[F] I keep running into one of my students at a nude beach

I’m a high school spanish teacher in west California and I teach all grades with students of all ages. I love my job but its pretty stressful because I have problems with students hitting on me and openly looking at my body like a bunch of little creeps. I’ ve learned to live with it because it because you cant stop people from looking.

So anyway, on my days off I like to go to the beach to tan and nap, and I sometimes go to blacks beach with, which is clothing optional. I go there for the same reason everyone else does, and I like to get rid of my tan lines. I’ve only gone a few times, and with my bad luck, I’ve run into one of my students 2 times somehow.

The first time it happened was actually my first time at blacks, I was about to leave after an awesome experience, and I went to the showers to rinse off and wash my hair. When I was rinsing off I got shampoo in my eyes and dropped the bottle, I heard some one say they got it. I just yelled back “thanks!” I finished washing the soap off and turned around to get my shampoo, and I literally jumped when I saw who it was.. Derik.. one of my students.. we just stood there for a second and he looked me up and down and said “oh ms. rodriguez its you!” I covered up my body with both my arms and we awkwardly chatted for about a minute, and we agreed to never speak about it. I left ashamed knowing what he saw.

The next time I saw him in class was pure hell. I felt so awkward when I stood infront of the class beacuse the look on his face.. It took everything in me to just push through, and the week eventually went by fast. Phew. I practically forgot about it by the weekend. So It was the usual weekend day for me and I wanted to head to the beach.

When I got there I was pretty paranoid about running into Derik again, so I kept my bikini on to be safe. I walked on the beach and got a spot close to the water and laid out my towel. The coast was clear so far. I laid down for a minute to relax and put some sun screen on. I’m glad I waited because out of nowhere Derik walked past my towel.

He came up to me and said hi, and said said what a coincidence of us running into each other again. I wasn’t shocked his pervert-ass was here again, I’m just glad I waited. So he said he was just leaving, “thank god” i said to myself, and I watched as he left. I waited another 5 minutes and figured I was good. I stood up and took my bikini off, laid down to tan. Felt great. Another 5 minutes later I hear “oh by the way, ms. rodriguez-” I turned my head and looked back to see Derik… staring right into my ass. He wanted to ask if he could make up some missed work… my fucking luck, I swear

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/k01mgb/f_i_keep_running_into_one_of_my_students_at_a


  1. I know it’s easy for me to say because I’m not the one who feels embarrassed, but you need to stop feeling like you do. Taking your clothes off at a clothing optional beach isn’t illegal or immoral, you did nothing wrong. The issue here is that you’ve given Derik the power in this relationship because of your embarrassment. You need to take it back. Call him out, come down hard on him. “Derik. Did you come back here just to see me naked? Get out! You’re acting like a pervert!” When he’s smirking at you in class, call him up front to read in Spanish or do something that’ll make him a little uncomfortable. You’re doing nothing wrong, but he is. Everytime he seeks you out to see you nude there needs to be a negative consequence for him. It’s best if you call him on his actions on the beach, but do it immediately wherever you are that he does something inappropriate.

  2. You should be proud that you’re going to be his fascination/obsession for years to come. This is definitely the fantasy of every guy in school, and by the looks of it, you fit the part completely. The power is all yours. Enjoy and embrace that feeling.

  3. He has the right to be at this beach like you do. He is no pervert and you are not a pervert for being there. Just enjoy it

  4. Seems to me he was there first, and will now spend as much time as he can at that beach now. Just go to another beach for a while so that he sees not to get his hopes up. Or you can tell him to give you some space and go check out other girls.

  5. Did you think that maybe Derik was just raised by nudist parents who liked to go naked to the beach and it’s totally normal for him? That he was there because that’s where he goes to the beach and seeing his teacher naked was no different than if you’d been wearing a swimsuit (I mean, seriously, it’s not like bikini’s hide much anyway). That he asked you about homework kinda’ suggests the nudity is no big deal; running into you at the nude beach is like running into you at the mall or something.

    One of my teen daughters friends was raised a nudist and he has to be reminded sometimes people just don’t run around naked. My daughter took her shirt off once, wearing a bra, and another boy said “ohh!” but the one raised as a nudist didn’t even notice. His mom and sisters run around naked and have his whole life. He spends every summer at nudists camps. It just doesn’t faze people raised like that as odd at all.

  6. I think all I can say is “who cares?”

    So he saw you naked. You’re at a nude beach. People see you naked there, including people you know. Nudity isn’t supposed to be a big deal there. Don’t make it a big deal.

    If he acts inappropriate, like grabs at you etc., then shut that shit down. If he should spread pictures, you have him expelled. What he thinks in his head is no one’s concern but his own. Don’t waste a second worrying about that.

  7. A few years back I ran into a former student at Gunnison Beach. Let’s just say he was happy to see each other. He looked amazing!

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