a giggle of her own, flashing me a radiant smile.

“I want to ride you, baby. Sofa?” She clarified while coaxing a slow drop of precum out of me.

“I’d carry you, but my knees are dead.”

“Let’s walk together then, hm? Help me down?”

I did as she asked, and slowly pulled her by the waist. Unfortunately for my cock, she stopped stroking it. Fortunately for my heart, she took hold of my forearms, cutely trusting me to lead her off the hard material. Her legs easily found the ground, though it was a little slippery from her cum. I kept her steady, listening as her little toes padded on the wet floor.

“Oops,” she mumbled, blushing at her mess. I kissed her lips again and handed her a towel. We quickly wiped down our feet, and when we were both done, I took her hands in mine, and closed in on her, kissing her. She ground up against me, letting her still clothed belly massage my shaft. It was time for all the clothes to go. My hands traveled under her tank top, and she enthusiastically helped me take off the last bit of flimsy fabric before she worked my own shirt of me. Her pony tail had come loose, and her shoulder length hair complimented that face I so adored. A moment of just admiring each other passed, flustered cheeks and lustful eyes staring at equally attractive chest and waist. That ended quick; we were on each other again within seconds, grabbing and desperate as if we’d only just found each other after years of separation.

Somehow, we made it to the couch, the both of us totally nude. She pushed me on the firm cushions, my butt landing, my spine meeting the back rest and my breath leaving me in an oof. To that, she gave me giggles, before climbing on top of me and straddling me. Her spread legs traveled up mine, knees reaching above my waist, butt landing up to my thigh. The couch wasn’t very wide, so her feet hung off the edge of cushion. She nestled her cleft right against my cock, pinning my pained hardness between her soaked folds and my toned belly. Slowly, she rose up, grabbing my shaft with one hand to bring it up to her.

“Do you want your sister to ride you, Eric?” she teased, though she was struggling to compose herself as she played with my cock. Her grasp rubbed it against her entrance, then pushing it forward to grind my tip against her clit. I didn’t answer, mind clouded and distracted by the attention and wetness she was already giving me. Not that I was alone in that regard; her voice was unsteady, clear that just the feeling of my hardness grinding against her arousal was pleasure enough to affect her.

“Want your twin sister to drain your balls with her *pussy*? Is that what you want, baby?”

“Yes, I want it..” I murmured out, straining to push my hips higher, hands tense on her knees. She expected it, and rose away, smiling coquettishly at my lust.

“You want what?”

She knew how the word bothered me, *pussy*, how I never felt right saying or using it. It felt too vulgar, something that made me cringe if I had to speak it. Even so, the coupling of my discomfort in using it, the deep taboo in her words, and the intense desire I had for her; nothing felt more right.

“I want my twin sister to fuck herself on my cock.”

“Perfect,” She practically moaned that word, finally lining me up, nestling my cockhead right against the constant heat of her entrance before lowering herself. I watched.

Her entrance stretched around my impending shape, easily giving passage to a familiar and very welcome guest. My cockhead quickly disappeared, red crown swallowed greedily by her impatient descent. The gradually filling pleasure pushed an elongated moan out of her, eyes closed and mouth agape in distracted delight. It felt extraordinary, a wonderful bliss that continued as I traveled higher and higher into her. Pops and sparks of pleasure shook through, jutting into me and through my core. Within, all was surrounded and enmeshed by a thick and soaking warmth; dripping and heating and clenching and titillating every nerve that dwelled in me. The rest of my shaft was readily engulfed, only slowing down at the end of my length, where I got wider at the base, only stopping once I was truly, completely inside her, when her split mounds kissed my base and our trimmed pubes tickled wet skin. Her drawn out moan ended when she finally took all of me, when her butt touched my thigh and she brought her mouth down to mine, sealing our sounds of ecstasy together.

I interrupted our kissing, and she went for my neck, sending shivers down my spine with her sucks and nibbles.

“You’re so tight, bee.”

“Can’t help it baby, you’re fuckin big.” Our lips rejoined, tongues intertwining and fighting for control.

She circled her waist, gently grinding and stirring me inside her, sending more of those mind melting sparks into my core. I felt myself throb inside her, expanding and embracing further the slick walls that surrounded. From the way she clutched me and moaned into my mouth, she must have felt the same. She slid back up, eyes staring right into mine. Her hands were on the sides

“God, your cock feels amazing.” She emphasized her words with more grinding, lightly twisting and shifting her hips with my shaft buried in her. Her breasts shook as she swayed her body, hair dragging and gasps arising, entire body involved in our passion.

“You look so fucking hot, bee. So fucking pretty.”

“I’m going to fuck the daylights out of you, baby.”

“I’ll love every second of it. I love you, bee.”

“I love you too, baby, so much.” She’d started forcing her tongue into my mouth by the time she’d said the last two words, so I wasn’t quite sure what she’d said exactly. We both moaned into each other as she shifted her hips upwards, pulling and sliding the surface of my shaft, making the hard ridge of my cockhead drag against the walls of her insides. She didn’t pull out far; getting me about halfway exposed to the hot air before plunging back down, firmly planting her ass on my thigh and sticking my cock into her depths. The same motion was repeated multiple times; minor ascents and descents, kissing me all the while.

After several moments, she ended our kissing, and we focused only on the sex. Not leaning down meant she could get a better angle and she wouldn’t need to worry about head butting me when she wanted to go faster. And go faster she did. Moaning all the while, she sped up, not only angling her hips more, but also bouncing with her knees, bobbing up and down and landing with a wet and slippery ferocity. The room was full of our echoey fucking, mutual songs of ecstasy seeping from the two of us with the sliding and smacking of our skin laying the beat.

“You’re so wet, so tight.”

“Only for you baby, god I love when you throb.” She answered back. Unconsciously, I throbbed right then, and her delighted giggle quickly morphed into a back arching moan. I doubled down and pushed upwards, raising my hip into her and forcing a gasp from her lungs. Biting her lip, she looked down with heated eyes and sped up her efforts, shaking the springy couch.

More than once per second, she moved my shaft through almost the entirety of her embrace, enveloping me from cockhead to base with fluid, practiced movements. She was working hard for this; her hair was disheveled, sticking to neck and flying about; there was sweat glistening on her body, adding a sheen to her olive skin; and hard gasps flew out of her toned frame, sending her generous bust bobbing in the air. I grabbed a hanging breast, and she gasped, a sound out of rhythm with her thrusting. She smiled at me, open mouth bending at the sides to signal her appreciation.

“Feels… so good, baby. Fuck the heat, I could fuck you forever.” Her voice was high, mixed within desperate breaths and quickly replaced by her frequent moans. I throbbed at her words, and to her delight pinched her nipple, fingers lightly rubbing at the hardened skin. She was wet from sweat, and it was clear even on her breast. I was surely the same, I could feel the mess all over my body.

“Yes baby, yes. Fuck your brother’s cock. You’re so perfect, love.” I spurred her on, though I could feel in myself that I was getting closer to the edge. “I’m almost there, I’m gonna cum so hard in you.” Her moans deepened with those words, and I could feel her almost going faster, eagerly shaping herself around my shaft. I thrusted up into her, meeting her descents with my own force, powering in and out of her.

“I’m so close too. I want you to cum in me. Cum in your sister, baby, please.” She grabbed the hand that I’d secured on her waist and interlaced my fingers into it. Her other hand went to her occupied breast, and she did the same there too. Those brilliantly piercing eyes were lidded, staring directly into mine from atop her quivering and bouncing form. Our eye contact would only end when the pleasure was too much, when eyes simply had to close, or heads had to tense away from the shock. Her jaw was loose and open in a constant barrage of sound, though I was much the same. We were connected, gazes locked together, bodies deathly hot together, hands intertwined and sex constant and passionate. And so we stayed, as I felt her second orgasm of the day start to flow out.

“Oh *fuck* Eric, I’m cumming baby, oh *fucking god*.”

She rode it on, continuing to urge herself hard and steadfast into a heart stopping climax. Animalistic and driven by instinct more than thought, she enveloped me again and again, my cockhead sliding deep into her and dragging along every inch of her pulsating warmth. The rest of her body seized up, hands clutching mine ferociously and voice quaking and begging my name, babbling curses. I wanted to add to her vocal pleasure, but I was losing my focus. Within her depths, her walls tightened, and there was nothing I could do not to join her, cumming deep into her wild form.

The pleasure of my climax was incomparable to the steady sparks and shots of ecstasy that came before. Like underwater explosions, muted and rippling out from my core, I felt every single spurt as I emptied my balls into her, my sister, who was desperately holding on to my hands as she rode her orgasm on my cum pumping cock. I painted her insides white, my mess traveling the entire length of her clenching warmth and spilling out her entrance as she pumped and swirled my mess with her bouncing. It leaked out from her lower lips, spilling over my balls, and mixing with the arousal that already decorated both of our thighs. The pulsing tightness contested with the slick and slippery movements, straining our motions but nonetheless pulling every drop of my seed out and flowing within her quivering insides. Both of us were lost in our bodies, slaves to the mind shattering consequences of our affair.

When the last spurt of my cum shot out of me, I was hardly conscious, not even noticing that she’d laid down on me. Sweat covered our skin, and our only movements were the rising and falling of both of our chests, panting and dry mouths desperate for oxygen.

Slowly, heavy breaths became silent rumblings, before both our bodies stilled, stuck in a disturbingly hot and moist embrace, yet still more comfortable than we could have imagined. I could almost feel the soft pull of sleep take me away, before she spoke, gentle voice soft on my ear.

“I love you,” she whispered. Those words rendered me, exploding my heart into a ball of fluff and feathers, every particle falling and tickling my chest as they fell and settled.

“I love you too,” I croaked, dry voice raspy. It sounded more like sanding wood than speaking, but it made her giggle, which brought only happiness to my core. I wrapped my arms around her, and she nestled into my embrace, snuggled and ignorant to the biting heat. It seemed like things were gonna be okay, despite the world.


**All characters in this story who are referred to sexually or are engaged sexually are over the age of eighteen and are regarded as such in the text. All characters in this story are works of fiction who have no similarities to real individuals. This is a fantasy about fictitious adults made exclusively for adults.**

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k24x6u/me_and_my_twin_sister_fucked_on_a_hot_summer_day