[FF] Fucking Gemma

Gemma was a twat. She irritated the snot out of me. That’s probably why the sex was so good.

My despair for Gemma grew bit by bit, the clack of her nails on her keyboard, the coffee stains on her desk, her insistent need to tap her heels against the bottom of her foot. She was also a gossip and my cubicle mate, I was in hell.

“Pssst Kennedy” whispered Gemma. I kept typing, hoping she would give up. I was in no mood to have gossip time this morning. I had gone out the night before to the local lesbian bar to dull my pain by burying my face in some early twenty bi curious coeds pussy, and I had succeed. I had a rough time after breaking up with my girlfriend Chole and decided to fuck my way through the emotional damage instead of getting help like a rational adult, but C’est la vie.

“Pssssssttt Kennedy”

“What do you want Gemma” I hissed not hiding my displeasure in my tone.

“I’ve got some juicy gossip about the latest office tryst but I can see you woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning” she rolled her eyes. I hate it when women roll their eyes.

I felt my fist tighten. “Let me guess Lucy and mark are fucking”
“What how did you “ she Stuttered

I interrupted her “ I’m an observant person Gemma, they have been eye fucking each other for months, they always brush by each other a little to close in the aisles they aren’t very good at hiding it.”

Gemma’s eyebrows raised and a small hmmm escaped her mouth as she twirled her chair around and went back to her computer.

Gemma was hot there was no denying that. She was tall, that was the first thing I noticed about her, as a women who stands 6’0 herself it’s not everyday you have another female up in your atmosphere.

Freckles were splashed across her face and she had hazel eyes that where more green that brown. She had thick long strawberry blonde almost ginger colored hair.

I suddenly found myself focusing on that hair as she faced away from me, and how it looked like the type of hair that can withstand being pulled on while being fucked from behind.

“GAH” I blurted out after realizing what my brain was thinking.
Gemma turned around at the sound.

“Sorry acid reflux ya know” I panicked.

“Gross” she responded and turned back around.

God I loathed her but I’d be lying if that little daydream hadn’t made me wet. A seed had been planted.

Some people from the office liked to go to a happy hour just down the block from our offices a couple times a week, I usually partook as it was better then going home to an empty apartment after all.

Gemma had started to make appearances at these happy hours, I was already around her for 8 hours a day I wasn’t sure I could maintain my decorum if she kept coming out after work.

“If looks could kill bitch” Xavier brought me back to reality.

Xavier was a gorgeous gay black man who worked in the office. He was one of my co workers that kept me sane most days.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about” I protested.

Gemma laughed at the other table, I flinched, I couldn’t stand her laugh.

“Damn what did Gemma do to you? You are over here throwing daggers at her with your eyes and seem to be in agony over laugh.” Xavier so astutely pointed out.

“Is it that obvious?” I exhaled.

“No, I just have known you long enough to tell when you ain’t about a bitch” He chuckled.

“She irks me I don’t know.” I shrugged

“Did you know she’s bisexual?” Xavier told me.

“No she isn’t” I said shaking my head.

“Yes she is. After you left happy hour last week her and I went into a deep dive about sexuality and all the jazz. She had a girlfriend for several years in college” he shared.

“ I think you got taken for a ride Xavier” I laughed.

“Hey Gemma come here!” he motioned for her with his hand.

“ What in the fuck are you doing Xavier” I spat.

“What’s up X?” Gemma sang as she approached the table.

X? She’s already given him a nickname? I hate it I thought to mysef.

“Kennedy doesn’t believe that your bisexual” he informed Gemma.

“Xavier, that’s not what I meant. I would never try to deny or diminish someone’s sexuality, especially being apart of the LQBT community. I was just surprised I guess.”

“Apart of the community? Your bi too?” Gemma asked

“As if, this blonde dyke is strictly puss all the way” Xavier laughed.

“Well that’s one way to put it, but yeah I am lesbian.” I told her.

Gemma looked me up and down. Did she really not know? I am very femme presenting I suppose but it is not a secret that I’m gay, well at least I thought.

“Coolio” she said and turned on her heels back to the other table.

Coolio? Coolio? God I wanted to dick slap this women.

It was Friday so I hung out later then normal and was pleasantly buzzed. The work group had dwindled and only a handful of us remained.

I made my way to the restroom to break the seal. I didn’t hear then door shut behind me like I should have and I had a sneaky feeling who it was. I turned to see Gemma right behind me.
She locked the bathroom door behind her.

“Oh fuck” I mumbled.

Gemma quickly closed the gap between us and brought her mouth to mine. She tasted like Burt’s Bees chap stick and had plump full lips. She slipped her tongue in my mouth and I accepted. She was surprisingly a good kisser I thought to myself as she suddenly stopped.

“Would a straight girl kiss like that” she asked staring into my God damn soul.

“No she wouldn’t. I didn’t mean to offend you Gemma.” I was genuinely remorseful.
“Why didn’t you believe Xavier when he told you” she asked.

I sighed “Honestly it’s your nails.”

“My nails?”

“Yes as a lesbian it’s a thing I look at. Girls with nails like yours tend to not be of the lady fucking kind. Sharp and long talons like those don’t make for a very comfortable finger fuck Gemma.”

She glanced at her nails and then back at me“Hmmm. Okay, coolio” and she had unlocked the door and was gone.

Monday rolled around and I prayed to the gay goddesses to not make this awkward. I didn’t want to talk about the kiss or if I may or may not have liked it, honestly I would just prefer to not talk at all. I was always a few minutes early to work, Gemma on the other hand was always flying in right at 8 with her coffee sloshing around and her messenger bag half open flapping in the wind.

“Morning Gemma”

“Morning Kennedy”

And that was that. The rest of the day went on like normal, well almost normal. I found myself to be less irritated with her today, then I realized there was a distinct lack of clacking nails. No fucking way I thought to myself as a rose out of my chair. I lingered long enough before exiting the cubicle to get a good look at her keyboard, sure enough the long fake glued on nails were gone and she had a French Manicure with her own short and trimmed nails. I gulped, that familiar feeling in my loins was awakening. I was quite simply fucked.

The rest of the week flew by and was thankfully uneventful. I sat at happy hour on Friday trying not to stare at Gemma in her pencil skirt. Pencil skirts on women are one of my favorite things. They hug all the right places not leaving much to the imagination in the most sophisticated way possible.
I unconsciously licked my lips.

“Leave that poor girl alone Kennedy. I can’t tell if you want to fuck her or beat her up.” Xavier pleaded with me.

“What if it’s both? She kissed me last Friday” I confessed.

“Bitch swerve. Why am I only hearing about this now?” Xavier asked his mouth agape.

“Well you’re the biggest gossip and Gemma is the 2nd biggest gossip so I just assumed you would have known eventually.” I shrugged as I drank the rest of my IPA.

I made my way to the bar for a refill and there was Gemma in that fucking pencil skirt.

I slithered up behind her my 2nd IPA had seen to quite any reservations I had about fucking someone whom I couldn’t stand. “Can I buy you a drink” I whispered in her ear. This was the closest I had been to her since the kiss, I could smell the metal of her earring and her perfume.

“No” was all she said not even bothering to turn around. I felt my fist clench and I exhaled loudly. I turned to the bar tender “Mike can I get another two hearted and a shot of Rupple Minze please” I took my drinks and went back to Xavier.

“Oh no is that a rummpy shot? Oh lord oh Jesus.” Xavier said upon my return. I gave him the run down of what happened at the bar with Gemma. He laughed. “It’s not funny” I told him before I took my shot. “I can’t fucking stand her”

My mood improved after I finished my beer. *PING* I got a text from the college coed I had fucked early this week.

“My roommate is gone this weekend if you wouldn’t want to hang out. “

I smiled. “Hang out?” I replied

*Ping* I want you to come fuck my brains out Kennedy.

“Are you sexting” Xavier asked

“No….not yet” I smirked
I turned my attention to my phone “ I’m out at the moment but I could be persuaded to hang out later possibly”

*Ping* NEW MMS MEESAGE my screen read. She had sent a very suggestive selfie and said I hope this will help persuade you with a kissy emoji.

I was pulled away from my phone by Gemma’s laughter. I felt my blood pressure rise. “Kennedy you’re as read as a tomato” Xavier said worriedly.

I didn’t respond, I got out my chair and made a beeline to the bathroom and shoved the door open forcefully.

Again I didn’t hear the door shut. I didn’t wait this time, I turned on a dime and pushed Gemma up against the door while locking it. I enveloped her lips, she tasted like Burt’s Bees again, my tongue parted her lips and danced in her mouth, I grabbed at her breast over her top, she moaned in her throat. I bit her bottom lip, I’ll admit a little too hard.
She shoved me off of her “Ow what the fuck was that” she asked.

“It was just a nibble”

“ The fuck is was Kennedy”

She stepped toward me and put her lips on mine again and backed me up against the bathroom wall. My hand roamed around her back until I felt that think luscious mane, I pulled it down and licked at her now exposed neck. My tongue traced up from her collarbone to her jaw line.
“So you’ll follow me into a bathroom and make out with me but you won’t let me buy you a drink” I pointed out.

“Yes I don’t like you very much. I only let people I like buy me drinks” she informed me.

“You’ll be happy to know the feeling is mutual” I softly said as a nibbled her ear lobe.

She took a step back from me catching her breath “you want to get out of here?”

Her eyes widen in surprise.

“I’m kidding. Come on” I grabbed her hand and led her out of the bathroom.
We stopped in the hallway.

“I’ve got my stuff, go grab your things and meet me at my car. You know what I drive right?”

“The Subaru right?”

“Yes the lesbian bat mobile I still can’t believe you knew what kind of car I drove and didn’t suspect I was gay.” I said amused.

“ I don’t know I’m not one to judge or assume things about people Kennedy” she turned before I had the chance to reply.

I decided to text the coed back and tell her that unfortunately I couldn’t make it over tonight, I may be a hoe but I’m not rude. I sent the text off and heard my rear car door open. I looked in my rearview mirror to see Gemma climbing in my back seat.

“Why are you sitting back there”

“ Why not? I need some extra room anyway”


“You’ll see”


I pulled out of the lot and started to make the drive home.
“It won’t be too long of a drive 15 or so” I said to her.

“I won’t need long” she said over a sound of clothing being moved about.
I looked back in the rearview mirror to see Gemma had hiked her skirt up over her hips with her legs spread open and her hand on the outside of her panties.
We locked eyes in the mirror.

I tried to concentrate as best I could but my eyes kept going to the mirror the wetter she sounded.

“That’s very distracting you know. I’m trying not to crash and get killed” I told her.

“Well I don’t like you anyway so I’m not to worried about your safety” she moaned. I looked back and she had slipped a finger inside of herself.

I don’t think I have ever parked a car so fast in my life.

I leapt out of my seat threw open my rear door and pulled her out. Her skirt was still not fully pulled down and she was stumbling trying to make herself look somewhat presentable. I didn’t care, I tugged at her arm to have her keep pace. I slingshotted her into the elevator.

“Jesus do you always man handle all your women like that?” she asked as she finished pulling down her skirt.

“Only ones that I can’t stand” I told her as I kissed her lips.

“When did you have time to put on more chap stick” I asked taken aback by how fresh it tasted on her lips.
“Guess you aren’t that observant Huh” she titled her head and smiled.

*DING* The elevator doors opened.
I grabbed her hand and led her to my apartment.

Before I shut the door she was on me. Our lips tangling in a passionate mess. She felt good, toned but not hard, squishy in all the right places. I could feel her grinding her sex against my thigh desperate for any friction she could find.

“Do you want anything to drink?” I asked in-between kisses.

“No we went over that” she quipped
“But I’m not buying you one we are at my house.” I replied.

“Same logic applies” she pulled away.
“Bathroom?” she inquired.

“Down the hall through the bedroom.” I instructed.

“Coolio” she skipped away
My fist clenched.

I took a pull from the vodka on my counter and made my way to the bedroom.

Gemma was already down to her underwear standing beside my bed looking at my pictures on the wall.

“Took you long enough” she said still turned away from me.

“Do you ever shut the fuck up” I asked
She turned to me “why don’t you make me”

Game on.

I walked up to her and pushed down on the bed. She instinctually started to sit back up as I started to climb on top of her. I grabbed her wrist and pinned her down. I met her lips with mine as my hands wandered over her body. She had ample breasts, bigger than I thought they would be . I groped at them while we continued making out, she was a good kisser that I couldn’t deny. My hand traveled further down her body to her belly button and I was surprised to feel an outtie. Of course Gemma had an outtie belly button. This girl who I couldn’t stand and was about to fuck had an outtie. I don’t know why I thought it was so funny but I giggled to myself. Thankfully Gemma didn’t seem to notice.

I lifted my self off of Gemma and reached for the waist of her lace panties. She lifted up her hips to help me take them off.
“Take off your bra” I instructed. She sat up and did was she was told.

“Flip over and get on all fours.” She hesitated. I squeezed her thighs. “Gemma” I growled. She did what I had asked.

There was Gemma the girl I couldn’t stand naked on all fours in my bed dripping wet with anticipation for me. Best not disappoint her I thought to myself.

I brought my thumb to the edge of her slit and brushed against it lightly going up and down the full length. Her hips backed up trying to find more pressure.

“Don’t move Gemma.” I growled as a spanked her ass. “You move and that will happen” She moved again. I spanked again harder this time. A deep guttural moan came from Gemma.

“Of course you would like that you fucking slut” I hissed.

I pushed her further up on the bed so I could climb up too. I grabbed that long red strawberry hair and pulled it back. I wrapped it around my hand and brought her body up against mine. I sucked on her neck as my free hand traveled down her torso to her sex. I could feel the heat as my fingers parted her lips. She moaned, I pulled on her hair.

“God your so fucking wet for me Gemma” I told her as I stated to rub around her clit.

“Not really” her voice jumped as a brushed over her clit.

“You really are a lot more bearable when you don’t fucking talk” I enlightened her.
I unraveled her hair from my grip and pushed her head into my mattress.

I brought two fingers to the edge of her hole and teased. Slowly circling them around her opening inching in little by little.
I felt her back up trying to feel my fingers inside of her.

*Smack* I spanked her again “I told you not to fucking move Gemma”

I was done teasing. I swiftly entered Gemma, bottoming out inside her with my fingers.

“Fuuuuckk” escaped from her lips.

I built up a rhythm quickly curling my fingers down toward her g spot. The sounds of her wetness filled my room. I grabbed her hips and I started going faster. In and out in and out I was hypnotized watching myself fuck her. She was panting and bucking her hips to meet my fingers.

“Deeper” she breathed.

“If I go any deeper I’ll be in your fucking womb” it was the truth I could see my 2nd knuckle disappearing inside of her as my fingers worked their magic.

“Are you close” I asked through labored breath.

“Yes baby”

“Don’t call me that. Rub your clit Gemma now.”

She lifted her shoulders up to reach her hand back to her button.

“Oh yeah baby right there hit that spot”
I slapped her ass “Gemma don’t” I said as I started using more force going inside of her.

“Don’t stop baby I fill so fucking full oh my God fuck fuck” she screamed.

I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled taught and put a 3rd finger inside of her.
“Don’t. Call. Me. Baby.” I panted. My arm felt like it was going to fall off. I was fucking Gemma so hard that I was literally winded. In and out in and out I watched.

“Im gonna cum I’m gonna cum” she finally yelped

“Cum on my fingers Gemma, let go for me” I purred.

Her body convulsed, a mix of fucks grunts and moans made her way out of her throat. She was sopping as a removed myself from inside of her.

“Jesus Christ did I make you squirt” I asked.

“I’m honestly not sure” she said as she rolled over onto her back.

I started to undress myself.

“Jesus Kennedy you really are stunning you’d be a catch if I you didn’t have such a shit personality.” Gemma confessed.

“Ah there is the Gemma I know. Guess I just have to make you shut the fuck up again.”

I climbed back up on to the bed and stood above her. I started to lower myself onto her face. “Is this okay” I asked. She licked her lips and nodded.

I brought my sex to her mouth and felt her tongue lick the length of my slit.
“Fuck” I sighed.

She quickly found my clit and moaned against my pussy. Gemma knew what she was doing I’ll give her that. I slowly felt my hips start to move back and forth. I couldn’t help it, her tongue felt like heaven and I was so turned on already I stated to fuck her face.

“Fuck Gemma I’m close” I confessed.
She grabbed a handful of my ass and raised me up just enough to slip two fingers inside of me.

“Oh God” I moaned. I dug my clit into her tongue as she fucked me with her hands.
“Im gonna cum all over your face Gemma oh fuck yeah don’t you stop.” I divulged.

And I lost it. My eyes rolled back (the only time women should really roll their eyes imo) my thighs squeezed around her head as if I was trying to pop it off. She kept licking. “Gemma stop I’m too sensitive” I begged.

She didn’t stop.

I felt another wave wash over me “Fuuuuccckkk” I screamed.

She finally stopped lapping at me to let me enjoy my 2nd orgasm. I slowly lifted myself off of her.

“That was, that was” I tried to articulate what had just happened.

“Coolio?” she suggested

“Coolio” I laughed back and noticed I didn’t tighten my fist this time.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/jz6pag/ff_fucking_gemma

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