Butts and Beers [M/F, Anal] – A man and his sister-in-law try something new

**A brand new story. I’m trying to get back into the rhythm of writing after far too long.**

As these things so often do, it all began with a few beers.

Emily had been sitting quietly at one end of the couch that day, watching television and nursing her long neck bottle of beer, when she started shooting sidelong looks at the man who was sitting alongside her. It took her some time to work up the courage … or for the booze to lower her inhibitions enough, but she eventually leaned over and gave him a nudge.

“Hey,” she said casually, as if it was the most normal thing in the world to ask such a question. “Aren’t you kinda into anal?”

Of course she had managed to say that just as he was taking a sip from his second bottle and had Will coughing as he choked on it. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he gave her an astonished look. “I beg your pardon!”

She shrugged, acting as if she was innocent of what an odd question that was to ask someone right out of the blue. “I just thought you might be. Brenda was telling me that you must have asked her a hundred times if she would let you fuck her ass. Just between you and me, she thinks you’re a little bit of a freak on that subject.”

He grumbled softly to himself, not for the first time wishing that his wife would learn to keep her mouth shut. The woman had a very bad habit of telling her sister absolutely everything no matter how private or personal. His cheeks reddening, he knew that there was no point in trying to tell this young woman to mind her own business.

“Fine. I have fantasies of … doing stuff with my Brenda’s bottom. So?”

She raised her bottle and had another gulp. “But she won’t let you. She thinks it’s gross and nasty. That’s what she was telling me anyway.”

Will raised his own bottle too, hoping to hide some of his embarrassment over this odd conversation behind it. “Yeah, that’s what she told me, too.” He tipped his bottle then, finishing it off, before asking again, “So?”

She shrugged again, keeping her eyes on the TV and carefully avoiding his gaze. “I just found your situation sorta interesting …”

As her voice trailed off, he set his empty bottle down and took a closer look at his sister-in-law. She was nervous about something, he realized with a start. Maybe she was more conscious of what a weird thing this was to be chatting about than she was letting on? Then why was she asking about it in the first place?

“Oh? Why is that?”

She took another gulp of beer, keeping silent for a moment. “Rain can be kinda slutty and is always bragging about what she does with her guys. I mean, she just cannot shut up about it! Anyway, she says she loves it when the guys eat her ass or stick their dicks in it.”

He knew who she was talking about, of course. Rain’s name was really Lorraine, but the woman hated her given name with a passion as she thought it was too traditional … too normal. She was Emily’s roommate in the college dorm and had far too many tattoos and piercings for Will’s liking. On the other hand, he did find her blue and purple hair and porn star sized tits sort of interesting.

Emily continued, “Anyway, she’s spent so much time gushing about it that I’ve gotten sorta … curious about anal.”

Will nodded. “So, you’ll be having a little talk with your boyfriend then? I’ll bet he’d love to try something new with you.”

She groaned, sounding annoyed. “You would think so, wouldn’t you? But no! That idiot George agrees with my sister that anal sex is nasty. Sure, he’ll grab my butt all day long, but he won’t so much as stick a finger in it.”

“That’s too bad.”

Will was starting to get an idea of where this conversation might be heading, but couldn’t quite believe it. He and his sister-in-law had the exact same problem – they wanted to have anal sex but no one who was willing to do it with them. Was it possible that Emily was working her way towards suggesting that the two of them should try it out together?!

He couldn’t quite make himself believe it. She and her sister were very, very close and it was impossible to believe that she would want to fool around with Brenda’s husband. Besides, it’s not like he had ever noticed any hints that she might find him at all attractive.

“Why don’t you tell Rain about your problem?” he eventually suggested. “You can’t tell me that a girl like that would have any problem with it. She’s probably got a nice selection of toys, too. Or you could ask her to introduce you to one of her more anal playmates.”

She scoffed. “Rain is one of my best friends, but I’m not about to get busy with her. She says she always and only has safe sex, but that woman gets it so often that I cannot believe that she doesn’t have some kind of … infection. And if she has something, I’ll bet all her men have it as well.” She took a drink from her beer. “And dildos? What would be the point? I mean, sticking something inanimate up my ass isn’t going to tell me what I want to know. I’m looking for the real thing, you know? There’s nothing that can match the real thing.”

A heavy silence fell over the room then, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

It was sounding more and more like she really was interested in getting her sister’s husband to help her with this, but Will absolutely refused to take that for granted. If he was wrong, Emily would surely report to her sister that he had tried to hit on her and he didn’t even want to think about what would happen after that.

“Sounds like we have the same problem then.”

She heaved a sigh, accepting that he wasn’t going to make things easier by taking the bait she was dangling and making the suggestion himself. Gulping down the last of her beer and setting the empty bottle aside, she turned to look at him.

“So …” Her voice was soft and hesitant, her manner nervous and cautious. “So, maybe we could … help each other out?”

He couldn’t help but give her a startled look. Sure, he had seen this coming, but actually hearing her offer him the chance to have sex with her behind Brenda’s back was just shocking. “Em … !”

“Don’t get any ideas!” she said quickly, waving a warning finger in his face. “I’m not trying to suggest we have an affair of anything. I wouldn’t do that to my sister. Not ever!” She took a deep breath to calm herself, then added, “All I’m saying is that we try this once and only once so we can both find out what it’s really like. After that, everything goes back to normal and we never speak of this again.”

He nodded slowly. “Um, yeah … okay …”

“And we don’t do anything except the anal. That’s all this is about, after all.”

Will shook his head at that. “Can’t be done. It’s not like I can just snap my fingers and suddenly have an erection that I’m ready to stick into someone.” She looked more than a little doubtful at that claim. Her experience with men told her that they got hard and were ready to go at the drop of a hat, but she could hardly argue with his next comment. “Come on, you can’t tell me that this won’t go better for us both if we were … aroused.”

Emily hesitated, hating the idea of betraying her sister and yet consumed with curiosity. “What exactly are you suggesting?”

“Just that we start with a little oral to get us both in the mood.”

“And then the anal, right?”

“Right. And then we never speak of any of this ever again.”

She hesitated for another long moment, then nodded firmly. “Okay then.” She looked to the clock on the wall. “Let’s do it now. We should have more than enough time to do this and get cleaned up before Brenda gets back.”

That sounded good to him and he reached for the front of her pants, but she immediately jumped up and off the couch, taking herself out of his reach. “NO! I can take off what I have to all by myself. You just get your own pants off!”

He backed off quickly, holding up his hands in a calming, placating gesture. Apparently, undressing each other would have been too romantic and not businesslike enough for his sister-in-law. This is just friends helping each other out, he reminded himself, and NOT an affair.

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry.”

He couldn’t help but watch closely as the young woman unfastened her pants and bent forward to push them down to the floor. He had seen those long, smooth legs plenty of times before when Emily wore shorts or her tiny bikini, but there was something especially fascinating to him. It was a natural enough reaction and he felt his cock start to rise as a result, but he used every trick he could think of to keep from getting too hard right now. If he got fully erect just from looking at her legs, he just knew that she would insist on not having oral sex with him after all.

She tried not to appear too interested when he started to take his pants off, hoping to keep her sister’s husband from imagining for even an instant that she was in any way interested in him romantically. No, this really was all about satisfying their mutual curiosity about anal sex and nothing more. Still, she could mot deny that her heart sped up a bit at the sight of her brother-in-law’s muscular legs. She had known he worked out of course, but hardly ever got to catch a glimpse of how it was benefiting him. A long, deep breath helped to steady her.

Will did nothing to conceal how closely he was watching as the younger woman next pulled off her panties. He may have seen her legs plenty of times before, but he had certainly never had the chance to see the most intimate parts of her body before. Her bubble butt had been impossible to hide using just a pair of jeans, but he was almost drooling when he got a look at it in all it’s glory. What a tight and sexy ass! Her pussy came into view next and he could see that her labia were protruding, evidence that she was getting aroused. There was no fighting it anymore and he started rising to attention.

The pretense that she was disinterested was instantly discarded when she saw that Will was taking his underwear off. He wasn’t small, she noted, but he certainly wasn’t as big as her boyfriend. She supposed that was a blessing as it would mean that he could get into her tight little asshole more easily and without so much painful stretching. George wasn’t quite as long as Will though and she found herself fantasizing wildly about not just how deep it could go not just into her bottom, but into all three of her holes. A drop of something wet went rolling down the inside of her thigh as she saw her sister’s husband get more and more erect.

It occurred to them both at this point that the notion that they needed oral to get them into the mood was obviously wrong, but neither of them thought to mention it.

“Um, so …”

“I guess we should …”



It was actually kind of awkward and a bit uncomfortable to do it there on the couch, but the couple managed to arrange themselves in a sixty-nine with Will on the bottom. Even bottomless and in such an intimate position, the other’s genitals right in front of their face, they managed to be a little awkward about actually taking the final step here and cheating on Brenda and George. It was a moment of nervousness that would not last long though.

Reaching out, she ran a single fingertip slowly along the full length of her brother-in-law’s now very erect cock and couldn’t help but giggle when he moaned softly and his meat jerked eagerly. He was less of a tease and answered that by running his tongue slowly along her lower lips, separating them and dipping inside her. Her giggles suddenly dissolved into a gasping cry when she felt that wet caress, but returned when she heard a murmured “Yum” come from between her legs.

Taking hold of the base of his shaft with one hand and cupping his heavy balls with the other, she started swirling her tongue around the head of his cock. She paid a lot of attention to his shaft then in ways that had never failed her yet, licking and kissing it lovingly, her hand slowly stroking it up and down. She eventually started sucking on the tip before lowering her head, taking more and more of him down her throat.

Will was much more direct, spreading her swollen lips apart with his fingers to drive his tongue in deep after the tasty nectar. He licked her pussy both inside and out, stroking and caressing her erect clitoris with his tongue. When he began to suck on the clitoris, he pushed first one and then another finger into her and began to pump them in and out. Twisting his fingers to the left and the right, curling them to tickle her G-spot, thrusting them in and out harder and harder, he gave her clit a little nibble and was pleased to hear her squeal.

By the time she had impressed him and herself both by sucking his entire dick down her throat and keeping it there, he had to beg for mercy.

“Em? We gotta stop, Em.” His face was flushed with excitement and wet with her cum as he pulled it out of her cunt at last. “Emily? You’re gonna make me cum.”

For a moment, she didn’t see the problem. Taking his dick out of her mouth, she jerked it good and hard as she answered, “So? I don’t have a problem with swallowing, Will.”

He hesitated briefly, thinking how great it would be to shoot his load down her throat, or maybe all over her pretty face. It would be so easy to just keep this up until they both came, but he knew he’d better not let that happen. How long would it take him to get a new erection? Would she be willing to help him with it or would she think better of doing this crazy thing with him any more? Would they still have enough time to do this before Brenda came home?

“Em, we really gotta stop. This isn’t about cheating on Brenda, remember? We just wanted to try anal.”

She sighed heavily and stopped what she was doing a little unwillingly, not releasing her firm grip on his meat. “Okay, okay. You’re right. I was getting carried away.” She climbed back off of him, looking back with an almost shy smile. “I was really enjoying what you were doing to my cunt, by the way.”

He thought better of admitting to her that he had been doing the things that never failed to get her sister off, but returned the compliment. “Your no slouch at giving oral yourself, Em. I’ve never had a girl deep throat me before.” Rising unsteadily to his feet, he gave her a grin. “Your guy George is a very lucky man.”

She was obviously pleased. “Thanks.”

With her legs weak and her pussy thoroughly used, she didn’t even try to move very far. Moving around to bend over the back of the couch, she stuck her ass out invitingly, her legs apart. “Come on then, Will. Come and fuck my tight little ass.”

He had been waiting since puberty to hear a woman say that and it sent him lurching around the couch at top speed in his desperation to finally bury his meat in some ass. She laughed out loud at his enthusiasm, but it also turned her on. Sure, these circumstances were kind of unusual, but when was the last time her boyfriend was as eager as this to have his way with her? She looked back over her shoulder with a wide smile as he took up position behind her.

Will just couldn’t resist and moved his hands in a gentle caress over her ass cheeks. It was so great to be able to touch a woman like this and not have her tense up. His wife knew his interests all too well and always reacted with discomfort when he touched her butt, making him nervous and overly cautious. Emily just cooed with pleasure and instead pushed her butt back to get more of the same. He was a very happy camper indeed.

Rather than try to stick his dick into her ass right away, he went down on his knees back there and took hold of her by the hips. He kissed her cheeks all over, working his way closer and closer to her crack as she sighed happily and started to squirm. Breathing hard, her heart pounding furiously in her chest, she let out a little cry of pleasure as he next started to lick his way down that crack towards her sphincter.

“Will?” she purred.

“Mmhmm?” came the muffled response from between her ass cheeks.

“What are you doing? Didn’t we agree that we were only going to have anal sex?”

He moved his hands a little so he could spread her cheeks apart and do a better job of licking and kissing her. “This is anal sex,” he pointed out firmly as he worshiped his sister-in-law’s ass.

“Yes, but …”

She never got to finish that sentence. As he used his thumbs to spread her asshole open a little wider, a deep moan was pulled out of her very soul. When his tongue dipped inside the hole though, her knees almost buckled and she had to put all her weight on the couch to keep from sagging all the way to the carpet. He busied himself with licking out the inner edges of her hole, noting that the taste of a clean and well cared for butt was surprisingly good.

When he drove his tongue in just as far as it would go, pushing it in and out, Emily’s eyes rolled back in her head and she cried out, “Holy shit!”

Excited by how strongly she was responding to what he was doing to her, Will needed to fuck her now. Rising back to his feet, he gripped his shaft with one hand and steered it to her backdoor, giving her a few bumps and nudges. Emily whimpered and pushed her butt back to meet him, grinding herself against his cock and nearly making him cum then and there.

Dropping down a little lower, he slid the full length of his shaft slowly back and forth between her dripping labia a few times without actually entering her, coating it in her freely flowing fluids.

Emily was a little cautious. He wasn’t supposed to fuck her pussy! That wasn’t what they’d agreed on! On the other hand, she was feeling less and less interested by the moment in trying to stop him if he was inclined to give her a more traditional fucking. “Will?”

“Just getting myself a little lube, love.”

She gasped softly when she heard him call her love, the endearment surprising her and making her heart lurch in ways she could never have anticipated. It was just because of this weird situation though, right? It couldn’t be that she was developing some dangerous feelings for her sister’s husband, could it?

The head of his cock was back at her asshole then, pushing against her puckered sphincter with much more force and determination. Clinging to the couch with one hand, she reached back with the other to try to spread herself open a little better for him, then shoved her butt back at him. Even after all of the … preparation the couple had put into it, the entry was not an easy one and there was much grunting and gasping as they worked, but when they finally succeeded it drew a joyous and delighted moan of sheer pleasure from them both.

In their inexperience, neither of them quite knew when to clench and when to relax and so it took a little time and trouble for the couple to complete this intimate, forbidden connection, but soon enough he was buried in her almost all the way up to his balls.

Gasping, his mouth hanging open and his eyelids fluttering, he marveled over how great it felt to be clenched so tightly in her hot, velvet fist. In the meantime, she had her eyes squeezed closed and her teeth clenched as she was stretched wide open, feeling so very full.

Holding onto her hips so tightly that it would leave bruises, he started to pump himself in and out of her slowly and carefully in the beginning. She lowered her head, clenching the fabric of the couch in her fists as she fucked him right back, each thrust into her pushing out a gasp.

“Fuck me harder, Will,” she pleaded in a hoarse, choked voice. “Take me hard and deep. I want it. God, I want it so much. Fuck me, baby!”

“Yes. Yes, I will, love.” He started thrusting into her harder and harder, faster and faster, crying out in ecstasy as he pounded himself into her. As he started hammering himself into her, he was sinking in even deeper and was now going into her all the way up to the balls. Breathing more and more quickly, he snorted and grunted like a wild animal with the exertion of using this woman’s ass.

She took everything he was giving her and demanded more, humping her butt back hard to meet each thrust and wailing like a woman being torn limb from limb … but in a good way. Her hands were gripping the couch now, threatening to shake it apart as she writhed and jerked on the end of his long, stabbing dick.

The friction was starting to become more noticeable enough by now that it even made it through the dense haze of pleasure and lust that was fogging his head. “Gonna … need … some … more … lube … soon,” he gasped out, the words escaping in between thrusts.

She shook her head wildly, her hair flying. “No.”

“It’s … okay,” he tried to explain. “Brenda … and … I … have … some … warming … gel …”

“I said no, goddammit!” she yelled, rearing up from the couch as she shoved her ass back harder than ever. “Don’t you dare stop! Not for a moment! Not for any reason! Just keep fucking me, baby! Make me feel it!”

This was the second time she’d used the endearment, but the first time he actually heard it. It may have inspired the most intense excitement in him to hear her beg him to fuck her, but the term of affection somehow hit him even harder. He made up his mind that he was going to give her exactly what she wanted – really, what they both wanted.

His arms reached around her, going up under her shirt to grab hold of her by the tits firmly as he banged her savagely, even brutally. As she twisted and bounced, swiftly driven beyond any rational thought, she reached back with one hand to grab him by the back of the head. Her other arm stretched out in front of her, flailing about blindly as she grabbed at nothing in her passion.

All it took then was one more cruelly hard barrage of thrusts into her ass and suddenly he was convulsing as he came, the seemingly endless spray of white hot cum jetting deep inside her. He filled her to overflowing very quickly and a great deal of cum splattered over her cheeks, his crotch, and the floor below them. If that hadn’t been enough to set her off, the feeling of his teeth inadvertently sinking into her neck hard enough to leave a nasty bruise most certainly was. Pushing herself back into him, she shuddered as waves of an overwhelming orgasm ripped through her body, rebounding over and over as if it would never end.

And with that, it was like all the strength instantly fled their bodies and they came crashing down together over the back of the couch, him on top of her. It would take a little time for the couple to catch their breath, to hear anything other than the pounding of their hearts, and for the world to stop spinning around them, but they waited it out in a limp but loving embrace.

“Baby?” she breathed in a hoarse voice.

His face buried in her hair, he softly muttered, “Yeah, love?”

She was silent for the longest time, but finally whispered, “This isn’t going to be the only time we ever do this.”

As his softening cock slid free of her at last, a big dollop of his seed following it out of her gaping asshole and dropping to the carpet, they both moaned as they realized just how raw they had rubbed each other.

“No. No it’s not.” He took a deep breath and pressed a tender kiss to her cheek.

With each of them offering up a silent apology to Brenda, hoping and praying that she would never found out about the affair they were now having, the couple dragged themselves upright and got to work cleaning things up.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/k1wzmk/butts_and_beers_mf_anal_a_man_and_his_sisterinlaw


  1. That was fantastic! Very well written. If you intend to make it a series that would be great. Thanks!

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