Selma Carrington [Lesbian] – A woman meets her husband’s boss

Standing in front of full length mirror and turning this way and that to admire how great she looked in her sexy new dress now that she’d started exercising and wasn’t cheating on her diet anymore, Julie Arthur had to smile in satisfaction.

She hadn’t looked this good since high school!

“Are you ready, dear?” Steve asked walking into their bedroom. “We don’t want to be late . . .” His voice trailed off as he stopped dead in his tracks to enjoy the sight of his wife looking hotter than ever. Coughing and clearing his throat, he found his voice again in a moment. “I’m still not sure it’s such a good idea that you wear that dress tonight, Julie. I mean, this is a business dinner! Tonight’s all about impressing my bosses.”

She looked over at him and arched an eyebrow. “And you think they’ll be more impressed if your wife looks all dowdy and frumpy than if she looks at all attractive?”

“It’s just that it fits you so tightly , dear, and you have to admit your showing a lot of cleavage.”

“Oh, I get it now!” Julie smiled. “You’re worried that all your coworkers will think you brought a hooker to this big, important dinner.” She slipped one of the shoulder straps off, making the dress droop just enough to almost reveal one of her breasts. “Maybe you think that I’ll find some john with deeper pockets at the dinner? That your boss will steal me away and you’ll have to spend the night with nothing but your hand?”

He sighed and lowered his head, well aware that this was an argument that he was not going to win. “It’s just that I’m in line for a big promotion, dear, and . . .”

“Well, if you want me to sleep with your boss to help you get it, it’s going to cost you another fifty bucks.”

He groaned in exasperation and turned on his heel to walk back out of the room. “Can we just go?”

Julie managed to contain her laughter until after her husband had left, but could not have hid her grin. She had been working long and hard to look this good and there was no way she was going to hide it now that all that effort was paying off. Besides, she couldn’t believe that it would hurt her husband’s case if his boss and coworkers saw what a hot and sexy wife he had.

When they arrived at the restaurant the company had hired out for this evening’s dinner, she was right at his side with her hand on his arm. Her earlier teasing and playfulness were now forgotten and she looked like just the sort of adoring and dutiful wife any company would want it’s executives to have. She did cast a glance around the room though and managed to hide a small smirk when she saw that many of the women there were dressed just as sexily as she was – though few of them really had the body to carry it off quite so successfully.

Even so, her husband would be getting an earful about it later. Had she followed his advice she would have looked like some drab little librarian in a room full of glamour girls!

Julie’s eyes stopped when they met a pair of glittering green ones from across the room. There was a middle-aged but absolutely gorgeous woman standing casually over there who was not even trying to hide how closely she was looking Mrs. Arthur over. She was dressed in a simple blouse and skirt that really stood out among all the elaborate and beautiful dresses and yet Julie thought she looked much better than any of those other women.

She noticed that the woman seemed to be all alone tonight as there was no husband or date hovering over her. As far as Julie could tell, she was the only one there who had not brought some kind of significant other to the dinner.

Not taking her eyes off the other woman, Julie gave her husband a discrete nudge with her elbow and asked who the woman was. Steve looked and told her, “Oh, that’s Selma Carrington. I think I’ve mentioned her to you a couple of times, haven’t I? She’s my bosses boss. Come on and I’ll introduce you.”

Suddenly feeling very shy and self-conscious under the other woman’s inspection, Julie found herself dragging her feet when her husband tried to lead her across the room and had to will her legs to start working correctly. Julie had a feeling she knew why she was reacting like this to the other woman and though she chastised herself for it, she just couldn’t seem to shake it off.

Julie considered herself a completely heterosexual woman and yet this was not the first time another woman had caught her eye. She had always told herself that she was just appreciating their beauty in the same way that she appreciated the beauty of a work of art in a museum, but then again her heart had never been set to racing by any statue and her pussy had never gotten even a little bit wet over any painting. In truth, this was something she didn’t really care to consider too closely and her grip on her husband’s arm tightened as if he could somehow shield her from her own latent lesbian desires.

“Hello, Ms. Carrington. I don’t believe you’ve met my wife. Julie, this is Ms. Selma Carrington.”

Julie hardly heard what her husband was saying as she found herself standing face to face with this woman. When she extended her hand, Julie just stared at it dumbly for a long moment until she realized what it was for and then was a little over-enthusiastic in shaking the other woman’s hand. “Hello,” she gushed without realizing she was doing it. “It’s a great pleasure to meet you, Ms. Carrington.”

“Thank you, I’m glad to meet you, too,” Selma answered with a little smile.

As the two women engaged in a little small talk and his wife slowly started to loosen up and relax, Steve was giving his wife a long, careful look. Though she might have denied it, it was not news to him that his wife might have a bit of a thing for women. He had seen it often enough both to recognize it when he saw it and to know that Julie didn’t want to believe that she might actually be bisexual. All of his hopes for a threesome had been squashed by this, but so had his fears that his wife might cheat on him with the wife of one of their neighbors while their husbands were at work.

Selma may have been his supervisor’s boss, but it wasn’t she who was handing out that promotion he wanted and so he looked around the room until he found his boss. When he suggested going over to visit with him for a moment, his wife refused to go and help him suck up however and said she was going to stay and talk with Selma a little more. Steve looked as if he might say something about that, but the look the two women gave him was enough to send him on his way.

Steve stayed with his boss until the dinner was served, jockeying for position with the other men and women who wanted the promotion. Every time he looked back though, he saw his wife and Selma were still together and sharing a quiet conversation. Every time someone else looked like they might want to come over and join the two women, he observed how they were soon sent on their way.

Steve really didn’t think there was any chance that his wife might be so smitten with Selma that anything could actually happen between them, but he did raise an eyebrow when he saw Selma trace her fingertips ever so lightly across Julie’s cheek and his wife lean into the caressing touch.

As they all sat down for dinner, Julie found herself seated across the table from her husband and with Selma right next to her. Julie was feeling a lot more sure of herself by now and a whole lot more comfortable with the lovely Ms. Carrington, but she still was having a hard time focusing on anything but the woman next to her.

She would swear that she could feel Selma’s body heat permeating the air around her, her heady aroma filling her lungs every time she inhaled. Selma was interfering with Julie’s thoughts to such an extent that she didn’t even try to keep up with the conversation and hoped that she wouldn’t miss anything important and end up embarrassing herself and her husband.

Selma spent most of her time making small talk with everyone else around them including Steve, but did occasionally say something to Julie. The young wife was growing more and more overwhelmed by the proximity of the other woman by the moment and her responses always seemed breathless, flustered, and just a little incoherent and so she was really very happy to be left out of the conversation for the time being.

Steve was a little startled when his wife suddenly gasped and sat up very straight in her chair, tightly gripping the edge of the table with both hands. He couldn’t imagine what had happened and was a little afraid that she might be choking or something, but he was very relieved when she saw that she was breathing normally if rather rapidly.

What he didn’t know was that Selma’s hand had suddenly come to rest very lightly on his wife’s knee under the table. Selma still didn’t seem to be paying much attention to the woman who was seated next to her, but she kept her hand on her thigh and even started to move it down in between Julie’s legs to slide with excruciating slowness closer and closer to her crotch. A small smile touched Selma’s lips when she felt the other woman’s legs spread wide to let her wandering hand go wherever it liked.

Julie closed her eyes, trying desperately to control her pounding heartbeat and her rapid breathing before she hyperventilated and passed out. All she was aware of now was that wayward hand on the inside of her thigh. She knew she was getting very wet and could just imagine how soaked her panties were getting and she thanked God that she hadn’t worn slacks tonight where the wet spot might be so much more obvious than it would be with her dress.

She opened her eyes again and found her gaze locked with her husband’s across the table. He was regarding her with a concerned expression, obviously wondering what her problem might be. Julie managed to give him a weak smile even as she slipped one hand under the table, caught Selma’s hand, and pushed it firmly against her crotch. Julie couldn’t help but wish her skirt had been a little shorter so that it could have been pushed up enough for Selma to get her fingers right up into her twat.

Looking around with a somewhat dazed expression, Julie took in all the smiling and casually chatting men and women around her. She could hardly believe that she was sitting in the middle of all these people and none of them knew that she was being groped under the table by one of her husband’s superiors. When she turned her head the other way, she found herself gazing deep into the eyes of a smiling Selma.

“Well, if you all will excuse me for just a moment,” Selma said softly, never once prying her eyes from Julie’s. “I’ll be right back.” She gave the other woman’s crotch such a firm squeeze that Julie couldn’t help but let out a little moan, then she was suddenly gone and walking towards the ladies room.

Julie stayed rooted to her chair for a long moment, watching until Selma disappeared through the restroom door. Taking a deep breath, Julie looked over at her husband for a moment and offered him another of those weak smiles. “I have to go to the bathroom, too!” she blurted out a little too loudly and drawing several odd looks. “I’ll be right back.”

She walked briskly to the ladies room, fighting to keep from sprinting there.

Steve watched all this with a frown, but did nothing. It wasn’t too uncommon for women to go to the bathroom in groups, he supposed.

As soon as she opened the door to the restroom, Julie was grabbed and physically dragged inside. With both hands tangled in the young wife’s hair, ruining her carefully constructed hairdo, Selma kissed her long and hard full on the mouth. Julie didn’t resist at all, crushing her body against the other woman’s and opening her mouth to let in Selma’s tongue.

“Oh, my God!” Julie sighed when she finally came up for air. “I can’t believe I’m doing this. I’m a married woman . . .” Julie’s babbling was cut off by a kiss so deep and passionate that it nearly made her swoon.

The hands left her hair and moved down to search her back briefly for the concealed zipper that held her dress together. Julie broke the kiss to look up into the other woman’s eyes with a happy smile when she felt the zipper slowly drop and her dress begin to loosen around her. Selma was careful to only pull that zipper down far enough to unleash the young wife’s firm breasts and, although Julie was loath to pry her body from her’s for even a moment, she did so to let the top part of her dress slip down and her breasts come spilling out into the open.

“You are the most beautiful woman I’ve met in a long time,” Selma purred huskily into her ear, one hand moving to caress and fondle a firm breast. “From the moment you walked into the restaurant tonight I knew that I just had to have you.”

“Do it,” Julie whispered eagerly, clutching at the other woman. “Take me now. Right here in this restroom.”

Selma chuckled at that. “Why do you think we’re in here in the first place, Julie? I’m going to fuck the shit out of you and then send you back out there to your husband!”

Julie never had the chance to even think about how to respond to that declaration as Selma kissed her firmly again. As before, Julie just melted under the business executive’s advances and kissed her back hungrily, sparing not a single thought for the husband she was cheating on or the happy marriage she was betraying.

Awkwardly as neither of them would even consider the idea of letting go of the other, the two women shuffled and stumbled back to the very last toilet stalls. Blindly shoving the door open with one hand while giving the young wife one last kiss, Selma finally let her go so that she could back into the stall and have a seat on the toilet.

Standing in front of her in the open doorway to the stall, her big breasts still hanging out in the open, Julie obeyed the other woman’s wordless signals and started tugging and working her snug skirt up around her hips, which was not an easy task. When she had it high enough though, Selma pulled down the young wife’s soaked panties and lay them out on top of the toilet tank. “I’ll be keeping these, Julie.”

With Julie’s butt and cunt both now fully exposed to her, Selma pushed the younger woman’s legs a little farther apart to make more room for herself and then lowered her head to start feasting on the swampy pussy. She grabbed an ass cheek in each hand meanwhile and squeezed and kneaded them as she ate, savoring the tangy flavor of this woman.

Standing in the open doorway to the stall with her legs as wide apart as she could get them, holding on tightly to the tops of either of the stall dividers for dear life to keep from collapsing to the floor under this full throttle assault, Julie never even heard the door open to let someone else into the restroom.

Under the circumstances, there would have been no disguising or hiding what was going on in that back stall even if the two women had wanted to try and this newcomer slowly made her way back to take a good, long look at what was happening.

Julie may not have been aware that they had suddenly gained an audience, but Selma knew that someone was standing there watching them go. She didn’t honestly care if they watched though and so she kept right on licking and lapping at the most delicious twat to come her way in far too long. Besides, Selma reasoned, if she suddenly stopped and Julie noticed the intruder, the girl would probably start worrying about whether or not they would tell her husband and this incredible moment would be lost forever.

The third woman just watched them for a few more minutes and then hurried to get into one of the other stalls as the reason she had come to the restroom in the first place became more urgent. She had just finished getting settled on the toilet when she heard cries of pure ecstacy come from the other end of the room, echoing quite a bit off all the tile.

By the time that third woman finished her business and flushed the toilet, Julie was once again too far gone to notice. With her skirt still pulled up and her legs spread wide and her breasts still hanging out in the open, the young wife by now had been seated on the ground with her back to the toilet and her head tilted way back against the seat. Standing over her, her legs spread wide to straddle the younger woman’s reclined body, Selma now had her own skirt pulled up and the crotch of her panties pulled to one side as she practically sat on the other woman’s face. Gripping a big fistful of Julie’s hair, Selma was forcefully shoving the young wife’s face into her pussy and she was eating the executive with an unmatched hunger.

Once more, Selma was well aware that they had an audience and once more she didn’t even bother to look around to see who it was. So long as he didn’t try to break up what was happening, she couldn’t have cared less if it was her husband Steve! She was delighted when the third woman finally turned and left without saying anything or trying to join in.

Selma enjoyed a huge orgasm then, but years of experience fucking in offices and boardrooms had taught her how to avoid making too much noise even as her whole body shuddered violently and she sprayed her juices all over the other woman’s face.

Looking down at the disheveled, soaking wet, and half-naked woman beneath her, Selma considered giving her a little golden shower just to put an exclamation point on all of this, but decided that might be just a little much considering that she would be emerging from this bathroom not just in front of her husband but in front of most of the company!

Climbing off the young wife and taking a few minutes to freshen up and make sure she her appearance was as correct as possible, Selma regarded the panting woman who still sat on the ground and leaned back against the toilet.

Giving her foot a little kick to bring her back to the real world, Selma told her new lover, “You’d better get up now and try to make yourself presentable, Julie,” she told her, “or were you planning to stay there all night?” Julie lifted her head at last and tried to focus on the gorgeous woman standing over her. “It’s okay with me, but I have a feeling your husband is going to start wondering about you if you don’t get back out there to him soon.”

Laughing to herself, Selma turned on her heel and strode out of the bathroom then without a single look back over her shoulder.

It took several long minutes for Julie to find her bearings and get herself cleaned up and looking presentable again. Just as Selma had warned, her husband was very concerned for her by the time she emerged and trying to find a diplomatic way to get one of his female coworkers to go in and check on her. He was startled by the differences between the woman who finally stepped out of the ladies room compared to the one who had gone into it.

Julie’s dress was now all rumpled and wrinkled and she seemed to be tugging at it as if trying to get this or that part of it back into it’s proper place. Without the proper tools to get her hair or make-up back into first class shape, she had done the best she could in repairing them. The result was not too bad, but made for a striking difference from what it had once been. She looked pale and breathless and maybe even a little dazed as she slowly made her way back towards the table, stumbling and nearly falling twice.

Keeping her head down, certain that she must look an absolute fright and imagining that everyone in that restaurant must know what she had just done, Julie was grateful when she was finally able to sit down again, even if it was right next to the woman who had just done this to her. She drew in a shaky little breath when Selma looked over at her and smiled.

A startled yelp escaped her when someone reached across the table to gave her hand a squeeze. She seemed to have completely forgotten that her husband was even there and she gave him a wild look when she noticed him sitting across from her and holding her hand with a concerned expression on his face.

“Are you all right, honey?” Steve asked.

She nodded vigorously, coughing and clearing her throat as she tried to remember how to talk. “I’m fine, dear,” she gasped, her voice sounding hoarse and raspy. After a moment, she added, “I think I may have eaten something that disagreed with me.”

As Selma started laughing, Julie wondered if she really found the stupid story the man across from her was telling so hilarious or if she was laughing at the young wife’s lame excuse for the state she was in.

* * *

The drive home from the restaurant seemed extraordinarily long to the young wife as she sat next to her husband in absolute silence, lost in her own thoughts about what had happened this night in that restroom.

It was perfectly true that she had always been more than a little attracted to other women, but she had never ever actually touched any of them in a way that might have seemed even remotely sexual. She just couldn’t explain why this time she had not merely thrown herself at a woman, but had actually had sex with her. Then there was the matter of her marriage – she had never cheated on her husband before and the guilt she felt over it was eating her up.

Finally though she came to a decision. Even if she couldn’t explain how it had happened, she felt her husband deserved to know that it did happen. In any case, she reasoned, he couldn’t possibly have not figured out what had happened to his wife in that restroom and it would go better for her in the long run if she just came clean about it.

So it was that Julie told her husband in a shaky voice every last detail about what had happened from the moment she laid eyes on Selma until the dinner ended and the couple left for home. She swore to him that this was the first time she had ever been unfaithful to him and she begged and pleaded with him to forgive her or at least to not hate her.

He was silent for a long time, but when he did speak it was obvious that he had been thinking about how she had playfully teased him before they left for the restaurant that she might sleep with his boss to insure he got a promotion. He asked her if that was why she had done it, perhaps offering her a way to make the situation seem a little less awful if she had only done it for his benefit.

She recognized this, but the same feelings of guilt that had compelled her to confess her guilt in the first place would not let her jump at this opportunity now. With a sad shake of her head, she told him that she hadn’t thought of him at all while she had sex with Selma Carrington.

The rest of the car trip was made in a heavy, oppressive silence. She had said all that she could and now he needed time to digest it and figure out what he wanted to do about it. Even when they got home, the silence was not broken and she went to take a long shower. He had already gone to bed when she emerged and she wasn’t certain that she could bring herself to share his bed just now or even if she would be welcome to do so and so she went to lie down on the living room couch and cry herself to sleep. He had already left for work when she got up the next morning and she wondered if he would come home that evening or if some messenger would appear at the door to let her know he wanted a divorce.

He did return late in the afternoon, a couple of hours later than he usually got home from work, and paced up and down for several lengthy, interminable moments while she waited fearfully to see what his verdict would be.

He finally stopped, but when he would not even look at her heart fell. “I didn’t get that promotion, Julie,” he informed her. “They gave it to someone else.”

“I’m so sorry, Steve,” she whispered, her eyes welling up with tears. “I’m so sorry for everything.”

“Don’t be. I’ve been given an even better job instead, one that pays a lot more money.” He finally looked at her for just a moment, then turned away again. “I’m told I’m going to be working for Ms. Carrington now and that the job will require a lot of business trips. It looks like I’m going to be away from home a lot from now on.”

He took a moment to let that sink in. While he was away from home, it was obvious that Selma Carrington meant to take advantage of the situation to spend more time with his lovely young wife! Remembering how she had been consumed with desire for the woman the night before, there was no doubt in Julie’s mind that she would let the business woman do whatever she liked to her and her husband seemed to understand that as well.

Only now did the young husband and wife raise their heads and meet each other’s gaze.



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