The taboo traditions and rituals of the Kundali tribe. [Tribal] [Incest] [Mother-son]

In our world a myriad of different cultures and traditions exist. Culminating from many generations of tradition passed down from parent to child. Some of these traditions die off before they have hardly even begun, and some continue on for centuries upon centuries. These traditions range from what the western world views as “Wonderful” and “Exotic”, to “Taboo” and “Barbaric”. Yet to the people who believe in them they each carry a unique, purposeful meaning.

A tribe located far in the east, secluded in jungles and known as almost a myth to outsiders. Has been around for many, many centuries. And is known not only for its powerful warriors and secrecy but the taboo traditions and rituals it follows to this very day.

In the tribe of Kundala, A mans ability to fight is valued above everything. From a young age Kundali boys are trained in all arts of war. They grow up fighting for everything, even something as simple as a meal. While to the outside world this may seem barbaric, the Kundali believe that this separates the weak from the strong.

Once the boys reach maturity, they are tested in whats known as the Trials of the mountains. These trials test every fiber of these young warriors strength and intelligence. Making them truly have to push themselves to their absolute limits and beyond in order to survive. Those that survive are officially recognized as not only warriors, but as men.

When a boy comes home victorious a celebration is held in his honor. Filled with feasts and wine as he celebrates with the other victors. Family and friends gather as he is treated like a king. Once night falls however, the rite of manhood must be completed. During this ritual the young warrior stays in his tent as his mother is prepared by his father. She is endowed with jewels all over her naked body as she is prepared for the ritual and finally a traditional Kundali collar and leash is attached to her neck.

The father then guides the mother, tugging on her lead as she crawls on her hands and knees, her body bare exposed for the world to see as they make their way to the sons tent. Once theyve reached it, the mother will put her head down to the floor as the father of the boy speaks.

He will explain to him what it means to be a man. That as a man he has a right over the things around him. That he not only has a duty to care for the things around him but also has the right to use those things however he pleases, which includes women. The father will then hand the mothers leash to his sons hand. Signifying that he know views him as a man of the house as well.

The father will then leave the tent, and the mother will continue the next part of the ritual. She turns around, baring her womanhood for her son to see in its entirety. Lays down her head in respect and tells him that she no longer has any right over him. She cannot scold him, cannot order him, cannot teach him, and cannot even say her opinion on a matter unless he decides she is permitted to do so.

She goes on to tell him that her body is now his to use however he pleases. That he may use her to satisfy his pleasures to the fullest extent. For the rest of the night the son will then take his mother and use her body to fulfill his own desires. Pouring his seed into the womb of the very woman that carried him there for nine months. Pounding her ruthlessly into his own bed. Learning what it means to be a man by dominating the woman that raised him.

For the next month, the mother will exclusively belong to him. A tattoo is marked above her ass showing that she is her sons sole property. He has full right over her and can do whatever he pleases. if he wishes to share her with all his friends he can do so. if he wishes to walk her out in public in the traditional Kundali collar and leash and nothing else it is completely in his authority to do so and the mother has no say otherwise.

Children born between this union are considered blessed, and every Kundali woman strives to please their sons the best they can. While the days of raising and teaching them are over, they are still helping their sons grow into men in a new way. By allowing them to sow their seed into them and dominate the way they were always meant to.

While going from nursing and caring for the very same boy that is now ruthlessly pounding them whenever he pleases is a big transition. Kundali mothers take pride in the fact that they have raised boys that have become men. That know how to treat a woman. The mothers of the west may view this as taboo or savage but they havent experienced the true fruits of motherhood.

Getting treated like a mere bitch by their own sons, exposed in public in a collar and lead, getting their behinds smacked before their sons bury their manhood in them without giving a second thought to their opinions fills a kundali mother with pride and a heavenly type of lust. Knowing that she made a son worthy of being called a man.

This is only one of the many traditions and rituals the kundali follow. There are many, many more.
