[FF] [FM] But I’m married – The Meal Pt1

So the nervous anticipation built through the week, I really didn’t know what to expect from Friday night, our daughter was away for the weekend our son works nights, what hubby’s plans were I didn’t know, as a red blooded male he clearly has aspirations of a threesome but Eve had made it very clear that wasn’t going to happen, I was worried the night would be awkward but also I didn’t know what everyone’s expectations were, how would it end?

In the meanwhile Kate has actually moved into Eve’s spare room, purely as a lodger but no doubt there’s a little FWB’s going on but when Eve took Kate back to her flat after the weekend she found that she lived in a real hovel and was struggling to make ends meet so she made her the offer and why would she choose a nasty one bedroom flat over a penthouse flat in the bay??

Anyways during today Eve has text me asking what she should wear, should she bring anything etc, for such a extrovert she always amazes me how she lacks in confidence, and she certainly was panicking about the meal

Hubby was on best behaviour and was helping getting the house ready when Eve turned up at 7:30 on the dot, her arrival signalled by the loud exhaust of her car pulling into the driveway, she came to the door, rung the doorbell and I went and opened it, the sight infront of me was wow! For someone who was panicking what to wear she was in a tight black dress, from just below her knees right up to her breasts and only just, they were straining against the material and not doing a very good job, she’d lifter her hair into a bun and just looked fantastic, I wanted her there and then but knew that was unlikely to happen! As she came through the door she gave me a kiss on the cheek and hubby came out of the kitchen, he stopped and looked, I wouldn’t have been surprised if he cum then! He came over and made small talks and asked if she wanted a drink, and then headed off to get two large glasses of wine whilst we sat in the living room talking, she was telling me about Kate and her hovel of a flat and since she’d moved in all she was doing was cleaning and making herself useful….it thought that bet she had been, I wonder how many times they’ve fucked in the last week

After a bit I went and checked on the food and started to dish it up, put it all on the table and we had a civilised meal, chatting about all normals things avoiding the obvious I’ve eaten your wife’s pussy conversation, but then after we’d had our desert hubby turned the conversation to Eve’s past, not purposely but hubby mentioned that Eve used to live in Monmouth and he was from Newport, she said she used to spend a lot of time in Newport, he asked where as he knew all the pubs and she said Chameleons in Church St, he paused…
“Oh I never went there” he said a little embarrassed
“Oh god, my ex husband loved the place, we were there for all their events”
“Really? I’ve heard stories” he said
“From others or from Nikki?” Eve asked
“Both” he said with a laugh “no seriously one of the lads I used to play footy with was a barman there”
“Oh who was that?”
“Oh you probably wouldn’t know him, Damian”
“Yeah I know him, you got to know everyone in one way or any other” she said

He then promptly asked her to tell him about the place, I started to get a little uncomfortable as I knew what was coming but Eve was in her element, ready to shock, she then went on to tell him about the parties, the men, the women, the rooms and what went on, and then onto the parties back at her house, the gangbangs, the bukakes, she didn’t hold back but he was hanging on every word, and probably getting turned on by it, at that point he asked her directly when she knew she preferred women!!! WTF man, I thought we were avoiding that subject

She then explained that she just found the tenderness between men and women so much sexier, men want to fuck and cum, women want to tease and please, it’s just more tender, sexier

“You’ve watched lesbian porn” she stated
“Yes obviously” he said laughing
“Well it really is as tender as that, it can be passionate, it can be frantic but generally it’s slower and sexier”
He protested jokingly but Eve was clearly onto something, she grabbed her phone and opened and app and typed away, she then turned her phone for us to see
“There we go, amateur sex on ponrnhub and it’s wham, bang thank you mam”
She let the video play for a few seconds
“Whereas” she then did something else to her phone and played a different video, passed her phone to my hubby and said she was heading to the toilet

As he took the phone of her and looked at the video I realised exactly which one it was, it was Eve and I in our first night, the one I didn’t know she was recording, he watched the video for a few moments before I leant over to him and whispered in his ear
“Do you recognise who’s in the video”
He looked and then zoom through it a little
“Fuck!!! This is hot” he said with amazement
“I can see why your attracted to her though, she’s stunning and really nice as well”
“Yeah she’s pretty special but you know that I love you and won’t do anything to hurt you”

Eve came back downstairs and looked at hubby
“What do you think? So you see my point?”
“Err yes….I’d like a copy of that video as well” he joked
“Ok, for your eyes only though”

We sat there making small talk and drinking a little more when Eve said that she needed to book an Uber
“Is it ok if I leave my car here and maybe you can bring it back to me tomorrow”
She asked
“You can even have a drive” she said directly to my husband
He squeezed my leg as he said to her
“Don’t worry about an Uber, you can stay here if you want, no funny business either”
I turned and looked at him, a little surprised, we hadn’t discussed this, I thought he may try something but I wasn’t sure expecting this
Eve also looked a little surprised
“I take it I’m in the guest room” she joked! I was horrified and didn’t know where to look
“Err yes…on your own” he said laughing

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k0v404/ff_fm_but_im_married_the_meal_pt1


  1. I was just doing some “cruising” and saw your latest installment. Like always, well written. I do have a feeling where this could be headed: I think your husband invited Eve to stay overnight for your benefit. He loves you, and importantly, trusts you and is supportive of your experimentation. I look forward to future chapters.

  2. Loving your account of the whole experience. Please don’t stop writing, you write extremely well and set every encounter in a really sexy way. Your description of the beauty of Cardiff Bay stuck with me as I have spent a little time down there at Welsh rugby at the Principality and have fond memories.

    I also love the fact that you are focused very much on your husband and ensuring he is comfortable with this, you are both very lucky people who, obviously, love each other deeply. I just hope that you both remain honest with each other and don’t do anything that could jeopardise your marriage.

    Look forward to more.

  3. Now I think you are running into a little problem. You should be able to solve it but I think that night must to be a beautiful night to remember

  4. Great story and greater writing…
    I am not sure if it’s my place to give a suggestion but based on the last post I think Eve wants a feeper relationship with you, emothional or otherwise,so maybe you should state your boundaries a little clearer…
    As I said, it’s just my opinion…

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