My Sister Lizzy Part 8 [M18] [F21] [MF] [MM] [FF] [BDSM]

Looking down I could see Lizzy’s pussy wide open and a ton of cum poured out as it began to shrink.

“Holy Christ, that was so good, I don’t think I could do this on a regular basis but “Holy fuck” that was intense.”

As Lizzy rested, Tom managed to stand and stretch, his cock still hard as nails stood proud.

Dave and I were in awe of having watched Tom loose his virginity to the girl we loved.

What was even more amazing was that moments later Lizzy was ready again.
How did we know?

Lizzy spread her legs and asked if Dave and I would fuck her front and back.
That is a request that she didn’t have to ask twice.

Dave laid down on his back, while Lizzy mounted him. As she bent over I lubed up her ass and began the process of working my way past her little ring.

As Dave and I began to create a rhythm, Tom was closely watching the action, his face just inches from the point of our coupling.

While I was concentrating on the task at hand I felt Tom playing with my balls and ass.
Suddenly Tom was probing my bottom with the dildo.
After lubing up my bottom he started working the toy into my bottom.
When I opened up the toy found it’s way home, god I love the feeling of my bottom being stretched open.

Lizzy meanwhile was crying out with joy as she was being plundered.
In the midst of this Lizzy shouted out to Tom.
“Fuck my brothers ass!”
Tom removed the dildo and moved into position behind me and began to work that monster into my ass. 

This took a few minutes as I opened up to accept his larger then life cock.
Having cum just moments before Tom was holding his own.
Tom picked up his pace and began to pound my bottom like a mad man.

I was out of my mind with lust.
The four of us falling into a sweat filled ball of lust and passion.

Lizzy was undergoing a series of orgasms, one right after another.
As Dave called out, “I’m cumming!”
I began to feel his cock pulsing through the thin membrane separating us I began my fall into my orgasm.

With Dave and I filling Lizzy’s pussy and ass, my orgasm and the contractions of my little ring caused Tom to deliver up a load of cum into my ass.
I must admit that I love the feeling of a hard cock pulsing in my ass, especially one this big.

One by one we fell away from Lizzy and each other.
All of us were soaked with sweat, looking like we had been soaked by a fire hose.

Tom was the first to speak.
“God, talk about jumping in with both feet!.
Never in my life would I have believed this was how I was going to lose my cherry!
How long have you guys been doing this?”
“Not long, just a few months.” I said.
“Holy crap, this is the best thing I’ve ever done!” He said.

As he was talking Lizzy got up and exclaimed that she was going to take a shower and asked Dave to join her. 
While they were doing their thing in the shower, Tom and I had a chance to talk.

“Tom, how do you feel, was this everything you thought it would be?
I hope you didn’t feel uncomfortable with our style of play?”
“To tell the truth I was scared shitless at first. 
I didn’t know if I could go along with what I was being asked to do.
I mean I was OK with fucking your sister, it was playing with other guy’s that worried me.
However I just went with the flow and found that it realty didn’t matter who I was playing with.
We were all here in a warm safe caring place that I didn’t feel threatened or embarrassed.” He said.

“I’m glad we invited you to join us and become part of our little group.
And I am doubly happy to discover that magnificent cock you bring to the party.
I’m surprised that you held onto your virginity as long as you did.
I can’t believe that word of your endowment didn’t have the girls pounding at your door for a taste!”

“Well there were a couple of girls who heard about it but I was way too shy and withdrawn to do anything.” Tom said.
“So Tom, are you willing to join us in exploring our and your limits?

We have been trying to expand our horizons and to that end we have begun to try everything we have seen in all the porn we ever watched.”  I asked.
“As far as I’m concerned if it doesn’t break any of my bones, I’m in.
Like you I have secretly wanted to try everything I saw on the porn sites, the truth is I was to afraid to really try anything, but now, hell yes, let’s do this.” He said.

When Lizzy and Dave returned from their shower she plopped down in the lazy boy chair and promptly fell asleep.
Dave came and joined us on the couch.

Amazing I said, that girl can fall asleep at the drop of a hat and anywhere she sits her butt down.
“Dave, what are you doing tomorrow night? 
Tom and I have been talking and I think we should invite him to join us in the barn tomorrow night.”

“I think I’m free and I think it would be fun to have Tom in the barn.” Dave said.

“What’s special about the barn?” Asked Tom.
I told him that he would just have to trust us, that what will happen will begin your journey into your personal freedom, you will just have to trust us.”
Tom’s only response, “OK.”

After Tom left the three of us fell asleep on the bed and slept until sunrise.
Upon waking Dave handed Lizzy a gift wrapped box.
Upon opening she found a pair of panties with a little extra.
When she inquired what it was Dave was close mouthed, he just said to wear them and she would find out in due time.

Later we headed into town for breakfast and shopping.
As we were sitting down to order breakfast Lizzy suddenly jumped out of her chair straight up about ten feet.
“What the fuck was that?” I asked.
Dave was doing his best to not break into a belly laugh.
Lizzy settled down after a moment, reached over and Punched Dave in the arm.
At which Dave did break out in laughter.

“Those panties I gave Lizzy this morning have a built in vibrator that sits right over her clit, and what I have in my pocket is the remote control for those panties.
What you saw was me triggering the panties and Lizzy’s reaction to it.” Dave told us.
“Bastard!.” Lizzy said with a grin that told us she wasn’t to upset.

For the remainder of the morning Dave would wait until Lizzy was in a position that would prevent her from reacting to the vibrator.

One time she was talking to the Sheriff about a parking ticket she had gotten the week before, another time she was in the library checking out a book and a couple of movies, when Dave hit the button while Lizzy was at the librarians desk.

While each of these earned Dave a punch in the arm, I don’t think he minded very much.    
Throughout the day Dave would drive her nuts by thumbing the remote.

Although for Lizzy it soon grew tiring and she asked Dave to kindly refrain from using the remote, a request he complied with, for the most part.

As the time came for us to return to the barn Lizzy and I stayed in the apartment while Dave made his preparations.

Seven pm rolled around and Tom was walking up the path towards us.
Lizzy and I met him at the door to the barn and waited for Dave to invite us in.
On the door to the barn were three blindfolds and a note that read;

“Place the blindfolds on and enter, when you are just inside the doors remove your clothes and stand still until I come and get you.
There will be no talking until you are spoken to, breaking the rules will result in punishment.” 

We entered the barn and following directions removed our clothes and waited.
Tom whispered to me and asked if this was safe?
I told him to just trust that Dave wouldn’t do anything to truly hurt us and to just go with the flow.

Hearing Dave walk up the first person he took was Lizzy. 
As they walked deeper into the barn I could hear the sound of ropes being pulled over the beams of the rafters.
Dave next came over to me and walked me over towards the spot where Lizzy was standing.

With his finger on my lips to signal me to keep quiet, he removed my blindfold.
Turning around I saw Lizzy hanging from the rafters, her arms spread outward and pulled taught, her feet just touching the floor.

Dave walked over to Tom and led him to where Lizzy was standing and proceeded to tie him face to face with Lizzy and pressed up against her body.
Dave walked around the two of them and began to touch and rub each of them.
Reaching between them he took Tom’s cock in hand and began to stroke him to hardness.

When Tom was fully erect he turned his attention to Lizzy.
Stroking her pussy and playing with her little titty’s, he had those thick nipples standing out and proud.
As he began to play with her pussy she began to moan and groan into Tom’s ears.

Dave placed a small wooden crate at her feet and asked her to step up onto it.
As she did so Dave reached under Tom and lined his cock up with Lizzy’s pussy.
As Dave began to rub Tom’s cock along her slit they both began to let out moans.

Holding Tom’s cock he pushed down on Lizzy’s shoulder.
As she sank down his cock began the slow process of impaling Lizzy’s pussy.
After a few minutes of work Tom was fully inside her.
Now Dave took the box from under Lizzy’s feet, this caused Tom’s cock to push into her deeper than the night before.
Dave’s next step was to fasten ball gags to each of them.
Now they were gagged, blindfolded and tied to each other.

As Dave stepped back he began to speak.
“You two know the rules, yet you still talked when you were told not to.
Lizzy, you know the safe words, Tom we have some safe words that are in place for your own well being.

Yellow means, slow down, and Red means STOP, say this and everything stops.
If you are unable to speak then stomp your foot three times for Yellow and four times for stop.

Now I am going to administer your discipline for speaking out of turn. 
Each of you will receive ten strokes of the belt.”
Dave took a stand behind Lizzy, the belt flashed through the air and landed upon Lizzy’s bottom with a loud crack.
This elicited a groan from her and caused her to sink a bit onto Tom’s cock.

Moving behind Tom he repeated this, Tom’s reaction to this was to drive his hips forward in response to the blow.
This of course caused him to drive his cock deeper into Lizzy. 

Alternating from one to the other for each blow Dave continued the spanking.
At the fifth stroke both of them were visibly sweating.
Yet each blow caused them to fuck each other deeper and harder then the prior blow did.
In between blows both were fast approaching orgasm.

As Dave sensed this he slowed down to allow them the time to reduce the chance of them cumming to early.
Halting at the tenth blow Dave walked over and began to stroke both their faces and backs telling them how pleased he was that they held up so well.

Now Tom’s cock was still wedged inside of Lizzy and they both kept moving around trying to keep the friction going, trying to keep the “edge” going.
As Dave saw this he pushed down on both their shoulders while telling them to stand still or be punished.

Next he produced a pair of plugs, placing a drop of lube on each plug he took one in each hand and began to simultaneously work them into each of their bottoms.

Both Tom and Lizzy now began to twist at the ends of their ropes as the plugs began to stretch their bottoms open.
The two of them were bucking and twisting while at the same time Tom’s cock kept working it’s way deeper and deeper into Lizzy.
Once the plugs were fully seated Dave stepped back and watched as they began to relax a bit.

While Dave was standing there he motioned for me to kneel at his feet.
I knew exactly what he wanted.
So I knelt and took his cock into my mouth and gave him a long sloppy Bj.
While I was busy slobbering all over his cock he would reach over and stroke the bottoms of the two of them with a riding crop, nothing to hard, just hard enough to keep them moving around.

Dave took my head in his hands holding me still as he began to fuck my face and throat.
His thrusting coupled with my not being able to move my head caused a river of saliva to coat his cock and my face.
Pulling me up Dave motioned me to stand behind Lizzy as he took up a position behind Tom.

As he removed the plug from Tom, I did the same to Lizzy.
Both of us moved forward and we began to spread their bottoms open.
Dave and I simultaneously began to push into our bound captives.

When we broke through their little rings we began to find our rhythm, both of us pushing inward at the same time.
This drove Tom and Lizzy into each other over and over with no control over how they got to fuck each other.

Dave and I were in control, when we wanted Tom to drive his monster cock into Lizzy, we pushed inward together.
Over and over we made the two of them fuck each other.  
Slow down, speed up, alternating our thrusting we drove the two of them into a frenzy.
Both Lizzy and Tom were screaming out the beginning of their orgasms.

Dave and I stopped what we were doing and removed the plugs from our two friends.
At the sudden withdrawal of the plugs and us stopping what we were doing the two cried out in frustration as their orgasms were delayed.

Dave and I returned to teasing them without mercy.
We took a pair of spurs off the wall that must have been there since the last century.
Dave and I each took one and very gently ran the spiked rowel of the spurs all around their bodies.

This didn’t incur any pain, it did however heighten the senses as each of the points of the rowels rolled across their skin.
I first ran mine across Lizzy’s bottom, as I did this she began to giggle from the tickling sensation it created.
Running it between the cheeks of her bottom caused her to gasp.
When I rolled it across her erect nipples the reaction was vastly different.
Her knees weakened and she began to slump forward and down, this was however impossible since she was still impaled upon Toms cock.

When Dave and I finished teasing them with the spurs he and I each stood behind each of them.
Together he and I spread their bottoms open and began working our cocks into their bottoms.
When both of us were fully inside them we fucking them in unison, when I pushed Dave pushed.
This caused them to slam together with each of our inward pushes.

This had the effect of them fucking each other like a pair of marionettes, they only moved because we moved them.
Now both of our friends were really screaming out their impending orgasms.
Dave began shouting “Cum, Cum, now, cum with us!”

With another ten thrusts on our part the two began their climax, this triggered Dave’s and mine. 
As I began pumping my cum into Lizzy’s ass, I could feel Tom’s cock pulsing and cumming through the thin membrane separating us.

As Dave and I fell away Tom and Lizzy tried to collect themselves.
The two of us rushed up and unhooked them from their binds.
Once unhooked we held them tightly and helped them to sit down upon some hay bales.
Our first concerns was well being.
They said they were fine, just tired as hell.

So the four of us went into the shower, we had them stand still as Dave and I washed them.
From there we retired to the bedroom where the four of us fell asleep almost instantly.

I was the first to awaken, as I looked over at my three friends I couldn’t help but wonder how we became so lucky as to find each other.
I thought a good way to wake up would be to give Tom a wake up blow job.
As I began to gobble up his cock it began to expand, this in turn caused Tom to wake up.
I followed this by leaning the other direction and did the Same with Dave’s cock with similar results.

Once the three of us were fully awake we decided to wake Lizzy in a similar fashion.
We surrounded her and each began to place butterfly kisses all over her body.
The effect of this method was to have her wake with a fit of giggles.
Her laughter punctuated with a series of “Stop it’s and stop it that tickles”.
When we had decided that we had tortured her enough we let her sit up.
This earned each of us a sock in the arm, we took it in the loving manner it was intended.

“Well, what should we do today, do you want to go down to the pond?” I asked.
Lizzy brought up the reminder that the movie theater was showing a double feature, the horror films “Let Me In” and “It Follows”.
The reviews were great and we all loved horror films.

Once we showered and headed into town we were surprised that the movie theater was almost empty.
Well it was the middle of the week and a matinee.
We found our seat in the balcony and were happy to find that we were all alone up there.
While we waited to get through the previews we began to fool around.
Lizzy began by giving first Dave then Tom and finally myself short teasing blow jobs.
She spent no more than five minutes on each of us.
When she reached the end, I took up where she left off.
In the end each of us spent a few minutes orally servicing each other.

That ended when the movies began, since each of us were horror movie fanatics.
As we were watching I noticed that above us the projectionist was also watching from his window right above us.
As I pointed this out to the others they all looked up, as the projectionist noticed us he gave us a thumbs up signal, followed by him taking one of his fingers and miming a blow job by sucking on his finger.

As Lizzy turned back to us she had a surprised look on her face and said “Oh my god, he saw what we did!”
For a moment we were all freaked, however upon reflection there was no way he was able to see exactly who was down in the balcony, only shadowy figures.

“That’s to bad, we could have given him quite a show. You know even though he didn’t know who we were, I got a thrill knowing that we had put on a show for an unsuspecting viewer.” I said.
After a moment’s thought all the others voiced that they were in agreement.
“I wonder if we could set up a situation where we could put on a show for the unsuspecting viewers.” I mused.
The others began to think of ways to bring this about.

That question hung in the air for a couple of days before it was brought up again.
The four of us were in a neighboring town to pick up some supply’s.
We had stopped into a local diner for lunch, all of us crammed into a booth,
Lizzy was sitting on the outside seat as we settled in to order.
While we were sitting we noticed as group of high school boys at a nearby table.
From where they sat they had a clear line of sight to our booth.
They were a rather boisterous group, acting like boys everywhere.

I leaned over to Lizzy and asked her if she wanted to have some fun.
“What did you have in mind?” She asked.
I told her when the boys at that table are looking over this way, very slowly slide your panties down and off.
“You’re insane.” Was her response. 
“Trust me, it will be fun.”
Moments later the boys were looking at Lizzy.
When she picked up on this she very slowly reached under her skirt and began to peel her panties down and off.
The two boys who were facing our way found their jaws scraping the floor.
The one on the outside noticed first and began to elbow his companion until his gaze focused upon Lizzy.
While they were staring open mouthed I reached under her skirt and spread her legs a bit wider.
Following this I began to lightly finger her under the table.

Every once in a while she had to close her legs as another patron or the waitress walked by.
Both our watchers for some unknown reason had a rather difficult time eating their meal.

When we had finished eating I had Lizzy drop her panties on one of the boys laps as we left the restaurant.
His reaction was priceless, he grabbed the panties and stuffed them into his fist and then raised that hand under his nose acting as if he was just rubbing his nose.  
When Lizzy saw this she blushed ten shades of red.
After paying our bill we began walking down the street towards the supply store we came into town for.

Lizzy was getting high from the endorphins flooding her brain as she began to get in the swing of exhibitionism.
Everywhere we went she attempted to find some unsuspecting luck person to flash herself to.
The biggest thrill she got was when she halted in front of a shoe store and dragged us in with her.
As she sat down one of the clerks came over to wait on her.
He was an older gentleman about sixty years old.

He looked bored with his day to day job and just waiting for the end of his day to return to his boring life outside of his boring job. 
As she sat there the clerk brought over the measuring scale to check her shoe size.
As Lizzy lifted her foot to place it on the scale her skirt parted giving the clerk a quick glimpse of heaven.
At first he must have thought it a lucky accident.
However when he returned with four boxes of shoes near to what Lizzy asked for he was forced to revise his idea.

This happened when Lizzy raised her foot for him to place the first shoe upon her foot and not only did her skirt part so did her legs, giving him a good long look at her bare pussy.
When he placed the second shoe in place she kept her legs spread for a very long two minutes.
While she was holding her legs open the clerk kept his hands on her legs and inadvertently began to run his hands up her legs. 
As his hand reached her upper calf Lizzy let out a “Ahem”, this woke the clerk up in an instant.

Pulling his hands away he cleared his throat and mumbled an apology that only he could hear.
As Lizzy stood to admire the pair of shoes she pranced over to the floor level mirror to view them from the side and back.
As she did this she looked over at me and asked,
“What do you think, do they make my legs look longer?”
As she said this she raised her skirt up to her waist to give the poor clerk a look at her ass and pussy while simultaneously giving him a heart attack. 

Lizzy repeated this little game with all the boxes he brought out from the back.
By the sixth box the poor guy was sweating bullets.
In the end she bought the first pair she tried on.
As we were leaving the store Lizzy walked up to the clerk and told him he was sweet and gave him a peck on the cheek as she waltzed out the door. 
Halfway down the block she broke into a massive belly laugh.
“Right now I bet the clerk is in the back room beating off.” She said.

Her next victim was a young lady in a dress store. 
While the others went down the street to a park to rest, Lizzy and I went to see if there was anything she wished to have.
This was an upscale store yet was empty.

The salesgirl was probably in her late teens and was busy doing nothing.
She had what might be called a waif like appearance.
Standing around five foot tall with short sandy colored hair and no boobs to speak of.
She and Lizzy were pretty much the same size.
She introduced herself as Karen.
As we wandered around Lizzy kept asking Karen about different dresses.

Stopping at a display of silk blouses she picked up one with an oriental design.
When she asked if she could try it on she was already in the process of removing her top.
Unfortunately Lizzy wasn’t in a dressing room, rather they were in the rear of the store away from the front windows.

As Lizzy began to strip off her top Karen was looking on with shock and a touch of amusement.
When she was topless and bare chested in the back of the store she spent a few minutes talking to Karen about clothes.
As I moved closer while trying to stay out of sight I heard Lizzy speaking.

“I love the outfit you are wearing, do you sell any of those clothes here?”
Karen said they sold the schoolgirl plaid skirt but the top was from another store.
“Do you think I could try on your top?” Lizzy asked.
Karen seemed pleased yet reluctantly began to raise her top up.
Lizzy reached over and grasped the girl’s top at the waist and began to lift it off her.
Karen gave a start as Lizzy did this, yet a second later they were both giggling like little kids.

“You have the prettiest boobs, I love your flat chest and big nipples.” Said Lizzy.
With that Lizzy reached out with one hand and began to play with Karen’s nipples. 
Her other hand reached under Karen’s skirt searching for her treasure.
When her fingers found their mark, Karen’s knees buckled and she sank downward.
She had to grab onto a counter to keep her from going to her knees.
Lizzy pulled away for the moment as she pulled off her skirt and then Karen’s skirt and panties.
Standing in the rear of the store they could be seen if anyone were to walk into the shop.
Returning her fingers to her new friend Lizzy began frigging Karen’s pussy.

Our reluctant sales girl reached out to cup Lizzy’s pussy while returning the favor.
Now I had two moaning girls on my hands.
Lizzy maneuvered Karen over to one of the changing rooms where they lay down on the carpeted floor.
Lizzy looked over at me and said, “This is the first pussy I ever ate!”

As she brought her mouth to the girls pussy there was a moment’s hesitation before she dove in and feasted on her first girl.
She had to be doing something right, Karen was having a tough time laying still.
As I approached I saw that Lizzy’s face was covered with a mixture of the girls juices and her saliva.
In a moment Karen tugged on Lizzy’s hair drawing her forward.
It took a second for Lizzy to figure out that Karen was trying to get her into a sixty nine position.
When finally they were in position they went after each other with a vengeance.

As I was reveling in the sight before my I saw Dave and Tom enter the shop.
I signaled them to be silent as they approached.
When they came over they were finally able to see what was going on.
As the girl’s fun came to a conclusion they looked around and spotted the three of us standing there holding up score cards. 
Mine read 10.0, Tom’s 9.75, Dave’s 9.9. Lizzy broke out into laughter, our new friend was stricken with a look of “Oh shit”.

However she quickly regrouped and found the humor in what we had done.
When the girls had made themselves presentable, they rejoined us on the sales floor.
Making introductions we invited Karen to join us for dinner later, an invitation that she gladly accepted.
A few hours later all of us were seated in the local eatery.

As we sat and got to get to know each other we began to tell our stories.
Karen was working there saving money for her collage tuition.
Her parents had passes away in an auto accident some years ago but had left her a large inheritance.
This was held and managed in a trust until she reached twenty one.
But Karen was very independent and wanted to earn the money herself.

When we had put our cards on the table and explained to Karen our story she was floored.
And for the first and only time in a friendship that was to last for many years, she was utterly speechless.
The conversation around the table was polite yet tinged with anticipation.
The four of us wondered whether Karen would accept us as new friends or run screaming into the night.

It came to pass that she was as intrigued by us and wanted to find out if she was up to the challenge that we presented.
To that end we invited her to spend the upcoming weekend with us.

Two day later we were seated in Dave’s living room waiting to see if Karen was going to show.
About twenty minutes later we saw headlights coming up the long drive up to the house.
When Karen rang the bell Lizzy jumped up, and ran to answer the door.
Flinging open the door she practically knocked Karen over in her zeal to welcome her.

For about an hour we sat around talking and telling tall tales along with a smattering of truthful revelations about our friendship and what we have been doing sexually as a foursome. 
On and off there was a look of consternation upon her face.
This however was overshadowed by the lustful looks she presented when we described some of our antics.

We hadn’t yet told her that Lizzy and I were brother and sister. 
We figured that this would work itself out in due time, preferably after she had a chance to enjoy our special brand of hospitality.     

At the end of the hour I asked if everyone would like to go over to the barn. 



1 comment

  1. I would be angry that this is a repost, except for the fact it’s one of the best series on here and you posted it originally. Also its all on OP’s profile if you want to read ahead check their post history.

    No hate just saying you have the option.

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